Change live tile animation - windows-phone

I am developing application for Windows Phone 8.1.
I have developed live tile for my app. I am trying to find a way to configure live tile change animation. By default I see kind of Flip animation. It looks a little annoying. I do want to change it.
So, how to configure live tile change animation?

You can't change it, which in my eyes is the best choice for a consistent user experience and performance of the start screen.


Neumorphism in UWP

Recently I came to know about this trend called Neumorphism. Its normally used in android and webisite but I to achieve same in effect in UWP in Windows App. This effect requires 2 shadows light and dark in opposite directions to make object look like its merged with background. UWP dont have shadow effect so I used Drop Shadow Panel from "Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls" nuget package but it dosent look like its natural.
Can anyone please tell me what would be more better way to achieve this ?

Windows Metro Apps on touch Screen Monitors

I know this might seem odd, but I am working on a windows Metro app which would be displayed on touch screen monitors in our local university.
Now I am using the simulator for debugging, but in the simulator you have to start "Touch Mode" to even use the touch interface.
So when using the touch monitors, do we have to specifically specify touch mode ? Or it will automatically integrate the touch functionality ?
Thank you.
Touch is a first class-citizen in Windows Store applications, so no special accommodations are needed. I would recommend you test on a touch device though before deploying, it's a different way of interacting, and even though the simulator does a decent job of handling the mechanics, it will "feel" different to a user - especially if you're leveraging pinch-zoom, swipe and other gestures.
On another note... is this app intended for a kiosk-type application? If so, keep in mind with Windows 8/RT, you won't be able to easily prevent the users from swiping to the charms, navigating to other programs, etc. You may want/need to take a look at Windows 8 Embedded depending on the specific deployment requirements.

Cocoa Touch how to design the interface like facebook iPhone application's home screen?

I am just curious how facebook for iPhone application can display a list of icons with the text, then all the icons shake to allow user to change the position of each item.
What kind of control is that, and is there some sample code that do the same thing?
I think it must be standard because it exists as well in home screen of iPhone and iPod app to choose the tab item.
Thank you.
It's not a standard control. It's generally implemented with Core Animation and a rotation transform.
Apple discourages App developers from imitating the spring board, claiming it is confusing for the user. So don't expect standard controls for this.
You can of course implement it yourself with animation. Basic (property based) animation should be sufficient.

Making a full screen Cocoa app

I want to create a full Screen Cocoa application, however my app is slightly different from a conventional fullscreen app.
This app would be below everything else, so underneath the menu bar and the Dock, etc. It would have a large image covering up the Desktop and icons, with a custom NSView in the middle with a table view, etc. If this concept is hard to understand then here is an image:
The only part that might be a bit confusing is the background image. This background image is NOT the wallpaper of the computer, but part of the app. So when the app is launched, it goes into full screen mode and puts itself underneath the dock and the menu bar, and underneath all other windows too. So it draws the background image to cover the screen (including Desktop and icons). Then has a custom NSView in the middle containing my controls.
What's the best way to go about doing this?
Make a borderless window, the size of the menu-bar screen (screen 0—not [NSScreen mainScreen]), positioned at 0,0, with window level kCGDesktopWindowLevel.
Remember that you will need to observe for screen frame-change notifications (when the user changes the screen dimensions), and that you should correctly handle the case of no screen at all (headless Mac).
I think #Peter Hosey’s solution should work, but to make other windows go on top, you will probably need to change the window level to something else.
But, I implore you, do not do this. This will be the most bugly application the Macintosh has ever seen. There are a lot of really good user interface paradigms that you can use, and "replicating" the main desktop interface of Mac OS X is generally not one of them. That is, unless you are reimplementing Time Machine or something like that.

How to create a Controller to simulate the Springboard feature of the iPhone within your own application

I am trying to design a feature in my application for the iPhone that simulates the Springboard feature (Main menu of the iPhone that allows you to view more apps), or the way Weather application works that allows you to flip between views.
Does anyone have any samples of this how I would go about doing this. It's seems very trivial but I am wondering if I am missing something that is already available either as an Apple example or someone who did a tutorial on this.
The image below show how the user would use it.
alt text
As they slide their finger to the right (or left) the other image would begin to show up. And it would animate smoothly. The faster you swiped your finger the faster it would move to the next view.
Update: The other feature is that it should mimic the same feel when you slide your hand across the display that is snaps to the current view into place. It should not keep sliding across if there is more than 1 view to the direction you swiping your finger.
I've seen other applications use this so that is why I am asking.
This is accomplished using the UIScrollView with the pagingEnabled property set to true. Just add each of your views, adjust the contentSize, and it will automatically "page" to the width of the screen across the content.
There is a sample app (with code) with exactly this functionality on the iPhone developer site on (I believe it's called "PageControl".) - I'd suggest checking it out.
I'm writing an app that uses a similar UI. As NilObject recommended, we're using a UIScrollView with pagingEnabled=YES.
You may also be interested in this example code involving just two child views. I'm trying it out now; it's an interesting technique but I've had to write some additional special-casing code for some odd situations that resulted.
There's also another question on this site that asks about creating a grid of icons like the home screen.
I would check out Joe Hewitt's code from the Three20 project for this. It provides a nice interface and further refinement of the UIScrollView implemented as TTScrollView and TTScrollViewDelegate, TTScrollViewDataSource.