SQL Server Extract INTs from VARCHAR - sql

I know this looks like a duplicate, but I don't see the answer I'm looking for yet.
I have an ID column that is VARCHAR(36) for ID tokens. In a legacy system, these tokens are only INT. Now they are all mixed up, and I need to be able to extract only the integer tokens for certain operations, and they have to be converted to INTs.
I thought I could do that by this:
select top 100000 convert(int,CustomerToken) as CustomerToken
from Customer
WHERE (CustomerToken NOT LIKE '%[^-+ 0-9]%' AND CustomerToken < '214783647')
But there are some numeric values that I don't want. But some numeric values give problems. I get the error varchar value '11122241333' overflowed an int column.
This seems really odd to me. This seems even weirder:
SELECT 1 WHERE '11122241333' < '2147483647'
Has anyone seen this before? Anyone know what I can do about it?

You may try to "LPAD" your strings (I choose 20 as max length, which is of course arbitrary), if you want a "pseudo-number" comparison.
select top 10000 convert(int, CustomerToken) as CustomerToken
from Customer
WHERE (CustomerToken NOT LIKE '%[^-+ 0-9]%'
AND replicate('0', 20- len(CustomerToken)) + CustomerToken < '0000000000214783647')

If you have SQL Server 2012 or later then you can use try_parse().
SELECT TOP 100000 try_parse( CustomerToken as int ) AS CustomerToken
If the value cannot be cast then the function will return a null marker, otherwise it will return an int.


Query to find if a column contains both number and decimal only

I have a column to check if contains number from 0-9 and a decimal. Since in the version of SQL am using the below does not seem working
select *
from tablename
whwere columnname like '%[^.0-9]%'
Also tried using column name like '%[0-9]%' and columnname not like '%.%' but if there is a negative sign it is not getting captured. Please advise.
The column data type is float. So can someone provide me a query to check if the column contains values from 0-9 and also it can contain decimal values these two are permitted. If say for example if I have value 9,9.99 ,-1.24 the query should output -1.24 I need this value other than decimal and number –
The issue with your LIKE clause is bad predicate logic ...like '%[^.0-9]%'should be NOT LIKE '%[^0-9.]%'
Take this sample data.
DECLARE #table TABLE (SomeNbr VARCHAR(32));
INSERT #table VALUES ('x'),('0'),('0.12'),('999'),('-29.33'),('88.33.22'),('9-9-'),('11-');
What you were trying to do would be accomplished like this:
SELECT t.someNbr
FROM #table AS t
WHERE someNbr NOT LIKE '%[^0-9.]%';
The problem here is we'll also return "88.33.22" and miss "-29.33", both valid float values. You can handle hyphens by adding a hyphen to your LIKE pattern:
SELECT t.someNbr, LEN(t.SomeNbr)-LEN(REPLACE(t.SomeNbr,'.',''))
FROM #table AS t
WHERE someNbr NOT LIKE '%[^0-9.-]%';
But now we also pick up "9-9-" and stuff with 2+ dots. To ensure that each starts with a number OR a hyphen, to ensure hyphens only exist in the front of the string (if at all) and that we a maximum of one dot:
--==== This will do a good job but can still be broken
SELECT t.someNbr
FROM #table AS t
WHERE someNbr NOT LIKE '%[^0-9.-]%' -- Can only contain numbers, dots and hyphens
AND LEN(t.SomeNbr)-LEN(REPLACE(t.SomeNbr,'.','')) < 2 -- can have up to 1 dot
AND LEN(t.SomeNbr)-LEN(REPLACE(t.SomeNbr,'-','')) < 2 -- can have up to 1 hyphen
AND PATINDEX('%-%',t.SomeNbr) < 2 -- hyphen can only be in the front
This does the trick and returns:
All that said - **DONT DO THIS ANY OF THIS ^^^ **. There is no need to parse numbers in this way except to show others why not to. I can still break this. They way I return valid floats in a scenario like this is with TRY_CAST or TRY_CONVERT. This returns what you need and will perform better.
--==== Best Solution
SELECT t.someNbr
FROM #table AS t

How to multiply string value to longint in SQL

I have the below data which I want to multiply together, column A times column B to get column C.
A has datatype string and B has datatype long.
16% 894
15% 200
I have tried this expression in query cast(A as int)*B but it is giving me an error.
You can try below way -
select cast(left(A, patindex('%[^0-9]%', A+'.') - 1) as int)*B
from tablename
You need to remove the '%' symbol before attempting your cast. And assuming you are actually wanting to calculate the percentage, then you also need to divide by 100.00.
cast(replace(A,'%','') as int)/100.00*B
Note: You need to use 100.00 rather than 100 to force decimal arithmetic instead of integer. Or you could cast as decimal(9,2) instead of int - either way ensures you get an accurate result.
You may well want to reduce the number of decimal points returned, in which case cast it back to your desired datatype e.g.
cast(cast(replace(A,'%','') as int)/100.00*# as decimal(9,2))
Note: decimal(9,2) is just an example - you would use whatever precision and scale you need.
The syntax of the cast in SQL Server is CAST(expression AS TYPE);
As you cannot convert '%' to an integer so you have to replace that with an empty character
as below:
SELECT cast(replace(A,'%','') AS int);
Finally you can write as below:
SELECT (cast(replace(A,'%','') AS int)/100.00)*B as C;

Trim decimal off a varchar value

I've got a legacy SQL Server stored procedure that stopped working some time ago. While looking at it today, there is an inner join where one table is storing the value as an int and the other is storing it as a varchar in a (##.#) format. Not sure why or how that happened but SQL Server is none too happy about it.
I need a simple programmatic bit of string manipulation to pull out everything to the left of the decimal point so I can cast or convert it to an int to fix the join.
I started with the following, however substring requires a fixed length and the data could be 1-3 digits to the left of the decimal. Having trouble with the dynamic aspect of it. For clarity sake, I don't care what's to the right of the decimal.
cast(substring(H.Variable, 1, 1) as int)
First, find the index of the decimal by using CHARINDEX(). Then, you can pass that index to the LEFT() function:
LEFT(H.Variable, CHARINDEX('.', H.Variable) - 1)
CAST(TRY_CAST H.Variable AS Float) AS Int)
That should get you the integer value of the varchar string--if it cannot be converted, it will come back as NULL.
It's going in the other direction than your question, but is likely to be more accurate and higher performance.
Note that you need SQL Server 2012 or later to use the TRY_CAST conversion...
If you can have no decimals with decimals, you need to account for that.
declare #table table (c1 varchar(64))
insert into #table
case when CHARINDEX('.', c1) = 0 then c1 else LEFT(c1, CHARINDEX('.', c1) - 1) end
from #table
Other wise, only using LEFT() and CHARINDEX() will result in:
Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.
Another way is
substring(c1,0,case when charindex('.',c1) = 0 then 9999 else charindex('.',c1) end)
It could be more tolerant...

I am trying to compare two number using Sql query. for e.g 123.45 and 12345 are same if i ignore decimal so it should come in output

I am trying to compare two string using Sql query. for e.g In table A i have A123.45 and in table B i have A12345. this two string are same if i ignore decimal point so as a output i would want table A's value.
First, to avoid the XY problem, it's a little unclear to me why you'd want to do this in the first place - I'm not sure exactly why 123.45 should be equal to 12345. Definitely something to think about.
With that said, if you insist, you can do something like the following:
select case when replace(cast(floatingPointNumber as varchar(50)), '.', '') = cast(yourInteger as varchar(50)) then 1 else 0 end
from YourTable
Obviously, floatingPointNumber is a float and yourInteger is an integer.
I'm not sure what platform you're using since you didn't tag it but I wrote/tested this in SQL Server. You can do something similar in Oracle/MySQL if that's what you're using.
Basically, what this is doing is casting both the floating point number and the integer to strings, removing the decimal from the floating point number, and comparing them. If they're equal, it returns 1; otherwise it returns 0.

Search Through All Between Values SQL

I have data following data structure..
7003 99210 99217
7003 10225 10324
7003 111111
I want to look through every _BEGIN and _END and return all rows where the input value is between the range of values including the values themselves (i.e. if 10324 is the input, row 2 would be returned)
I have tried this filter but it does not work..
where #theInput between a._BEGIN and a._END
where convert(char(7),'10400') >= convert(char(7),a._BEGIN)
AND convert(char(7),'10400') < convert(char(7),a._END)
Less than < and greater than > operators work on xCHAR data types without any syntactical error, but it may go semantically wrong. Look at examples:
1 - SELECT 'ab' BETWEEN 'aa' AND 'ac' # returns TRUE
2 - SELECT '2' BETWEEN '1' AND '10' # returns FALSE
Character 2 as being stored in a xCHAR type has greater value than 1xxxxx
So you should CAST types here. [Exampled on MySQL - For standard compatibility change UNSIGNED to INTEGER]
You'd better change the types of columns to avoid ambiguity for later use.
This would be the obvious answer...
WHERE #theInput between a._BEGIN and a._END
If the data is string (assuming here as we don't know what DB) You could add this.
Declare #searchArg VARCHAR(30) = CAST(#theInput as VARCHAR(30));
WHERE #searchArg between a._BEGIN and a._END
If you care about performance and you've got a lot of data and indexes you won't want to include function calls on the column values.. you could in-line this conversion but this assures that your predicates are Sargable.
(CAST(#theInput AS char) >= a._BEGIN AND #theInput < a.END);
I also saw several of the same type of questions:
SQL "between" not inclusive
MySQL "between" clause not inclusive?
When I do queries like this, I usually try one side with the greater/less than on either side and work from there. Maybe that can help. I'm very slow, but I do lots of trial and error.
Or, use Tony's convert.
I supposed you can convert them to anything appropriate for your program, numeric or text.
Also, see here, http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa226054%28v=sql.80%29.aspx.
I am not convinced you cannot do your CAST in the SELECT.
Nick, here is a MySQL version from SO, MySQL "between" clause not inclusive?