Function parameter list visual basic -

I'm trying to save into a variable the parameters list that I receive in a Function. For example:
Function fTest(xVal1 as Integer, xVal2 as Integer) as String
wListParams = "xVal1:" & xVal 1 & "#" & "xVal2:" & xVal2
End Function
I want to use this list if an error occurs and send a mail.
What I'm looking it's a way for to build this String without writing every case in every function (more than 1000).
Please help!

Do you want to concatenate all the parameters together into one string? If so, try this.
Imports System.Text
Public Function BuildParametersString(ByVal ParamArray parameters() As Integer) As String
Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
For i As Integer = 0 To parameters.Count() - 1
sb.Append(String.Format("xVal{0}:{1}#", i + 1, parameters(i)))
Return sb.ToString()
End Function
Private Sub test()
Dim param1 As Integer = 1, param2 As Integer = 2
' passing individual parameters
Dim s1 As String = BuildParametersString(param1, param2)
' passing paramaters in an array
Dim s2 As String = BuildParametersString({param1, param2})
End Sub


Replacing character in a text file with comma delimited

I have a comma delimited file with sample values :
Question : how to replace the comma in the last column which is "AAA,TEXT"
The result should be this way:
There is an overload of String.Split which takes an argument telling it the maximum number of parts to return. You could use it like this:
Option Infer On
Option Strict On
Module Module1
'TODO: think up a good name for this function
Function X(s As String) As String
Dim nReturnParts = 7
Dim parts = s.Split({","c}, nReturnParts)
If parts.Count < nReturnParts Then
Throw New ArgumentException($"Not enough parts - needs {nReturnParts}.")
End If
parts(nReturnParts - 1) = parts(nReturnParts - 1).Replace(",", "")
Return String.Join(",", parts)
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim s() = {"1,1076103,22-NOV-16,21051169,50,1083,AAA,TEXT",
For Each a In s
End Sub
End Module
Is simple, but learn a bit how to use string ;)
Public Function MDP(strWork As String)
Dim splitted() As String = strWork.Split(","c)
Dim firsts As New List(Of String)
For i As Integer = 0 To splitted.Count - 3
Dim result As String = System.String.Join(",", firsts)
Return result & "," & splitted(splitted.Count - 2) & splitted(splitted.Count - 1)
End Function
Then call with:
Dim finished As String = MDP("1,1076103,22-NOV-16,21051169,50,1083,AAA,TEXT")

Can you get a list of parameters in Compact Framework?

In VB.Net Compact Framework 3.5 is it possible to get a list of the Parameters that are passed to a method?
For example,
Private Sub TestSub(Param1 as String, Param2 as Integer, Param3 as List(Of String)
'Get List of Parameters
End Sub
Is it possible to get the names of the parameters and what they are populated with at the point it says 'Get List of Parameters
Any help would be much appreciated.
Take a look at
and for further information.
But I'm assuming that you're looking for something like this:
Private Function GetParameters(ByVal info As MethodBase) As String
Dim lst = info.GetParameters()
Dim strParameters As String = ""
For Each item In lst
If strParameters <> "" Then strParameters += ","
strParameters += item.Name
Return strParameters
End Function
And to invoke:
Private Sub TestSub(ByRef a As String, ByRef b as String)
Dim strParameters As String = GetParameters(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod())
End Sub
The return should be "a,b".
Best regards.

VB.NET - Randomize() with a function call in a string.replace method

I have a chat system and i want to put a "random string generator".
In my chat i have to write "%random%" and it is replaces with a random string.
I have a problem though, if i type "%random%%random%%random%" for example, it will generate the same string 3 times.
• Here is my function:
Public Function getRandomString(ByVal len As Integer) As String
Dim stringMap as string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwvxyz0123456789"
Dim rndString As String = ""
Dim rnd As New Random()
For i As Integer = 0 To len - 1
rndString &= stringMap.Substring(rnd.Next(0, stringMap.Length), 1)
Return rndString
End Function
• And here is my function call:
Dim msg As String = "Random string: %random%%random%%random%"
msg = msg.Replace("%random%", getRandomString(8))
The output for example: Random string: 5z15if725z15if725z15if72
I guess this is because it keeps the 1st return value in memory and pastes it, how can i fix that ?
Do i have to make a string.replace function myself ? Thanks
Oh no! You shouldn't call Randomize() here at all! Random is used in combination with the Rnd() function of VB. Creating a new Random object is enough here.
The reason you are getting the same results every time is because you are creating a new Random every time. You should reuse the same object to get different results.
'Create the object once
Private Shared rnd As New Random()
Public Function getRandomString(ByVal len As Integer) As String
Dim stringMap as string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwvxyz0123456789"
Dim rndString As String = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To len - 1
rndString &= stringMap.Substring(rnd.Next(0, stringMap.Length), 1)
Return rndString
End Function
EDIT: I realize that in addition to the above changes, you need to call the getRandomString function for every "%random%". String.Replace only calls the function once and pastes the result everywhere. With Regex, you could do something like this:
msg = new Regex("%random%").Replace(input, Function (match) getRandomString(8))
An easy way to do it is to find the first occurrence of "%random%", replace that, then repeat as necessary.
Written as a console application:
Option Infer On
Module Module1
Dim rand As New Random
Public Function getRandomString(ByVal len As Integer) As String
Dim stringMap As String = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwvxyz0123456789"
Dim rndString As String = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To len - 1
rndString &= stringMap.Substring(rand.Next(0, stringMap.Length), 1)
Return rndString
End Function
Function ReplaceRandoms(s As String) As String
Dim stringToReplace = "%random%"
Dim r = s.IndexOf(stringToReplace)
While r >= 0
s = s.Remove(r, stringToReplace.Length).Insert(r, getRandomString(stringToReplace.Length))
r = s.IndexOf(stringToReplace)
End While
Return s
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim msg As String = "Random string: %random%%random%%random%"
msg = ReplaceRandoms(msg)
End Sub
End Module

how to get the fix substring from dynamic string content?

I am developing VB.NET windows app. in VS 2010.
I want to get the substring
from the below string .
The position of current string ($CostCenterId|4^10) in the sequence may be change.
but it will always between the two $ sign.
I have written the below code, but confused abt what to write next ?
Public Sub GetSubstringData()
dim sfullString = "PaymentMode|NEFT^$IsPaid|False^$Currency|INR-Indian
Dim CostIndex As Integer
CostIndex = sDiscription.IndexOf("CostCenterId")
End Sub
Have a look into the Split function of a string. This allows you to split a string into substrings based on a specified delimiting character.
You can then do this:
Dim sfullString = "PaymentMode|NEFT^$IsPaid|False^$Currency|INR-Indian Rupee^$CostCenterId|4^10$LedgerId|2^3$"
Debug.WriteLine("$" + sfullString.Split("$"c)(3))
Result: $CostCenterId|4^10
You will probably want to do some error checking to make sure the string actually contains the data you expect though.
However looking at the data, what you have is a string containing key-value pairs so you would be better to have a property to hold the CostCenterId and extract the data like this:
Public Property CostCenterId As String
Public Sub Decode(ByVal code As String)
For Each pair As String In code.Split("$"c)
If pair.Length > 0 AndAlso pair.Contains("|") Then
Dim key As String = pair.Split("|"c)(0)
Dim value As String = pair.Split("|"c)(1)
Select Case key
Case "CostCenterId"
Me.CostCenterId = value
End Select
End If
End Sub
Then call it like this:
Decode("PaymentMode|NEFT^$IsPaid|False^$Currency|INR-Indian Rupee^$CostCenterId|4^10$LedgerId|2^3$")
Why not split() the string by $ into an array, and then look for the element which contains CostCenterId
This should work:
Dim token = "$CostCenterId"
Dim costIndexStart As Integer = sfullString.IndexOf(token)
Dim costIndexEnd As Integer = sfullString.IndexOf("$", costIndexStart + token.Length)
Dim cost As String = sfullString.Substring(costIndexStart, costIndexEnd - costIndexStart + 1)
Result: "$CostCenterId|4^10$"
If you want to omit the dollar-signs:
Substring(costIndexStart + 1, costIndexEnd - costIndexStart - 1)
Try something like this:
Dim CostIndex As Integer
CostIndex = sDiscription.IndexOf("CostCenterId")
auxNum = sDiscription.IndexOf("$"c, CostIndex) - CostIndex
sResult = sDiscription.SubString(CostIndex, auxNum)
Your string,
Dim xString = "PaymentMode|NEFT^$IsPaid|False^$Currency|INR-Indian Rupee^$CostCenterId|4^10$LedgerId|2^3$"
Substring process,
xString = xString.Substring(xString.IndexOf("$CostCenter"), xString.IndexOf("$", xString.IndexOf("$CostCenter") + 1) - xString.IndexOf("$CostCenter"))
Try this Code:
Dim sfullString = "PaymentMode|NEFT^$IsPaid|False^$Currency|INR-Indian" _
& "Rupee^$CostCenterId|4^10$LedgerId|2^3$"
Dim sp() As String = {"$"}
Dim ar() As String = sfullString.Split(sp, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
MsgBox("$" & ar(0))

Split string after the = sign

I can't seem to work out how to get a value from my string using
If I have a string in my textbox that says:
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="MyServer",qop="auth",algorithm="MD5",maxbuf=1000,nonce="3b010c090c0a0000c0a80157c7007f03c5",opaque="4e6573732041636365737320436f6e74"
How can I get each of the values after the = in the string.
I have tried using
Dim s = "WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm='MyServer',qop='auth',algorithm='MD5',maxbuf=1000,nonce='3b010c090c0a0000c0a80157c7007f03c5',opaque='4e6573732041636365737320436f6e74'"
Dim pattern = "="
Dim matches = Regex.Matches(s, pattern)
Dim values = matches.OfType(Of Match).Select(Function(m) m.Value)
For Each v In values
But it only returns the = in the messagebox.
I want to be able to get just the part after the = sign.
Anyone able to help?
I have tried using the following but it still includes the realm= qop= etc.. in the string. (but includes it at the end of the next item.
Dim s = "WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm='Ness Access Control',qop='auth',algorithm='MD5',maxbuf=1000,nonce='3b010c090c0a0000c0a80157c7007f03c5',opaque='4e6573732041636365737320436f6e74'"
Dim result_array As Array = Split(s, "=", 6)
For Each v In result_array
Regular Expressions!
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim s As String = "WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm='MyServer',qop='auth',algorithm='MD5',maxbuf=1000,nonce='3b010c090c0a0000c0a80157c7007f03c5',opaque='4e6573732041636365737320436f6e74'"
'Regular Expression, matches word before equals, and word after equals
Dim r As New Regex("(\w+)\='([^']+)'")
'All the matches!
Dim matches As MatchCollection = r.Matches(s)
For Each m As Match In matches
'm.Groups(1) = realm, qop, algorithm...
'm.Groups(2) = MyServer, auth, MD5...
End Sub
End Module
And if you want everything in a nice key-value dictionary:
Dim dict As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
For Each m As Match In matches
'm.Groups(1) = realm, qop, algorithm...
'm.Groups(2) = MyServer, auth, MD5...
dict(m.Groups(1).ToString()) = dict(m.Groups(2).ToString())
A case for a specific string extension.
How to transform a specific formatted string in a Dictionary with keys and values
Public Module StringModuleExtensions
Public Function ToStringDictionary(ByVal str as String, _
ByVal OuterSeparator as Char, _
ByVal NameValueSeparator as Char) _
As Dictionary(of String, String)
Dim dicText = New Dictionary(Of String, String)()
if Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(str) then
Dim arrStrings() = str.TrimEnd(OuterSeparator).Split(OuterSeparator)
For Each s in arrStrings
Dim posSep = s.IndexOf(NameValueSeparator)
Dim name = s.Substring(0, posSep)
Dim value = s.Substring(posSep + 1)
dicText.Add(name, value)
End If
return dicText
End Function
End Module
Call with
Dim test = "WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm=""MyServer"",qop=""auth"",algorithm=""MD5"", maxbuf=1000,nonce=""3b010c090c0a0000c0a80157c7007f03c5"",opaque=""4e6573732041636365737320436f6e74"""
Dim dict = test.ToStringDictionary(","c, "="c)
For Each s in dict.Keys
(probably you need to remove the WWW-Authenticate line before.
You are looking for the split() function.
Dim logArray() As String
logArray = Split(s, "=")
For count = 0 To logArr.Length - 1