mule 3.3.1 threading profile - mule

I use mule 3.3.1 CE .
I see that UDP connector is not receiving the traffic with the following threading profile settings
<udp:connector name="udpConnector" receiveBufferSize="1024" sendBufferSize="1024">
<receiver-threading-profile maxThreadsActive="5" maxBufferSize="5"/>
The issue stays the same when I moved it up to the configuration level
<default-receiver-threading-profile maxThreadsActive="5" maxBufferSize="5"/>
<udp:connector name="udpConnector" receiveBufferSize="1024" sendBufferSize="1024"/>
However , mule starts receiving traffic with out threading profile settings
<udp:connector name="udpConnector" receiveBufferSize="1024" sendBufferSize="1024"/>
I am not sure if the issue is specific with mule 3.3.1.
any help is much appreciated

I had a bug raised about something similar before. There is a bug when defining the values for maxBufferSize and poolExhaustedAction in the threading profile configuration without defining the "maxThreadsIdle" attribute.
However if you set the maxThreadsIdle to any value higher than 1 in your threading profile the problem should be solved. This could be the same issue.


Issues with Scatter Gather in Mule 4.2.2

Is there any known issue with scatter gather scope in Mule Runtime 4.2.2(On-prem). I could see few of my request is not moving after the scatter gather component with no error or exceptions. I do invoking the soap service , rest service and file consuming under the scatter gather component. Its not happening for all the request but for few request. It is causing timeout for that request.I do have before and after logger . Its does not showing any before activities as well. On the same time, another request process it successfully.
I am just using basic config of scatter-gather component.
There are at least 6 fixed issues with scatter-gather mentioned in the Mule 4.3.0 release notes. This means that the issues were reported against previous versions. You can check those issues by searching the id number (MULE-NNNNN) in Mule JIRA: to see if any has affected version 4.2.2.
You have also to consider the possibility that the issue is related to something else, like threading.
It would be a good idea to test with Mule 4.3.0 to see if you notice any improvements.

webSphere v8 concurrency issue - Startup hangs during message driven activation

I got concurrency issue while starting the JVM due to a particular app. Start-up hangs during message driven activation. I got this URL (the same error I got for myself as mentioned in URL) and fixed as a local solution. Want to fix this issue as a permanent solution but got to know the 'ConnectionConcurrency' has been removed from v7+. Can anyone please suggest me how to fix this as a permanent solution.
The permanent solution is as documented in the APAR closing words; that is, a configuration change to set the value of the MQ Resource Adapter property "ConnectionConcurrency" to the value 1 at Cell scope (if using WebSphere Application Server). There is no change code for the WebSphere MQ v7.0.1 RA (shipped in WAS v7.0 or 8.0) for this issue.
Note: It does not matter what scope your Activation Specifications are actually defined at (whether that be Cell, Node or Server), the value of "ConnectionConcurrency" is always taken from the RA defined at Cell scope.
From the WebSphere MQ v7.1 Resource Adapter (shipped in WAS v8.5), the "ConnectionConcurrency" attribute is always set to the value 1 to avoid the deadlock issue described by APAR IZ68236.

activemq broker redeliveryPlugin configuration not working for topic

I have the following configuration in by conf/activemq.xml file
<redeliveryPlugin fallbackToDeadLetter="true" sendToDlqIfMaxRetriesExceeded="true">
<redeliveryPolicy maximumRedeliveries="20" useExponentialBackOff="true" initialRedeliveryDelay="60000" redeliveryDelay="60000" maximumRedeliveryDelay="600000"/>
I am using activemq-5.11 with Spring/JMS/Camel/JTA (Atomikos).
Because, I am using JTA/XA transactions, the redelivery policy at the activeMQ connection factory is not working for topics.
So I am trying to set the redelivery Policy on the server.
However, it seems to be continuously resending the topic message.
PS. I have only one subscriber (durable).
I was able to resolve the issue.
In my case, the issue was that I was using the redelivery policy at the client side also. And somehow, that was messing it up.
Since I am using JTA, I wanted no retying at the client side and wanted the message to be retired from the ActiveMQ broker server. And Once I removed all error handling and redelivery policy from the Camel configuration, it worked like as it should.
Hope this helps someone in the future.

Does Mule community edition v3.3.0 support shutdownTimeout

Does Mule community edition v3.3.0 support shutdownTimeout feature?
The documentation at suggests that the shutdowntimeout feature is supported from v2.2.0 but I am not able to get that shutdownTimeout feature to work?
Does anybody has implemented that shutdown feature in Mule v3.3.0 CE? Please help me in configuring that and get that feature to work.
Is this feature available only for EE or it is available in CE too?
the attribute is present and taken into account in 3.3.0.
In order to use it you should add a configuration tag in your config file and set a value for that attribute:
<configuration shutdownTimeout="60000" />
However, as reported in depending on the message processors present in your flow, the shutdown process could fail, if that's the case you could review the code changes in the fix and apply them.
What problem are you facing?

FUSE - Camel visual designer plugin for eclipse clears routes on Saving

I have installed Jboss Integration stack fuse camel editor and created a sample camel route,
<camelContext trace="false" xmlns="">
Now when I add and endpoint or any node through source/design view as,
<camelContext trace="false" xmlns="">
<from uri=""/>
And save with Ctrl+S the routes and nodes are cleared. And empty camel context is left out. Is this a bug or anyway of getting around it?
Please suggest some tips to get around or any other good tools to work with Camel for Visual tooling
This is a known issue which is caused by the try to save an invalid route. Please see FUSETOOLS-1085 to follow the issue. The problem is that we consider a route with only an input as invalid atm. Therefore it is not saved. But don't worry, that will be fixed soon. Meanwhile you can work around that by simply always connecting nodes. That means in your case you should just add another node and connect both.
I am sorry for the inconvenience.