Edit first item of dynamic rows in ssrs? - dynamic

My ssrs has three row groups nested, and in one of the rows the report runs many times.
I'd like to add something simple to the rows, such as "%" at the end, but only on the first row returned, not the rest of the dynamic rows. My idea was to use:
=RowNumber("detailsGroup") but all that returns is one for each row. Is there another SSRS method?
I was also thinking of using the "is" operator and comparing the dynamic values to the First operator, but running the report gave #ERROR.

If you are using groups you should be able to use Previous() function.
Group 1 - ClientName
Group 2 - Region
Group 3 - SubRegion
Detail - data for above 3 groups
If I just want to add something in one of the detail data then I would use ..
=Fields!CallReason.Value + IIF(Previous(Fields!ClientName.Value) <> Fields!ClientName.Value , " Add Text For First Line", "")


How to combine rows in BigQuery that share a similar name

i'm having trouble creating a query that'll group together responses from multiple rows that share a similar name and count the specific response record in them.
the datatable i currently have looks like this
test us
not selected
control us
test mom
not selected
control mom
what i'd like, is an output like the below that only counts the number of "selected" responses and groups together the rows that have either "control" or "test" in the name"
The query i have below is wrong as it doesn't give me an output of anything. The group by section is where im lost as i'm not sure how to do this. tried to google but couldn't seem to find anything. appreciate any help in advance!!!
SELECT distinct(test_control), values FROM `total_union`
where test_control="%test%" and values="selected"
group by test_control, values
use below
REGEXP_EXTRACT(test_control, r'^(TEST|CONTROL) ') AS test_control,
COUNTIF(values = 'selected') AS values
FROM `total_union`
As mentioned by #Mikhail Berlyant, you can use REGEX_EXTRACT to match the expression and COUNTIF to get the count of the total number of matching expressions according to the given condition. Try below code to get the expected output :
REGEXP_EXTRACT(test_control, r'^(test|control)') AS test_control,
COUNTIF(values = "selected") AS values
FROM `project.dataset.testvalues`
group by 1

Power query - dynamic parameters

I have created 4 separate tables via sql code on sqlserver and I want to create one filter for all 4 using a common column i.e. month on power query. Usually, I would create 4 pivot tables and create 4 slicers for say, month. Can I dynamically create just one filter for the 4 pivots on PQ? I have seen examples of anti-joins but I don't see this working in my example. If any questions like this already exist, links to them will be much appreciated.
Table.SelectRows can takes a function as its second parameter, so you can create your filter function in one query and reference that query in the parameter.
For example, if I wanted to filter a column Value to only have numbers greater than 30, you would create a query with the following formula:
= (row) => row[Value] > 30
Let's call that query FilterValue. Then, if you wanted to use this filter on a table in step Step, you would add the following step (with the fx button next to the formula bar):
= Table.SelectRows(Step, FilterValue)
If you need to use the filter again in another query with the step OtherStep, add the following step:
= Table.SelectRows(OtherStep, FilterValue)

Counting the no. of commas across multiple fields using SQL

I've 3 fields which contain only text. However, i want to add a calculated field which counts the number of commas in each of these 3 fields and displays it separately in the adjacent column. The snippet of SQL i use is shown below. How can i build the calculated field?
SELECT week, client_I, client_II, client_III
FROM quality_control_test;
Please advise!
well, you can "count" the number of a given character in a string, by using this:
length(c) - length(replace(c,',',''))
I'm assume you can figure out how to leverage that for your own query ;)

Counting text-items per page in MS access

I'd like to count a text-string in every page on a report and print out the count of the strings in the page-footer.
Searching for a string in a text field is straight forward, counting the findings within the text-field too, but how is it possible to sum the findings in a integer variable per report-page when it has several entries?
i.e. I´ve got a report-page like this where each new line is a new record.
Here the first report-page:
Now the page-footer:
There are 4 records. The letter "F" has been found 6 times on this report page.
Now the second report-page:
There are 5 records. The letter "F" has been found 10 times on this report page.
I'd be happy if smdy has an advice for me.
First step is to figure out how many occurances of "f" occur in each record. Which you can do using
= Len([myField]) - Len(Replace([myField],"f",""))
Now for the total occurances in that page you use the Sum function in a text box in the report footer section.
= Sum( ... )
= Sum(Len([myField]) - Len(Replace([myField],"f",""))) ' if report based on a table
= Sum([myCalculatedField]) ' if you use the occurance count formula in the query instead
If you need to total across the page there is a link detailing how to go about it here (you'll have to scroll down a bit)
You haven't shown any of the expressions that you are using but, essentially, in the Report Footer you would include a textbox which uses your aggregate function:
=COUNT([SomeField]) 'or
=SUM(iif(some condition, 1, 0))
where SomeField is a field in the detail section, or some condition refers to this field.
That is, you need to SUM (or COUNT) across the whole report by referring to field(s) in the details section. You do not do this by attempting to refer to the subtotals that you have in the page-footers - this won't work.

SQL Reporting Services - Subreports Broken into multiple columns

I inherited an SQL Reporting Services .rdl project from somebody and need help fixing some functionality.
In each row of the report, there is a subreport. In order to save space the subreport is divided into 3. Such that in each row of the report, it splits the data of the subreport into 3 smaller tables. Right now, it fills these 3 subreports horizontally. (ie. if the result has 9 values, the first subtable will have 1, 4 & 7, the second subtable will have 2, 5 & 8, etc)
Is there a way to have it fill the subtables vertically? (ie. the first subtable would have 1,2 & 3)
By default, the multi-column reports should fill vertically. In fact, there isnt even an option to fill horizontally so i'd like to know how it is being done. Perhaps the underlying query has been modified?
In fact, I took a deeper look into the query and it turns out that the column number is being passed as a report parameter and the results are being reordered using a modulo on the column number. I don't have it with me right now, so I don't have the exact syntax.
More info for anyone trying to do this:
it turns out that the subreport query gerates a column which indicates the row number
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY columnName ORDER BY otherColumn) AS RowNumber
Then in the report, the subreport is included 3 times. Each subreport has a report parameter called Column, the first one is of value 1, the second 2 and the last one 0. The subreport then has a filter on it
=RowNumber Mod 3 = Column
that way the subreport results are divided into 3 supreports that can all be placed on the same row to save space.