I want to create a stored procedure using T-SQL that dynamically creates a table based on outside data that isn't vulnerable to SQL injection - sql

I have a table which has a column that represents the name of a table we'd like to create. There's a foreign key relationship to another table which has a column representing the name of the columns for the desired table (all data types assumed to be nvarchar). I'm using a stored procedure to create this table. Essentially what I'm doing is getting all of the relevant data from my tables, then building a SQL string up to generate the table, and finally using EXEC sp_executesql #CreateTableSQL.
#CreateTableSQL is generated through string concatenation like this:
SET #CreateTableSQL = 'CREATE TABLE ' + #TableName + ' (' + #ColumnString + ')';
This leaves me vulnerable to SQL injection. If someone were to use a #TableName value of:
C (t int); DROP TABLE MyTable;--
then this would drop MyTable (undesirable).
Can someone help me build this SQL and leave it invulnerable to injection? Help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

You can make use of QUOTENAME() function which will enforce square brackets [] around the variables(Table and column names) and any value passed to these variables will only be treated as an Object name.
Something like ......
SET #CreateTableSQL = 'CREATE TABLE ' + QUOTENAME(#TableName)
+ ' (' + QUOTENAME(#ColumnString) + ')';
Now even if someone passes a value of C (t int); DROP TABLE MyTable;-- to any of these variables, the whole value C (t int); DROP TABLE MyTable;-- will still be treated as an object name.


How to create a function SQL that returns a string from a table?

How can I create a function like this?
function FN_something (#entrada char(50))
declare #consulta table
declare #notificacao varchar(50)
declare #multa float
declare #saida varchar(50)
set #consulta as = (select num_notificacao,num_multa from table where field = #entrada)
set #notificacao = #consulta.num_notificacao
set #multa = #consulta.num_multa
set #saida = "resultado: "+ #notificacao +";"+#multa
return #saida
Thanks in advance
I would not use a function... Scalar functions tend to be a real performance killer. Try to use something like this inline
SELECT 'resultado: '
+ ISNULL(CAST(t.num_notificacao AS VARCHAR(MAX)),'???')
+ ';'
+ ISNULL(CAST(t.num_multa AS VARCHAR(MAX)),'???')
FROM SomeTable AS t WHERE t.SomeField=#entrada;
If you need a function it was much better to use an inlined TVF (syntax without BEGIN...END and bind it into your query with CROSS APPLY.
Might be simplified:
If your columns are NOT NULL you can go without ISNULL()-function. If your columns are strings, you can do without CAST()... My code is defensive proramming :-D
If this is something you need more often, you might introduce a VIEW carrying this calculated column and use it instead of your table. You might include this value into your table as computed column as well...
Great, the VIEW you show in the comment is an inline TVF actually, which is very good!
My magic crystall ball tells me, that you might need something like this:
,'resultado: ' + t.num_notificacao + ';' + t.num_multa AS CalculatedResult
FROM dbo.[CampoLivre876]('SomeParameter') AS cl
LEFT JOIN SomeOtherTable AS t ON cl.entrada=t.SomeField --should be only one related row per main row!
This will call the iTFV and join it to the other Table, where the two columns are living. I Assume, that the CampoLivre876-row knows its entrada key.
Hint 2:
If this works for you, you might include this approach directly into your existing iTVF.
You might try to change your function like here:
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[CampoLivre876] ()
Select cl.mul_numero_notificacao + ';' + CAST(cl.mul_valor_multa as varchar(max)) AS ExistingColumn
,'resultado: ' + t.num_notificacao + ';' + CAST(t.num_multa AS varchar(max)) AS CalculatedResult
From Campo_Livre AS cl With(NoLock)
INNER JOIN SomeOtherTable AS t ON cl.entrada=t.SomeField;
This should read all lines in one go. Reading 1 row after the other is - in almost all cases - something really, really bad...
Here is an example of a function with correct SQL Server syntax:
create function FN_something (
#entrada char(50) -- should probably be `varchar(50)` rather than `char(50)`
) returns varchar(50)
declare #saida varchar(50);
select #saida = 'resultado: ' + num_notificacao + ';' + num_multa
from table
where field = #entrada;
return #saida;
Note: This assumes that the num_ columns are strings, not numbers. If they are numbers, you need to convert them or use concat().
A function really isn't appropriate for this. Probably the best solution is a computed column:
alter table t add something as (concat('resultado: ', num_notificacao, ';', num_multa);
Then you can get the value directly from the table. In earlier versions of SQL Server, you would use a view rather than computed column.

Execute table valued function from row values

Given a table as below where fn contains the name of an existing table valued functions and param contains the param to be passed to the function
fn | param
'fn_one' | 1001
'fn_two' | 1001
'fn_one' | 1002
'fn_two' | 1002
Is there a way to get a resulting table like this by using set-based operations?
The resulting table would contain 0-* lines for each line from the first table.
param | resultval
1001 | 'fn_one_result_a'
1001 | 'fn_one_result_b'
1001 | 'fn_two_result_one'
1002 | 'fn_two_result_one'
I thought I could do something like (pseudo)
select t1.param, t2.resultval
from table1 t1
cross join exec sp_executesql('select * from '+t1.fn+'('+t1.param+')') t2
but that gives a syntax error at exec sp_executesql.
Currently we're using cursors to loop through the first table and insert into a second table with exec sp_executesql. While this does the job correctly, it is also the heaviest part of a frequently used stored procedure and I'm trying to optimize it. Changes to the data model would probably imply changes to most of the core of the application and that would cost more then just throwing hardware at sql server.
I believe that this should do what you need, using dynamic SQL to generate a single statement that can give you your results and then using that with EXEC to put them into your table. The FOR XML trick is a common one for concatenating VARCHAR values together from multiple rows. It has to be written with the AS [text()] for it to work.
-- Set up
CREATE TABLE dbo.TestTableFunctions (function_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, parameter VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.TestTableFunctions (function_name, parameter)
VALUES ('fn_one', '1001'), ('fn_two', '1001'), ('fn_one', '1002'), ('fn_two', '1002')
CREATE TABLE dbo.TestTableFunctionsResults (function_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, parameter VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, result VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL)
#parameter VARCHAR(20)
SELECT 'fn_one_' + #parameter AS result
#parameter VARCHAR(20)
SELECT 'fn_two_' + #parameter AS result
-- The important stuff
SELECT #sql =
SELECT 'SELECT ''' + T1.function_name + ''', ''' + T1.parameter + ''', F.result FROM ' + T1.function_name + '(' + T1.parameter + ') F UNION ALL ' AS [text()]
TestTableFunctions T1
SELECT #sql = SUBSTRING(#sql, 1, LEN(#sql) - 10)
INSERT INTO dbo.TestTableFunctionsResults
SELECT * FROM dbo.TestTableFunctionsResults
-- Clean up
DROP TABLE dbo.TestTableFunctions
DROP TABLE dbo.TestTableFunctionsResults
DROP FUNCTION dbo.fn_one
DROP FUNCTION dbo.fn_two
The first SELECT statement (ignoring the setup) builds a string which has the syntax to run all of the functions in your table, returning the results all UNIONed together. That makes it possible to run the string with EXEC, which means that you can then INSERT those results into your table.
A couple of quick notes though... First, the functions must all return identical result set structures - the same number of columns with the same data types (technically, they might be able to be different data types if SQL Server can always do implicit conversions on them, but it's really not worth the risk). Second, if someone were able to update your functions table they could use SQL injection to wreak havoc on your system. You'll need that to be tightly controlled and I wouldn't let users just enter in function names, etc.
You cannot access objects by referencing their names in a SQL statement. One method would be to use a case statement:
select t1.*,
(case when fn = 'fn_one' then dbo.fn_one(t1.param)
when fn = 'fn_two' then dbo.fn_two(t1.param)
end) as resultval
from table1 t1 ;
Interestingly, you could encapsulate the case as another function, and then do:
select t1.*, dbo.fn_generic(t1.fn, t1.param) as resultval
from table1 t1 ;
However, in SQL Server, you cannot use dynamic SQL in a user-defined function (defined in T-SQL), so you would still need to use case or similar logic.
Either of these methods is likely to be much faster than a cursor, because they do not require issuing multiple queries.

How to concatenate variables into SQL strings

I need to concatenate a variable table name into my SQL query such as the following...
ALTER FUNCTION fn_myfunction(#KeyValue text)
SELECT #KeyValue AS fld1
FROM tbl + #KeyValue + KeyValue.fld1
I also attempted the following but it told me I had to declare the table variable?
ALTER FUNCTION fn_myfunction(#KeyValue text, #KeyTable text)
FROM #KeyTable.fld1
You can accomplish this (if I understand what you are trying to do) using dynamic SQL.
The trick is that you need to create a string containing the SQL statement. That's because the tablename has to specified in the actual SQL text, when you execute the statement. The table references and column references can't be supplied as parameters, those have to appear in the SQL text.
So you can use something like this approach:
SET #stmt = 'INSERT INTO #tmpTbl1 SELECT ' + #KeyValue
+ ' AS fld1 FROM tbl' + #KeyValue
EXEC (#stmt)
First, we create a SQL statement as a string. Given a #KeyValue of 'Foo', that would create a string containing:
'INSERT INTO #tmpTbl1 SELECT Foo AS fld1 FROM tblFoo'
At this point, it's just a string. But we can execute the contents of the string, as a dynamic SQL statement, using EXECUTE (or EXEC for short).
The old-school sp_executesql procedure is an alternative to EXEC, another way to execute dymamic SQL, which also allows you to pass parameters, rather than specifying all values as literals in the text of the statement.
EBarr points out (correctly and importantly) that this approach is susceptible to SQL Injection.
Consider what would happen if #KeyValue contained the string:
'1 AS foo; DROP TABLE students; -- '
The string we would produce as a SQL statement would be:
'INSERT INTO #tmpTbl1 SELECT 1 AS foo; DROP TABLE students; -- AS fld1 ...'
When we EXECUTE that string as a SQL statement:
DROP TABLE students;
-- AS fld1 FROM tbl1 AS foo; DROP ...
And it's not just a DROP TABLE that could be injected. Any SQL could be injected, and it might be much more subtle and even more nefarious. (The first attacks can be attempts to retreive information about tables and columns, followed by attempts to retrieve data (email addresses, account numbers, etc.)
One way to address this vulnerability is to validate the contents of #KeyValue, say it should contain only alphabetic and numeric characters (e.g. check for any characters not in those ranges using LIKE '%[^A-Za-z0-9]%'. If an illegal character is found, then reject the value, and exit without executing any SQL.
You could make use of Prepared Stements like this.
set #query = concat( "select name from " );
set #query = concat( "table_name"," [where condition] " );
prepare stmt from #like_q;
execute stmt;

Alter every double fields of a table

I need to change every double precision field of a table to numeric(15,3) type,
how can i do this job quickly with a stored procedure that iterate through the field of a given table and if the type is double precision alter column to numeric ?
following query should return query to update these tables... you can add table filter if you want. Copy the result and run it.
select 'ALTER TABLE ' + table_name + ' ALTER COLUMN ' + column_name + 'TYPE numeric(15,3)'
from information_schema.columns
where data_type = 'double precision'
and table_name = 'YOUR_TABLE_NAME'
While another question will do it for all columns; a simple "alter table [tablename] alter column [columnToAlter] type numeric(15,3). You shouldn't need to run them through a cursor; any value that's not going to be affected by this should remain unaffected.
If you can't do it by changing the datatype itself, a simple update [tablename] set [columnname] = cast(columnname as numeric(15,3) should also work.
Hope that helps!

Comparing values between two rows of data and only showing the columns that are different

In a previous application version we were using a particular field for a primary key, but because the field may represent different identities across various systems we have made it a non significant field(ie not a primary key or part of a composite primary) however since we dont have another system yet users still use that field as a primary method of identification.
The problem is with auditing...previously I used a single table to do all audits for the database dumping the data with a newvalue oldvalue schema using the generic trigger that is floating around. This could still work fine except for one thing. I have moved contactinformation into a separate table that is tied to the new primary key of the original table. So when changes are made the unfamiliar and unused primary key shows in the auditlog instead of the now insignificant foreignSystemID...
I moved to doing a one to one copy method of auditing so that any changes to any table are now written to a mirror image in a different schema. The problem comes down to showing changes to the users. They are used to seeing a report that shows only the changed values for a particular doctor...
My question would be using sql queries and Crystal reports, how could I show only the changed column values between rows in my audit tables. I have looked at the pivot command, but I dont think thats really going to help me. I had also looked at the code within the script that compares the columns and determines if they are different and writes them to the table.
im really spinning in the sand here and this is a critical issue for me to solve. Thanks in advance for ANY help...
we are early enough into production that I could change my changetracking method if need be, but it needs to be soon. thanks
My boss and I have worked on this a bit and this is what we have started with...I would like to get further opinions and options...as well...thanks..
DoctorsID bigint,
TableName varchar(50),
FieldName varchar(50),
CurrentFieldValue varchar(255),
PreviousFieldValue varchar(255),
PreviousValueDate datetime
DECLARE #sql varchar(MAX)
#sql = COALESCE(#sql,'') +
'o.DoctorsID, ' +
'''' + TABLE_NAME + ''' ,' +
'''' + COLUMN_NAME + ''',' +
'o.' + COLUMN_NAME + ',' +
'a.' + COLUMN_NAME + ',' +
'a.AuditDate' +
' FROM ' +
'dbo.DoctorLicenses o ' +
'INNER JOIN Audit.DoctorLicenses a ON ' +
'o.DoctorsID = a.DoctorsID ' +
'WHERE ' +
'AuditDate BETWEEN ''10/01/2010'' AND ''10/31/2010'' AND ' +
'o.' + COLUMN_NAME + ' <> a.' + COLUMN_NAME +
AS varchar(MAX))
TABLE_NAME = 'DoctorLicenses'
PRINT #sql
It sounds to me like there is a design issue, but I have a hard time envisioning what your design is at the moment. Can you be more specific on what your tables look like at the moment and what data you're trying to generate the report(s) on?
Also, when talking about auditing "the changed values", how do you keep track of what's been changed?