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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking for a list of mobile browsers that should be considered while testing a website on mobile.
We already test the website on the following browsers:
safari/chrome on IOS.
Opera Mobile, Opera min, Android browser, Chrome and Firefox on Android
I want to know if we are missing out any important ones.
Internet Explorer for Windows phone 8/7.
Coast, Dolphin, Maxthon Web Browser for IOS.
LinkBubble, Dolphin, Maxthon Web Browser for Android.
And the Puffin Browser for IOS and Andrioid can be really useful as it allows flash media. And don't forget to check websites like regualary as the Browsers with the highest market share and change quite quickly.
Hope this has helped :)
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to automate one android native like Netflix app but i am not able to take screenshot / record video.
I tried with UIautomator/appium/katlon applications.
Can anyone suggest me another tools by which i can automate same native android app.
It is not possible.
You can only automate those apps that are signed with your company's/team provisioning profile from their xcode build. The team will have to distribute this ipa/app file ready for your test (either the simulator version or for actual ios device - they are different build). Then once installed you will be asked to trust the app you installed.
Existing 3rd party apps are not possible as far as security is concerned.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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The Chrome Web Store API allows you to perform a bunch of operations as an app/extension developer, for example uploading or updating an extension.
Is there an (unauthenticated) API that allows GETting information about app/extensions, for example their publishing date or their version number?
I'm afraid that short of scrapping the pages, there isn't such a public API.
If you already have the extension/app installed on your device, you can use in the console of that extension/app to retrieve a lot of the same information available in the Chrome Web Store. This isn't exactly what you'd asked for, but you could potentially setup an automated service to install an extension on a device, query its information, then uninstall it, which would only require permissions for your device and not the Chrome Web Store. Convoluted, yes, I know.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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When i try to download API from Nokia website it returns 403 error: here is the download link :
Please suggest me another download source or mail me. m.qayyum at
When you were trying, may be Nokia server was very busy.
Now anyone can download the APIs once they sign in with the Nokia A/c.
If you still face the above mentioned problem, please download CCleaner application and run it. Then try downloading the APIs.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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In the Android source download links for OEM USB Drivers at - the link for the Huawei driver results in a page not found, anyone have an updated working link for the Huawei USB Driver? Trying to test Android 2.2 app on an Huawei M835 (aka IDEOS) Any help would be appreciated! BThe current link shown there =
Actually my Huawei will automatically mount SD card and autorun tool that will install driver.
Else try this link:
Huawei Android 2.2 USB Driver
This one is working currently, you can also go to their homepage->download in the footer bar->search "usb"
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I was seeing about the release of Google Chrome OS, then I have some questions:
Where I can start to develop for it?
In which languages?
Which platform is good to develop?
Is possible to develop inside Chrome OS?
In which languages?
Is there any repository to share and download Chrome applications?
A good start would to be understand what Chrome OS is.
Where I can start to develop for it?
Chrome OS is a bucket for the chrome browser. Just build a webapp and it will work
In which languages?
HTML5, CSS3, Javascript
Which platform is good to develop?
Webapps are entirely interpreted
Is it possible to develop inside Chrome OS?
You may be interested in the Bespin project from Mozilla Labs. They aim to provide an IDE (written within a HTML5 Canvas object) to edit websites on the fly, and in the cloud.
You may try to learn how to write extensions for Chrome.
At this moment, they are not available at the current release, but they WILL be on the next one and you may bet they'll be available in some way on Chrome OS.