Is there a way to shorten a link to a shared OneDrive file programatically? [closed] - onedrive

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Closed 4 years ago.
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When you share a file on OneDrive programatically, you get the long link, something like that: cid=02b2003892980058&resid=2B200389298**!371&parId=2B2003892980058!303&authkey=!AA4PmQJeIl6O-Ks&v=3&ithint=photo%2c.jpg
If you do this through the OneDrive site, you first get the long link, but after that you are given the opportunity to shorten it. However, I do not see a functionality to shorted the shared link being available in OneDrive's API. Is it possible to shorted the link programatically?

The OneDrive service uses to perform the link shortening, rather than using OneDrive as the proxy since we have additional security measures in place to prevent over-usage I'd recommend you use the or another URL shortening service APIs directly for your scenario.

Thanks for the tip! Had the exactly same issue but couldn't solved it by using service. Such a pitty we (non-MS collaborators/insiders) cannot use the service API that's great, haha. Had to go to another URL Shortener that worked great ( ). Cheers


Google Dictionary API not working--is there another solution? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have been using the Google Dictionary API and accessing it with this url:'test'&sl=en&tl=en&restrict=pr,de&client=te
However, now this url throws an error.
Then, I found this site: and this works fine. Digging around their site I found the same url as mine in their code. Yet, when copied and pasted into a browser also throws an error.
So, I believe somehow this site is still able to access this Google dictionary API though I don't know what url to try and/or if anyone has a suggestion for a different Dictionary API.
This service is no longer free, it is still the same API, but you have to pay to let you use it in your site or application. better to use an alternative solution like

Web-based REST API browser (explorer, navigator, rambler)? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm teaching a lecture about APIs and would love to find a nice, free, Web-based tool to "browse" open REST APIs in a generic way, rendering XML and/or JSON payloads to the screen and speculatively turning anything that looks like a hyperlink into a hyperlink. So, for example, I could point it to:
and see a nicely-rendered version of the data with clickable links.
Anybody know of a useful resource?
The Apigee Console is great. It supports a number of predefined APIs and a generic mode for any API. Apigee has a nice snapshot feature where you can make a request and then send a link to anyone and they can view the request/response you made.
There is also Hurl but it isn't always working.
I really like the Chrome HTTP Dev Client for exploring REST API's. Works great!
I use XML Tree for Chrome.
Highlights and formats XML and has the option to turn URLs into links.
This is an interesting way to show web api's

Is there a Google Search API I can call, server-side, no strings attached? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I would like to use Google Search to power my site search, without having to use Google-supplied JavaScript or overly-specific (if they need me to say “Powered by Google,” that’s fine). I don’t want to send users to Google’s domain, and I don’t want them to see a Google Custom Search logo.
Is there an API for this?
There is a Google AJAX Search API, which can also be used by a server-side application:
The problem with this, however, is that it's limited to 64 results per query, if I remember correctly.
the normal google search API
- for non javascript (a.k.a. mostly for server side)
- with the sitesearch parameters
the downsite is, with google custom search you have access to something called on demand index a.k.a. you can create and access a more complete index of your site, with the search api above you have only access to the normal google index, which does not offer on demand index
There are examples on the google code playground. You can figure out the url its calling using firebug or some similar tool.

email to api service? does it exist? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is there any service that receives emails users send to me, parse the content and call my API?
I would do it myself but don't want to mess with mailservers, cronjobs, etc
I approached this problem a week or so ago whilst trying to provide one of our developers to not write something. There is nothing out of the box or hosted that I've found.
The nearest thing I've seen is a DIY SMTP framework in Python which is quite powerful (Lamson). It allows you to receive email, process it and call external services or store the message content.
Hope this helps.
Google App Engine has a mail API built in, that seems very simple to use, just forward the email to
I will use that, calling the API of my app hosted in heroku.
Thanks Chris for your answer, it is very good to know that a simple email framework exists! also offers this service.

Where do I find information about Blog APIs and how to use them? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm thinking of creating a small offline blog editor for personal use and I don't know how do the APIs work. Where can I find this information?
I'm particularly looking for the most common providers: Blogger, Wordpress, MovableType, Live Spaces (not sure if this has an API) etc.
See the following links:
Live Spaces
The Blogger API link you provided says:
This documentation is provided for
historical interest only. The Blogger
1.0 API is no longer supported and must not be used for new client
development. Please use our GData API
So the correct one probably is:
Also, if more APIs are answered in this question, would you be kind enough to edit your answer to include them. Since I'm gonna vote it as the correct one.
Thank you.
MovableType API :
MetaWeblog API :