CEILING returns FLOOR result - SQL SERVER 2008 R2 - sql

DECLARE #a int;
DECLARE #b int;
SET #a = 9;
SET #b = 2;
It is returning as 4 instead of 5. Why?
Edit: I would like to get next smallest integer if the quotient is not whole number.

And consider NULLIF(#b,0) too, to avoid a Division By Zero error.

After dividing 9 by 2 a decimal fraction is Truncated to its integer part - 4, not Rounded to 5. Try:
Resilt is 4. Then CEILING(4) = 4
To get next integer declare variables as data types that can handle decimal part: NUMERIC,FLOAT, REAL.

SQL Server does integer division. So 9/2 = 4 in SQL Server.
Taking the ceiling of an integer is the same integer.


SQL 2017 rounds of decimal number using "FLOOR" function

I have been calculating different integer percentages with different numbers but each time I get floor rounded number. select 13*100/60 gives me 21 and the actual number is 21.66 which using a round function should give us 22 but it can only give me 21 for all different decimal numbers.
I am using SQL 2017. please help
This is due to the fact that you are dividing ints and not floating-point numbers. Integer division returns an integer.
Try the following instead (noting the .0 on the end of the 60):
SELECT 13 * 100 / 60.0
Making one of the components a floating-point number will automatically output the result as a floating-point number.
Incidentally, if you are working with variables and one of them is a FLOAT, it will automatically produce the output you expect:
SET #A = 13
SET #B = 100
SET #C = 60
SELECT #A * #B / #C

How to get decimal portion of a number in a decimal format in SQL Server

I am trying to get remainder part from a decimal number. I have used PARSENAME function like:
DECLARE #Total decimal(7,2) = 1000.40;
DECLARE #Remainder int = 0;
SET #Remainder = PARSENAME(#Total, 1)
It is returning integer form of the decimal portion like 40. How can I get the remainder in decimal form like 0.40. Because I have to store the remainder value as a decimal.
The mod function in SQL Server is % and anything MOD 1 is just the decimal remainder.
SELECT DecimalPortion = 1000.40 % 1
DECLARE #Total decimal(7,2) = 1000.40
DECLARE #Remainder decimal(2,2)
SET #Remainder = #Total - FLOOR(#Total)
SELECT #Remainder
simply subtracting the FLOOR of the input variable will give you the decimal portion
also per Tab's comment you do have the wrong data type for the #Remainder it should be a decimal. If you want it as an integer there are some other methods of accomplishing that too.

SQL Server: why is Float more accurate than Decimal

This post has the following code:
SET #A = 3
SET #B = 3
SET #F = 3
SELECT 1 / #A * 3.0, 1 / #B * 3.0, 1 / #F * 3.0
SELECT 1 / #A * 3 , 1 / #B * 3 , 1 / #F * 3
Using float, the expression evaluates to 1. Using Decimal, the expression evaluates to some collection of 9s after the decimal point. Why does float yield the more accurate answer in this case? I thought that Decimal is more accurate / exact per Difference between numeric, float and decimal in SQL Server and Use Float or Decimal for Accounting Application Dollar Amount?
The decimal values that you have declared are fixed width, and there are no points after the decimal place. This affects the calculations.
SQL Server has a rather complex formula for how to calculate the precision of arithmetical expressions containing decimal numbers. The details are in the documentation. You also need to take into account that numeric constants are in decimal format, rather than numeric.
Also, in the end, you need to convert back to a decimal format with the precision that you want. In that case, you might discover that float and decimal are equivalent.

Round off to the smallest integer value

I'm using this query to round off the numbers and this round off the next value. Now I need to round off to the before value means if the value is 45.67 then the value should be 45. I tried these two queries and still I need to tweak the values.
parsename('$' + convert(varchar,convert(money,round(sum(Column1 * Column2),0)),1),2)
parsename('$' + convert(varchar,convert(money,floor(Column1 * Column2),0),1),2)
Really appreciate any suggestions.
The CEILING function returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified numeric expression. The FLOOR function returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified numeric expression. For example, in considering a numeric expression of 12.9273, CEILING returns 13 and FLOOR returns 12. The return value of both FLOOR and CEILING has the same data type as the input numeric expression.
Here is the result set.
SELECT FLOOR(12.9273);
Here is the result set.
To round down you can use FLOOR()
DECLARE #number numeric(5,2)
SET #number = 45.67
You'd get the result 45
With your example, it looks like it's already working?
declare #number1 numeric(5,2)
declare #number2 numeric(5,2)
set #number1 = 1.23
set #number2 = 21.69
select parsename('$' + convert(varchar,convert(money,floor(#number1 * #number2),0),1),2)
select #number1 * #number2

Splitting decimal in sql

I am getting result as decimal in stored procedure. If I am getting result as 123.45,
I want to split it into 123 and 45. Can anybody help?
use SQL function FLOOR() for getting integer part
and subtract that from the original for the decimal part
You can also make use of ROUND instead of FLOOR.
See section C. Using ROUND to truncate for trucate, and then subtract that from the original.
Be aware that using FLOOR on negative numbers might not give you the required result.
Have a look at this example
SET #Dec = -123.45
select round(#Dec, 0, 1)
try this;
DECLARE #result DECIMAL(8,2) = 123.45
SELECT CAST(round(#result,0) AS FLOAT)
SELECT REPLACE(#result % 1 ,'0.','')
DECLARE #result decimal(8,2) = 123.45
select PARSENAME(#result, 2) AS LeftSideValue, PARSENAME(#result, 1) AS RightSideValue