Few questions about Grails' createCriteria - sql

I read about createCriteria, and kind of interested on how these works, and its usability in providing values for dropdown box.
So say, i have a table in the database, Resource table, where i have defined the table in the domain class called Resource.groovy. Resource table has a total of 10 columns, where 5 of it are
Material Id
Material description
Resource Id
Product Code
So using the createCriteria, and i can use just like a query to return the items that i want to
def resList = Resource.createCriteria().list {
and {
eq('resource', resourceInstance)
ne('materialId', '-')
Where in the above, i want to get the data that matches the resource = resourceInstance, and none of the materialId is equal to '-'.
I want to use the returned data from createCriteria above on my form, where i want to use some of the column on my select dropdown. Below is the code i used for my select dropdown.
<g:select id="resourceId" name="resourceId"
disabled="${actionName != 'show' ? false : true}" />
How do i make it so that in a dropdown, it only shows the values taken from column Product Code? I believe the list created using createCriteria returns all 10 columns based on the createCriteria's specification. But i only want to use the Product Column values on my dropdown.
How do i customize the data if in one of the select dropdown in my form, i wanted to show the values as "Resource Id - Resource Description"? The values are combination of more than 1 columns for one select dropdown but i don't know how to combine both in a single select dropdown.
I read that hql and GORM query are better ways of fetching data from table than using createCriteria. Is this true?

First of all refer to the document for using select in Grails. To answer all questions:
Yes, the list to select from in the dropdown can be customized. In this case it should be something like from="${resList*.productCode}"
Yes, this can be customized as well with something like
from="${resList.collect { \"${it.resourceId} - ${it.resourceDesc}\" } }"
It depends. If there are associations involved in a domain then using Criteria will lead to eager fetches which might not be required. But with HQL one gets the flexibility of tailoring the query as needed. With latest version of Grails those boundries are minimized a lot. Usage of DetachedCriteria, where queries etc are recommended whereever possible. So it is kind of mixing and matching to the scenario under consideration.


React-Admin filters that relate to the current results

We're really enjoying using the capabilities offered by React-Admin.
We're using <ReferenceArrayInput> to allow filtering of a <List> by Country. The drop-down contains all countries in the database.
But, we'd like it to just contain the countries that relate to the current set of filtered records.
So, in the context of the React-Admin demo, if we've filtered for Returned, then the Customer drop-down would only contain customers who have returned items (see below). This would make a real-difference in finding the records of interest.
Our current plan is to (somehow) handle this in our <DataProvider>. But, is there are more ReactAdmin friendly way of doing this?
So you want to build dependent filters, which is not a native feature of react-admin - and a complex beast to tame.
First, doing so in the dataProvider will not work, because you'll only have the data of the first page of results. A record in a following page may have another value for your array input.
You could implement that logic in a custom Input component instead. This component can wrap the original <ReferenceArrayInput> and read the current ListContext to get the current data and filter value (https://marmelab.com/react-admin/useListContext.html), then alter the array of possible values using the filter prop (https://marmelab.com/react-admin/ReferenceArrayInput.html#filter).

how can we query prospect based on their field value?

I want to get a prospect list from Pardot using its API and only those prospects that have some field's value according to some rules.
For Example :
those prospects which have a website containing 'some string' and year_in_bussines > 3
Your best option here would be to create a dynamic list with your search criteria, then use the API to query prospects on your list with the query argument list_id.
Do keep in mind, dynamic lists are not updated instantly as prospects match/unmatch the criteria, there can be a delay.

Ms Access SQL Limit control by previous field value

In a recipe database I have two tables. One has the ingredients of every recipe [Recipe_ingr] and the other the available measures and weight for every ingredient [Weight2].
When I input a new ingredient for a recipe, I would like to be able to choose the available units for only that specific food.
I have tried with this expression in the control field but it prompts me to choose first, and then the options remain the same for all the records, not changing dinamically according to the record ingredient code.
SELECT [Weight2].[Msre_Desc], [Weight2].[Gm_Wgt] FROM Weight2 WHERE Weight2.NDB_No Like Recipe_Ingr.NDB_No ORDER BY [Msre_Desc], [Gm_Wgt];
Picture of my tables
I tried the syntax change suggested by June9 but still the control doesn't update automatically with every record as you can see in this picture: Table
Suggest you name controls different from fields they are bound to, like tbxNDB. The SQL needs to reference a field or control that is on the form. Also, LIKE operator without wildcard accomplishes nothing that an = sign wouldn't. Also recommend not using exactly same name for fields in multiple tables.
If you use that SQL statement in combobox RowSource, try:
SELECT Msre_Desc, Gm_Wgt FROM Weight2 WHERE NDB_No = [tbxNDB] ORDER BY Msre_Desc, Gm_Wgt;
You want to save Msre_Desc as foreign key, not a record id generated by autonumber?

Selecting specific joined record from findAll() with a hasMany() include

(I tried posting this to the CFWheels Google Group (twice), but for some reason my message never appears. Is that list moderated?)
Here's my problem: I'm working on a social networking app in CF on Wheels, not too dissimilar from the one we're all familiar with in Chris Peters's awesome tutorials. In mine, though, I'm required to display the most recent status message in the user directory. I've got a User model with hasMany("statuses") and a Status model with belongsTo("user"). So here's the code I started with:
users = model("user").findAll(include="userprofile, statuses");
This of course returns one record for every status message in the statuses table. Massive overkill. So next I try:
users = model("user").findAll(include="userprofile, statuses", group="users.id");
Getting closer, but now we're getting the first status record for each user (the lowest status.id), when I want to select for the most recent status. I think in straight SQL I would use a subquery to reorder the statuses first, but that's not available to me in the Wheels ORM. So is there another clean way to achieve this, or will I have to drag a huge query result or object the statuses into my CFML and then filter them out while I loop?
You can grab the most recent status using a calculated property:
// models/User.cfc
function init() {
sql="SELECT message FROM statuses WHERE userid = users.id ORDER BY createdat DESC LIMIT 1,1"
Of course, the syntax of the SELECT statement will depend on your RDBMS, but that should get you started.
The downside is that you'll need to create a calculated property for each column that you need available in your query.
The other option is to create a method in your model and write custom SQL in <cfquery> tags. That way is perfectly valid as well.
I don't know your exact DB schema, but shouldn't your findAll() look more like something such as this:
statuses = model("status").findAll(include="userprofile(user)", where="userid = users.id");
That should get all statuses from a specific user...or is it that you need it for all users? I'm finding your question a little tricky to work out. What is it you're exactly trying to get returned?

How to design a database table structure for storing and retrieving search statistics?

I'm developing a website with a custom search function and I want to collect statistics on what the users search for.
It is not a full text search of the website content, but rather a search for companies with search modes like:
by company name
by area code
by provided services
How to design the database for storing statistics about the searches?
What information is most relevant and how should I query for them?
Well, it's dependent on how the different search modes work, but generally I would say that a table with 3 columns would work:
SearchType SearchValue Count
Whenever someone does a search, say they search for "Company Name: Initech", first query to see if there are any rows in the table with SearchType = "Company Name" (or whatever enum/id value you've given this search type) and SearchValue = "Initech". If there is already a row for this, UPDATE the row by incrementing the Count column. If there is not already a row for this search, insert a new one with a Count of 1.
By doing this, you'll have a fair amount of flexibility for querying it later. You can figure out what the most popular searches for each type are:
... ORDER BY Count DESC WHERE SearchType = 'Some Search Type'
You can figure out the most popular search types:
... GROUP BY SearchType ORDER BY SUM(Count) DESC
This is a pretty general question but here's what I would do:
Option 1
If you want to strictly separate all three search types, then create a table for each. For company name, you could simply store the CompanyID (assuming your website is maintaining a list of companies) and a search count. For area code, store the area code and a search count. If the area code doesn't exist, insert it. Provided services is most dependent on your setup. The most general way would be to store key words and a search count, again inserting if not already there.
Optionally, you could store search date information as well. As an example, you'd have a table with Provided Services Keyword and a unique ID. You'd have another table with an FK to that ID and a SearchDate. That way you could make sense of the data over time while minimizing storage.
Option 2
Treat all searches the same. One table with a Keyword column and a count column, incorporating SearchDate if needed.
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