Passing parameters to save() - ember-data

Is it possible to pass parameters like this? I need to pass some information that is not part of the model itself.{site : 23})

You can pass options as of Ember Data 2.2. However, you have to remember to pass your options under the adapterOptions property. For example,{
adapterOptions: {
site: 23
Inside either of DS.Store#findAll, DS.Store#findRecord, DS.Store#query, DS.Model#save and DS.Model#destroyRecord, one of the parameters should now have adapterOptions. In the case of DS.Model#save, you can override updateRecord in your adapter:
export default DS.Adapter.extend({
updateRecord(store, type, snapshot) {
// will now have `snapshot.adapterOptions`.
// ...

It is possible if you:
add a 'volatile' attribute to your model,
define a custom model serializer, and override its serializeIntoHash method.
For instance:
App.Model = DS.Model.extend({
site: DS.attr('number', { serialize: false })
App.ModelSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
serializeIntoHash: function(hash, type, record, options) {
this._super(hash, type, record, options);
Ember.merge(hash, {
'site': record.get('site')
See this comment, this is the correct way to achieve your goal.


Result of function made by createTransformer from mobx-utils is not memoized

I am trying to implement computed getter function with argument like shown in this answer with MobX 6 and corresponding version of mobx-utils.
export class CodificatorStore {
#observable.ref items: Array<Codificator> | null = null;
#action setItems(items: Array<Codificator>): void {
this.items = items;
#computed get item(): ITransformer<number, Codificator | null> {
return createTransformer((index: number): Codificator | null => {
console.log(`get item by index: ${index}`);
return this.items ? this.items[index] : null;
I expected created function to memoize the result of its execution each time I call it with the same argument and the same (not changed) observable items but I get a new logged message on each call in render method of my React component:
According to docs and source code I expect that memoized value should be returned from reactiveView on all consecutive calls instead of invoking my transform function. Do I misunderstand something? How can I achieve the desired result?
First of all, do you really need to memoize such simple operation? Or is it just an example?
Second, if you need just to memoize you don't need createTransformer at all, it serves a bit different purpose. But you can use computedFn, like that:
import { computedFn } from 'mobx-utils';
// ...
item = computedFn((index) => {
console.log(`get item by index: ${index}`);
return this.items ? this.items[index] : null;
Example on Codesandbox

Declaring variable in "data" section as an alias to $root is not reactive

I declare variable in main.js:
data: {
globalData: {}
I want to avoid using this.$root.globalData all the time — so I use local variable in a component as an alias to "global variable":
data() {
return {
localAlias: this.$root.globalData,
Then I fetch global variable from a server in main.js (simulate by setTimeout):
create() {
window.setTimeout(() => {
this.globalData = {a:1, b:2};
}, 1500);
And localAlias remains equal to initial value.
How to make it work? I don't need Vuex yet, I just grab data from server and use it read-only.
Instead of using data you can use computed. It will solve your problem.
computed: {
localAlias: function() {
return this.$root.globalData;
I have updated the example
The reason localAlias doesn't change is because it still points to the same object, while you re-point this.$root.globalData to a new object. One way to do it is of course to use computed as the other answer suggested. Another way to solve it it to just change the properties instead of re-binding the entire object:
create() {
window.setTimeout(() => {
this.globalData.a = 1;
this.globalData.b = 2;
}, 1500);
This is less versatile though and will scale worse if the object becomes bigger.

How to directly modify v-model value using directives?

I've got form with dynamic number of input fields and i need to transliterate data, passed to this fields in 'live'. I wrote custom directive which do all job, but there is an a error -> it converts all chars except last one (should be привет->privet, while привет->priveт). This is my source code
directives: {
transliterate: {
update(element, binding) {
element.value = tr(element.value)
This is PUG (Jade)
input(v-model='requestHotels.travellers[index].first_name', v-transliterate='true')
tr - just function, which transliterate from ru to en
I knew why this happening, but i can't solve it by myself. Any ideas?
1) Consider using computed property instead of directive. Personally, I don't like directives because they can add alot of useless complexity to your code. But there are some complex cases where they can be really useful. But this one is not one of them.
export default {
data: () => ({
tranliteratedValue: ""
computed: {
vModelValue: {
get() {
return this.tranliteratedValue;
set(value) {
this.tranliteratedValue = transl.transform(value);
Full example:
2) You can use filter and transliterate during render
filters: {
transliterate(value) {
return transl.transform(value);
Then in your template:
<p>{{ value | transliterate }}</p>
Full example:
3) Transparent wrapper technique (using custom component)
The idea behind transparent wrapper is that you should create custom component that behave as build-in input (and accepts the same arguments) but you can intercept events and change behaviour as you'd like. In your example - tranliterate input text.
computed: {
listeners() {
return {
input: event => {
const value = transl.transform( + "");
this.$emit("input", value);
Full example:
Read more about Transparent wrapper technique here
You can check all 3 working approaches here

Durandal, get path of the current module

Is there a way in Durandal to get the path of the current module? I'm building a dashboard inside of a SPA and would like to organize my widgets in the same way that durandal does with "FolderWidgetName" and the folder would contain a controller.js and view.html file. I tried using the getView() method in my controller.js file but could never get it to look in the current folder for the view.
return "view"; // looks in the "App" folder
return "./view"; // looks in the "App/durandal" folder
return "/view"; // looks in the root of the website
return "dashboard/widgets/htmlviewer/view" //don't want to hard code the path
I don't want to hardcode the path inside of the controller
I don't want to override the viewlocator because the rest of the app still functions as a regular durandal spa that uses standard conventions.
You could use define(['module'], function(module) { ... in order to get a hold on the current module. getView() would than allow you to set a specific view or, like in the example below, dynamically switch between multiple views.
define(['module'], function(module) {
var roles = ['default', 'role1', 'role2'];
var role = ko.observable('default');
var modulePath =,'/') +1);
var getView = ko.computed(function(){
var roleViewMap = {
'default': modulePath + 'index.html',
role1: modulePath + 'role1.html',
role2: modulePath + 'role2.html'
this.role = (role() || 'default');
return roleViewMap[this.role];
return {
showCodeUrl: true,
roles: roles,
role: role,
getView: getView,
propertyOne: 'This is a databound property from the root context.',
propertyTwo: 'This property demonstrates that binding contexts flow through composed views.',
moduleJSON: ko.toJSON(module)
Here's a live example
You can simply bind your setup view to or .url and that should do what you are looking for. If you are trying to write back to the setup viewmodels property when loading you can do that like below.
If you are using the revealing module you need to define the functions and create a module definition list and return it. Example :
define(['durandal/plugins/router', 'view models/setup'],
function(router, setup) {
var myObservable = ko.observable();
function activate() {
setup.currentViewName =;
return refreshData();
var refreshData = function () {
var viewModel = {
activate: activate,
deactivate: deactivate,
canDeactivate: canDeactivate
return viewModel;
You can also reveal literals, observables and even functions directly while revealing them -
title: ko.observable(true),
desc: "hey!",
canDeactivate: function() { if (title) ? true : false,
Check out durandal's router page for more info on what is available. Also, heads up Durandal 2.0 is switching up the router.
Add an activate function to your viewmodel as follows:
function() {
var vm = {
//#region Initialization
activate: activate,
return vm;
//#region Internal methods
function activate(context) {
var moduleId = context.routeInfo.moduleId;
var hash = context.routeInfo.hash;

set AfterLabelTextTpl after form render

I have a form with dynamic fields. In the afterrender event of the form I want to set the afterLabelTextTpl property. I can set this property but I can't see it change in my form. How can I achieve this?
listeners: {
beforerender: function () {
var fields = me.getForm().getFields();
Ext.each(fields.items, function (f, idx) {
f.afterLabelTextTpl = requiredTpl;
}); //eo Ext.each
I was looking for the beforerender method
f.labelEl.dom.innerHTML = "LABEL:<span style='color:red;font-weight:bold' data-qtip='Required'>*</span>";
You can not use this property after the component is already rendered.
The initRenderTpl (which makes use of the label templates) method is run only if the component is not yet rendered. Once its rendered it will not run again.
You will need to update the DOM directly.
I would recomend something like this in your form:
setRequired: function(field, index) {
field.afterLabelTextTpl = requiredTpl;
initComponent: function(arguments) {
var me = this;
this.on('beforeadd', function(me, field){
var fields;
if (field.isXType('fieldset')) {
fields = field.query('field');
Ext.each(fields, me.setRequired);
} else {
// rest of logic