One or more screenshots have the wrong aspect ratio - app-store-connect

I'm trying to upload screenshots (saved by the iOS Simulator) to iTunes Connect. Always getting this error message:
One or more screenshots have the wrong aspect ratio. For more information, see the Developer Guide.
I surely upload the proper size (640 × 1136 to 4-inch, etc)...

That was because of UTF-8 letters in the screenshot file names — Russian letters in my case. (BTW these names are generated by iOS Simulator automatically.)
Just rename them to "1.png" and so on.


Wallet pass fails to display if it has no images

I am trying to create an ios Wallet Event Ticket. I managed to give all the info I needed to create the pass.json and I have signed and zipped it. When I try to open this on a Mac, I am able to see the pass in the preview. When I email it and try to open it from an iPhone, the screen just goes to the main screen as if it crashed.
After lots of experimentation I found out that if I add at least one of t he images (icon) I am able to see it in preview and add it to the Wallet.
Since I do not care to add any image, this seems way too much just to make it work.
The question is, are images required in the pass? And if not, why does it not work without them. I repeat, it was displayed on Mac preview either with or without the image file.
Yes! manifest.json required the image correctly, moreover the pass.json also need to ensure everything is correct. Some elements must add in json for iPhone open, for example:serialNumber, webServiceURL, authenticationToken, relevantDate
Also, iPhone open .pkpass as difference format with mac. In my case , the signature file is wrong will also make the .pkpass file cannot open in iPhone.

JPEG RAW images not displaying in Safari on MacOS Sierra or iOS 10

We've recently had some users of our app report that JPEG images aren't displaying properly since they updated to iOS 10.
We've looked into it and found that some JPEG images do work OK, and some don't. There are no errors logged anywhere.
The ones that don't work in our app also don't work in Safari on iOS 10. Not only that, but they also don't work in Safari on MacOS Sierra.
So we've checked the files themselves out and found that the files that don't work begin ÿØÿÛ, while the others that do work OK begin ÿØÿá.
Googling these signatures led us to this page:
Here it states that the images that aren't working are JPEG Raw, as opposed to JFIF or Exif format JPEGs.
So the question is: Why does this no longer work, and what's the best solution to work around it? I don't want to have to re-encode the images because of the lossy nature of JPEGs. We also can't get the source of these images to change, unfortunately.
We've considered a solution for our app, but that won't solve the problem in Safari.
There's always the wonder of why have Apple removed support for this format?

Binary is not optimized for iPhone 5 error message for Xcode 6.3

I've read a number of similar Q&As regarding this subject but none have provided me with a working solution.
All my images are PNG.
My deployment target is 8.3 for iPhone.
I'm using Xcode 6.3
I am using an image catalog.
I've tried using -568h in the image name and tried not using it. I tried changing the filename to "Default-568h#2x.png".
I've deleted all images from the image catalog and dragged them back in again.
I've created a new launch images catalog.
No mater what I've done, the same error message appears when I attempt to upload to the App Store:
On the off chance that lacking iPad launch images might have triggered this issue, I also added all launch images for iPad. I also renamed all the image file names, created a new launch image catalog (again) and imported all images. Still getting the same error message.
Resolved the issue but not sure on the exact reason behind it.
The Launch Screen File field had LaunchScreen selected.
The correct selection should have been Main.
This solved the issue and I was able to submit the app without the error message.

Invalid Image Path - No Image found AppIcon120x120

I'm using Xcode 6 and Assets Catalogue to manage my App Icons. Or at least so I thought!
I'm trying to validate my Archive, but keep getting this message:
I have an image of 120x120 in the Assets Catalogue under AppIcon (although labeled as CarPlay iOS8). In fact I have lots and lots of images under AppIcon. I know the 120x120 is there. I promise.
To check, I have deleted it. Added it again. Deleted all the AppIcons, added them again. Clean built.
Still the same error message.
I really am at a loss as to know what to do.
I've looked in the plist and there is no mention of CFBundleIcons in there ..
So, any help would be gratefully received.
Remove the CarPlay icon from your AppIcon image assets.
If you actually want or need a 120x120 icon anyway, this can also be fixed by including a 120x120 icon named AppIcon120x120.png in your bundle as a regular file (outside of the asset catalog), in addition to the CarPlay entry in the icon asset.

Application Validation gives an error

Im redy to upload an ios app to apstore. Im using xcode 5. After archiving when I try to validate the archive it gives this error. Please tell me how to solve this
This is the error that Im getting
And this how I set the background modes for audion in my info.plist file
Please help me...
Please refer to this link,
This contain information about different background modes keys.
Also you already included the audio playing mode in the first line, which is valid and the last one is not a background mode, so remove that one and it will work.
Also provide 120 by 120 px icon which is recommended.