Trying to convert a project from RAD into intelliJ. The project contains a several ejb2 modeules and ejb client modules. The client modules contain There are a lot of modules that depend on each other and a lot of code that has been generated by the rmic compilier.
Most of the code is in the org.omg.stug.javax.ejb package. Is there anyway to tell intellij to ingore the duplicate classes?
I have a JDK 9 project. When running mvn install, everything works fine. When using IntelliJ 2017.2.6 with JDK 9.0.4 I come up
with dozens of compilation errors due to split packages. For example, in my POM I set a dependency on org.apache.solr:solr-core:7.2.1. One of the errors displayed by IntelliJ is:
Error:java: module solr.core reads package from both lucene.misc and lucene.sandbox
The rationale for the compilation error issued by IntelliJ is:
solr-core has Maven dependencies on artifacts lucene-misc and lucene-sandbox
Both lucene-misc.jar and lucene-sandbox.jar define classes in package
IntelliJ considers that lucene-misc.jar and lucene-sandbox.jar are JDK 9 modules (if fact, they are not modules, they have no file). As two JDK 9 modules cannot participate to the same package, IntelliJ issues a compilation error.
By contrast, the Maven compiler pluging issues no error, because it considers lucene-misc.jar and lucene-sandbox.jar as belonging to
the class path, not to the module path.
I obviously don't want to re-package the Lucene stuff.
So my problem boils down to the following: how can I mute IntelliJ errors Error:java: module Mod1 reads package P from both Mod2 and Mod3?
It's impossible if you want to run your application from a module code. You have to migrate your code which depend on collision JARs to non-module code and add your collitions jar on the class path. (as suggested in comments)
Behind the scene the Intellij try to run the JVM, so the Intellij can run your application only if the JVM can do that.
When you run an application from module jar, that means that you run your application from named module. The module must require all of its dependencies which should be name modules. Note that even automatic modules which are created from your non-module JARs are indeed named.
Java 9 does not allow split-packages for the reason of the reliable configuration, only unnamed modules are excepted from this rule.
The only way to make it works it move your collision jars to unnamed module, but named module cannot depend on unnamed module
A named module cannot, in fact, even declare a dependence upon the unnamed module. This restriction is intentional, since allowing named modules to depend upon the arbitrary content of the class path would make reliable configuration impossible.
so if you don't want repackage collision jars you have to move your modules which require collision jars to non-module jar.
Your maven plugin done with it, because as #Nicolai said:
Maven places them on the class path (where split packages don't matter), whereas IntelliJ places them on the module path (leading to the problems you observe).
See also this answer about running the application from non-module code.
I have two java projects as Bukkit/Spigot plugins. Both projects are using gradle, private repositories, and one project should inherit from another.
SpigotCore - Contains database management and utility classes. This is the "main" project.
Minigame Framework - Runs minigames. Needs database access and utility class access.
What is the best way to make the Minigame Framework inherit from the SpigotCore project using gradle? I have been unsuccessful in getting Intellij module dependency working. Any and all help is appreciated!
I solved this issue by just compiling the SpigotCore and then including the jar file in my build.gradle file.
Answer used:
Now following the answer above, it shaded the SpigotCore classes into the MinigameFramework. This is not what we want since both projects are Bukkit plugins and will be provided at runtime. So I changed "compile" to "provided" and it works great!
The change:
dependencies {
provided files("somePath/spigotcore.jar")
I am thinking to use Gradle to manipulate with mysql database. It will read some files from filesystem, analyse them and populate database accordingly.
Such project will not produce any project code, because all output will go to database tables. On the other hand, gradle script should access some custom java or groovy classes to facilitate working with source data.
Is this a possible Gradle usage? Where to put gradle-accessible classes then? I don't want to have separate project, producing JAR for this project. I wan't single project, so that Gradle first compiles classes and the utilizes them in the script.
Is this possible?
Gradle is extensible, so you can utilize buildSrc for such scenarios. It works in the following way:
along build.gradle in the project there is buildSrc dir with custom build.gradle
in buildSrc/build.gradle you can define the script dependencies itself, implement plugins and tasks
finally you can apply a plugin from buildSrc to build.gradle.
It's quite handy, since e.g. IntelliJ can import such project and provide code completion for instance.
Another way is to put all the necessary stuff in build.gradle itself.
Such buildSrc project can be compiled to a jar, published and provided as a plugin, or it can be a separate project on github to be downloaded and used to manipulate data. Also, there no need to implement Plugin, you can use static methods e.g. Have a look at the demo.
I have only one module in the project, named FilterWidget. Despite that, IntelliJ sees multiple "ghost" copies of it:
All these modules allow partially separate, partially shared setup, which creates a mess.
What is it and how to fix?
These are not ghost modules; these are modules representing individual source sets in your Gradle project. As described on the JetBrains Web site, IntelliJ IDEA starting with version 2016.1 creates a separate module for every source set in your Gradle project, in order to correctly resolve dependencies which are only used in one source set.
Im trying to setup maven to assemble all my build artifacts into a central distribution folder. to help with explainations, ive uploaded a sample project here
This is a simple multi-module project with 2 j2ee components, each of those has a war, and ear sub-project. If you comment out the assembly plugin in the top level pom, everything will build fine.
There is also an outputFolder which is how i want things to look when the assembling is all done. Also in the outputFolder are misc jar files that will come from other sub-projects that just build a single jar (currently we have about 20 of these application jars). Now since all the j2ee projects have the same directory structure and resulting distribution formats, I wanted to create a common assembly descriptor to be re-used across all of our j2ee components (currently theres about 15).
What I have so far does not work - in that it wont find the binary artifacts from any of the subprojects. Ive tried using moduleSet and dependencySet sections in the assembly descriptor, but those dont seem to work either, i alwasy get something like: The following patterns were never triggered in this artifact inclusion filter: 'myCompany:j2ee_A_ear:ear'
Or if I try to put an assembly descriptor in the top level project, it causes wierd dependency errors when packaging my ear files.
Ive tried to use the dependency-copy plugin, but that seems to cause more problems than it solves. Also others have said, the dependency plugin is the way to go for this. Ive tried creating packaging only projects -- a sibling of the j2ee_A and j2ee_B projects in my example, but it cant seem to find any of the modules or dependencies
So im looking for an assembly descriptor (or descriptor s) that will be:
a) reusable across any number of j2ee sub-projects
b) also support single jar files
c) copy everything to a single folder
Ideas, suggestions and examples are welcome.