Iphone push notification in Joomla - notifications

I m Doing Iphone/Android push notification in joomla using Zend library it is working properly in Core php but it shows error in joomla when submitting a form LIKE :
An error has occurred while processing your request. You may not be
able to visit this page because of: an out-of-date bookmark/favourite
a mistyped address a search engine that has an out-of-date listing for
this site you have no access to this page Home Page If difficulties
persist, please contact the System Administrator of this site and
report the error below.
0 "Zend_Uri_Http" not found Powered by Joomla!®
If there is any way to resolve this error plz. let me khow the help will be appriciated...
Thanks in advance.
Amit Raval

NOT FOUND error occurs when your include file is not loaded. try to include ZEND LIBRARY FILE which loads "ZEND_URI_HTTP" file...
require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';

You need to set path as per your current location of directory
suppose if you are in component/controllers direcotory
use like:
require_once JPATH_COMPONENT.'controllers/Zend/Loader.php';
It must be done throughout all zend files to solve this issue.


Why does my local checkout fails on Spartacus 1.5?

The Error
*polyfills.js:3050 GET https://localhost:9002/rest/v2/powertools/cms/pages?fields=DEFAULT&pageType=ContentPage&pageLabelOrId=/checkout&lang=en&curr=USD 404*
I am not able to perform checkout on both of my local powertools and electronics sites. The Chrome console log complains about the error shown above. Also, I have tried opening the given link in a new tab and it says No content page found matching the provided label or id: /checkout. Checked the WCMS Pages in my local Backoffice, I couldn't find any page with label or id as "checkout".
Could it be that I have to setup my local with the b2c_for_spartacus? (I have setup mine with b2c_b2b_acc_oms recipe instead)
Have you installed your SAP Commerce instance with the Spartacus Sample Data AddOn? The standard Powertools data setup will not include this, but the additions in spartacussampleadataaddon do. Please see links/instructions in https://sap.github.io/cloud-commerce-spartacus-storefront-docs/installing-sap-commerce-cloud/
If installed/setup correctly you should have a content page with UID=Checkout in the powertools-spaContentCatalog content catalog

Laravel 4.1 login route shows blank page

When I try to open example.com/login it displays a blank page
The routes are working since example.com redirects to example.com/login
and when I add a test route it works fine.
The page is blank and with no console errors and a completely empty html source
So it seems there is a problem with
I have checked the logs, but they do not show any error related to login page.
Checked logs:
Tried setting permissions for storage and bootstrap/cache. But none of them helped.
OS: CentOS 7
SELinux: Permissive
Laravel : 4.1
Please help and let me know if you need any additional information.
Your LoginController#index function is probably not returning anything.

Moving a PrestaShop website

I have moved my website built using PrestaShop to a new Hosting provider. And now I can access the admin backend and the site looks correct (all the products and pricing and images are loading).
However I am not able to edit the products in the backend, nor any of the carrier or other options. What could be causing this problem?
These are the steps I followed when moving my PrestaShop website:
Created new database
Imported backup database
Edited config file with new DB name, username and password
This is my website: http://wow-maternity-sa.co.za
I am also able to register new users on the site, and they get added to the DB. I think this shows that the site is "linking" to the newly created SQL Db
I tried that, but no luck. I have picked this up in the error log, not sure if it is useful:
[04-Sep-2016 10:23:11 Africa/Johannesburg] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty: Unable to load template file 'controllers/carrier_wizard/helpers/form/form_ranges.tpl' in '/home/wowmat/public_html/admin123/themes/default/template/c‌​ontrollers/carrier_w‌​izard/helpers/form/f‌​orm.tpl' <-- thrown in /home/wowmat/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_inte‌​rnal_templatebase.ph‌​p on line 129
I was able to fix the “carriers” issue by changing the extension of “.tp” to “.tpl” of this file:
form_ranges.tpl in public_html/admin123/themes/default/template/controllers/carrier_wizard/helpers/form/

error 500 http on prestashop bankwire module

I met some trouble while using prestashop. In fact I just set up my own shop and I met some trouble using the bankwire. when somebody do confirm its order, it turns into a error 500 instead of displaying the confirmation of the order.
I'm on php 5.3 here is the adress of the website. www.omega-nutrition.fr
you will probably need to provide more information. Check the server error logs and also make sure that your permissions are set at 755 (or 644). Make sure that you clear the cache and cookies if the permission needs to be changed.
Also, I think if you have the Collisimo module installed and do not need it, try to uninstall it and that might help as well.
Please check /logs/date_exception.log
If you have this error:
Can't load Order status at line 167 in file classes/PaymentModule.php
(prestashop 1.6)
You have to insert all default order status :
dump theses original tables from fresh install and import into your database

Overriding IIS6 wildcard maps on individual directories

When Im publishing a MVC4 application on IIS6 i need to add the isapi.dll go get my application to work, but it enables wildcardmapping to all staticcontent to so Im trying to override wildcardsettings on a subfolder (content-folder) in my application with this guide Overriding IIS6 wildcard maps on individual directories but it doesnt work out for me.
I get the error message:
C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts>adsutil.vbs SET /W3SVC/1/root/Content/ScriptMaps "" The path requested could not be found. ErrNumber: -2147024893 (0x80070003) Error Trying To Get the Object: W3SVC/1/root/Content
Does anyone knows what the error is? and what to do to fix it?
Im quite sure that my identifier is 1 on the default website
My structure on IIS is as follows
Web Sites/Default Web Site/"folder"/"application"/content
pls look at link > This is link i think will help you, it is from blog, credits to Steven Anderson.