FUSE - Camel visual designer plugin for eclipse clears routes on Saving - eclipse-plugin

I have installed Jboss Integration stack fuse camel editor and created a sample camel route,
<camelContext trace="false" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
Now when I add and endpoint or any node through source/design view as,
<camelContext trace="false" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
<from uri=""/>
And save with Ctrl+S the routes and nodes are cleared. And empty camel context is left out. Is this a bug or anyway of getting around it?
Please suggest some tips to get around or any other good tools to work with Camel for Visual tooling

This is a known issue which is caused by the try to save an invalid route. Please see FUSETOOLS-1085 to follow the issue. The problem is that we consider a route with only an input as invalid atm. Therefore it is not saved. But don't worry, that will be fixed soon. Meanwhile you can work around that by simply always connecting nodes. That means in your case you should just add another node and connect both.
I am sorry for the inconvenience.


Purpose of localConnector-1.0 feature in Websphere server with IntelliJ

I was following a tutorial for setting up a WebSphere Liberty Server Here and didn't really know what a part of the tutorial did. I completed the tutorial and it works fine.
On step 3 it has me modify the server.xml with these two lines and I dont really know what they do.
<applicationMonitor updateTrigger="mbean" />
I Found the documentation for localConnector-1.0 but its a little over my head
I think localConnector allows IntelliJ to run the server somehow but i dont know what updateTrigger="mbean" does.
If anyone has an explanation that would be great. Thanks!
The localConnector-1.0 feature enables the local JMX connector on Liberty so that the JMX Client (IntelliJ) can connect to and administer Liberty.
You can find more documentation on the feature here: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSEQTP_liberty/com.ibm.websphere.wlp.doc/ae/twlp_admin_localconnector.html
updateTrigger="mbean" is setting the application updates to only occur when trigger by an mbean call (whereas the default is to poll for changes).
You can find more documentation here:

Can't get cache when security protection level is set to unsafe

I'm testing the AppFabric cache feature in my website deployed from ASP.net MVC 4. In the web.config of my website, if I set the security level to anything except no security (None/None), like this
<securityProperties mode="Transport" protectionLevel="EncryptAndSign" />
then, getting cache from the method below will throw exception,
Also, in the PowerShell Cache Management, I've already set the protection level to the same level (Transport/EncryptAndSign).
But getting cache still failed.
Exception message is as following,
ErrorCode(ERRCA0017):SubStatus(ES0006):There is a temporary failure. Please retry later. (One or more specified cache servers are unavailable... )
The situation only happens in my deployed website. But if I run my website in Visual Studio debug mode, cache would response successfully no matter what the security level is set to.
OK! I finally solved the tricky issue. This tough thing nearly made me contribute my 50 bounties (almost half) !
After some survey, I found the first clue,
Security Error in APPFabric when changed the security mode from None to Transport?
(Note, I can't easily google it out from some keywords, but the result I want was easily dug out from Msdn AppFabric Cache forum. I thought google search can help me to find any answer.)
I got the same exception message as the first link. But Rahul's answer didn't work. However, Rahul's link revealed a second clue, that is, use Tracelog.exe to track the connection problem.
From the track log in Event Viewer, I found there are some error events saying my server's authority isn't accessible, so I searched in the third clue, Cache Administration PowerShell commands for setting permission in PowerShell.
In the third clue, thank the author, mark_og who really saved me ! You taught us how to set the permission in IIS like this,
Grant-CacheAllowedClientAccount "IIS APPPOOL\[AppPoolName]"
it's the key answer which solves my problem !

mule 3.3.1 threading profile

I use mule 3.3.1 CE .
I see that UDP connector is not receiving the traffic with the following threading profile settings
<udp:connector name="udpConnector" receiveBufferSize="1024" sendBufferSize="1024">
<receiver-threading-profile maxThreadsActive="5" maxBufferSize="5"/>
The issue stays the same when I moved it up to the configuration level
<default-receiver-threading-profile maxThreadsActive="5" maxBufferSize="5"/>
<udp:connector name="udpConnector" receiveBufferSize="1024" sendBufferSize="1024"/>
However , mule starts receiving traffic with out threading profile settings
<udp:connector name="udpConnector" receiveBufferSize="1024" sendBufferSize="1024"/>
I am not sure if the issue is specific with mule 3.3.1.
any help is much appreciated
I had a bug raised about something similar before. There is a bug when defining the values for maxBufferSize and poolExhaustedAction in the threading profile configuration without defining the "maxThreadsIdle" attribute.
However if you set the maxThreadsIdle to any value higher than 1 in your threading profile the problem should be solved. This could be the same issue.

Does ActiveMQ always require the KahaDB library, even when using JDBC persistence?

I'm trying to set up the following broker using JDBC persistence:
<amq:broker id="activeMQBroker" brokerName="activeMQBroker" useJmx="false" persistent="true">
<amq:transportConnector name="vm" uri="vm://activeMQBroker" />
<amq:jdbcPersistenceAdapter dataSource="#dataSource" />
On startup, I get:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/kahadb/page/Transaction$Closure
If I add the KahaDB JAR to the classpath, all is well and the ActiveMQ database tables get created (in Postgres). I'd rather not have this additional dependency, though, since I'm not using it.
Any idea why ActiveMQ is still looking for KahaDB, even though I'm using JDBC? I tried setting schedulerSupport="false", as described in this question, but no luck.
P.S. Could someone with enough rep please create a "KahaDB" tag?
Current versions of ActiveMQ are tied pretty hard to KahaDB. The TempStore uses a paged list that uses KahaDB underneath as well. Its simplest to just include the library.

Blackboard with Struts

I am a beginner here, and this is my first time creating a building block for Blackboard. I understand that I could use Struts in building block thus I used Struts 1.3 to develop the building block for Blackboard version 9.
I am confuse while doing Dispatch Action, Blackboard doesn't seem to be able to find my forwarded page, and I keep ended up in this error "The specified resource was not found, or you do not have permission to access it".
Link in my jsp:
This is a test
struts-config.xml setup:
<action path="/teststruts" type="com.test.action.TestAction" parameter="execute" scope="request" validate="false">
<forward name="success" path="./thistest.jsp" />
<forward name="error" path="./index.jsp" />
My dispatch action simply mapping.findforward to one of the path.
Really scratching my head here.
Fix the relative path by removing the ./ from the front of your link.
Also verify that your Blackboard Building Block is starting up correctly by looking at the
blackboard/logs/tomcat/sdtout-stderr log after you "disable and enable" the code from the Building Blocks management page. Also verify that your servlet contains a error.jsp as sometimes the 404 error comes from struts forwarding the error on to an error page that does not exist.
Try to use
<permission name="suppressAccessChecks" type="java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission" />
But i don't think is a good idea to use struts or another framework to develop Blackboard BB. It can generate conflicts with the libraries used by Blackboard, if not with the current version, when updating Blackboard version.
One approach we took when trying to do complex modules in blackboard is to create a full webapp for Blackboard tomcat's instead of a BB. Using this technique it is possible to use whatever you want, since it is an independent application, but at the same time you can comunicate with Tomcat through the context. Yoy have to add the application to the server.xml and add some permissions in catalina.policy to do so... but maybe it could be a little bit tricky...