New folder for every backup CMD - variables

I am trying to get a batch going to backup a folder on a work server. (Please see attached link)
Bat Error "invalid number of parameters"
Long story short - I need the script to name a new folder for each backup, which "md new_folder" was suggested, but I cannot seem to get the context or how to place it into the code.
#echo This will now create a new backup of S:\Internal Auditor\9 - September 14
#echo off
:: variables
set SRCFOLDER="S:\Internal Auditor\9 - September 14"
set DESTFOLDER="S:\Internal Auditor\2014\9 - Sept Backup"
set folder=%date:~5,2%-%date:~8,2%-%date:~0,4%
set backupcmd=/W /E /H /V /C /Z /I /F /J /R /Y
"md new_folder" xcopy %SRCFOLDER% %DESTFOLDER% %backupcmd%
echo !!!!!!!!BACKUP COMPLETED THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I tried a line of code that slowly got me closer:----------
#echo This will now create a new backup of S:\Internal Auditor\9 - September 14
#echo off
:: variables
set SRCFOLDER="S:\Internal Auditor\9 - September 14"
set DESTFOLDER="S:\Internal Auditor\2014\9 - Sept Backup"
set folder=%date:~5,2%-%date:~8,2%-%date:~0,4%
md "%DESTFOLDER%\%folder%"
set backupcmd=/W /E /H /V /C /Z /I /F /J /R /Y
xcopy %SRCFOLDER% "%DESTFOLDER%\%folder%" %backupcmd%
echo !!!!!!!!BACKUP COMPLETED THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BUT - I am getting the following output:
This will now create a new backup of S:\Internal Auditor\9 - September 14
Access is denied.
Error occurred while processing: S:\Internal.
A subdirectory or file Auditor\2014\9 already exists.
Error occurred while processing: Auditor\2014\9.
A subdirectory or file - already exists.
Error occurred while processing: -.
A subdirectory or file Sept already exists.
Error occurred while processing: Sept.
A subdirectory or file Backup\9/-9/-Tue already exists.
Error occurred while processing: Backup\9/-9/-Tue .
Invalid number of parameters
!!!!!!!!BACKUP COMPLETED THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Press any key to continue . . .
----------EDIT 2: I tried a line of code that slowly got me closer:----------
I have followed the suggestions and some things I found online, and now I am to the point where I am getting a few errors:
md "S:\Internal Auditor\~\09/12/2014"
A subdirectory or file S:\Internal Auditor\~\09/12/2014 already exists.
xcopy "S:\Internal Auditor\9 - September 14 S:\Internal Auditor\2014\9 - Sept Backup\09/12/2014
/W /E /H /V /C /Z /I /F /J /R /Y /D
File not found - 09/12/2014 /W /E /H /V /C /Z /I /F /J /R /Y /D
This is my code:
#echo This will now create a new backup of S:\Internal Auditor\9 - September 14
Rem Backup 9 - September 14
:: variables
set "SRCFOLDER=S:\Internal Auditor\9 - September 14"
set "DESTFOLDER=S:\Internal Auditor\2014\9 - Sept Backup"
set folder=%date:~4%
md "%DESTFOLDER%\%folder%"
set backupcmd=/W /E /H /V /C /Z /I /F /J /R /Y /D
xcopy "%SRCFOLDER% %DESTFOLDER%\%folder% %backupcmd%"
#echo !!!!!!!!BACKUP COMPLETED THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, when I run the code, it makes a new directory ~\09\12\2014 instead of the desired ~\09/12/2014.
It makes 3 new subdirectories instead of one new subdirectory.

Okay let's see what you're doing. Your variable folder is being set based on your local settings for a short date, which for me shows e.g. Tue 09/09/2014 so your %date:~0,4% would be Tue. Use the echo command to be sure you're getting what you want:
echo %date:~5,2%-%date:~8,2%-%date:~0,4%
But let's assume for now you already figured that out and %folder% contains what you want it to. This is two commands on a line, which won't work at best at at worst is going to create a bunch of folders you didn't expect:
"md new_folder" xcopy %SRCFOLDER% %DESTFOLDER% %backupcmd%
You want to split that into 2 lines, and you want to use your new date-based folder name as part of the destination, I'm sure. So this will do that:
md "%DESTFOLDER%\%folder%"
and then to copy you'd need to include \%folder% in your destination:
xcopy %SRCFOLDER% %DESTFOLDER%\%folder% %backupcmd%
But I think, and I know I shouldn't ask for clarification but perhaps if I'm wrong you should clarify what you need a bit more in your question, you really want that S:\Internal Auditor\2014\9 - Sept Backup to be S:\Internal Auditor\ plus the value in %folder% and not having the date the way it is in that path.
Suggestion: Make the %folder% variable to be yyyy-mm-dd format such as 2014-09-09 so it's sortable, and use that in your destination.

Ok. There are some errors:
set SRCFOLDER="S:\Internal Auditor\9 - September 14"
set DESTFOLDER="S:\Internal Auditor\2014\9 - Sept Backup"
Must be (safe method, adding first quote at start of SRCFOLDER and DESTFOLDER):
set "SRCFOLDER=S:\Internal Auditor\9 - September 14"
set "DESTFOLDER=S:\Internal Auditor\2014\9 - Sept Backup"


batch file to start Catalina.bat file

I want to create batch file to start/stop catalina.bat file on window server.
#echo off
cd D:\apache-tomcat-7.0.75-windows-x86\apache-tomcat-7.0.75\bin
catalina.bat start
this is what I create but not working.
If you type CD /? at the command prompt you'll note it has a /D option for changing drives.
You could therefore try:
#Echo Off
CD /D "D:\apache-tomcat-7.0.75-windows-x86\apache-tomcat-7.0.75\bin"
catalina.bat start <args>
If you don't need to have your working directory as the \bin location you could just use:
#Echo Off
"D:\apache-tomcat-7.0.75-windows-x86\apache-tomcat-7.0.75\bin\catalina.bat" start <args>
To stop it, repeat the last line, ending it with stop instead of start
If you really do need to use it, and given that you said the Call command works, you could useā€¦
#Echo Off
Rem start it
Call "D:\apache-tomcat-7.0.75-windows-x86\apache-tomcat-7.0.75\bin\catalina.bat" start <args>
Rem Do some other stuff
Timeout 120 >Nul
Rem stop it
Call "D:\apache-tomcat-7.0.75-windows-x86\apache-tomcat-7.0.75\bin\catalina.bat" stop
#Echo Off
Rem Make \bin directory current
CD /D "D:\apache-tomcat-7.0.75-windows-x86\apache-tomcat-7.0.75\bin"
Rem start it
Call catalina.bat start <args>
Rem Do some other stuff
Timeout 120 >Nul
Rem stop it
Call catalina.bat stop
If you want to create a .bat file to start your Tomcat, then here it goes:
Declare the JAVA_HOME & CATALINA _HOME path in the system environment variables.
Create a file in Notepad with the .bat extension and put the following code within the respective Tomcat directory:
set JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket
cd C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0 //Enter Your Tomacat Path
call .\bin\catalina jpda start
Check out the image attached for more detailed explanation.

Batch file to copy SQL backups

I'm trying to copy SQL backups from Server1 to Server2 using below batch file. I was able to schedule the backups for the most recent full SQL backup using below script until it stopped working 4 days ago. Can somebody give me a hand on this? Am I missing something in the script?
#Echo Off
Rem - Backup files to Server2
Echo Backing up full UsersDb backup to Server2
For %%A in (C:\Backups-All\Backup\7AM\UsersDb_FULL_????201?_??1*.bak) do Set DBBackup=%%A
XCopy %DBBackup% \\Server2\Backup\UsersDbBackup\7AM\*.* /D
Rem - Exit shell
Echo Exiting!
Robocopy and are your friend.
#Echo Off
Rem - Backup files to Server2
robocopy C:\Backups-All\Backup\7AM\ \\Server2\Backup\UsersDbBackup\7AM\ /COPYALL /ZB /R:10 /W:10

Populate a batch from a file

I have been trying to work this 1 out it's a fairly simple batch but I'm pretty much lost, the searches got my close but none seemed to work so I'm hoping somebody can help with this.
I have a batch file, it is far from optimized but basically what I am trying to do now is use the ping I have running in the batch which is written to check.csv should then populate the individual IP's at the beginning (hope that makes sense).
in a nut shell
The variables at the beginning should be populated from check.csv
Here is the code
'#echo off
rem set the individual IP addresses
Rem these are manually set at present, I want these set automatically from check.csv which is created at the end of this file at present but will be moved infront..
set sarah=
set richard=
set kathh=
edited out a number of these to reduce the code on screen for you, but they are all the same format, name & IP
rem set the individual profile name
set n1=sharman
set n2=rburrell
removed more of the same (just duplicates the above code for a different user)
rem set the computer name
set sarahPC=PB7B237
set richardPC=PB1VAL9
removed more of the same
REM set the main install paths
set M3="C:\Users\dclare\Documents\VW Compiler\Installers\M3.exe"
set H3="C:\Users\dclare\Documents\VW Compiler\Installers\H3.exe"
set MooresInst="C:\Users\dclare\Documents\VW Compiler\Catalogues\PD PS\Catalogue"
Rem menu
#echo off
echo 1 Ping
echo 2 List
echo 3 DBase Installers
echo 4 EXE Installers
echo 5 End
#CHOICE /C:12345
if errorlevel 5 goto End
if errorlevel 4 goto EXEInstallers
if errorlevel 3 goto DBase
if errorlevel 2 goto List
if errorlevel 1 goto Ping
goto End
echo EXE Installers
echo Upload folder
Xcopy %M3% "S:\# All Public\Information Technology\CAD\VWorlds" /s /y /q
Xcopy %H3% "S:\# All Public\Information Technology\CAD\VWorlds" /s /y /q
echo %sarah%
Xcopy %M3% "\\%sarah%\c$\Users\%n1%\Desktop\" /s /y /q
Xcopy %H3% "\\%sarah%\c$\Users\%n1%\Desktop\" /s /y /q
echo %richard%
Xcopy %M3% "\\%richard%\c$\Users\%n2%\Desktop\" /s /y /q
Xcopy %H3% "\\%richard%\c$\Users\%n2%\Desktop\" /s /y /q
removed more of the same (just duplicates the above code for a different user)
goto Start
echo Database Installers
echo %sarah%
Xcopy %MooresInst% "\\%sarah%\c$\Virtual Worlds\Catalogue" /s /y /q
echo %richard%
Xcopy %MooresInst% "\\%richard%\c$\Virtual Worlds\Catalogue" /s /y /q
removed more of the same (just duplicates the above code for a different user)
Goto Start
echo This is a list of the IP's used currently, check against any that fail.
echo Name Puter IP
echo sarah %sarahPC%%sarah%
echo richard %richardPC% %richard%
echo kathh %kathhPC% %kathh%
echo amarie %amariePC% %amarie%
removed more of the same (just duplicates the above code for a different user)
Goto Start
#echo off
if exist "C:\Users\dclare\Documents\VW Compiler\Copy to Desktop\Results.csv" Del /s /q "C:\Users\dclare\Documents\VW Compiler\Copy to Desktop\Results.csv"
Echo Pinging list...
set ComputerList=list.txt
Echo Computername,IP Address>Final.csv
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%A in ("%ComputerList%") do (
for /f "tokens=3" %%B in ('ping -n 1 -l 1 %%A ^|findstr Reply ^|^| echo Not found Failed:') do (
set IPadd=%%B
echo %%A,!IPadd:~0, -1!>>Check.csv
Goto Start'
here is the check.csv file contents
PB7B218 Failed
removed more of the same (just duplicates the above code for a different user)
Try this routine out to set your variables to ip addresses:
echo off
for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2" %%a in ("check.csv") (
echo setting %%a=%%b
set "%%a=%%b"
With this ping routine it shows if it is online or offline. I had to guess what you were trying to do as we don't have your files to test it.
Give us a sample of Check.csv if you want to populate a set of variables with the IP addresses inside it.
#echo off
Del /s /q "C:\Users\dclare\Documents\VW Compiler\Copy to Desktop\Results.csv" 2>nul
Echo Pinging list...
set "ComputerList=list.txt"
Echo Computername,IP Address>Final.csv
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%A in ("%ComputerList%") do (
ping -n 1 -l 1 %%A >nul
if not errorlevel 1 (
>>Check.csv echo %%A,online
) else (
>>Check.csv echo %%A,offline
Goto Start

Batch file which saves user input path with spaces to a text file. (win 7)

First of all i am a noob in programming.
I am trying to make a batch file which takes an installed directory of a program as user input when run for the first time (means it should not ask for the directory the second time it is run). By searching for various scripts, i reached till here,
#echo off
Echo =============================================
echo Directory
Echo =============================================
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set /p mypath=Please specify install directory;
Echo %mypath% ----was what you typed
echo start>temp.txt
echo %mypath%>>temp.txt
echo \programfolder\program.exe>>temp.txt
echo -argument -argument>>temp.txt
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set FINAL=
for /f %%a in (temp.txt) do (
set FINAL=!FINAL!%%a
echo %FINAL%>input.txt
del /q temp.txt
start "<input.txt"
This saves the input path in the "input.txt" text file, and runs the program the next time it is launched.
I want the text file to have the saved path as "start driveletter:\foldername\foldername with spaces\programfolder\program.exe" -arguments
However the "start", "program folder", "program.exe" and "-arguments" are fixed.
The user input path should get saved in- %mypath%.
The does what you asked, I think:
#echo off
if exist "go.bat" go.bat
set /p "mypath=Please specify install directory; "
Echo "%mypath%" ----was what you typed
>"go.bat" echo #start "" "%mypath%\programfolder\program.exe" -argument -argument

Batch file that returns folder size

I'm having space issues on my Vista machine and need to figure out what's taking up so much space.
I would like to write a simple batch file that returns all folders under C: and the size of each folder.
The dir command doesn't appear to return folder size.
Unfortunately we don't have admin rights and can't install a third party application and we have other users in our group that also need this information.
I'd have a look at this thread for some clues as to how to achieve the directory size:
Batch File To Display Directory Size
#echo off
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set /a value=0
set /a sum=0
FOR /R %1 %%I IN (*) DO (
set /a value=%%~zI/1024
set /a sum=!sum!+!value!
#echo %CD%:!sum! k
echo off
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /a:D /D /B /S') do (
echo off
cd %%a
"%WORKING_DIRECTORY%"\dirsize "%%a"
Use it: ALLDIRSIZE > C:\temp\FileContainingFolderSizes.txt
Which is taken from the excellent Richard Bishop testing forums:
Not exactly answering your question, but if you have GUI access I'd suggest using TreeSize:
If you prefer command line use du command from Unix utils: