Perform activity on each module install or upgrade - module

whenever user install or upgrade any module I need to perform particular action based on that.
I looked into for methods button_install, button_upgrade etc and tried to override it but models for specific modules are not created yet. Plus if i am installing module via terminal button_upgrade and button_install doesn't get called.
Which method should i use to perform above activity?

If you want to run some code for any module install/upgrade, create a module that has a model that inherits from ir.module.module and override the button_install and button_upgrade methods.
If you want to run some code for a specific module there are two options:
In one of your models override init (not init) or weird stuff will happen. Have a look at in core account module for an example.
Create a my_module_config.xml file, add in a entry like this:
<function model="" name="do_stuff" />


Failure in creation of feature class: Unable to create object class extension COM component

I am working with ArcGIS 10.5, installed on-premise, and are developing our feature class in .NET.
I have an issue with registering feature classes. We have created a Feature Class and registered the DLL through “ESRIRegAsm.exe”, and it appears in ArcCatalog:
Trigger appearing image
But when I try to create the Feature Class, I get the following error:
Failed to create feature class. Unable to create object class extension COM Component
Which isn't very helpful, unfortunately.
The odd thing is, that we have another trigger registered on another Feature Class, that works as expected. And the new trigger is based on a copy of the old trigger's code (with changed GUID's).
The steps I have done so far:
I have tried to add the feature class to the component category using categories.exe.
Registered it using ESRIRegAsm.exe for both Desktop and Engine.
Checked that there are .ecfg config files - and there are.
Checked that the CLSID's appear in the windows registry.
The essential parts of our trigger source-code can be found here: here.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, as we are stuck on this.
Our issue was that our ID's were wrong in the code.
The ClassExtensionCLSID should return the same ID as TriggerExtension has.
Moreover, InstanceCLSID should always return 52353152-891A-11D0-BEC6-00805F7C4268, and should hence not get a new ID.

Generating CRUD in symfony 4

After releasing Symfony 4.0, there is no support for SensioGeneratorBundle. hence the command php app/console generate:doctrine:crud is not available.
They suggest to use MakerBundle, but I could not find appropriate replacement for CRUD generation.
Could anyone help?
You can use the make command in Symfony4+ (and it's quite an improvement!), from the MakerBundle:
php bin/console make:crud
It'll prompt you for which entity you want the crud for. It generates a controller with index, new, update, view and delete methods in /src/controller, with matching templates in /templates.
Useful to know: If you run make:entity, and later run that command again and enter an existing entity, it responds with:
Your entity already exists! So let's add some new fields!
At the moment MakerBundle supports just a few core commands. You can see the list here. Unfortunately there's no CRUD generator. But there some discussion about it in the issues so you can follow what will be done.
If what you need is just a generator for boilerplate code and not a more structured solution like EasyAdminBundle you should consider creating your own maker.
Symfony4 (thanks to #jelle)
composer require symfony/maker-bundle --dev
composer require symfony/form symfony/validator symfony/twig-bundle symfony/orm-pack symfony/security-csrf
php bin\console make:crud
The class name of the entity to create CRUD (e.g. BravePuppy):
first install pre-req packages
composer require twig-bundle security-csrf
and then you can run
php bin/console make:crud
after that just enter your entity name which you want to curd
The class name of the entity to create CRUD (e.g. BlogPosts):

SuiteCRM developing a custom module

I am trying to build a custom module based on the 'basic' template, with extra fields without using the module builder.
I have looked trough the SugarCRM 6.5 documentation, bought the book SuiteCRM for Developers and looked trough the sources of existing modules, but I still can not figure out how to put a working module together.
Does a minimal module template exists anywhere? What I am looking for is a fully working module with one extra field, which can be deployed on a SuiteCRM instance. I can take it from there.
There's no minimal module template that I know of, you may want to consider creating a test module through module builder and exporting that to see what the parts are.
Usually though modules have the following files. Example uses the module ABC_Sport.
This adds the module to the module list and adds the beans. I.e.
$beanList['ABC_Sport'] = 'ABC_Sport';
$beanFiles['ABC_Sport'] = 'modules/ABC_Sport/ABC_Sport.php';
$moduleList[] = 'ABC_Sport';
(Note you may want to add files for different languages).
Next up you'll need to create the bean file in
and the vardefs in
I'm not totally sure if the metadata files are required or not but you'll also likely want to add the editviewdefs,detailviewdefs and listviewdefs.

How to access views defined with a specific [plone.]browserlayer in test cases

I'm new to testing and I'm trying to create a test for my Plone product for the first time.
I'm on Plone 3.3.
The basic test suite works, I can execute it without errors.
I followed this documentation :
...except that I'm writing my tests in Python classes instead of doctests.
My problem is that I cannot seem to access the views defined in my app (I get ComponentLookupError).
The problem seems to be with the "browserlayer" defined by my applications.
When I remove the layer="..." attribute from my configure.zcml, the test can access the views without problem. However, if I add it back, it doesn't work.
I guess that's because de browserlayer interface doesn't get applied to the request.
The only reference to this problem I found is in the tests for googlesitemap :
The author seems to have made a custom ZCML file for the test, in which the layer="..." attribute has been removed. (which would work but it seems very bad having to maintain a separate zcml file for the tests)
In my test, I have included the following (taken from the googlesitemap tests), which passes :
from import IJambetteLayer # this is my browserlayer
from plone.browserlayer.utils import registered_layers
self.assertTrue(IJambetteLayer in registered_layers())
So I think my skin and browserlayer are registered correctly.
Is there anything I need to do so that the browserlayer will be applied to the request?
Browser layer interfaces are simply 'painted' onto the request with directlyProvides. Simply do so in your test setup before you look up the view:
from zope import interface
from import IJambetteLayer
directlyProvides(request, IJambetteLayer)

module which generated a bad name for a method

So I have a module which have used the name "log" for one of its internal methods.
The problem is, that this module has an "extend self" line. If I call this module in a script as well as load the rails environment, everytime the keyword "log" is used (i.e Rails.application.config.paths.log, or config.paths.log) the method inside that module is getting invoked instead of what the original file was looking for.
Is there a way to do a MyModule.module_eval and somehow rename the method name and route all the local calls inside that module that called "log" into the new method?
Otherwise Rails and this module don't play nice together.
Any help would be appreciated!
Found an answer. I privatized the bad method inside the module using module_eval
NoSoSmartModule.module_eval do
private :log