Swift: Computed type properties in classes - properties

I'm trying to understand something about type properties in swift.
The Swift Programming Language says
For classes, you can define computed type properties only
So a computed property does not store a value itself, but it is calculated. That I understand. But I don't get how such a thing can apply to type properties. Such properties belong to the class itself and not to an instance of it.
So if you use a getter for such a computed type property, what could you possibly use to calculate it? It can't be any other type properties, as they too can only be computed properties. You would get a sort of loop of computed properties because there aren't any stored type properties.
In the same way, I also don't get what a setter would do. If you call the setter of a computed type property, what can it set? There are no stored type properties to be set.

Bear in mind that stored class properties are only unsupported at the moment. The compiler error you get when you try to use them—"Class variables not yet supported"— suggests that they're on their way. Computed class properties don't necessarily have to make sense on their own.
However, computed properties don't always have to be based on the values of stored data. As it stands, you could use them for "static" read-only values associated with the class, say:
class var ThisIsAClassConstant: String { return "Woo" }
And people have already come up with ways to store associated values, for example, in the first two singleton patterns in this answer, the class property stores its state in either a global (but private) variable, or in a static variable inside a nested structure.
These are obviously a bit "workaroundy", but they're a way of achieving class-like storage while it's not officially implemented.


What is the purpose of explicit getters in kotlin?

Using getters and setters is a very well known practice in object oriented languages. This is done in order to have a greater control on the variables. To achieve this, we make the variables private in java and hence we need both getters and setters there.
But in kotlin this is not the case. Here even public variables are accessed through getters and setters by default. Though setters can be used to validate an assignment to a variable, getters just return the variable as it is stored (and I think this is it for them). Hence custom getters are not required at all.
I have also seen some wrong usage of this feature where instead of writing a zero argument function, they use a val and do the computation in the getter. This creates an illusion that the thing is just a val but in reality it does not store anything and instead it performs a computation every time.
So is there a real need to have a custom getter?
getters just return the variable as it is stored (and I think this is it for them). Hence custom getters are not required at all.
If that was really the case, why have getters at all in Java? One of the goals of encapsulation is to make sure a change in the class doesn't change it's API. It's the same in Kotlin.
I have also seen some wrong usage of this feature where instead of writing a zero argument function, they use a val and do the computation in the getter. This creates an illusion that the thing is just a val but in reality it does not store anything and instead it performs a computation every time.
This is a perfectly valid use case for a custom getter. In Kotlin, one must not assume that using a property is entirely free of overhead. There are many questions to ask yourself when choosing between a property with a getter or a zero-arg function:
Does it describe behavior? Use a function (walk(), build(), etc)
Does it describe state? Use a property (firstName, lastIndex, etc)
Additionally, a property getter should not throw an exception, should be either cheap to calculate or cached on first access, and should return the same result for multiple consecutive executions. Here's examples from the standard library:
ArrayDeque.first() is a function, it throws if deque is empty.
List.lastIndex is a property, it's cheap to calculate.
Lazy<T>.value is a property, the value is computed and cached on first access.
Most delegated properties make use of custom getters.
More reading:
Why use getters and setters/accessors?
Kotlin: should I define Function or Property?
Just some more info. Other than readability, the possibility of defining a custom getter allows you to evolve a class without changing its public members, even if you started with a simple val with no custom getter.
In a language without properties like Java, if you define a public field:
public class Foo {
public final int value;
public Foo(int value) {
this.value = value;
And then later you want to modify the class to add a feature where it returns negated values if you flip a Boolean, there's no way to do it without breaking code that uses the original version of the class. So you should have used getters and setters to begin with.
But in Kotlin, you can't directly expose a backing field like this, so it's impossible to paint yourself in a corner like you could with a public field in Java. If your original class is like this:
class Foo(val value: Int)
You could modify it like this to add the feature and have no impact on code that already uses the class.
class Foo(private val originalValue: Int) {
var isNegated = false
val value: Int
get() = if (isNegated) -originalValue else originalValue

Combine JsonDeserialize#contentAs with JsonDeserialize#contentConverter or JsonDeserialize#contentUsing for custom deserialization

In JsonDeserialize annotation documentation the contentAs field is supposed to define the "Concrete type to deserialize content".
I tried to use this in combination, with either a Converter (via contentConverter field of the same annotation) or a JsonDeserializer (via contentUsing field of the same annotation), by extending either StdConverter or StdDeserializer, respectively, in an attempt to create an agnostic custom deserializer.
I cannot find a way to access the JsonDeserialize#contentAs information inside any of these two classes.
I am aware that the classes I extend from have a type parameter, I just put an Object class there. Documentation states
contentAs Concrete type to deserialize content (elements of a Collection/array, values of Maps) values as, instead of type otherwise declared. Must be a subtype of declared type; otherwise an exception may be thrown by deserializer.
Apparently I am applying the #JsonDeserializer annotation on a Collection of some persistable Class. I want to deserialize each such object, solely by knowing its id. Well, if I could only get that very type I defined in the #JsonDeserializer#contentAs field...
Can anyone tell me if this is possible anyhow?
I managed to implement the agnostic deserializer withou the use of #JsonDeserializer#contentAs after all.
After reading the javadocs of com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonDeserializer I concluded that my custom deserializer should implement the com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.ContextualDeserializer interface.
Inside the implementation of ContextualDeserializer#createContextual(DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanProperty property)
I could finally get access to the class type of the content of the collection, which I applied the #JsonDeserialize annotation on,
by calling:
NOTE that the same call inside the implementation of com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonDeserializer#deserialize(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext) returned null, hence the need of the aforementioned interface.
All I had to do then is store the returned class in a member field (of type Class< ? >) of the custom deserializer and use it in the execution of JsonDeserializer#deserialize()
The only thing that remains to check is whether an instance of this custom deserializer is shared between threads. I only did some minor checks; I used the same implementation for two different collections of different types. I observed that ContextualDeserializer#createContextual(DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanProperty property) was called once (among multiple deserialization invokations), for each distinct type that was going to be deserialized. After checking during debugging, it seems that the same deserializer object is used for the same type. In my case, since what I store in the member field is this type itself, I don't mind if the same deserializer is used for the same java type to be deserialized because they should contain the same value. So we 're clear on this aspect as well.
EDIT: It appears all I have to do is update the com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.StdDeserializer#_valueClass value to the now known class. Since it is final and since the ContextualDeserializer#createContextual(DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanProperty property) returns a JsonSerializer object, which is actually used,
instead of returning "this" serializer I can create a new one, passing the discovered class in the constructor, which actually sets the StdDeserializer#_valueClass to the class I actually want, and I'm all set!
Finally, NOTE that I didn't have to use the #JsonDeserializer#contentAs annotationfield as I get the value from the ctxt.getContextualType().getRawClass() statement inside ContextualDeserializer#createContextual(DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanProperty property) implementation

What's the difference between an object and a data object?

The other day I noticed that I sometimes put data in front of objects and other times not:
object A
data object B
What's the difference between an object and a data object?
The fact that data is allowed on an object declaration is in fact a bug (KT-6486) which should be fixed.
data is an annotation which causes the compiler to generate equals, hashCode, toString, copy and componentN functions. It doesn't make much sense when applied to an object declaration for two reasons:
An object declaration cannot have a constructor, and all these functions work based on properties defined in the primary constructor.
There's only one instance of any object at runtime.
So no componentN functions would be generated, copy can't work, and the generated equals/hashCode/toString implementations will be equivalent to the default ones from Any which are based on identity.

Differences between Function that returns a string and read only string property [duplicate]

I need to expose the "is mapped?" state of an instance of a class. The outcome is determined by a basic check. It is not simply exposing the value of a field. I am unsure as to whether I should use a read-only property or a method.
Read-only property:
public bool IsMapped
return MappedField != null;
public bool IsMapped()
return MappedField != null;
I have read MSDN's Choosing Between Properties and Methods but I am still unsure.
The C# standard says
§ 8.7.4
A property is a member that provides access to a characteristic of an object or a class. Examples of properties include the length of a string, the size of a font, the caption of a window, the name of a customer, and so on. Properties are a natural extension of fields. Both are named members with associated types, and the syntax for accessing fields and properties is the same. However, unlike fields, properties do not denote storage locations. Instead, properties have accessors that specify the statements to be executed when their values are read or written.
while as methods are defined as
§ 8.7.3
A method is a member that implements a computation or action that can be performed by an object or class. Methods have a (possibly empty) list of formal parameters, a return value (unless the method’s return-type is void ), and are either static or non-static.
Properties and methods are used to realize encapsulation. Properties encapsulate data, methods encapsulate logic. And this is why you should prefer a read-only property if you are exposing data. In your case there is no logic that modifies the internal state of your object. You want to provide access to a characteristic of an object.
Whether an instance of your object IsMapped or not is a characteristic of your object. It contains a check, but that's why you have properties to access it. Properties can be defined using logic, but they should not expose logic. Just like the example mentioned in the first quote: Imagine the String.Length property. Depending on the implementation, it may be that this property loops through the string and counts the characters. It also does perform an operation, but "from the outside" it just give's an statement over the internal state/characteristics of the object.
I would use the property, because there is no real "doing" (action), no side effects and it's not too complex.
I personally believe that a method should do something or perform some action. You are not performing anything inside IsMapped so it should be a property
I'd go for a property. Mostly because the first senctence on the referenced MSDN-article:
In general, methods represent actions and properties represent data.
In this case it seems pretty clear to me that it should be a property. It's a simple check, no logic, no side effects, no performance impact. It doesn't get much simpler than that check.
Please note that if there was any of the above mentioned and you would put it into a method, that method should include a strong verb, not an auxiliary verb like is or has. A method does something. You could name it VerifyMapping or DetermineMappingExistance or something else as long as it starts with a verb.
I think this line in your link is the answer
methods represent actions and properties represent data.
There is no action here, just a piece of data. So it's a Property.
In situations/languages where you have access to both of these constructs, the general divide is as follows:
If the request is for something the object has, use a property (or a field).
If the request is for the result of something the object does, use a method.
A little more specifically, a property is to be used to access, in read and/or write fashion, a data member that is (for consuming purposes) owned by the object exposing the property. Properties are better than fields because the data doesn't have to exist in persistent form all the time (they allow you to be "lazy" about calculation or retrieval of this data value), and they're better than methods for this purpose because you can still use them in code as if they were public fields.
Properties should not, however, result in side effects (with the possible, understandable exception of setting a variable meant to persist the value being returned, avoiding expensive recalculation of a value needed many times); they should, all other things being equal, return a deterministic result (so NextRandomNumber is a bad conceptual choice for a property) and the calculation should not result in the alteration of any state data that would affect other calculations (for instance, getting PropertyA and PropertyB in that order should not return any different result than getting PropertyB and then PropertyA).
A method, OTOH, is conceptually understood as performing some operation and returning the result; in short, it does something, which may extend beyond the scope of computing a return value. Methods, therefore, are to be used when an operation that returns a value has additional side effects. The return value may still be the result of some calculation, but the method may have computed it non-deterministically (GetNextRandomNumber()), or the returned data is in the form of a unique instance of an object, and calling the method again produces a different instance even if it may have the same data (GetCurrentStatus()), or the method may alter state data such that doing exactly the same thing twice in a row produces different results (EncryptDataBlock(); many encryption ciphers work this way by design to ensure encrypting the same data twice in a row produces different ciphertexts).
If at any point you'll need to add parameters in order to get the value, then you need a method. Otherwise you need a property
IMHO , the first read-only property is correct because IsMapped as a Attribute of your object, and you're not performing an action (only an evaluation), but at the end of the day consistancy with your existing codebase probably counts for more than semantics.... unless this is a uni assignment
I'll agree with people here in saying that because it is obtaining data, and has no side-effects, it should be a property.
To expand on that, I'd also accept some side-effects with a setter (but not a getter) if the side-effects made sense to someone "looking at it from the outside".
One way to think about it is that methods are verbs, and properties are adjectives (meanwhile, the objects themselves are nouns, and static objects are abstract nouns).
The only exception to the verb/adjective guideline is that it can make sense to use a method rather than a property when obtaining (or setting) the information in question can be very expensive: Logically, such a feature should probably still be a property, but people are used to thinking of properties as low-impact performance-wise and while there's no real reason why that should always be the case, it could be useful to highlight that GetIsMapped() is relatively heavy perform-wise if it in fact was.
At the level of the running code, there's absolutely no difference between calling a property and calling an equivalent method to get or set; it's all about making life easier for the person writing code that uses it.
I would expect property as it only is returning the detail of a field. On the other hand I would expect
MappedFields[] mf;
public bool IsMapped()
mf.All(x => x != null);
you should use the property because c# has properties for this reason

Multiple Set handlers in a property

I remember coming across some way to declare multiple Set handlers in a property but now I can't figure out how it's done. It's useful in that one can assign different data types and the Set handler does the conversion, but I get the error
'Set' is already declared
thoughts anyone?
It's not possible
It would be nice to be able to write both
sQuantity = "1234"
sQuantity = 1234
with two setter functions, but trying to write even one setter function with the wrong parameter type seems doomed to failure:-
error BC31064: 'Set' parameter must have the same type as the containing property.
If Visual Basic doesn't allow conversion between setter parameter type and property type then there is no way it would be possible to have two setter functions. If setter functions are forced to have the same type as the property, then it could not know which to run if there were more than one!
So I'd argue 'not only does it not seem possible, but it is actually not possible!'
There is a workaround
What you can do however, is have two properties of different types changing the same underlying variable, so that you can write
sQuantityFromString = "1234"
sQuantityFromInt = 1234
Public Shared WriteOnly Property sQuantityFromInt () As Integer
with a setter function that takes an integer as a parameter and with both properties setter functions modifying the same underlying string member variable.
Private Shared m_sQuantity As String = Nothing
As far as I know, you cannot have multiple Set statements for a class property. A property cannot be overridden.
You can use a setter functions (this is mostly a paradigm in Java) and overload that if you need to. Then I would also suggest making the property readonly.
One other option is to have the property be defined as an Object and in the set check the TypeOf of the value being used to set the property and do whatever business logic you want. The only problem with this approach is that then your property doesn't have type checking.