OOP class design, Is this design inherently 'anti' OOP? - oop

I remember back when MS released a forum sample application, the design of the application was like this:
So the classes folder had just the class i.e. properties and getters/setters.
The Users.cs, Post.cs, etc. have the actual methods that access the Data Access Layer, so Posts.cs might look like:
public class Posts
public static Post GetPostByID(int postID)
SqlDataProvider dp = new SqlDataProvider();
return dp.GetPostByID(postID);
Another more traditional route would be to put all of the methods in Posts.cs into the class definition also (Post.cs).
Splitting things into 2 files makes it much more procedural doesn't it?
Isn't this breaking OOP rules since it is taking the behavior out of the class and putting it into another class definition?

If every method is just a static call straight to the data source, then the "Posts" class is really a Factory. You could certainly put the static methods in "Posts" into the "Post" class (this is how CSLA works), but they are still factory methods.
I would say that a more modern and accurate name for the "Posts" class would be "PostFactory" (assuming that all it has is static methods).
I guess I wouldn't say this is a "procedural" approach necessarily -- it's just a misleading name, you would assume in the modern OO world that a "Posts" object would be stateful and provide methods to manipulate and manage a set of "Post" objects.

Well it depends where and how you define your separation of concerns. If you put the code to populate the Post in the Post class, then your Business Layer is interceded with Data Access Code, and vice versa.
To me it makes sense to do the data fetching and populating outside the actual domain object, and let the domain object be responsible for using the data.

Are you sure the classes aren't partial classes. In which case they really aren't two classes, just a single class spread across multiple files for better readability.

Based on your code snippet, Posts is primarily a class of static helper methods. Posts is not the same object as Post. Instead of Posts, a better name might be PostManager or PostHelper. If you think of it that way, it may help you understand why they broke it out that way.

This is also an important step for a decoupling (or loosely coupling) you applications.

What's anti-OOP or pro-OOP depends entirely on the functionality of the software and what's needed to make it work.


How to use and create DTOs is OOP world?

What is the right way to create DTOs from business objects?
Who should be responsible for creating them? BO/DTO itself from BO/some static factory?
Where should they reside in code if I have, f.e. some core library and a specific service API library that I need DTO for? In core library next to BO(which seems incorrect)/in specific library?
If I have encapsulated fields in my BO how do DTO grab them? (obviously in case when BO is not responsible for creating DTOs)
As an example assume that I have some Person BO like this:
class Person
private int age;
public bool isBigEnough => age > 10;
I want age to be an internal state of Person but still I need to communicate my BO to some api. Or having private field in my class that I want to send somewhere already means that it should be public?
Are there any general considerations of how to use DTOs alongside business classes with encapsulated data?
___ Update:
In addition to approaches that #Alexey Groshev mentioned I came accross another one: we separate data of our BO class into some Data class with public accessors. BO wraps this data with its api(probably using composition) and when needed it can return its state as Data class as clone. So dto converter will be able to access Domain object's state but won't be able to modify it(since it will be just a copy).
There're multiple options available, but it would be difficult to recommend anything, because I don't know the details about your project/product. Anyway I'll name a few.
You can use AutoMapper to map BOs to DTOs and vise versa. I personally dislike this approach, because it's quite difficult (but possible) to keep it under control in medium/large sized projects. People don't usually bother to configure mappings properly and just expose internal state of their objects. For example, your isBigEnough would disappear and age would become public. Another potential risk is that people can map DTOs to/from EF/Hibernate objects. You can find some articles which explain why it's considered to be a bad practice.
As you suggested, a BO can create DTO by itself, but how would you implement this approach? You can add methods or factory methods to your entities, e.g. public PersonDto ToDto(). Or you can add an interface, e.g. public interface IDtoConvertable<T> { T ToDto(); }, and choose which entity or aggregate root will implement it. Your Person class would look like this class Person : IDtoConvertable<PersonDto> {... public PersonDto ToDto() {...} }. In both cases DTO namespace/assembly must to accessible by entities which sometimes can be a problem, but usually it's not a biggie. (Make sure that DTOs cannot access entities which is much worse.)
(C#) Another option is to return a delegate which creates DTO. I decided to separate it from (2), because entity doesn't really create DTO by itself, but rather exposes a functionality which creates DTO. So, you could have something like this public Func<PersonDto> ToDto() {...}. You might want to have an interface as in (2), but you get the idea, don't you? Do I like this approach? No, because it makes code unreadable.
As you see, there are more questions than answers. I'd recommend you to make a few experiments and check what works for you (your project) and what doesn't.
I think the answer to question 5 will address the other questions too.
Are there any general considerations of how to use DTOs alongside business classes with encapsulated data?
Remember, a DTO is solely to transfer data. Do not concern yourself with implementing any kind of rules in the DTO. All it is used for is to move data from one subsystem to another (NOT between classes of the same subsystem). How that data is used in the destination system is out of your control -- although as the God programmer you inherently know how it is going to be used, DO NOT let that knowledge influence your design -- and therefore there should be no assumptions expressed as behaviour or knowledge accessors -- so, no isBigEnough.

Why would I create an interface for each mapper class?

In cases of MVC applications where the model is split into separate domain and mapper layers, why would you give each of the mapper classes its own interface?
I have seen a few examples now, some from well respected developers such as the case with this blog, http://site.svn.dasprids.de/trunk/application/modules/blog/models/
I suspect that its because the developers are expecting the code to be re-used by others who may have their own back-ends. Is this the case? Or am I missing something?
Note that in the examples I have seen, developers are not necessarily creating interfaces for the domain objects.
Since interfaces are contracts between classes (I'm kinda assuming that you already know that). When a class expects you to pass an object with as specific interface, the goal is to inform you, that this class instance expect specific method to be executable on said object.
The only case that i can think of, when having a defined interface for data mappers make sense might be when using unit of work to manage the persistence. But even then it would make more sense to simply inject a factory, that can create data mappers.
TL;DR: someone's been overdoing.
P.S.: it is quite possible, that I am completely wrong about this one, since I'm a bit biased on the subject - my mappers contain only 3 (+constructor) public methods: fetch(), store() and remove() .. though names method names tend to change. I prefer to take the retrieval conditions from domain object, as described here.

Should I store common functions in a Parent/Base class

I have common functions, such as syntactic sugar for calling the database, logging or site-wide information such as a look-up tables.
If I put these in a site-wide base class I will have access to them, however it just seems intuitively wrong to use a parent class this way. It would make more sense to use the base class as a 'has a' relationship rather than an 'is a'.
Or perhaps this is good design? Is there any problem doing this?
Parent classes should instantiate some base functionality and a child should instantiate the differentiating code.
IMNSHO, what you are describing is a bastardization of that process.
Ideally you would only want to serializable POCO classes, because they only contain properties and no methods.
Having a baseclass for common functionality might be a good idea, if you place code it in, that will be same in every childpage and if there is no other good place.
For instance you could place Helper-methods inside a baseclass, but that breaks OOP in my opinion.
In my opinion, having a class that derives from System.Web.UI.Page and replaces some logic in the OnInit event or other events is a very good strategy. I've used this approach in various projects, but I limited the code in the baseblass to globalization and logic for memberpages (like redirects to non public pages).
I believe that what you are doing is wrong.
First of all, object should be dedicated to one task. Having db connection handling, logging or look-up tables in the same class seems very ugly, regardless of whether these funcitonalities are inherited or not.
Moreover, the functionalities you described seem like fitting the exact idea of an object, just as described above. So, to answer your question: yes, has-a relationship seems like a much better solution.
In general, I tend to try to put program-wide accessible functions in separate classes. If possible, I try to use static methods. Behind these sometimes are singletons, sometimes there is some kind of queue, and sometimes something entirely different. Still, having one single point of origin for such functionalities the code is very flexible. If static methods are not applicable, especially when there is a need to store some information in such helper class, only then do I instantiate an object for each instance of other class. Even then factory/pool single point of origin static methods are often a good idea.

Worker vs data class

I have a data class which encapsulates relevant data items in it. Those data items are set and get by users one by one when needed.
My confusion about the design has to do with which object should be responsible for handling the update of multiple properties of that data object. Sometimes an update operation will be performed which affects many properties at once.
So, which class should have the update() method?. Is it the data class itself or another manager class ? The update() method requires data exchange with many different objects, so I don't want to make it a member of the data class because I believe it should know nothing about the other objects required for update. I want the data class to be only a data-structure. Am I thinking wrong? What would be the right approach?
My code:
class RefData
Matrix mX;
Vector mV;
int mA;
bool mB;
update(); // which affects almost any member attributes in the class, but requires many relations with many different classes, which makes this class dependant on them.
class RefDataUpdater
update(RefData*); // something like this ?
There is this really great section in the book Clean Code, by Robert C. Martin, that speaks directly to this issue.
And the answer is it depends. It depends on what you are trying to accomplish in your design--and
if you might have more than one data-object that exhibit similar behaviors.
First, your data class could be considered a Data Transfer Object (DTO). As such, its ideal form is simply a class without any public methods--only public properties -- basically a data structure. It will not encapsulate any behavior, it simply groups together related data. Since other objects manipulate these data objects, if you were to add a property to the data object, you'd need to change all the other objects that have functions that now need to access that new property. However, on the flip side, if you added a new function to a manager class, you need to make zero changes to the data object class.
So, I think often you want to think about how many data objects might have an update function that relates directly to the properties of that class. If you have 5 classes that contain 3-4 properties but all have an update function, then I'd lean toward having the update function be part of the "data-class" (which is more of an OO-design). But, if you have one data-class in which it is likely to have properties added to it in the future, then I'd lean toward the DTO design (object as a data structure)--which is more procedural (requiring other functions to manipulate it) but still can be part of an otherwise Object Oriented architecture.
All this being said, as Robert Martin points out in the book:
There are ways around this that are well known to experienced
object-oriented designers: VISITOR, or dual-dispatch, for example.
But these techniques carry costs of their own and generally return the
structure to that of a procedural program.
Now, in the code you show, you have properties with types of Vector, and Matrix, which are probably more complex types than a simple DTO would contain, so you may want to think about what those represent and whether they could be moved to separate classes--with different functions to manipulate--as you typically would not expose a Matrix or a Vector directly as a property, but encapsulate them.
As already written, it depends, but I'd probably go with an external support class that handles the update.
For once, I'd like to know why you'd use such a method? I believe it's safe to assume that the class doesn't only call setter methods for a list of parameters it receives, but I'll consider this case as well
1) the trivial updater method
In this case I mean something like this:
public update(a, b, c)
In this case I'd probably not use such a method at all, I'd either define a macro for it or I'd call the setter themselves. But if it must be a method, then I'd place it inside the data class.
2) the complex updater method
The method in this case doesn't only contain calls to setters, but it also contains logic. If the logic is some sort of simple property update logic I'd try to put that logic inside the setters (that's what they are for in the first place), but if the logic involves multiple properties I'd put this logic inside an external supporting class (or a business logic class if any appropriate already there) since it's not a great idea having logic reside inside data classes.
Developing clear code that can be easily understood is very important and it's my belief that by putting logic of any kind (except for say setter logic) inside data classes won't help you achieving that.
I just though I'd add something else. Where to put such methods also depend upon your class and what purpose it fulfills. If we're talking for instance about Business/Domain Object classes, and we're not using an Anemic Domain Model these classes are allowed (and should contain) behavior/logic.
On the other hand, if this data class is say an Entity (persistence objects) which is not used in the Domain Model as well (complex Domain Model) I would strongly advice against placing logic inside them. The same goes for data classes which "feel" like pure data objects (more like structs), don't pollute them, keep the logic outside.
I guess like everywhere in software, there's no silver bullet and the right answer is: it depends (upon the classes, what this update method is doing, what's the architecture behind the application and other application specific considerations).

A use for multiple inheritance?

Can anyone think of any situation to use multiple inheritance? Every case I can think of can be solved by the method operator
AnotherClass() { return this->something.anotherClass; }
Most uses of full scale Multiple inheritance are for mixins. As an example:
class DraggableWindow : Window, Draggable { }
class SkinnableWindow : Window, Skinnable { }
class DraggableSkinnableWindow : Window, Draggable, Skinnable { }
In most cases, it's best to use multiple inheritance to do strictly interface inheritance.
class DraggableWindow : Window, IDraggable { }
Then you implement the IDraggable interface in your DraggableWindow class. It's WAY too hard to write good mixin classes.
The benefit of the MI approach (even if you are only using Interface MI) is that you can then treat all kinds of different Windows as Window objects, but have the flexibility to create things that would not be possible (or more difficult) with single inheritance.
For example, in many class frameworks you see something like this:
class Control { }
class Window : Control { }
class Textbox : Control { }
Now, suppose you wanted a Textbox with Window characteristics? Like being dragable, having a titlebar, etc... You could do something like this:
class WindowedTextbox : Control, IWindow, ITexbox { }
In the single inheritance model, you can't easily inherit from both Window and Textbox without having some problems with duplicate Control objects and other kinds of problems. You can also treat a WindowedTextbox as a Window, a Textbox, or a Control.
Also, to address your .anotherClass() idiom, .anotherClass() returns a different object, while multiple inheritance allows the same object to be used for different purposes.
I find multiple inheritance particularly useful when using mixin classes.
As stated in Wikipedia:
In object-oriented programming
languages, a mixin is a class that
provides a certain functionality to be
inherited by a subclass, but is not
meant to stand alone.
An example of how our product uses mixin classes is for configuration save and restore purposes. There is an abstract mixin class which defines a set of pure virtual methods. Any class which is saveable inherits from the save/restore mixin class which automatically gives them the appropriate save/restore functionality.
But they may also inherit from other classes as part of their normal class structure, so it is quite common for these classes to use multiple inheritance in this respect.
An example of multiple inheritance:
class Animal
virtual void KeepCool() const = 0;
class Vertebrate
virtual void BendSpine() { };
class Dog : public Animal, public Vertebrate
void KeepCool() { Pant(); }
What is most important when doing any form of public inheritance (single or multiple) is to respect the is a relationship. A class should only inherit from one or more classes if it "is" one of those objects. If it simply "contains" one of those objects, aggregation or composition should be used instead.
The example above is well structured because a dog is an animal, and also a vertebrate.
Most people use multiple-inheritance in the context of applying multiple interfaces to a class. This is the approach Java and C#, among others, enforce.
C++ allows you to apply multiple base classes fairly freely, in an is-a relationship between types. So, you can treat a derived object like any of its base classes.
Another use, as LeopardSkinPillBoxHat points out, is in mix-ins. An excellent example of this is the Loki library, from Andrei Alexandrescu's book Modern C++ Design. He uses what he terms policy classes that specify the behavior or the requirements of a given class through inheritance.
Yet another use is one that simplifies a modular approach that allows API-independence through the use of sister-class delegation in the oft-dreaded diamond hierarchy.
The uses for MI are many. The potential for abuse is even greater.
Java has interfaces. C++ has not.
Therefore, multiple inheritance can be used to emulate the interface feature.
If you're a C# and Java programmer, every time you use a class that extends a base class but also implements a few interfaces, you are sort of admitting multiple inheritance can be useful in some situations.
I think it would be most useful for boilerplate code. For example, the IDisposable pattern is exactly the same for all classes in .NET. So why re-type that code over and over again?
Another example is ICollection. The vast majority of the interface methods are implemented exactly the same. There are only a couple of methods that are actually unique to your class.
Unfortunately multiple-inheritance is very easy to abuse. People will quickly start doing silly things like LabelPrinter class inherit from their TcpIpConnector class instead of merely contain it.
One case I worked on recently involved network enabled label printers. We need to print labels, so we have a class LabelPrinter. This class has virtual calls for printing several different labels. I also have a generic class for TCP/IP connected things, which can connect, send and receive.
So, when I needed to implement a printer, it inherited from both the LabelPrinter class and the TcpIpConnector class.
I think fmsf example is a bad idea. A car is not a tire or an engine. You should be using composition for that.
MI (of implementation or interface) can be used to add functionality. These are often called mixin classes.. Imagine you have a GUI. There is view class that handles drawing and a Drag&Drop class that handles dragging. If you have an object that does both you would have a class like
class DropTarget{
public void Drop(DropItem & itemBeingDropped);
class View{
public void Draw();
/* View you can drop items on */
class DropView:View,DropTarget{
It is true that composition of an interface (Java or C# like) plus forwarding to a helper can emulate many of the common uses of multiple inheritance (notably mixins). However this is done at the cost of that forwarding code being repeated (and violating DRY).
MI does open a number of difficult areas, and more recently some language designers have taken decisions that the potential pitfalls of MI outweigh the benefits.
Similarly one can argue against generics (heterogeneous containers do work, loops can be replaced with (tail) recursion) and almost any other feature of programming languages. Just because it is possible to work without a feature does not mean that that feature is valueless or cannot help to effectively express solutions.
A rich diversity of languages, and language families makes it easier for us as developers to pick good tools that solve the business problem at hand. My toolbox contains many items I rarely use, but on those occasions I do not want to treat everything as a nail.
An example of how our product uses mixin classes is for configuration save and restore purposes. There is an abstract mixin class which defines a set of pure virtual methods. Any class which is saveable inherits from the save/restore mixin class which automatically gives them the appropriate save/restore functionality.
This example doesn't really illustrate the usefulness of multiple inheritance. What being defined here is an INTERFACE. Multiple inheritance allows you to inherit behavior as well. Which is the point of mixins.
An example; because of a need to preserve backwards compatibility I have to implement my own serialization methods.
So every object gets a Read and Store method like this.
Public Sub Store(ByVal File As IBinaryWriter)
Public Sub Read(ByVal File As IBinaryReader)
I also want to be able to assign and clone object as well. So I would like this on every object.
Public Sub Assign(ByVal tObject As <Class_Name>)
Public Function Clone() As <Class_Name>
Now in VB6 I have this code repeated over and over again.
Public Assign(ByVal tObject As ObjectClass)
Me.State = tObject.State
End Sub
Public Function Clone() As ObjectClass
Dim O As ObjectClass
Set O = New ObjectClass
O.State = Me.State
Set Clone = 0
End Function
Public Property Get State() As Variant
Me.Store StateManager
State = StateManager.Data
End Property
Public Property Let State(ByVal RHS As Variant)
StateManager.Data = RHS
Me.Read StateManager
End Property
Note that Statemanager is a stream that read and stores byte arrays.
This code is repeated dozens of times.
Now in .NET i am able to get around this by using a combination of generics and inheritance. My object under the .NET version get Assign, Clone, and State when they inherit from MyAppBaseObject. But I don't like the fact that every object inherits from MyAppBaseObject.
I rather just mix in the the Assign Clone interface AND BEHAVIOR. Better yet mix in separately the Read and Store interface then being able to mix in Assign and Clone. It would be cleaner code in my opinion.
But the times where I reuse behavior are DWARFED by the time I use Interface. This is because the goal of most object hierarchies are NOT about reusing behavior but precisely defining the relationship between different objects. Which interfaces are designed for. So while it would be nice that C# (or VB.NET) had some ability to do this it isn't a show stopper in my opinion.
The whole reason that this is even an issue that that C++ fumbled the ball at first when it came to the interface vs inheritance issue. When OOP debuted everybody thought that behavior reuse was the priority. But this proved to be a chimera and only useful for specific circumstances, like making a UI framework.
Later the idea of mixins (and other related concepts in aspect oriented programming) were developed. Multiple inheritance was found useful in creating mix-ins. But C# was developed just before this was widely recognized. Likely an alternative syntax will be developed to do this.
I suspect that in C++, MI is best use as part of a framework (the mix-in classes previously discussed). The only thing I know for sure is that every time I've tried to use it in my apps, I've ended up regretting the choice, and often tearing it out and replacing it with generated code.
MI is one more of those 'use it if you REALLY need it, but make sure you REALLY need it' tools.
The following example is mostly something I see often in C++: sometimes it may be necessary due to utility classes that you need but because of their design cannot be used through composition (at least not efficiently or without making the code even messier than falling back on mult. inheritance). A good example is you have an abstract base class A and a derived class B, and B also needs to be a kind of serializable class, so it has to derive from, let's say, another abstract class called Serializable. It's possible to avoid MI, but if Serializable only contains a few virtual methods and needs deep access to the private members of B, then it may be worth muddying the inheritance tree just to avoid making friend declarations and giving away access to B's internals to some helper composition class.
I had to use it today, actually...
Here was my situation - I had a domain model represented in memory where an A contained zero or more Bs(represented in an array), each B has zero or more Cs, and Cs to Ds. I couldn't change the fact that they were arrays (the source for these arrays were from automatically generated code from the build process). Each instance needed to keep track of which index in the parent array they belonged in. They also needed to keep track of the instance of their parent (too much detail as to why). I wrote something like this (there was more to it, and this is not syntactically correct, it's just an example):
class Parent
add(Child c)
c.index = children.Count-1;
c.parent = this;
Collection<Child> children
class Child
Parent p;
int index;
Then, for the domain types, I did this:
class A : Parent
class B : Parent, Child
class C : Parent, Child
class D : Child
The actually implementation was in C# with interfaces and generics, and I couldn't do the multiple inheritance like I would have if the language supported it (some copy paste had to be done). So, I thought I'd search SO to see what people think of multiple inheritance, and I got your question ;)
I couldn't use your solution of the .anotherClass, because of the implementation of add for Parent (references this - and I wanted this to not be some other class).
It got worse because the generated code had A subclass something else that was neither a parent or a child...more copy paste.