Rules for PerformSelectorInBackground - objective-c

I heard that the views can have their attributes changed only in the main thread, and never in a secondary thread, which makes certain background processing, unfortunately I did not found any practical example of it.
Could someone give me an example of a command that does not work inside a method that is being executed in background?

Everything that is directly related to GUI needs to be called from the main thread.
- addSubview
- removeSubview
- setFrame
- setBackgroundColor
- etc...


Modal NSSavePanel disappears after animating in when begun from a completion block

Note: Minimal example linked below. I'll refrain from longish code excerpts and rather explain the problem concisely.
I am in the process of updating an old (but small) Cocoa application to current APIs.
One of the places that looked easy enough at first: When the user tries to close the application window with unsaved changes, the app first displays an NSAlert asking "Save your stuff?". If that is confirmed a modal NSSavePanel is shown. In the original code they were opened via, respectively:
Current Cocoa API uses completion blocks and thus the alert prefers to be shown via beginSheetModalForWindow:completionHandler:. So I moved the code from the didEndSelector into the completionHandler.
Unfortunately the modal NSSavePanel does animate in but disappears immediately together with the application main window if it is shown from the NSAlert's completion block. If I switch the alert back to the didEndSelector I can show the NSSavePanel either selector-basedly or completion block-ly just fine.
Here's the NSAlert's completion block that forwards to the disappearing save panel.
I have thought about threading issues. All of this is happening on the main thread. Maybe there's something subtle going on with run loop modes that I'm missing?
The minimal example is available over on GitHub. You can switch between selectors and blocks with defines in AppDelegate.h. All the interesting code is in AppDelegate.m. (Unless the problem is somewhere else...)
As #Willeke pointed out this wasn't an overly mysterious issue with threading and whatnot. No. It was just me having looked at the code way too often over the course of days.
The solution is simple:
The breaks in the switch statement in confirmUnsavedChanges are missing.

UICollectionView does not respond or update - iOS8

I have a UICollectionView that needs to be updated, reloaded as I need. I have this implemented in other projects but specifically in this one it does not allow the UI to update, even though I can get the code to execute upon reloadData, reloadSections:, and invalidateLayout.
I can see the delegate and datasource methods for the collection view get called when I do this, however the UI does not update at all.
Any advice for workarounds or possible solutions?
My code is fairly generic so I can not understand why this is happening. I subclassed the UICollectionView, but did not add any subclassed initializers to the subclass since I have gotten away with this in other projects and I do not think it is the issue.
I have seen some force the operations onto the mainQueue, but I don't think this is the issue anyway since UIKit updates only run on the main queue.
EDIT: extra info:
I perform a reloadData or reloadSections, THEN I called invalidateLayout on collectionView.collectionViewLayout

Multiple threads to draw in NSView

In my code, I subclassed NSView and in its drawRect method, I am spawning three threads to perform the drawing.
[[self window] setAllowsConcurrentViewDrawing:YES];
[self setCanDrawConcurrently:YES];
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(DrawText) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(DrawRectangle) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(DrawGradient) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
//Wherease these functions DrawText, DrawRectangle and DrawGradient performs their task as suggested by name.
//In DrawText, DrawRectangle, and DrawGradient lockFocus and unlockFocus is being
// used for multithreaded drawing.
When I run the same program from Xcode, it is running fine. Output is shown below.
But when I run it from the outside, there is problem and output is shown below.
First, I would like to know is it right way to draw from a secondary thread? Or what is another way to draw from a secondary thread?
What is the reason behind this problem?
Ken Aspeslagh is somewhat incorrect about drawing from secondary threads (he is correct it is generally a bad idea). From what I can see of your code you don't have a good use case for drawing on a secondary thread. Can you explain why you want to do this?
you yourself have already discovered setCanDrawConcurrently: which explicitly talks of invoking drawRect: from a background thread. Note that the views window must have allowsConcurrentViewDrawing set to YES for this to work (it is the default).
Apples own Cocoa Drawing Guide has a section on drawing from secondary threads. I have highlighted some portions I think are relevant to you.
The Application Kit maintains a unique graphics context for each window and thread combination. Because each thread has its own graphics context object for a given window, it is possible to use secondary threads to draw to that window. There are some caveats, however.
During the normal update cycle for windows, all drawing requests are sent to your application’s main thread for processing. The normal update cycle happens when a user event triggers a change in your user interface. In this situation, you would call the setNeedsDisplay: or setNeedsDisplayInRect: method (or the display family of methods) from your application’s main thread to invalidate the portions of your view that require redrawing. You should not call these methods from any secondary threads.
If you want to update a window or view from a secondary thread, you must manually lock focus on the window or view and initiate drawing yourself. Locking focus configures the drawing environment for that window's graphics context. Once locked, you can configure the drawing environment, issue your drawing commands as usual, and then flush the contents of the graphics context to the window buffer.
In order to draw regularly on a secondary thread, you must notify the thread yourself. The simplest way to send regular notifications is using an NSTimer or NSAnimation object. For more information on how to animate content, see “Advanced Drawing Techniques.”
The Cocoa Threading Programming Guide also says this:
If you want to use a thread to draw to a view, bracket all drawing code between the lockFocusIfCanDraw and unlockFocus methods of NSView
Just an aside, GCD block invocation is probably a much nicer method for performing small sets of operations in the background than NSThread.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0), ^{
// you can put each of these calls in their own queue if you want
[self DrawText];
[self DrawRectangle];
[self DrawGradient];
However, that likely has nothing to do with your problem; I mention it only because I think it will serve you better to use GCD queues.
You should only be drawing to the screen from the main thread.
Edit: It is apparently really complicated so you're better off drawing to the screen from the main thread. ;)
If you need to render something that takes too much time to avoid blocking the main thread, consider using a thread to do the drawing to an offscreen context, and then copy that context to the screen on the main thread.
I read about NSGraphicsContext Restriction at Thread guide.
Here, I found the following line:
If you do any drawing from a secondary thread, you must flush your drawing calls manually. Cocoa does not automatically update views with content drawn from secondary threads, so you need to call the flushGraphics method of NSGraphicsContext when you finish your drawing. If your application draws content from the main thread only, you do not need to flush your drawing calls.
After calling flushGraphics, it works fine.

Using NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification

In many of my UIViewControllers, I update certain controls based on the state of my data. For example, I might have an edit button on a UITableViewController that should only be enabled when there is one or more items. Or perhaps I want to limit the number of items that can be added, and disable the 'add' button otherwise.
Every time I add or delete an item (or take any other action that can add/remove items), I have to remember to update any controls that might need enabling/disabling. This is trivial for the most part, but doesn't feel comfortable - there is a lot of repetition, and I have to remember to add the calls to updateControlEnabled (or whatever) whenever I add new functionality that might affect the data.
And then I noticed NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification. Reading the docs, it looks like I can receive a notification whenever something changes in my managed object context. This seems ideal, but I have a few questions:
Is this an appropriate use of
Should I anticipate any performance impact if a controller
subscribes to these and parses each one to see if it needs to update
the UI? I will be checking the userInfo for every change, instead of
only those that I know I will care about.
Where should I subscribe to the notifications? My UIViewController has a
reference to the context, which helps, but I don't know where to
subscribe (loadView? viewDidLoad? init?) such that the view
controller will always have one and only one subscription.
The view controller will continue to receive and process notifications
when it's offscreen - enabling and disabling controls as the
data model is affected from elsewhere. Is this ok?
I guess I'm mostly just wondering if anyone else uses this approach and if so, what their experience is.
Q) Is this an appropriate use of NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification?
A) Yes - I used it on OSX for a similar purpose.
Q) Should I anticipate any performance impact if a controller subscribes to these and parses each one to see if it needs to update the UI? I will be checking the userInfo for every change, instead of only those that I know I will care about.
A) NO - it will normally be a very small set of objects - ones that were directly changed.
Q) Where should I subscribe to the notifications? My UIViewController has a reference to the context, which helps, but I don't know where to subscribe (loadView? viewDidLoad? init?) such that the view controller will always have one and only one subscription.
A) Well, you cannot affect the UI til the view shows - so probably viewDidLoad or viewWillAppear. The problem with the later is you may get it a few times depending on push/pops, so maybe I'd do it in viewDidLoad.
Q) The view controller will continue to receive and process notifications when it's offscreen - enabling and disabling controls as the data model is affected from elsewhere. Is this ok?
A) Sure - when the view reappears all the elements will be setup correctly.
What you want to do is a classical use of that notification. Just check the thread it comes in on - if its not the mainThread then you want to make all your changes in a block posted to the mainThread.

Updating NSCollectionView from another thread causes it blank

There is a NSCollectionView in my Mac application, and it contains some icons. Meanwhile, I am using NSOperationQueue as a task scheduler to queue some operations. In one NSOperation, I modify the Content of NSCollectionView, the view should update at once when Content changes.
If I update it in the main thread, then it works perfectly well. If I put the same source code at the end of the NSOperation::main(), then the NSCollectionView would be completely blank.
Is this some kind of bug or I do it in the wrong way?
All interaction with UI elements must be performed on the main thread.
You can use the performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: method to help you update UI elements from background threads.