Field not found: 'Nancy.Bootstrapper.NancyBootstrapperLocator.Bootstrapper' - nhibernate

i recently have been using Nancy fx and i'm in love with it, but when i try to make a structuremap ioc like the documentation page suggested i get the error
Field not found: 'Nancy.Bootstrapper.NancyBootstrapperLocator.Bootstrapper'.
i have override the getApplicationContainer function like shown in the file
but still get the same error, i look on the code on the rnancy repository
and i cant see the bootstrapper property
does any1 else have this error too i've been trying to set this up for hours,
if i remove the nancystructuremap in nugget the error goes away.
or do i need to set something else on the bootstrap class.

I ran into this scenario after installing Nancy.Bootstrappers.Ninject from Nuget. My Nancy project was created using the Nancy Visual Studio templates, and were referencing Nancy 0.21.1.
What I found was installing the bootstrapper package caused the base Nancy package to get upgraded from 0.21.1 to 0.23.2. This is fine, except that the Nancy.Hosting.Aspnet and the Razor engine packages were NOT upgraded from 0.21.1.
To fix the error, I had to update all of the Nancy-related packages I was using to match the 0.23.2 package.


Can't Access/Download GitHub Repository that I need for Class

I need to test and debug a script for one of my classes but I can't seem to get the code to work.
install_github("dbspitz/migrateR/migrateR", build_vignettes = T)
Once I get here it tells me that I can't install "migrateR" from GitHub because the system command Rcmd.exe failed.
When I try to use install.packages("migrateR"),I get told that the version of that package is not available for my version of R.
I tried to download Rtools42 but it made it so that I couldn't use any other of the packages and had to delete R Studio and redownload the app. Please advise on how to get past this step.

Lcobucci\JWT\Parser is not instantiable while building LaravelPassport AccessTokenController after upgrading to Passport 10 Lcobucci JWT4.1

Just upgraded to Laravel 8 / Laravel Passport 10.1 and Locbucci JWT 4.1. I'm getting this error:
Target [Lcobucci\JWT\Parser] is not instantiable while building [Laravel\Passport\Http\Controllers\AccessTokenController]
This error makes sense since Parser is an interface, if I remove it from the AccessTokenController everything works as expected. As far as I can tell these packages should work together. Am I missing something here?
This is an error caused by the version of Laravel/passport, to solve this problem you must update to a new version of the package
execute this command, good luck
composer update laravel/passport

Getting started with VS213 + dojo + Typescript

I have a dojo (1.10) widget in VS2013. I'd like to start using Typescript. What do I need to configure? I've installed dojo.d.ts from NuGet
Still get red squiggly and "Cannot find name define"
Cannot find name define
You shouldn't need to use define (from requirejs) with TypeScript. TypeScript includes support for AMD compilation as a flag (--module amd).

imageresizer cannot find ImageResizer.Plugins.IRedactDiagnostics

I am trying to install and use the RemoteReader plugin, but when I try to execute code, I get the following error:
Could not load type ImageResizer.Plugins.IRedactDiagnostics ...
This doesn't look like a plugin that gets individually installed/implemented. Any ideas?
Okay, got it working. I didn't realize that my core dll was an outdated version.

Team Build sends error when trying to compile a Structuremap method

I'm getting a strange error when trying to compile a solution that is using StructureMap on Team Build.
When I try to compile the solution locally on Visual Studio it works fine, but when trying to queue a new build in Team Build I get the following error:
Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Use' can be called with these arguments:
The line of code that gets this error is the second one:
ForSingletonOf(Of ISessionFactory)().Use(NHibernateSessionFactory.SessionFactory)
Me.For(Of ISession)().lifecycleIs(New HybridLifecycle()).Use(Function(x) x.GetInstance(Of ISessionFactory)().OpenSession())
It's a standard registration for the NHibernate session, so I don't really get why this error pops up.
Thanks in advance for the clues.
Make sure you have the correct version of NHibernate on the build server, and that your hint paths are all appropriately set in your project file. We haven't had this specific issue (as we're not using NHibernate), but we've had weird issues like that being related to version mismatches of "infrastructure" DLLs between local and build.