correct Http Request header field to pass some flags - api

Can someone suggest correct HTTP request header field to use to pass some flag using Rest API call. Can I use 'expect' request element for this use case?
Use Case:
Read client request header-->read the flag(say value is 1 or 0) --> do task A for value=1 or task B for value=0

No, that is not an appropriate use of the Expect header. Depending on your exact use case, you can use (a) a custom header, (b) a query parameter, or (c) embed the flag in the entity being sent to the server. Without more information, it's impossible to say which is most appropriate for your situation.


Include request parameters in URL when using Postman

I need to fire some requests using Postman but I need to include the parameter in the URL.
What I need:
What I currently can configure in Postman:
I do not control the server, so I need to work it out how to craft the request in Postman to accept the input data as part of the URL, not as parameter. How can I specify input data in Postman to get it included in URL?
Click on Manage Environment
Add variable as path with Initial and current value as RanDOMid
Add path to URL:
#User7294900's answer should do for you in case all you want to do is include a variable in your request URL.
However, if you want to actually generate a random ID for every request, you may use {{$guid}} or {{$randomInt}} directly in you URL as follows:
This will generate a random GUID every time your request is fired and the generated GUID will replace {{$guid}} in your URL.
This will generate a random integer between 0 and 1000 every time your request is fired and the generated integer will replace {{$randomInt}} in your URL.
Refer postman documentation for more details -
Hope this helps!

How to set content-type in Rest Client step

I'm using the Rest Client as below,
But every time I have the same error message
HTTP Error 400. The request has an invalid header name.
When I use the same config in postman client, (Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded) I've success message.
What I have to do ?
This might be somewhat reviving an old question, however:
In the headers tab on the Rest Client step the field column refers to a data field in your input stream to this step. The Name refers to the Name of the header. In the screenshot you've added you're trying to add a header called ${CONTENT_TYPE} with the value as contained in your stream field content-type.
Your first step appears to be a data grid. That grid needs to be supplying a field that you reference as your content-type header. If it can't come from that grid you need to inject a step (something like Add Constant) that will add the content-type header.
Hope it helps.

How to set http response code in Parse Server cloud function?

A parse server cloud function is defined via
Parse.Cloud.define("hello", function(request, response) {..});
on the response, I can call response.success(X) and response.error(Y), and that sets the http response code and the body of the response.
But how do I define a different code, like created (201)?
And how do I set the headers of the response?
thanks, Tim
You are allowed to return any valid JSON from response.success(). Therefore, you could create an object with fields such as code, message, and value, so you can set the code, give it a string descriptor, and pass back the value you normally would, if there is one. This seems to accomplish what you need, though you will have to keep track of those codes across your platforms. I recommend looking up standard http response codes and make sure you don't overlap with any standards.

Jmeter: variable scope - How to use different random value for the same request

I'm willing to use 2 variables for random values with the same request.
I defined both in User Parameters as follows: var1=${__Random(1,100)}; var2=${__Random(1000,2000)} (Also I checked: Update once per iteration)
I have the requests:
Request1: GET user/${var1}
Request2: GET user/${var2}
During run-time, when it gets to request2 var2 equals var1!
How do I fix that?
Well, User Parameters is a PreProcessor so you should put it as a child of your HTTP Request in order to get correct behavior. You can use Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination to validate variables values (see How to Debug your Apache JMeter Script article for more details)
I would recommend discarding this User Parameters and injecting the __Random() function directly into your HTTP Request sampler Path like
This is a simpler way to generate random numbers and get them stored into JMeter Variables.

getContentServiceInfo1 returns truncated data regardless of reqSpecifier

Calling the getContentServiceInfo1 REST API seems to return the same data regardless of provided reqSpecifier and notrim values. I am using this call as part of the refresh account flow to determine whether the service requires MFA. Is there another call that I can make to achieve the same thing?
I noticed that the values accepted for reqSpecifier are essentially binary bit masks but providing the flag as 10000000, or even 0b10000000 for that matter, instead of 128 does not change the results. What value and value type should I be providing for reqSpecifier to get more than the basic level information? Relevant request and return information when using this API call for E*Trade is below.
Request (cobrand token is omitted):
Response (this is always the response I get unless I provide arguments that result in an error):
This response comes when you pass "notrim" value as "false", if you are passing it "false" then please pass it as true. It should work.