Creating objects with very many optional fields - oop

I'm trying to recreate Hearthstone cards as objects in Java, but I'm having trouble doing this in a good and efficient way.
All cards have some common properties like a 'name'. But the problem is that there is about 300 cards to generate, and there is about 30 different abilities that each card may or may not have. Now, do I have to create a basic card class with all the possible abilities set to false and then set all its specific ability parameters to true? This approach seems to get very messy with all the getters and all the extra information that some abilities needs to specify... So my question is if there's there a better way to solve this kind of problem?
I would like to create these card objects so that I'm only 'adding' the specific abilities as fields, but I can't figure out how to do this in a good way.
Thankful for help!

Like Dave said, it's a little difficult to be sure what the best solution to your problem is without more context. However, from what I can gather, your problem is a pretty common one. For common problems, programmers often create efficient solutions that can be used over and over again called design patterns.
Design patterns aren't needed in every case, so be careful not to overuse them, but it seems like they could help you here. Both solutions mentioned by Dave may work, but the problem with making each ability an object is that it requires you to make as many classes as you have abilities. Furthermore, if each ability is a simple variable, it may be overkill to create classes for all of them, particularly since so many classes can become difficult to maintain. Although having these abilities inherit from an interface somewhat helps with maintainability, I think an easier solution can probably be found in the builder pattern.
I won't explain it in detail here, but here's a tutorial that seems reasonably simple. It's basic purpose is to
For your particular example it would look something like this:
public class Card
private final String name;
private final Ability soundAbility;
private final Ability animationAbility;
private final Ability customMessageAbility;
private final String technology;
// The constructor is private in this case to restrict instantiation to the builder.
private Card(CardBuilder builder)
{ =;
this.soundAbility = builder.soundAbility;
this.animationAbility = builder.animationAbility;
this.customMessageAbility = builder.customMessageAbility; =;
// Getters
public String getName()
public Ability getSoundAbility()
return this.soundAbility;
// ... More getters and stuff ...
public String toString()
String text = "";
text += + ":";
text += "\n\t" + this.soundAbility;
text += "\n\t" + this.animationAbility;
text += "\n\t" + this.customMessageAbility;
text += "\n\tI have the ability of " + + "!";
return text;
// Nested builder class
public static class CardBuilder
private final String name;
private Ability soundAbility;
private Ability animationAbility;
private Ability customMessageAbility;
private String technology;
public CardBuilder(String name)
{ = name;
public CardBuilder soundAbility(Ability soundAbility)
this.soundAbility = soundAbility;
return this;
public CardBuilder animationAbility(Ability animationAbility)
this.animationAbility = animationAbility;
return this;
public CardBuilder customMessageAbility(Ability customMessageAbility)
this.customMessageAbility = customMessageAbility;
return this;
public CardBuilder technology(String technology)
{ = technology;
return this;
public Card build()
return new Card(this);
Then to run the program:
package builderTest;
class BuilderMain
public static void main(String[] args)
// Initialize ability objects.
Ability a1 = new SoundAbility();
Ability a2 = new AnimationAbility();
Ability a3 = new CustomMessageAbility();
// Build card
Card card = new Card.CardBuilder("Birthday Card")
The output would be something along the lines of:
Birthday Card:
I have the ability of sound!
I have the ability of animation!
I have the ability of customizing messages!
I have the ability of Flash!
Keep in mind that I'm working without much context, so what you need might be significantly different.

Although previous answers are very good, there is still another way of achieve this Object creation
with very many optional fields
I found myself in similar situation when dealing with DB complexity and Command design pattern. As you know some table columns values are mandatory - some are not. I'm using this Effective Java book
for such cases.
So, useful here is the Consider a builder when faced with many constructor parameters. By doing so, you avoid
first, the Telescoping constructor pattern (does not scale well) - it works, but it is hard to write client code when there are many parameters, and harder still to read it.
second, the JavaBeans Pattern, which is good, but allows inconsistency and mandates mutability. It may be in an inconsistent state partway through its construction and precludes the possibility of making a class immutable too.
The Builder pattern as used simulates named optional parameters as found in Ada and Python.Like a constructor, a builder can impose invariants on its parameters. But it is critical that they be checked after copying the parameters from the builder to the object, and that they be checked on
the object fields rather than the builder fields.


How do I make a well designed validation for a complex collection model?

As input I have a list of Books. As output I expect a SimilarBookCollection.
A SimilarBookCollection has an author, publishYear and list of Books. The SimilarBookCollection can't be created if the author of the books is different or if the publishYear is different.
The solution so far in PHP:
$arrBook = array(...); // array of books
$objValidator = new SimilarBookCollectionValidator($arrBook);
if ($objValidator->IsValid()) {
$objSimilarBookCollection = new SimilarBookCollection($arrBook);
echo $objSimilarBookCollection->GetAuthor();
else {
echo 'Invalid input';
class SimilarBookCollection() {
public function SimilarBookCollection(array $arrBook) {
$objValidator = new SimilarBookCollectionValidator($arrBook);
if ($objValidator->IsValid()) {
throw new Exception('Invalid books to create collection');
$this->author = $arrBook[0]->GetAuthor();
$this->publishYear = $arrBook[0]->GetPublishYear();
$this->books = $arrBook;
public function GetAuthor() {
return $this->author;
public function GetPublishYear() {
return $this->publishYear;
public function GetBooks() {
return $this->books;
class SimilarBookCollectionValidator() {
public function IsValid() {
return $this->blnValid;
... //actual validation routines
The goal is to have a "special" collection with only books that have the same author and publishYear. The idea is to easily access the repeating information like author or year from the object.
How would you name the SimilarBookCollection? The current name is to
generic. Using a name like SameYearAuthorBookCollection looks a bit
long and strange(if more conditions will be added then name will increase)
Would you use a Validator in SimilarBookCollection constructor using a
defensive programming style?
Would you change the design of the code? If yes how?
It all depends ;)
So if I were to aim for a generic adaptable solution I would do the following:
Validator in constructor
On one hand you are validating twice; that is informative in case of a broken precondition/contract (not giving a valid list), but is double the code to run - for what purpose exactly?
If you want to use this in a system depends on its size, how critical it is, product phase, and likely more criterias.
But then it also is controller logic fitted into a model meaning you are spreading your code around.
I would not put it in the constructor.
Name / Design
I would say keep the BookCollection generic as it is, and have any validation strictly in the controller space, instead of bloating the collection which essentially seems to be an array with the extra field of author.
If you want to differentiate between different collection types use either (multiple) inheritance or some sort of additional field "collectionType"; the former if you expect many derivatives or varying functionality to come (also keeps the logic where different nicely separated).
You could also consider your collection as a set on which you perform queries and for convenience's sake you could maintain some sort of meta data like $AuthorCount = N, $publicationDates = array(...) from which you can quickly derive the collection's nature. This approach would also keep your validator-code minimal (or non-existent), as it'd be implicitly in the collection and you could just do the validation in the controller keeping the effective logic behind it clearly visible.
That would also make it more comfortable for you in the future. But the question really is what you want and need it for, and what changes you expect, because you are supposed to fit your design to your requirements and likely changes.
For your very particular problem the constraints as I understand are as follows:
There is only one collection type class in the system at any given
point in time.
The class's items have several attributes, and for a particular, possibly changing subset of these (called identical attributes), the collection only accepts item lists where the chosen attributes of all items are identical.
The class provides getters for all identical attributes
The class must not be usable in any other way than the intended way.
If not for point 1 I would use a generic base class that is either parametrized (ie you tell it upon instantiation which is the set of identical attributes) or uses multiple inheritance (or in php traits) to compose arbitrary combinations with the needed interfaces. Children might rely on the base class but use a predefined subset of the identical attributes.
The parametrized variant might look something as follows:
class BookCollection {
public function __construct($book_list, $identical_fields=array())
if (empty($book_list))
throw new EmptyCollectionException("Empty book list");
$default = $book_list[0];
$this->ia = array();
foreach($identical_fields as $f)
$this->ia[$f] = $default->$f;
foreach($book_list as $book)
foreach($identical_fields as $f)
if ($this->ia[$f] !== $book->$f)
throw new NotIdenticalFieldException("Field $f is not identical for all");
$this->book_list = $book_list;
public function getIdentical($key)
final class BC_by_Author extends BookCollection{
public function __construct($book_list)
public function getAuthor(){ $this->ia['author']; }
or fooling around with abstract and final types (not sure if it's valid like this)
abstract class BookCollection{
public final function __construct($book_list){...}
abstract public function getIdenticalAttributes();
final class BC_by_Author {
public function getIdenticalAttributes(){ return array('author'); }
public function getAuthor(){ return $this->ia['author']; }
If you rely on getters that do not necessarily match the field names I would go for multiple inheritance/traits.
The naming then would be something like BC_Field1Field2Field3.
Alternatively or additionally, you could also use exactly the same classname but develop your solutions in different namespaces, which would mean you wouldn't have to change your code when you change the namespace, plus you can keep it short in the controllers.
But because there will only ever be one class, I would name it BookCollection and not unnecessarily discuss it any further.
Because of constraint 4, the white box constraint, the given book list must be validated by the class itself, ie in the constructor.

Which class does a better 'Separation of Concerns'

I have this class, which creates a document and saves it:
public class DocCreator
private IDocumentStore _documentStore;
public DocCreator(IDocumentStore documentStore)
_documentStore = documentStore;
public void CreateAndSave()
var doc = new Document();
doc.Title = "this is a title";
doc.Content = whateverStream;
doc.Hash = CalculateHash(doc.Content);
//[do more things to create a doc]
I think it's decent, as the code to save things is hidden in DocumentStore. But we can take it one step further, and remove the call _documentStore.PersistToDisk(doc); to another class, like this:
public class DocCreatorWorkflow
private IDocumentStore _documentStore;
public DocCreatorWorkflow(IDocumentStore documentStore)
_documentStore = documentStore;
public void CreateAndSave()
var docCreator = new DocCreator();
var doc = docCreator.Create();
In the example above I've created another class, which calls two lower classes, and so becomes responsible for the 'workflow'. It might be cleaner, but it also complicates things more. Doesn't it?
Or should I always go for the second option?
I would go with Option 2. You would need to modify the DocCreatorClass, though, since it is no longer responsible for saving it to disk:
public static class DocCreatorClass
public static Document Create()
Document doc = new Document();
// Property assignment code here.
return doc;
It would be static so that you would not need to instantiate a DocCreatorClass. I would also create separate functions for Create and Save in the DocCreatorWorkflow class:
public class DocCreatorWorkflow
public IDocumentStore _documentStore;
public DocCreateWorkflow(IDocumentStore documentStore)
public void Document Create()
return DocCreatorClass.Create();
public void Save(Document doc)
public void CreateAndSave()
This way, you don't always have to immediately save to disk the newly-created document. CreateAndSave() would be a convenience function that calls both Save() and Create() inside it, in case your program wants to immediately save a new document often enough.
This type of design is definitely more coding which may come across as more complicated. In the long run, it's easier to look at and maintain because each function does only one thing.
I personally stick with (most of the time, since there may be exceptions) the one class, one responsibility rule. This makes it easier to locate a part of your project when you notice that a functionality doesn't work. When you work on fixing it, you can be rest assured that the rest of your application (the other tasks, thus classes) is untouched. For functions, I like to create them in such a way that within a class, no code blocks will be repeated in two or more different places. This way, you won't have to hunt down all of those identical code blocks to update.
Option two looks better, based on the information available (although there might be other info that may change this judgement).
But, in general, how do you determine which one is better? I think, it is better to start with conceptualizing the concerns, at first, without involving the code. For example, in this case, in my opinion, there are three concerns. 1) creating a document 2) persisting a document 3) performing the logic (some unit of work) that involves creating and saving a document. The key point is, that this third concern is separate from the first two. Neither DocCreator, nor DocumentStore, know that they are being called in this way, or some other way for that matter. Hence, it is not their concern.

Monkey Patching in C#

Is it possible to extend or modify the code of a C# class at runtime?
My question specifically revolves around Monkey Patching / Duck Punching or Meta Object Programming (MOP), as it happens in scripting languages such as Groovy, Ruby etc.
For those still stumbling on this question in the present day, there is indeed a present-day library called Harmony that relatively-straightforwardly enables such monkey-patching at runtime. Its focus is on video game modding (particularly games built with Unity), but there ain't much stopping folks from using it outside of that use case.
Copying the example from their introduction, if you have an existing class like so:
public class SomeGameClass
public bool isRunning;
public int counter;
private int DoSomething()
if (isRunning)
return counter * 10;
Then Harmony can patch it like so:
using HarmonyLib;
using Intro_SomeGame;
public class MyPatcher
// make sure DoPatching() is called at start either by
// the mod loader or by your injector
public static void DoPatching()
var harmony = new Harmony("com.example.patch");
class Patch01
static AccessTools.FieldRef<SomeGameClass, bool> isRunningRef =
AccessTools.FieldRefAccess<SomeGameClass, bool>("isRunning");
static bool Prefix(SomeGameClass __instance, ref int ___counter)
isRunningRef(__instance) = true;
if (___counter > 100)
return false;
___counter = 0;
return true;
static void Postfix(ref int __result)
__result *= 2;
Here, we have a "prefix" patch which gets inserted before the original method runs, allowing us to set variables within the method, set fields on the method's class, or even skip the original method entirely. We also have a "postfix" patch which gets inserted after the original method runs, and can manipulate things like the return value.
Obviously this ain't quite as nice as the sorts of monkey-patching you can do in e.g. Ruby, and there are a lot of caveats that might hinder its usefulness depending on your use case, but in those situations where you really do need to alter methods, Harmony's a pretty proven approach to doing so.
Is it possible to extend or modify the code of a C# class at run-time?
No it is not possible to do this in .NET. You could write derived classes and override methods (if they are virtual) but you cannot modify an existing class. Just imagine if what you were asking was possible: you could modify the behavior of some existing system classes like System.String.
You may also take a look at Extension methods to add functionality to an existing class.
You can add functionality, but you cannot change or remove functionality.
You can extend classes by adding extra methods, but you cannot override them because added methods have always lower priority than existing ones.
For more info, check Extension Methods in C# Programming Guide.

How to simplify this code or a better design?

I am developing a game, the game have different mode. Easy, Normal, and Difficult.
So, I'm thinking about how to store the game mode. My first idea is using number to represent the difficulty.
Easy = 0 Normal = 1 Difficult = 2
So, my code will have something like this:
case 0:
case 1:
case 3:
But I think it have some problems, if I add a new mode, for example, "Extreme", I need to add case 4... ... it seems not a gd design.
So, I am thinking making a gameMode object, and different gameMode is sub class of the super class gameMode.
The gameMode object is something like this:
class GameMode{
int maxEnemyNumber;
int maxWeaponNumber;
public static GameMode init(){
GameMode gm = GameMode();
gm.maxEnemyNumber = 0;
gm.maxWeaponNumber = 0;
return gm;
class EasyMode extends GameMode{
public static GameMode init(){
GameMode gm = super.init();
gm.maxEnemyNumber = 10;
gm.maxWeaponNumber = 100;
return gm;
class NormalMode extends GameMode{
public static GameMode init(){
GameMode gm = super.init();
gm.maxEnemyNumber = 20;
gm.maxWeaponNumber = 80;
return gm;
But I think it seems too "bulky" to create an object to store gameMode, my "gameMode" only store different variables for game settings.... Is that any simple way to store data only instead of making an Object? thz u.
I think you are trying to represent a table of configuration data. Either put this in a configuration file if you're using a language that supports that, or use literal data in your code.
For instance, you might write this in C:
typedef enum difficulties {
} difficulties;
struct {
int max_enemies;
int max_weapons;
} difficulty_settings[] = {
{10, 4},
{20, 5},
{30, 6}
And when you want to read a particular setting, for example max_enemies for the easy level, then you can writedifficulty_settings[DIFFICULTY_EASY].max_enemies
It's easy to add more configuration (either more parameters, or more difficulty levels) by extending the table.
The overriding goal you should have here is to centralize the logic for retrieving the values related to different levels. By providing one place where these values are stored, you minimize the number of places within the code you need to change if you add another level, add other values, etc.
A class interface is a good choice for this solution. However, if you have a limited number of configuration options represented by the class, there is no reason you need to use inheritance. You can start out with a single class that encapsulates the logic. If the rest of your code retrieves its settings via the class interface you can later introduce a more complex design, such as subclasses for each mode, if it becomes necessary with limited modifications to the rest of your game.
For example, a first implementation may be something like
enum mode {
class gameSettings {
public gameSettings(mode GameMode) {
m_mode = GameMode;
public int getMaxWeaponNumber() {
int maxWeaponNumber;
switch(m_mode) {
maxWeaponNumber = 100;
// Other mode settings.
return maxWeaponNumber;
// Other game settings....
private mode m_mode;
This combines the straightforwardness of a switch() statement with the benefits of a class interface. You can also swap out your switch() statement with a lookup table, as suggested by another poster, or some other mechanism as appropriate for your application.
I don't know java (which is what your examples look like), so I present my ideas in some simple C#.
Here is an idea. Use your game mode as a flag instead. If you start with:
enum GameModes
Unknown = 0,
ModeA = 1,
ModeB = 2,
ModeC = 4,
Now you have levels 1-7 available.
GameModes Difficulty = GameModes.ModeA | GameModes.ModeB; // difficulty = 3
GameModes Difficulty = GameModes.ModeB; // difficulty = 2
In addition, either method you showed will require you to add more options should levels (modes) change, get added, etc. Have your mode templates read in from XML (or other source of your choice), save the mode data into a serializable class. I don't think you should need base class extended by anything.
Use the switch approach in the constructor of your GameMode class.
Besides some syntax issues, I think you're on the right track. I don't think you have to worry about memory, considering there is probably only one mode at once. This is a form of the strategy pattern. You could extend it so the modes do more. For instance, instead of basically just holding constants, perhaps there could be a generateEnemies method that actually creates a set or list of enemies. This moves more of the strategy into the mode object. Sane defaults in the superclass can help avoid redundant code.
Its difficult to say what kind of refactoring could be done here, as there is too less information about other classes. But you could check the State pattern which encapsulates different behaviours in different state objects. Your approach of extending a base GameMode class is very similar to the state pattern. I think it's better than a switch-case-block... and patterns are reliable ways of doing things, if well applied.
Why do you think the switch is harder to mantain? If you add another mode you will have to add code, no matter what solution you employ.
The only case I can think of where you don't have to add code if you add another mode is if you generate the parameters of the game from the value of gameMode.
For instance: maxenemy = 5 * gameMode;
I think that unless you have very complicated initialisation to perform a switch is more than sufficient. I know, I know, objects and classes are nice and all that jazz, but if you just have to define a few vars and the thing works, investing time in developing a complex game mode class may not be a rewarding solution after all (I mean, how many game modes are you planning to add?).
Make use of the strategy pattern.
In Java terms:
public interface Strategy {
void execute();
public class SomeStrategy implements Strategy {
public void execute() {
System.out.println("Some logic.");
which you use as follows:
Map<String, Strategy> strategies = new HashMap<String, Strategy>();
strategies.put("strategyName1", new SomeStrategy1());
strategies.put("strategyName2", new SomeStrategy2());
strategies.put("strategyName3", new SomeStrategy3());
// ...

Do write-only properties have practical applications?

I don't know why I started thinking about this, but now I can't seem to stop.
In C# - and probably a lot of other languages, I remember that Delphi used to let you do this too - it's legal to write this syntax:
class WeirdClass
private void Hello(string name)
Console.WriteLine("Hello, {0}!", name);
public string Name
set { Hello(name); }
In other words, the property has a setter but no getter, it's write-only.
I guess I can't think of any reason why this should be illegal, but I've never actually seen it in the wild, and I've seen some pretty brilliant/horrifying code in the wild. It seems like a code smell; it seems like the compiler should be giving me a warning:
CS83417: Property 'Name' appears to be completely useless and stupid. Bad programmer! Consider replacing with a method.
But maybe I just haven't been doing this long enough, or have been working in too narrow a field to see any examples of the effective use of such a construct.
Are there real-life examples of write-only properties that either cannot be replaced by straight method calls or would become less intuitive?
My first reaction to this question was: "What about the java.util.Random#setSeed method?"
I think that write-only properties are useful in several scenarios. For example, when you don't want to expose the internal representation (encapsulation), while allowing to change the state of the object. java.util.Random is a very good example of such design.
Code Analysis (aka FxCop) does give you a diagnostic:
CA1044 : Microsoft.Design : Because
property 'WeirdClass.Name' is write-only,
either add a property getter with an
accessibility that is greater than or
equal to its setter or convert this
property into a method.
Write-only properties are actually quite useful, and I use them frequently. It's all about encapsulation -- restricting access to an object's components. You often need to provide one or more components to a class that it needs to use internally, but there's no reason to make them accessible to other classes. Doing so just makes your class more confusing ("do I use this getter or this method?"), and more likely that your class can be tampered with or have its real purpose bypassed.
See "Why getter and setter methods are evil" for an interesting discussion of this. I'm not quite as hardcore about it as the writer of the article, but I think it's a good thing to think about. I typically do use setters but rarely use getters.
I have code similar to the following in an XNA project. As you can see, Scale is write-only, it is useful and (reasonably) intuitive and a read property (get) would not make sense for it. Sure it could be replaced with a method, but I like the syntax.
public class MyGraphicalObject
public double ScaleX { get; set; }
public double ScaleY { get; set; }
public double ScaleZ { get; set; }
public double Scale { set { ScaleX = ScaleY = ScaleZ = value; } }
// more...
One use for a write-only property is to support setter dependency injection, which is typically used for optional parameters.
Let's say I had a class:
public class WhizbangService {
public WhizbangProvider Provider { set; private get; }
The WhizbangProvider is not intended to be accessed by the outside world. I'd never want to interact with service.Provider, it's too complex. I need a class like WhizbangService to act as a facade. Yet with the setter, I can do something like this:
service.Provider = new FireworksShow();
And the service starts a fireworks display. Or maybe you'd rather see a water and light show:
service.Provider = new FountainDisplay(new StringOfLights(), 20, UnitOfTime.Seconds);
And so on....
This becomes especially useful if the property is defined in a base class. If you chose construction injection for this property, you'd need to write a constructor overload in any derived class.
public abstract class DisplayService {
public WhizbangProvider Provider { set; private get; }
public class WhizbangService : DisplayService { }
Here, the alternative with constructor injection is:
public abstract class DisplayService {
public WhizbangProvider Provider;
protected DisplayService(WhizbangProvider provider) {
Provider = provider ?? new DefaultProvider();
public class WhizbangService : DisplayService {
public WhizbangService(WhizbangProvider provider)
: base(provider)
{ }
This approach is messier in my opinion, because you need to some of the internal workings of the class, specifically, that if you pass null to the constructor, you'll get a reasonable default.
In MVP pattern it is common to write a property with a setter on the view (no need for a getter) - whenever the presenter sets it content the property will use that value to update some UI element.
See here for a small demonstration:
public partial class ShowMeTheTime : Page, ICurrentTimeView
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
CurrentTimePresenter presenter = new CurrentTimePresenter(this);
public DateTime CurrentTime
set { lblCurrentTime.Text = value.ToString(); }
The presenter InitView method simply sets the property's value:
public void InitView()
view.CurrentTime = DateTime.Now;
Making something write-only is usefulwhenever you're not supposed to read what you write.
For example, when drawing things onto the screen (this is precisely what the Desktop Window Manager does in Windows):
You can certainly draw to a screen, but you should never need to read back the data (let alone expect to get the same design as before).
Now, whether write-only properties are useful (as opposed to methods), I'm not sure how often they're used. I suppose you could imagine a situation with a "BackgroundColor" property, where writing to it sets the background color of the screen, but reading makes no sense (necessarily).
So I'm not sure about that part, but in general I just wanted to point out that there are use cases for situations in which you only write data, and never read it.
Although the .NET design guidelines recommend using a method ("SetMyWriteOnlyParameter") instead of a write-only property, I find write-only properties useful when creating linked objects from a serialised representation (from a database).
Our application represents oil-field production systems. We have the system as a whole (the "Model" object) and various Reservoir, Well, Node, Group etc objects.
The Model is created and read from database first - the other objects need to know which Model they belong to. However, the Model needs to know which lower object represents the Sales total. It makes sense for this information to be stored a Model property. If we do not want to have to do two reads of Model information, we need to be able to read the name of Sales object before its creation. Then, subsequently, we set the "SalesObject" variable to point to the actual object (so that, e.g., any change by the user of the name of this object does not cause problems)
We prefer to use a write-only property - 'SalesObjectName = "TopNode"' - rather than a method - 'SetSalesObjectName("TopNode") - because it seems to us that the latter suggests that the SalesObject exists.
This is a minor point, but enough to make us want to use a Write-Only property.
As far as I'm concerned, they don't. Every time I've used a write-only property as a quick hack I have later come to regret it. Usually I end up with a constructor or a full property.
Of course I'm trying to prove a negative, so maybe there is something I'm missing.
I can't stop thinking about this, either. I have a use case for a "write-only" property. I can't see good way out of it.
I want to construct a C# attribute that derives from AuthorizeAttribute for an ASP.NET MVC app. I have a service (say, IStore) that returns information that helps decide if the current user should be authorized. Constructor Injection won't work, becuase
public AllowedAttribute: AuthorizeAttribute
public AllowedAttribute(IStore store) {...}
private IStore Store { get; set; }
makes store a positional attribute parameter, but IStore is not a valid attribute parameter type, and the compiler won't build code that is annotated with it. I am forced to fall back on Property Setter Injection.
public AllowedAttribute: AuthorizeAttribute
[Inject] public IStore Store { private get; set; }
Along with all the other bad things about Property Setter instead of Constructor Injection, the service is a write-only property. Bad enough that I have to expose the setter to clients that shouldn't need to know about the implementation detail. It wouldn't do anybody any favors to let clients see the getter, too.
I think that the benefit of Dependency Injection trumps the guidelines against write-only properties for this scenario, unless I am missing something.
I just came across that situation when writing a program that reads data from a JSON database (Firebase). It uses Newtonsoft's Json.NET to populate the objects. The data are read-only, i.e., once loaded they won't change. Also, the objects are only deserialized and won't be serialized again. There may be better ways, but this solution just looks reasonable for me.
using Newtonsoft.Json;
// ...
public class SomeDatabaseClass
// JSON object contains a date-time field as string
public string ExpirationString
// Needs a custom parser to handle special date-time formats
Expiration = Resources.CustomParseDateTime(value);
// But this is what the program will effectively use.
// DateTime.MaxValue is just a default value
public DateTime Expiration { get; private set; } = DateTime.MaxValue;
// ...
No, I can' imagine any case where they can't be replaced, though there might people who consider them to be more readable.
Hypothetical case:
CommunicationDevice.Response = "Hello, World"
instead of
CommunicationDevice.SendResponse("Hello, World")
The major job would be to perform IO side-effects or validation.
Interestingly, VB .NET even got it's own keyword for this weird kind of property ;)
Public WriteOnly Property Foo() As Integer
Set(value As Integer)
' ... '
End Set
End Property
even though many "write-only" properties from outside actually have a private getter.
I recently worked on an application that handled passwords. (Note that I'm not claiming that the following is a good idea; I'm just describing what I did.)
I had a class, HashingPassword, which contained a password. The constructor took a password as an argument and stored it in a private attribute. Given one of these objects, you could either acquire a salted hash for the password, or check the password against a given salted hash. There was, of course, no way to retrieve the password from a HashingPassword object.
So then I had some other object, I don't remember what it was; let's pretend it was a password-protected banana. The Banana class had a set-only property called Password, which created a HashingPassword from the given value and stored it in a private attribute of Banana. Since the password attribute of HashingPassword was private, there was no way to write a getter for this property.
So why did I have a set-only property called Password instead of a method called SetPassword? Because it made sense. The effect was, in fact, to set the password of the Banana, and if I wanted to set the password of a Banana object, I would expect to do that by setting a property, not by calling a method.
Using a method called SetPassword wouldn't have had any major disadvantages. But I don't see any significant advantages, either.
I know this has been here for a long time, but I came across it and have a valid (imho) use-case:
When you post parameters to a webapi call from ajax, you can simply try to fill out the parameters class' properties and include validation or whatsoever.
public int MyFancyWepapiMethod([FromBody]CallParams p) {
return p.MyIntPropertyForAjax.HasValue ? p.MyIntPropertyForAjax.Value : 42;
public class CallParams
public int? MyIntPropertyForAjax;
public object TryMyIntPropertyForAjax
try { MyIntPropertyForAjax = Convert.ToInt32(value); }
catch { MyIntPropertyForAjax = null; }
On JavaScript side you can simply fill out the parameters including validation:
var callparameter = {
TryMyIntPropertyForAjax = 23
which is safe in this example, but if you handle userinput it might be not sure that you have a valid intvalue or something similar.