How to use exec statement in a sourced file in Tcl - module

I am trying to use the following command in a file sourced by another one but the variable doesn't seem to be usefull. The PYTHONPATH var is filled by lib//site-packages and not lib/python2.7/site-packages
set pyver [ exec python -c {import sys;print 'python%d.%d'%(sys.version_info[0],sys.version_info[1])} ]enter code here
array set paths {
PATH bin
PYTHONPATH lib/$pyver/site-packages
## Modulefile for texworks
source my_path
foreach p [array names paths] {
prepend-path $p $paths($p)

If you initialize the array paths like this:
array set paths {
PATH bin
PYTHONPATH lib/$pyver/site-packages
the braces around the member initializations prevent variable substitution of the variable pyver. To allow the variable to be substituted, you need to either replace the braces by double quotes (which is somewhat poor style) or write this as
array set paths [list \
PATH bin \
PYTHONPATH lib/$pyver/site-packages \
or (setting each member individually)
set paths(PATH) bin
set paths(PYTHONPATH) lib/$pyver/site-packages
or (forcing substitution)
array set paths [subst {
PATH bin
PYTHONPATH lib/$pyver/site-packages
Documentation: array, list, set, subst


Using #BASENAME# with install_dir of custom_target() in Meson

#BASENAME# does not appear to work in the install_dir: parameter of the Meson custom_target() function.
protoc = find_program('protoc')
protobuf_sources= [
protobuf_generated_go = []
foreach protobuf_definition : protobuf_sources
protobuf_generated_go += custom_target('go_' + protobuf_definition,
command: [protoc, '--proto_path=#CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR#', '--go_out=paths=source_relative:#OUTDIR#', '#INPUT#'],
input: protobuf_definition,
output: '#BASENAME#.pb.go',
install: true,
install_dir: 'share/gocode/src/'
I need the generated files to end up in at directory based on the basename of the input file:
If I use #BASENAME# in install_dir: to try and create the directory needed, it does not expand, and instead just creates a literal '#BASENAME#' directory.
How can the required installed directory location based on the basename be achieved?
(just 3 files in the above example, I actually have 30+ files)
Yes, it looks as there is no support for placeholders like BASENAME for install_dir parameter since this feature aims at file names not directories. But you can process iterator that is string in a loop:
foreach protobuf_definition : protobuf_sources
install_dir: '.../go/#0#'.format(protobuf_definition.split('.')[0])

How to concatenate S3 bucket name in Terraform variable and pass it to main tf file

I'm writing terraform templates to create two S3 buckets, however, my requirement is to concatenate their names in and then pass it to main tf file. Below is the and main file.
variable TENANT_NAME {
default = "Mansing"
variable BUCKET_NAME {
type = "list"
default = ["bh.${var.TENANT_NAME}.o365.attachments", "bh.${var.TENANT_NAME}.o365.eml"]
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "b" {
bucket = "${element(var.BUCKET_NAME, 2)}"
acl = "private"
When do terraform plan I get an error indicating that var may not work here.
Error: Variables not allowed
on line 10, in variable "BUCKET_NAME":
10: default = ["bh.${var.TENANT_NAME}.o365.attachments", "bh.${var.TENANT_NAME}.o365.eml"]
Variables may not be used here.
Error: Variables not allowed
on line 10, in variable "BUCKET_NAME":
10: default = ["bh.${var.TENANT_NAME}.o365.attachments", "bh.${var.TENANT_NAME}.o365.eml"]
Variables may not be used here.
I tried replacing var in vars file with locale but did not work.
You can use Terraform locals block to concatenate variable values in the file:
locals {
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "b" {
bucket = "${element(local.BUCKET_NAME, 2)}"
acl = "private"

Terraform template_file get pass all received variables to a function

is there in Terraforom in template_files a way to pass through all the received variables to other place?
I mean something similar than $# in bash.
For example:
resource "template_file" "some_template" {
template = "my_template.tpl")}"
vars {
var1 = "value1"
var2 = "value2"
and then from the rendered file:
echo "Var1: ${var1}"
echo "Var2: ${var2}"
echo "But I want it in someway similar to this:"
for v in $#; do
echo "$v";
According to the documentation, no.
Variables for interpolation within the template. Note that variables
must all be primitives. Direct references to lists or maps will cause
a validation error.
Primitives in terraform are string, number and boolean.
So it means you can not pass a hash or a list to group all the variables in one.
Use join and pass all the variables as one and parse/split them within a script (with tr/IFS tricks)
join("; ", [var.myvar1, var.myvar2, var.myvar3])
and then
IFS=';' read -ra ADDR <<< "$IN"
for i in "${ADDR[#]}"; do
echo "$i"

How do I pick elements from a block using a string in Rebol?

Given this block
fs: [
usr [
local [
bin []
share []
bin []
I could retrieve an item using a path notation like so:
How do I do the same when the path is a string?
path: "/usr/local"
find fs path ;does not work!
find fs to-path path ;does not work!
You need to complete the input string path with the right root, then LOAD it and evaluate it.
>> path: "/usr/local"
>> insert path "fs"
>> do load path
== [
bin []
Did you know Rebol has a native path type?
although this doesn't exactly answer your question, I tought I'd add a reference on how to use paths directly in Rebol. Rebol has a lot of datatypes, and when you can, you should leverage that rich language feature. Especially when you start to use and build dialects, knowing what types exist and how to use them becomes even more potent.
Here is an example on how you can build and run a path directly, without using strings. in order to represent a path within source code, you use the lit-path! datatype.
>> p: 'fs/usr/local
== fs/usr/local
>> do p
== [
bin []
you can even append to a path to manipulate it:
>> append p 'bin
== fs/usr/local/bin
>> do p
== []
if it where stored within a block, you use a path! type directly (not a lit-path!):
>> p: [fs/usr/local/bin]
== [fs/usr/local]
>> do first p
== [
bin []
also note that using paths directly has advantages over using strings because the path is composed of a series of words, which you can do some manipulation more easily than with strings example:
>> head change next p 'bin
== fs/bin/local
>> p: 'fs/path/issue/is
== fs/path/issue/is
>> head replace p 'is 'was
== fs/path/issue/w
as opposed to using a string:
>> p: "fs/path/issue/is"
== "fs/path/issue/is"
>> head replace p "is" "was"
== "fs/path/wassue/is"
If you want to browse the disk, instead of Rebol datasets, you must simply give 'FS a value of a file! and the rest of the path with browse from there (this is how paths work on file! types):
fs: %/c/
read dirize fs/windows

How to set default values for Tcl variables?

I have some Tcl scripts that are executed by defining variables in the command-line invocation:
$ tclsh84 -cmd <script>.tcl -DEF<var1>=<value1> -DEF<var2>=<value2>
Is there a way to check if var1 and var2 are NOT defined at the command line and then assign them with a set of default values?
I tried the keywords global, variable, and set, but they all give me this error when I say "if {$<var1>==""}": "can't read <var1>: no such variable"
I'm not familiar with the -def option on tclsh.
However, to check if a variable is set, instead of using 'catch', you can also use 'info exist ':
if { ![info exists blah] } {
set blah default_value
Alternatively you can use something like the cmdline package from tcllib. This allows you to set up defaults for binary flags and name/value arguments, and give them descriptions so that a formatted help message can be displayed. For example, if you have a program that requires an input filename, and optionally an output filename and a binary option to compress the output, you might use something like:
package require cmdline
set sUsage "Here you put a description of what your program does"
set sOptions {
{inputfile.arg "" "Input file name - this is required"}
{outputfile.arg "out.txt" "Output file name, if not given, out.txt will be used"}
{compressoutput "0" "Binary flag to indicate whether the output file will be compressed"}
array set options [::cmdline::getoptions argv $sOptions $sUsage]
if {$options(inputfile) == ""} {puts "[::cmdline::usage $sOptions $sUsage]";exit}
The .arg suffix indicates this is a name/value pair argument, if that is not listed, it will assume it is a binary flag.
You can catch your command to prevent error from aborting the script.
if { [ catch { set foo $<var1> } ] } {
set <var1> defaultValue
(Warning: I didn't check the exact syntax with a TCL interpreter, the above script is just to give the idea).