SharePoint webparts requesting information prior to load - sharepoint-2010

Here is how it works:
Filter web part sends row of data to all other webparts on the page.
It's control is rendered at load time, rendering the control selects which row is sent back to the other webparts on the page.
This causes the issue on the first page load where the other webparts will request the row from provider before it has finished loading and therefore has no information to provide yet.
The only solution (which is really ugly, slow and horrible) is to run all of the code that would be run in the control class the webpart uses in the webpart's constructor and use it to predict what values the control will have on the first run. This also leads to a whole bunch of issues with deploying that I really would rather avoid.
Here's the webpart code:
public class FilterProjectHeader : WebPart, IWebPartRow
// Visual Studio might automatically update this path when you change the Visual Web Part project item.
private const string _ascxPath = #"[link goes here]";
public DataRowView data;
public DataTable table;
private FilterProjectHeaderUserControl control;
public FilterProjectHeader()
//Code I want to avoid using:
//var web = SPContext.Current.Web;
//table = web.Lists["foo"].Items.GetDataTable();
//data = foo();
protected override void CreateChildControls()
control = Page.LoadControl(_ascxPath) as FilterProjectHeaderUserControl;
control.provider = this;
public PropertyDescriptorCollection Schema
return TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(table.DefaultView[0]);
public IWebPartRow GetConnectionInterface()
return this;
public void GetRowData(RowCallback callback)
And for the control:
public partial class FilterProjectHeaderUserControl : UserControl
public FilterProjectHeader provider { get; set; }
private String _selectedValue;
//Both OnLoad and OnInit have the same result.
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
//This is what gets run the first time:
if (!IsPostBack)
//Code here finds data then sends it back to webpart like this:
//All of the code in this method definitely does run; I have stepped
//through it and it works but it seems to happen too late to have any
//effect. = item;
provider.table = profilesTable;
protected void filterDropDown_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Post back method code exempted... it works. = item;
provider.table = profilesTable;

So after a lot of time working with this, I found the issue is actually with what Microsoft recommends to do as best practice (they say to always use CreateChildControls to load controls onto the page).
CreateChildControls runs AFTER OnLoad when it is the first time a page is loading, but runs BEFORE OnLoad on a repost.
This is why it works on reposts, but not on first page load.
Switching CreateChildControls to OnInit solves the problem, because OnInit will always run before OnLoad.


.Net Maui Shell Navigation - Is it possible to pass a Query Parameter and Auto Populate a Page?

I need to auto populate a Page by passing a Shell Navigation Parameter to a ViewModel/Method and call a Service to return a single record from a Web Service. Essentially a drill-through page. My issue is that I need to call the data retrieveal command, "GetFieldPerformanceAsync" (note [ICommand] converts this to "GetFieldPerformanceCommand") from the "To" Page's code-behind from within OnNavigatedTo. This is required since the Shell Navigation Parameter is not set in the ViewModel until the Page is loaded. I'm currently unable to make the Command call from OnNavigatedTo and need advice on how to accomplish this.
Code behind the Page:
public partial class FieldPerformancePage : ContentPage
public FieldPerformancePage(FieldPerformanceViewModel viewModel)
BindingContext = viewModel;
//works with parameter hard-coded in ViewModel
FieldPerformanceViewModel viewModel;
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigatedToEventArgs args)
//this does not work
namespace TrackMate.ViewModels;
[QueryProperty(nameof(FieldAssignedWbs), nameof(FieldAssignedWbs))]
public partial class FieldPerformanceViewModel : BaseViewModel
FieldAssignedWbs fieldAssignedWbs;
FieldPerformance fieldPerformance;
FieldPerformanceService fieldPerformanceService;
public FieldPerformanceViewModel(FieldPerformanceService fieldStatusService)
Title = "Status";
this.fieldPerformanceService = fieldStatusService;
async Task GetFieldPerformanceAsync()
if (IsBusy)
IsBusy = true;
int wbsId = fieldAssignedWbs.WbsId;
var fieldPerformanceList = await fieldPerformanceService.GetFieldPerformanceList(wbsId);
if (fieldPerformanceList.Count != 0)
FieldPerformance = fieldPerformanceList.First();
catch (Exception ex)
await Shell.Current.DisplayAlert("Error!",
$"Undable to return records: {ex.Message}", "OK");
IsBusy = false;
I believe I figured it out...
By adding ViewModel Binding within the OnNavigatedTo method in the "DetailsPage" Code Behind, a Command Call can be made to the Page's ViewModel to execute data retrieval method after the Shell Navigation Parameter (object in this scenario) passed from the "Main" Page has been set. Note a null is passed since the Query Parameter is sourced from the ViewModel. If you are new to .Net Maui, as I am, I recommend James Montemagno's video on .Net Maui Shell Navigation.
namespace TrackMate.Views;
public partial class FieldPerformancePage : ContentPage
public FieldPerformancePage(FieldPerformanceViewModel viewModel)
BindingContext = viewModel;
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigatedToEventArgs args)
FieldPerformanceViewModel viewModel = (FieldPerformanceViewModel)BindingContext;
For me it only worked when the BindingContext assignment is before the component initialization and the method call after the base call in OnNavigatedTo
public partial class OccurrencePage : ContentPage
public OccurrencePage(OccurrenceViewModel model)
BindingContext = model;
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigatedToEventArgs args)
OccurrenceViewModel viewModel = (OccurrenceViewModel)BindingContext;
While overriding OnNavigatedTo works fine, there is one more simple technique to run something once your query param is set, given you do not need to run anything asynchronous inside the method: implementing partial method OnFieldAssignedWbsChanged, auto-generated for your convenience by mvvm toolkit
partial void OnFieldAssignedWbsChanged(FieldAssignedWbs value)
// run synchronous post query param set actions here
Less amount of code and less code-behind and viewModel dependencies, but works fine for non-async operations only.

.Net Maui MVVM - What is the best approach to populating a CollectionView upon a Page/View opening?

I'm new to .Net Maui but have completed James Montemagno's 4 hour Workshop. Included in the Workshop was:
Creating a Page with a CollectionView
Creating a ViewModel
Creating an async method which calls a data service to retrieve data
Configuring the async method as a ICommand
Binding the data model list to the CollectionView
Binding the Command to a Button
Clicking the button works and populates the CollectionView. How would I go about removing the button and performing this action when the page opens? Note I tried modifying the method by removing the "[ICommand]" which did not work. Also, should this action be done in the Code Behind or in the ViewModel?
Thanks in advance for assistance!
public partial class FieldAssignedWbsViewModel : BaseViewModel
FieldAssignedWbsService fieldAssignedWbsService;
public ObservableCollection<FieldAssignedWbs> WbsList { get; set; } = new();
public FieldAssignedWbsViewModel(FieldAssignedWbsService fieldAssignedWbsService)
Title = "Wbs Assigned";
this.fieldAssignedWbsService = fieldAssignedWbsService;
async Task GetFieldAssignedWbsListAsync()
if (IsBusy)
IsBusy = true;
var wbsList = await fieldAssignedWbsService.GetFieldAssignedWbsList();
if (WbsList.Count != 0)
foreach (var wbs in wbsList)
catch (Exception ex)
await Shell.Current.DisplayAlert("Error!",
$"Undable to get monkeys: {ex.Message}", "OK");
IsBusy = false;
(CollectionView Binding)
<CollectionView BackgroundColor="Transparent"
ItemsSource="{Binding WbsList}"
(Code behind page with incorrect call to Command Method)
public partial class FieldAssignedWbsPage : ContentPage
public FieldAssignedWbsPage(FieldAssignedWbsViewModel viewModel)
BindingContext = viewModel;
//The following call does not work
//Hover message: Non-invocable member... cannot be called like a method
await viewModel.GetFieldAssignedWbsListCommand();
Although the original answer is very valid, I'd recommend installing the CommunityToolkit.Maui (by Microsoft), then using its EventToCommand features.
After installing, add builder.UseMauiCommunityToolkit() to CreateMauiApp() method in MauiProgram.cs.
Then, in relevant XAML page, add this namespace xmlns:toolkit="" and then you should be able to use this block of code to do what you want:
Command="{Binding GetFieldAssignedWbsListCommand}" />
Sorry that this is a bit late, I just believe that it is a slightly cleaner solution as it avoids populating the code-behind with any code and keeps UI handling purely between the viewmodel and the view.
use OnAppearing. You may also need to make the GetFieldAssignedWbsList public
protected override async void OnAppearing()
await viewModel.GetFieldAssignedWbsListCommand.Execute(null);

Save option in RCP Product

Iam developing a RCP application which consists of views and editors. I can change the values and edit the values of some parameters in editor. When a value has been changed, i need to make the editor dirty as well as would also like to enable the save button. Till now, i have not implemented my save button. Could anyone guide me how to make the save button enabled as well as how can i make an editor dirty when some modifications happen in editor.
Thanks in advance. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Here is an overview of the Form editor logic, hop it will help you.
public class TestEditor extends FormEditor {
protected void addPages() {
// this method is called when the editor is being created
// to add the necessary pages
// page classes should be like following
// class TestEditorPage extends FormPage
try {
TestEditorPage pageTest = new TestEditorPage(this);
} catch (PartInitException e) {
public void doSave(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
// this method will be called on save action
// (or Ctrl + s shortcut)
public void doSaveAs() {
// this method will be called on save-as
//call (or Ctrl + Shift + s shortcut)
public boolean isSaveAsAllowed() {
// put here the call to the logic that
// check if the save is allowed
return true;
public boolean isDirty() {
// Here the call for the logic that
// defines if the editor is dirty or not
return true;

DelegateCommand creation, in Constructor or in Property

I've seen multiple examples of DelegateCommands being created in either the constructor or within the property itself. I'm wondering if there is any advantage of doing it in the constructor as I've been doing it within the property to keep track of it easier.
(Using Prism, Silverlight4 and SimpleMVVM Toolkit in my case)
private DelegateCommand _cmdLogin;
public DelegateCommand CmdLogin
if (_cmdLogin == null)
_cmdLogin = new DelegateCommand(this.Login, this.CanLogIn);
return _cmdLogin;
public LoginViewModel()
this.LoginCommand = new DelegateCommand(this.Login, this.CanLogin);
public DelegateCommand LoginCommand { get; set; }
I have had the same thought as you Suiko6272 on this.
I ended up going with your second solution in the end. however i did use this mechanism in my property gets for quite a while
private DelegateCommand _cmdLogin;
public DelegateCommand CmdLogin
get { return _cmdLogin??(_cmdLogin = new DelegateCommand(this.Login, this.CanLogIn));}
The above code lazy loads the delegatecommand and is only 1 line of code.
I ended up going with your second solution because it is the clearest/easiest for other coders to read.

Setting internal properties in composite WF4 Activities at design time

I want to create a composite Windows Workflow Activity (under .NET 4) that contains a predefined ReceiveAndSendReply Activity. Some of the properties are predefined, but others (particularly ServiceContractName) need to be set in the designer.
I could implement this as an Activity Template (the same way ReceiveAndSendReply is implemented), but would rather not. If I later change the template, I'd have to update all previously created workflows manually. A template would also permit other developers to change properties that should be fixed.
Is there a way to do this from a Xaml Activity? I have not found a way to assign an Argument value to a property of an embedded Activity. If not, what technique would you suggest?
I haven't done this using a composite XAML activity and am getting some errors when I try but doing so through a NativeActivity is no problem. See the example code below.
public class MyReceiveAndSendReply : NativeActivity
private Receive _receive;
private SendReply _sendReply;
public string ServiceContractName { get; set; }
public string OperationName { get; set; }
protected override bool CanInduceIdle
get { return true; }
protected override void CacheMetadata(NativeActivityMetadata metadata)
_receive = _receive ?? new Receive();
_sendReply = _sendReply ?? new SendReply();
_receive.CanCreateInstance = true;
_receive.ServiceContractName = ServiceContractName;
_receive.OperationName = OperationName;
var args = new ReceiveParametersContent();
args.Parameters["firstName"] = new OutArgument<string>();
_receive.Content = args;
_sendReply.Request = _receive;
var results = new SendParametersContent();
results.Parameters["greeting"] = new InArgument<string>("Hello there");
_sendReply.Content = results;
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
context.ScheduleActivity(_receive, ReceiveCompleted);
private void ReceiveCompleted(NativeActivityContext context, ActivityInstance completedInstance)