Can't insert NSAttributedString into NSTextView - objective-c

Previously I've been able to use the following code to place attributed text into an NSTextView field
[[self->content textStorage] appendAttributedString:contentString];
However, upon updating to the Xcode 6 Beta to develop for Yosemetie, what used to work now gives me this error:
2014-08-26 11:06:06.635 JaxWire[59482:1765389] An uncaught exception was raised
2014-08-26 11:06:06.636 JaxWire[59482:1765389] Modifications to the layout engine must not be performed from a background thread.
and a whole much more globety gloop that I don't think has much use.
To give context as to how it works, a user enters text in a field, triggers a method called GO in the class InterfaceManager which then runs the following code to spawn a new thread ProcessQuery in the AppDelegate class, which is where I am attempting to change the content of NSTextView with an attributed string
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(processQuery:) toTarget:self withObject:query];
It's worth noting that this works if I use a standard string by executing [self->content setString:#"String"]; but when it comes to using an attributed string, it doesn't work.
How would I go about fixing this problem?
Thanks in advance! :)

Try editing the string on the main thread instead:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^()
[[self->content textStorage] appendAttributedString:contentString];

it has nothing at all to do with Xcode. You are explicitly asking for this to be done on a background thread by using [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector], and as has been pointed out in comments, this is not allowed. You have never been "allowed" to modify the UI from a background thread, but often you could do so without noticeable problems. Yosemite is likely just enforcing this more strictly than previous versions of OS X.
I suppose the reason it works with setString: is because setString: probably doesn't immediately call the layout engine and rather the next drawing pass on the main thread does that.
you either have to not detach processQuery to a background thread, or have processQuery call appendAttributedString on the main thread using something like:
[[self->content textStorage] performSelector:#selector(appendAttributedString:) withObject: contentString]
or using GCD dispatch_async() with the main thread's queue dispatch_get_main_queue()


How to run custom code in the main thread of Cocoa applications

I'm a windows developer and I'm having a hard time understanding the right way to run code in the
NSApplication's main thread.
Most of my code is running in a cvdisplaylink thread (it's an opengl app)
THe problem is that I can't call things like NSOpenPanel from it - it crashes the app and warns about only running stuff like this from the main thread.
It's fine, but the main thread is completely opaque as far as I understand, and I can only make it do things with events. The NSApp sendAction method sounded promising - because I could explicitly specify which method to call. But it didn't 'send' any thing, it just called this method directly from the same thread.
Am I understanding this right? Do I have to push some sort of a custom event (perhaps NSEventTypeApplicationDefined) to the main thread queue for this to work properly?
And if so, how to I respond to custom events like that?
Like this:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// do whatever
If what you want to do is to call a method of an Obj C object, the old school Cocoa way (which still works) is to use performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:
E.g. to hide a window by calling its "orderOut:" method you would do this.
[theWindow performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(orderOut:)

Multiple threads to draw in NSView

In my code, I subclassed NSView and in its drawRect method, I am spawning three threads to perform the drawing.
[[self window] setAllowsConcurrentViewDrawing:YES];
[self setCanDrawConcurrently:YES];
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(DrawText) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(DrawRectangle) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(DrawGradient) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
//Wherease these functions DrawText, DrawRectangle and DrawGradient performs their task as suggested by name.
//In DrawText, DrawRectangle, and DrawGradient lockFocus and unlockFocus is being
// used for multithreaded drawing.
When I run the same program from Xcode, it is running fine. Output is shown below.
But when I run it from the outside, there is problem and output is shown below.
First, I would like to know is it right way to draw from a secondary thread? Or what is another way to draw from a secondary thread?
What is the reason behind this problem?
Ken Aspeslagh is somewhat incorrect about drawing from secondary threads (he is correct it is generally a bad idea). From what I can see of your code you don't have a good use case for drawing on a secondary thread. Can you explain why you want to do this?
you yourself have already discovered setCanDrawConcurrently: which explicitly talks of invoking drawRect: from a background thread. Note that the views window must have allowsConcurrentViewDrawing set to YES for this to work (it is the default).
Apples own Cocoa Drawing Guide has a section on drawing from secondary threads. I have highlighted some portions I think are relevant to you.
The Application Kit maintains a unique graphics context for each window and thread combination. Because each thread has its own graphics context object for a given window, it is possible to use secondary threads to draw to that window. There are some caveats, however.
During the normal update cycle for windows, all drawing requests are sent to your application’s main thread for processing. The normal update cycle happens when a user event triggers a change in your user interface. In this situation, you would call the setNeedsDisplay: or setNeedsDisplayInRect: method (or the display family of methods) from your application’s main thread to invalidate the portions of your view that require redrawing. You should not call these methods from any secondary threads.
If you want to update a window or view from a secondary thread, you must manually lock focus on the window or view and initiate drawing yourself. Locking focus configures the drawing environment for that window's graphics context. Once locked, you can configure the drawing environment, issue your drawing commands as usual, and then flush the contents of the graphics context to the window buffer.
In order to draw regularly on a secondary thread, you must notify the thread yourself. The simplest way to send regular notifications is using an NSTimer or NSAnimation object. For more information on how to animate content, see “Advanced Drawing Techniques.”
The Cocoa Threading Programming Guide also says this:
If you want to use a thread to draw to a view, bracket all drawing code between the lockFocusIfCanDraw and unlockFocus methods of NSView
Just an aside, GCD block invocation is probably a much nicer method for performing small sets of operations in the background than NSThread.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0), ^{
// you can put each of these calls in their own queue if you want
[self DrawText];
[self DrawRectangle];
[self DrawGradient];
However, that likely has nothing to do with your problem; I mention it only because I think it will serve you better to use GCD queues.
You should only be drawing to the screen from the main thread.
Edit: It is apparently really complicated so you're better off drawing to the screen from the main thread. ;)
If you need to render something that takes too much time to avoid blocking the main thread, consider using a thread to do the drawing to an offscreen context, and then copy that context to the screen on the main thread.
I read about NSGraphicsContext Restriction at Thread guide.
Here, I found the following line:
If you do any drawing from a secondary thread, you must flush your drawing calls manually. Cocoa does not automatically update views with content drawn from secondary threads, so you need to call the flushGraphics method of NSGraphicsContext when you finish your drawing. If your application draws content from the main thread only, you do not need to flush your drawing calls.
After calling flushGraphics, it works fine.

NSRunAlertPanel caused performance issue on multithreading

Occasionally I have to do a popup alert window in my Cocoa code segments. Previously I used NSAlert directly then have runModal to go while I found that the NSRunAlertPanel is more easier to achieve my goal. So I decided to switch all my alert functions to NSRunAlertPanel. It seemed okay at most time。
Now I'm adding multithreading. I found that NSRunAlertPanel appears clearly slower than NSAlert when calling back in the main thread.
Code segments:
Firstly I create a thread:
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector: #selector(tryRunLoop:) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
Then this functiontryRunLoop in this thread call the alert window function in the main thread:
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(showAlert:) withObject:anObject waitUntilDone:YES];
The function showAlert in main thread do the rest things:
NSRunAlertPanel(#"Warning:",#"Just testing", #"YES", nil, nil);
As time goes by the response of the popup window appears slower and slower.If I use NSAlert instead of NSRunAlertPanel, or did not run the popup method in main thread, the symptom should disappear.
I also found that the CPU usage was also different between these two methods. Obviously NSAlert costs low CPU usage while hitting the button all the time.
Is someone able to explain these phenomenons?
PS: I was not allowed to put the whole original project online so that I've created a simple Cocoa project in Github to simulate the symptom and the URL ,please take a look at the Known issues in Readme file at first.
Alright, the short answer is don't use NSRunAlertPanel. That family of functions have been discouraged for some time now, and superseded by NSAlert. Use NSAlert instead.
(Unfortunately the class reference for NSRunAlertPanel etc. doesn't mention this; I'm trying to remember where it was first documented; perhaps a release note)

What's the difference between performSelectorOnMainThread: and dispatch_async() on main queue?

I was having problems modifying a view inside a thread. I tried to add a subview but it took around 6 or more seconds to display. I finally got it working, but I don't know how exactly. So I was wondering why it worked and what's the difference between the following methods:
This worked -added the view instantly:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
//some UI methods ej
[view addSubview: otherView];
This took around 6 or more seconds to display:
[viewController performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(methodThatAddsSubview:) withObject:otherView
NSNotification methods - took also around 6 seconds to display the observer was in the viewController I wanted to modify paired to a method to add a subview.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:
#"notification-identifier" object:object];
For reference these were called inside this CompletionHandler of the class ACAccountStore.
accountStore requestAccessToAccountsWithType:accountType withCompletionHandler:^(BOOL granted, NSError *error) {
if(granted) {
// my methods were here
By default, -performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: only schedules the selector to run in the default run loop mode. If the run loop is in another mode (e.g. the tracking mode), it won't run until the run loop switches back to the default mode. You can get around this with the variant -performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:modes: (by passing all the modes you want it to run in).
On the other hand, dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ ... }) will run the block as soon as the main run loop returns control flow back to the event loop. It doesn't care about modes. So if you don't want to care about modes either, dispatch_async() may be the better way to go.
It's likely because performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: queues the message with common run loop modes. According to Apple's Concurrency Programming Guide, the main queue will interleave queued tasks with other events from the app's run loop. Thus, if there are other events to be processed in the event queue, the queued blocks in the dispatch queue may be run first, even though they were submitted later.
This article is a superb explanation to performSelectorOnMainThread vs. dispatch_async, which also answers the above question.
Did you try thePerformSelectorOnMainThread with waitUntilDone=YES
[viewController performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(methodThatAddsSubview:) withObject:otherView waitUntilDone:YES];
I think that might solve the issue as of why the PerformSelectorOnMainThread takes so long to respond.

Update screen in Cocoa/Objective C following button press

Newbie Objective C/Cocoa question: I have an application with some data entry fields and a "do it" button. When the button is pressed, some computation takes place and output data is displayed in a table view and some text fields in the same window. What I'd like is that when the button is pressed that the text fields and the table view are both cleared while the computation takes place.
I've tried making the appropriate calls as the first few statements of the action routine for the button press, but that doesn't work. I would imagine that the runtimes don't get called to do the screen update until after my action routine is finished.
Is there a simple way to do what I want to do? Thanks.
You imagine correctly.
The usual way to do this sort of thing is to use NSObject's performSelectorInBackground:withObject: to start the heavy calculation in the background. Then once the background code finishes doing its work, use performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: to call another selector on the main thread to update the UI (remember, UI calls may only be done from the main thread).
You're correct about the screen updates not taking place until after your routine finishes. Most drawing to the screen is queued to improve performance.
When you change the value in an NSTextField, it knows to call [self setNeedsDisplay:YES] in order to queue its need for redrawing. If you want to force it to display, you can call [textField display]. (Note that calling [textField setNeedsDisplay:YES] will not cause immediate display). Things get a bit more difficult with an NSTableView, as this -display method is unlikely to work for it.
While you could create a secondary thread to do your processing, that would create a lot of complexity that may not be worth it. You might consider using -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: to begin your processing routine rather than calling it directly.
- (IBAction)buttonClicked:(id)sender {
[textField setStringValue:#""];
[tableView reloadData];
// instead of doing the following:
// [self processData:nil];
// do
[self performSelector:#selector(processData:) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0];
- (void)processData:(id)sender {
// process the data
[textField setStringValue:#"the results"];
[tableView reloadData];
Using -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: is different than calling the method directly, as it causes the method to be called not immediately, but scheduled to be called "ASAP". In many cases, your app will be able to squeeze in the updates to the UI before it can get to performing that computation method. If testing reveals this to be the case, then you can avoid having to go to the trouble of creating a secondary thread to do the processing.
If you want to force updating screen then call setNeedsDisplay from your UIView.
I would imagine that the runtimes
don't get called to do the screen
update until after my action routine
is finished.
Bingo. Your button's action method is called on the main thread, which is the same thread that is responsible for updating the user-interface. So the interface will not update until after your action method returns.
To get around this, you can split your action method into two parts. The first part makes the calls to clear your previous view and set whatever new state you want to use for rendering. The second part does the new calculations, and is moved to its own method. Then, at the end of the first part, add something roughly like:
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(myActionSecondPart) withObject:nil]; run the computation part in the background. Then your UI will update while the computation runs.