SQL Error - You tried to execute a query that ... - sql

I have a query like this. When executing it I am getting this error.
System.Text.StringBuilder qry = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
qry.Append(" SELECT OfferC.TypeIE, OfferC.RegNo ");
qry.Append(" FROM OfferC ");
qry.Append(" WHERE OfferC.RegNo IN (");
qry.Append(" GROUP BY OfferC.RegNo, OfferC.TypeIE");
qry.Append(" ORDER BY OfferC.Rating;");
You Tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expressions 'OfferC.Rating' as part ot an aggregate function.
I tried to do something like this.
FROM ...
But still getting the same error. And a screenshot to error.
Thanks for help.

Include OfferC.Rating in GROUP BY clause, otherwise ORDER BY OfferC.Rating can't happen since it's been grouped with other criteria and not by OfferC.Rating


Jpa Specification ORA-01791: not a SELECTed expression

I have a problem with Jpa Specification.
My specification looks like this:
public static Specification<PersonView> getByFilter(PersonViewFilter filter) {
return (root, query, criteriaBuilder) -> {
List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();
SetJoin<PersonView, PersonDetailsView> personDetailsJoin =
Path<String> namePath = personDetailsJoin.get(PersonDetailsView_.name);
Path<String> surnamePath = personDetailsJoin.get(PersonDetailsView_.surname);
predicates.add(namePredicate(personDetailsJoin, criteriaBuilder, filter.getName()));
predicates.add(surnamePredicate(personDetailsJoin, criteriaBuilder, filter.getSurname()));
predicates.add(peselPredicate(personDetailsJoin, criteriaBuilder, filter.getPesel()));
query.orderBy(List.of(criteriaBuilder.asc(namePath), criteriaBuilder.asc(surnamePath))).distinct(true);
return criteriaBuilder.and(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[predicates.size()]));
When I try search results I can see an error:
ORA-01791: not a SELECTed expression
The problem is related to generated sql by JpaSpecificationExecutor.
It looks like this:
( select distinct pv.person_id
personview pv
inner join
persondetailsview pdv on pv.person_id=pdv.person_id
order by
pdv.name asc,
pdv.surname asc )
rownum <= ?
In Select clausule should be added name and surname then it would work, but I don't know how to do this in Specification. Without distinct query works, but i don't have duplicates.
Please for help.
From the error ORA-01791: not a SELECTed expression, you want to add the field to the select or remove the distinct with this :
If you want to keep the distinct, have a look there :

SQL Hive subquery error

I have the query below
set hive.cli.print.header=true;
set hive.query.max.partition=1000;
set hive.mapred.mode=unstrict;
dim_lookup("accounts",name,"account_id") = '28016' as company,
dim_lookup("campaigns",name,"campaign_id") in (117649,112311,112319,112313,107799,110743,112559,112557,105191,105231,107377,108675,106587,107325,110671,107329,107181,106565,105123,106569,106579,110835,105127,105243,107185,105211,105215) as campaign_name,
case when is_click_through=0 then "PV" else "PC" end as conv_type,
(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM impressions WHERE ad_info[2] in (117649,112311,112319,112313,107799,110743,112559,112557,105191,105231,107377,108675,106587,107325,110671,107329,107181,106565,105123,106569,106579,110835,105127,105243,107185,105211,105215)) AS impressions
FROM actions
AND data_date<='20171231'
AND conversion_action_id in (20769223,20769214,20769219,20764929,20764932,20764935,20769215,20769216,20764919,20769218,20769217,20769220,20769222)
GROUP BY conv_type
When I execute it I get an error
ERROR ql.Driver: FAILED: ParseException line 8:1 cannot recognize input near 'SELECT' 'COUNT' '(' in expression specification
I am trying to fetch each count of impression for a specified conversion_action_id. What could be the error in my query? Thanks for the help.
FYI: ad_info[2] and campaign_id are the same.
The problem is quite clear, you have a subquery inside your SELECT.
That is not how this works.
Unfortunately the exact solution is not that clear, as it I am not completely sure what you want, but here is some general advice:
Write your subquery, test it and make sure it is ok
Rather than putting it in your SELECT part, put it in your FROM part, and (as always) SELECt from the FROM
Just think of your subquery output as an other table that can be used in the from statement, and which needs to be combined (JOIN, UNION?) with other tables in the from statement.

OrientDB using LET values in subQuery

How can you use a LET temporary variable inside the Where clause in an OrientDB SQL subQuery.
Here is the context in wich I'm trying to use it.
select *, $t.d from Currency
let $t = (select createdDate.asLong() as d from 13:1)
where createdDate.asLong() >= $t.d and #rid <> #13:1
order by createdDate ASC
The validation in the where statement for the dates does not work. The subQuery actually works on its own. The Query works as well when replacing $t.d with the result from the subQuery.
The $t.d is an array so you are comparing something like createdDate.asLong() >= [1234599]
You have to do this: createdDate.asLong() >= $t[0].d

Hibernate createSQLQuery and Toad SQL query return different results - parameter problems?

I'm a newbie at Hibernate so excuse me if some of this is glaringly obvious but it's been a very, very long day. I am trying to create and execute a simple query in Hibernate and Toad/Oracle.
The Toad/Oracle sql reads:
fpps_owner.fee_claim_payment_lines l,
fpps_owner.fee_claim_payments p
l.fee_claim_payment_id = p.fee_claim_payment_id and
p.claim_index = 87167895
The above returns 10 records, which is correct
The following Java code returns 0 records, which is NOT correct
String sLinesAvailable =
"select count(*) from " +
"fpps_owner.fee_claim_payment_lines l, fpps_owner.fee_claim_payments p " +
"where " +
"l.fee_claim_payment_id = p.fee_claim_payment_id and p.claim_index = :id";
Query qLinesAvailable = em.createNativeQuery(sLinesAvailable);
qLinesAvailable.setParameter("id", "87167895"); // fails
qLinesAvailable.setParameter("id", 87167895); // fails
List<Object> out = (List<Object>) qLinesAvailable.getResultList();
BigDecimal x = (BigDecimal) out.get(0);
Returns 0 records. Using .getSingleResult() also returns 0 records.
What am I missing here?
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
If you are not seeing any malformed query errors, it seems like the parameter is not binding correctly.
To debug, I'd print out that SQL statement the line after you set the parameter. This is the only way you can see the SQL after the parameter is set in order to compare it with Toad.
What does your binding file look like? Maybe you have a different name in there for the ID, so it's not able to find it based on the name. Trying binding with the parameter's order value, just as a test.
This might give some ideas: http://www.mkyong.com/hibernate/hibernate-parameter-binding-examples/
Best of luck! We've all been there :)
What happens when you try:
(Number) query.getSingleResult();
Your query isn't returning a list, but rather just a count.
Good luck.

SQL server syntax error in update statement, but I can't see it

I'm getting a syntax error on this query, but I can't figure it out.
Incorrect syntax near the keyword
I believe its on the last group by, but I don't see whats wrong. Can anyone suggest how to correct this?
UPDATE [NCLGS].[dbo].[CP_CustomerShipTo]
SET TimesUsed = TimesUsed + B.NewCount
from [NCLGS].[dbo].[CP_CustomerShipTo] CST
Count(recid) As NewCount
from avanti_packingslipheader PKH
where pksdate > dbo.ufn_StartOfDay(DATEADD(d, -1, GETDATE() ) )
group by
) B
ON CST.CustomerCode = B.CompanyCode
AND CST.ShipToName = B.CompanyName
AND CST.ShipToAddress1 = B.Addr1
AND CST.City = B.City
AND CST.PostalCode = B.Zip
group by
BACKGROUND - I'm trying to do an update statement with a Count(), but of course you can't use agg. functions in an update set statement, so I'm trying to use a subquery.
You have already got GROUP BY inside the subselect, so what does the outer GROUP BY stand for?
You can't reference an alias in a subselect from an outer GROUP BY. But in any event you can't use GROUP BY with an UPDATE statement, and that's what the error message is about.
Try removing the last Group By. What exactly are you hoping this last group by will do?
Change the code to this:
update mytable set
mycolumn = mycolumn + (select x from ...);