Why does my local checkout fails on Spartacus 1.5? - spartacus-storefront

The Error
*polyfills.js:3050 GET https://localhost:9002/rest/v2/powertools/cms/pages?fields=DEFAULT&pageType=ContentPage&pageLabelOrId=/checkout&lang=en&curr=USD 404*
I am not able to perform checkout on both of my local powertools and electronics sites. The Chrome console log complains about the error shown above. Also, I have tried opening the given link in a new tab and it says No content page found matching the provided label or id: /checkout. Checked the WCMS Pages in my local Backoffice, I couldn't find any page with label or id as "checkout".
Could it be that I have to setup my local with the b2c_for_spartacus? (I have setup mine with b2c_b2b_acc_oms recipe instead)

Have you installed your SAP Commerce instance with the Spartacus Sample Data AddOn? The standard Powertools data setup will not include this, but the additions in spartacussampleadataaddon do. Please see links/instructions in https://sap.github.io/cloud-commerce-spartacus-storefront-docs/installing-sap-commerce-cloud/
If installed/setup correctly you should have a content page with UID=Checkout in the powertools-spaContentCatalog content catalog


AEM 6.3 Page Properties tabs are broken for author user

I am having an issue only in Prod AEM 6.3 author instance. We have our application extending wcm core v1.
When user is logged in a content-author; and opens page properties; Only Basic, Advanced, Thumbnail tabs are accessible.
Selecting other tabs like; Cloud Services; Personalization; Permissions; Live Copy, donot open the tab. Rather stays with already opened tab only.
This is happening only in my production author instance. When I delete my local repository; start a fresh vanilla instance and deploy my code, this issue is not happening.
At certain point, our production author broke. Couldnt conclude it is code, since same code works fine in vanilla instance.
Has anyone faced similar issue? Is there any lead to troubleshoot this issue? All tabs works when logged in as admin. Fails only as author.
Looks like this issue is faced by few others. So posting my finding as answer as well.
This was indeed permission issue. OTB Author group did not have permission to /etc/cloudservices. So opening page properties was throwing error:
11.09.2018 10:24:48.597 ERROR [ [1536675888296] GET /mnt/overlay/wcm/core/content/sites/properties.html HTTP/1.1]
org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingRequestProcessorImpl service:
Uncaught SlingException java.lang.NullPointerException: null at
I was stuck since I didnt know exact path. Trail n error, figured the missing path and granted permission to resolve.
Bonus Interesting Permission issue: Author group donot have permission to /config/ nodes.
So the RTE plugins were not loading for us coz path was like this:
After lot of digging, found this issue. Fix was to rename /config/ to /configuration/ and add property configPath=configuration to the parent node.

Moving a PrestaShop website

I have moved my website built using PrestaShop to a new Hosting provider. And now I can access the admin backend and the site looks correct (all the products and pricing and images are loading).
However I am not able to edit the products in the backend, nor any of the carrier or other options. What could be causing this problem?
These are the steps I followed when moving my PrestaShop website:
Created new database
Imported backup database
Edited config file with new DB name, username and password
This is my website: http://wow-maternity-sa.co.za
I am also able to register new users on the site, and they get added to the DB. I think this shows that the site is "linking" to the newly created SQL Db
I tried that, but no luck. I have picked this up in the error log, not sure if it is useful:
[04-Sep-2016 10:23:11 Africa/Johannesburg] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty: Unable to load template file 'controllers/carrier_wizard/helpers/form/form_ranges.tpl' in '/home/wowmat/public_html/admin123/themes/default/template/c‌​ontrollers/carrier_w‌​izard/helpers/form/f‌​orm.tpl' <-- thrown in /home/wowmat/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_inte‌​rnal_templatebase.ph‌​p on line 129
I was able to fix the “carriers” issue by changing the extension of “.tp” to “.tpl” of this file:
form_ranges.tpl in public_html/admin123/themes/default/template/controllers/carrier_wizard/helpers/form/

Upon creating project, laragon's generated url leads to wampserver configuration page

(Laragon) Project path: C:/laragon/www/larabook (Laragon) Pretty url: http://larabook.dev (http://larabook.dev)
I got this after quick create, but when I try to access the webpage larabook.dev I get the wampserver configuration page instead of the laravel default page. Does that mean that laravel didn't install correctly? I have version 2.0.4 and I just clicked menu > quick create > laravel.
Thanks Hong, I had the same issue and fixed it.
For those who want to know how to do it:
1. Goto: Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services and Identify the service that might be another instance of Apache
2. Select "Properties"
3. Select the Startup Type. Use the pulldown in the :Startup type to set the service to Manual or Disabled.
You must stop Wampserver completely. It looks like you are running Laragon and Wampserver the same time and conflict happened.

IBM MobileFirst Platform 6.3 Operational Analytics Failed installation for Tomcat

I have installed MobileFirst 6.3 appcenter console, worklight console successfully, they are operating fine on Tomcat/7.0.57. However when I try to install Operational Analytics, the documentation has the following
I am using tomcat manager http://localhost:8080/html to deploy the war files. logging in as manager, with the manager-gui role.
worklight-analytics.war - deployed with no issues
when I select the worklight-analytics-service.war file and deploy in the GUI, it throws a blank page first, indicating "connection error", and when I refresh the page, on the status bar in Tomcat manager GUI, I get this message - "FAIL - Tried to use command /upload via a GET request but POST is required";
Please provide some direction on what I need to do get this fixed. I am not sure If I have provided all required information - please bear with me and ask, if anything relevant (obviously I can't figure out what is relevant yet) is required to debug.
So I was able to reproduce your error and I saw this in the logs:
the request was rejected because its size (57353297) exceeds the
configured maximum (52428800)
It looks like by default, the web UI will only upload WARs of size 50MB or smaller. The analytics service WAR file is larger than this, so that is why this is failing. I was able to increase the limit by modifying the following lines in
This will increase the limit to 100MB. After I did this, I was able to successfully deploy the service WAR.
Just as a heads up, once you get the WAR deployed, you'll be presented with the login page. You'll need a tomcat user with the 'worklightadmin' role in order to get past the login screen.
The worklight-analytics-service WAR file does not have a user interface. It is simply referenced by the worklight-analytics WAR file. When both WARs have been deployed, can you see the analytics console? And does data load just fine? If so, then everything is fine. There is only an issue if you are unable to use the user interface provided by the worklight-analytics WAR file.

Endeca-Hybris integration not working

i'am trying to integrate hybris 4.7.9 with endeca. I have installed the following endeca components. 1)MDEX engine 2)Platform services 3)Endeca workbench 4)CAS.
I have deployed a sample application on endeca side using "D:\Endeca\ToolsAndFrameworks\11.0.0\deployment_template\bin\deploy.bat"
In Hyend2 in admincockpit of hybris
I have made EAC/CAS connection with my appication and made a export job.
Problem is i am not able to run that job, it reports me following error:
http://localhost:8500/MyAppen_en_data/?wsdl returned response code 404
at com.endeca.itl.service.ServiceLocator.getService(ServiceLocator.java:150)
I don't know Hybris, but since the error is related to Endeca, let me try to give some pointers.
CAS: Check that CAS is up and running
App Name: You might have specified app-name-with-locale (MyAppen) somewhere where you need to specify only app-name (MyApp). [The Endeca app name without the locale is called as "Base Application Name". Go back and check all your configurations in Hybris and Endeca].
You may also refer to this blog (Although it is for ATG framework, it should give idea for Hybris as well).