SQL getting datediff from same field - sql

I have a problem. I need to get the date difference in terms of hours in my table but the problem is it is saved in the same field. This is my table would look like.
RecNo. Employeeno recorddate recordtime recordval
1 001 8/22/2014 8:15 AM 1
2 001 8/22/2014 5:00 PM 2
3 001 8/24/2014 8:01 AM 1
4 001 8/24/2014 5:01 PM 2
1 indicates time in and 2 indicates time out. Now, How will i get the number of hours worked for each day? What i want to get is something like this.
Date hoursworked
8/22/2014 8
8/24/2014 8
I am using VS 2010 and SQL server 2005

You could self-join each "in" record with its corresponding "out" record and use datediff to subtract them:
SELECT time_in.employeeno AS "Employee No",
time_in.recorddate AS "Date",
DATEDIFF (hour, time_in.recordtime, time_out.recordtime)
AS "Hours Worked"
FROM my_table
WHERE recordval = 1) time_in
FROM my_table
WHERE recordval = 2) time_out
ON time_in.employeeno = time_out.employeeno AND
time_in.recorddate = time_out.recorddate

If you always record time in and time out for every employee, and just one per day, using a self-join should work:
t1.recordtime AS [TimeIn],
t2.recordtime AS [TimeOut],
DATEDIFF(HOUR,t1.recordtime, t2.recordtime) AS [HoursWorked]
FROM Table1 t1
t1.Employeeno = t2.Employeeno
AND t1.recorddate = t2.recorddate
WHERE t1.recordval = 1 AND t2.recordval = 2
I included the recordtime fields as time in, time out, if you don't want them just remove them.
Note that this datediff calculation gives 9 hours, and not 8 as you suggested.
Sample SQL Fiddle

Using this sample data:
with table1 as (
select * from ( values
(1,'001', cast('20140822' as datetime),cast('08:15:00 am' as time),1)
,(2,'001', cast('20140822' as datetime),cast('05:00:00 pm' as time),2)
,(3,'001', cast('20140824' as datetime),cast('08:01:00 am' as time),1)
,(4,'001', cast('20140824' as datetime),cast('04:59:00 pm' as time),2)
,(5,'001', cast('20140825' as datetime),cast('10:01:00 pm' as time),1)
,(6,'001', cast('20140826' as datetime),cast('05:59:00 am' as time),2)
this query
,convert(char(10),recorddate,120) as DateStart
,convert(char(5),cast(TimeIn as time)) as TimeIn
,convert(char(5),cast(TimeOut as time)) as TimeOut
,DATEDIFF(minute,timeIn, timeOut) / 60 AS [HoursWorked]
,DATEDIFF(minute,timeIn, timeOut) % 60 AS [MinutesWorked]
dateadd(minute, datediff(minute,0,tIn.recordTime), tIn.recordDate)
as TimeIn,
dateadd(minute, datediff(minute,0,tOut.recordTime), tOut.recordDate)
as TimeOut
FROM Table1 tOut
WHERE tOut.RecordVal = 2
AND tOut.EmployeeNo = tIn.EmployeeNo
AND tOut.RecNo > tIn.RecNo
ORDER BY tOut.EmployeeNo, tOut.RecNo
) as TimeOut
FROM Table1 tIn
WHERE tIn.recordval = 1
) T
yields (as desired)
Employeeno DateStart TimeIn TimeOut HoursWorked MinutesWorked
---------- ---------- ------ ------- ----------- -------------
001 2014-08-22 08:15 17:00 8 45
001 2014-08-24 08:01 16:59 8 58
001 2014-08-25 22:01 05:59 7 58
No assumptions are made about shifts not running across midnight (see case 3).
This particular implementation may not be the most performant way to construct this correlated subquery, so if there is a performance problem come back and we can look at it again. However running those tests requires a large dataset which I don't feel like constructing just now.


How do I calculate the amount of time between multiple datetimes in multiple rows in sql

I've done a search but I can't find any that are exactly what I need. I need to be able to calculate the amount of time that someone has been in the building over time in a sql query (T-SQL on SQL Server). The data looks like this:
UserId Clocking Status
1 01/12/2020 09:00 In
2 01/12/2020 09:12 In
1 01/12/2020 09:25 Out
3 01/12/2020 10:00 In
2 01/12/2020 10:45 Out
3 01/12/2020 13:11 Out
1 03/12/2020 11:14 In
2 03/12/2020 15:56 In
1 03/12/2020 16:04 Out
2 03/12/2020 17:00 Out
I want the output to look like this:
UserId TimeInBuilding
1 03:35
2 05:25
3 03:11
Assuming that the ins/outs are perfectly interleaved, you can do this by assigning the next "out" time to the "in" time and aggregating:
select userid,
sum(datediff(second, clocking, out_time)) / (60.0 * 60) as decimal_hours
from (select t.*,
lead(clocking) over (partition by userid order by clocking) as out_time
from t
) t
where status = 'In'
group by userid;
You can convert this to HH:MM format using:
select userid,
sum(datediff(second, clocking, out_time),
) as hhmm
from (select t.*,
lead(clocking) over (partition by userid order by clocking) as out_time
from t
) t
where status = 'In'
group by userid;
Here is a db<>fiddle.

Counting number of Days in the where clause

I have a SQL Server table that looks like this:
ID | Club Name | Booking Date | Submission Date
1 | Basketball | 2015-10-21 00:00:00.000 | 9/18/2015 3:23:42 PM
2 | Tennis | 2015-10-14 00:00:00.000 | 9/28/2015 1:50:25 PM
3 | Basketball | 2015-10-06 00:00:00.000 | 9/29/2015 11:08:20 AM
1 | Other | 2015-10-21 00:00:00.000 | 9/29/2015 11:08:39 AM
I want to know how many times each club did a submission less than 15 days from the booking date..
The solution I came up with was adding a new column and running a the datefiff function and storing the value in the new column.. Then just grouping by club name and adding a parameter for > 15 on the new column..
The question I have is: can this be done on the fly with out having to create the new column? how much would that affect performance if its done on the fly?
Yes, this can be done inline, in a query. In a database, you almost never want to store a calculated column, which is what that datediff column would be. Instead, you can do the math in the WHERE clause.
DATEDIFF(day, -15, BookingDate) >= SubmissionDate
I wrote that pretty quickly, so the date math might be going in the wrong direction (checking in the future instead of in the past) but playing with the above query should set you on the right path. Just keep in mind that, if this table gets very big, you're going to be doing a TON of DATEDIFFs and that can have a performance impact.
Something like this?
Declare #Table table (Id int,Club_Name varchar(50),Booking_Date datetime,Sumbission_Date datetime)
Insert #Table values
(1,'Basketball','2015-10-21 00:00:00.000','9/18/2015 3:23:42 PM'),
(2,'Tennis ','2015-10-14 00:00:00.000','9/28/2015 1:50:25 PM'),
(3,'Basketball','2015-10-06 00:00:00.000','9/29/2015 11:08:20 AM'),
(1,'Other ','2015-10-21 00:00:00.000','9/29/2015 11:08:39 AM')
Select Club_Name
,Submissions= count(*)
,Early = sum(case when datediff(DD,Sumbission_Date,Booking_Date)<15 then 1 else 0 end)
From #Table
Group By Club_Name
Club_Name Submissions Early
Basketball 2 1
Other 1 0
Tennis 1 0
Try this.
Sum(Value) As Ttle
COUNT(*) AS Value
FROM TableName
HAVING DATEDIFF(D, BookingDate, SubmissionDate) > 15
) Data

SQL Server: Finding date given EndDate and # Days, excluding days from specific date ranges

I have a TableA in a database similar to the following:
Id | Status | Start | End
1 | Illness | 2013-04-02 | 2013-04-23
2 | Illness | 2013-05-05 | 2014-01-01
3 | Vacation | 2014-02-01 | 2014-03-01
4 | Illness | 2014-03-08 | 2014-03-09
5 | Vacation | 2014-05-05 | NULL
Imagine it's keeping track of a specific user's "Away" days. Given the following Inputs:
SomeEndDate (Date),
NumDays (Integer)
I want to find the SomeStartDate (Date) that is Numdays non-illness days from EndDate. In other words, say I am given a SomeEndDate value '2014-03-10' and a NumDays value of 60; the matching SomeStartDate would be:
2014-03-10 to 2014-03-09 = 1
2014-03-08 to 2014-01-01 = 57
2013-05-05 to 2013-05-03 = 2
So, at 60 non-illness days, we get a SomeStartDate of '2013-05-03'. IS there any easy way to accomplish this in SQL? I imagine I could loop each day, check whether or not it falls into one of the illness ranges, and increment a counter if not (exiting the loop after counter = #numdays)... but that seems wildly inefficient. Appreciate any help.
Make a Calendar table that has a list of all the dates you will ever care about.
SELECT MIN([date])
SELECT TOP(#NumDays) [date]
FROM Calendar c
WHERE c.Date < #SomeEndDate
FROM TableA a
AND Status = 'Illness'
) t
The Calendar table method lets you also easily exclude holidays, weekends, etc.
SQL Server 2012:
Try this solution:
DECLARE #NumDays INT = 70, #SomeEndDate DATE = '2014-03-10';
WHEN RunningTotal_NumOfDays <= #NumDays THEN [RangeStart]
WHEN RunningTotal_NumOfDays - Current_NumOfDays <= #NumDays THEN DATEADD(DAY, -(#NumDays - (RunningTotal_NumOfDays - Current_NumOfDays))+1, [RangeStop])
END AS [RangeStart]
DATEDIFF(DAY, y.RangeStart, y.RangeStop) AS Current_NumOfDays,
SUM( DATEDIFF(DAY, y.RangeStart, y.RangeStop) ) OVER(ORDER BY y.RangeStart DESC) AS RunningTotal_NumOfDays
SELECT LEAD(x.[End]) OVER(ORDER BY x.[End] DESC) AS RangeStart, -- It's previous date because of "ORDER BY x.[End] DESC"
x.[Start] AS RangeStop
SELECT #SomeEndDate AS [Start], '9999-12-31' AS [End]
SELECT x.[Start], x.[End]
FROM #MyTable AS x
WHERE x.[Status] = 'Illness'
AND x.[End] <= #SomeEndDate
) x
) y
) z
WHERE RunningTotal_NumOfDays - Current_NumOfDays <= #NumDays;
RangeStop RangeStart
---------- ----------
2014-03-10 2014-03-09
2014-03-08 2014-01-01
2013-05-05 2013-05-03
Note #1: LEAD(End) will return the previous End date (previous because of ORDER BY End DESC)
Note #2: DATEDIFF(DAY, RangeStart, RangeStop) computes the num. of days between current start (alias x.RangeStop) and "previous" end (alias x.RangeStar) => Current_NumOfDays
Note #3: SUM( Current_NumOfDays ) computes a running total thus: 1 + 66 + (3)
Note #4: I've used #NumOfDays = 70 (not 60)

SQL Server find time slot between start time and end time

SQL Server, how to find the time slot from a schedule table like I need to output first column's end time and next column's start time?
s, e,
Max(cid)as c_id,
ROW_NUMBER()OVER(order by CAST(s as datetime)) as row_id
from classroom
where Room like '3310' and Days like '%T%'
group by s,e
order by CAST(s as datetime)
For example:
s e c_id row_id
------- ------- ------- ------
9:30 10:45 235 1
11:00 12:15 236 2
12:30 13:45 238 3
14:00 15:15 1415 4
15:30 16:45 273 5
17:00 18:15 270 6
I need to output
You can insert your data in a temp table and then query that temp table
select s,e,Max(cid)as c_id,
ROW_NUMBER()OVER(order by CAST(s as datetime))as row_id
into #t
from classroom
where Room like '3310' and Days like '%T%'
group by s,e
order by CAST(s as datetime)
select t1.e, t2.s
from #t t1
INNER JOIN #t t2 on t1.row_id + 1 = t2.row_id
If you want to know only when there's a time gap between one class finishing and the next starting add where t2.s > t1.e to Abhi's answer. If you need a minimum size of slot, say 15 minutes, use where DATEDIFF(mi, t1.e, t2.s) > 15.

How to build a daily history from a set of rows in SQL?

I have a simple SQLite table that records energy consumption all day long. It looks like that:
rowid amrid timestamp value
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1 1 1372434068 5720
2 2 1372434075 0
3 3 1372434075 90
4 1 1372434078 5800
5 2 1372434085 0
6 3 1372434085 95
I would like to build a simplified history of the consumption of the last day by getting the closest value for every 10 minutes to build a CSV which would look like:
date value
---------------- ----------
2013-07-01 00:00 90
2013-07-01 00:10 100
2013-07-01 00:20 145
As for now I have a request that allows me to get the closest value for one timestamp:
FROM indexes
WHERE amrid=3
ORDER BY ABS(timestamp - strftime('%s','2013-07-01 00:20:00'))
How can I build a request that would do the trick to get it for the whole day?
Let me define "closest value" as the first value after each 10-minute interval begins. You can generalize the idea to other definitions, but I think this is easiest to explain the idea.
Convert the timestamp to a string value of the form "yyyy-mm-dd hhMM". This string is 15 characters long. The 10-minute interval would be the first 14 characters. So, using this as an aggregation key, calculate the min(id) and use this to join back to the original data.
Here is the idea:
select isum.*
from indexes i join
(select substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H%M', timestamp), 1, 14) as yyyymmddhhm,
min(id) as whichid
from indexes
group by substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H%M', timestamp), 1, 14)
) isum
on i.id = isum.whichid