Dynamically change project stage value at runtime using JNDI - dynamic

I need to change the value of the project stage dynamically ( at runtime ), based on the environment, using JNDI. From what I understand, the JNDI will override what is defined in web.xml. Is there a document / link that will help me with how I should code it? I am using websphere 8.5
In some examples I have seen that it is defined as resource-ref, but I am not sure I understand how is that used with JNDI to make it work and change the value at runtime.
Can someone help me with this?

As JSF 2.0 spec states, you can override context parameter javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE via JNDI entry, which is looked via reference java:comp/env/jsf/ProjectStage.
To override the context parameter, you need to define following resource environment reference in your web.xml file:
<description />
in the application server configuration, you can define your ProjectStage value via Namespace binding ( in the web admin console select Environment > Name Space Bindings, define new String variable with jndi name jsf/ProjectStage and value Development or Production, depending on the environment).
Finally you need to bind your reference in the project with variable in JNDI. You can do it it 2 ways, via ibm-web-bnd.xml file, defining:
<resource-ref name="jsf/ProjectStage" binding-name="jsf/ProjectStage" />
Or during application installation, in the step were you provide mappings for Resource environment references.
For detailed discussion on this topic check Dynamically change project stage value at runtime using JNDI


How do I set an adapter's security test to come from worklight.properties?

My company is working on an application developed with MobileFirst v6.3. I'm looking at creating a server configuration that will allow the server to bypass our standard security test.
This is the type of entry I'm looking to make in my worklight.properties file:
# Worklight Security Test
And this is how I'm trying to place the value in the adapter's procedure:
<procedure name="getTechUserAdapter" securityTest="${mt.adapter.security}"/>
When I build and deploy it, I get this error:
<error mbeanName="com.worklight.common.server.jmx.api:qualifier=worklight,type=ProjectManagement" node="worklight///" date="2016-06-02T19:58:02.889Z" phase="PREPARE" code="FAILURE" details="Procedure &apos;getTechUserAdapter&apos; in adapter &apos;TechUserServiceAdapter&apos; requires security test &apos;${mt.adapter.security}&apos; which is not defined in authenticationConfig.xml.">
Worklight is trying to translate it the security test as a string, and not the value that was placed in the worklight.properties file. Does anyone know how to make it use the variable value?
The security test definition does not support custom properties like what you're trying to do... it looks at the authenticationConfig.xml file.
Instead you may need to keep multiple configurations and swap between them before you build the adapter.

how to configure the external properfiles into the OSGI

we are using the Jboss fuse 6.2 along with technical stack blueprint,camel ,activeMQ and Mybatis.
We need to know about how to configure the property files in OSGI ,
as per my knowledge we could configure .cfg files, but is there any simplest way to use like spring configuring the configuring.
In Our code we are reading from property files . using namespace ext:proeprtyplaceHolder giving that bean id and values we are giving .
Help to provide is there any simplest way to read the property files
There is several ways to add configuration, because OSGi services can access configuration via ConfigurationAdmin service. The blueprint also can access property values over it.
JBoss fuse using karaf, so you can use the following methods.
(There is some quotes from http://www.liquid-reality.de/display/liquid/2011/09/23/Karaf+Tutorial+Part+2+-+Using+the+Configuration+Admin+Service)
Configuration with Blueprint
The integration with our bean class is mostly a simple bean definition where we define the title property and assign the placeholder which will be resolved using the config admin service. The only special thing is the init-method. This is used to give us the chance to react after all changes were made like in the pure OSGi example.
For blueprint we do not need any maven dependencies as our Java Code is a pure Java bean. The blueprint context is simply activated by putting it in the OSGI-INF/blueprint directory and by having the blueprint extender loaded. As blueprint is always loaded in Karaf we do not need anything else.
<cm:property-placeholder persistent-id="ConfigApp" update-strategy="reload" >
<cm:property name="title" value="Default Title"/>
<bean id="myApp" init-method="refresh">
<property name="title" value="${title}"></property>
After you can put a cfg file (which is a standard java property file) to
karaf's etc or deploy directory with the name of of the given persistent-id which is MyApp in our example. (For example: /etc/ConfigApp.cfg)
title=Configured title

DataSource naming JBossEAP 6.2 vs Web Logic

I am porting a suite of related applications from WebLogic to JBoss EAP v6.2.
I have set up a data source connection using the JBoss command line interface and hooked it to an oracle database. This database has a name of "mydatasource" and a JNDI name of
"java:jboss/datasources/mydatasource" as per JBoss standards. I can test and validate this database connection.
However, when I try to port the code and run it, the connection doesn't work. The code that worked in WebLogic was simply:
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext() ;
DataSource ds = (DataSource)ic.lookup(dataSource) ;
with a value in dataSource of "mydatasource".
This worked in Web Logic but in JBoss it throws a NameNotFoundException
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: mydatasource-- service jboss.naming.context.java.mydatasource
Clearly there is a difference in how the InitialContext is set up between the two servers.
But this port involves a large number of small applications, all of which connect to the datasource via code like that above. I don't want to rewrite all that code.
Is there a way through configuration (InitialContextFactory, maybe) to define the initial context such that code like that above will work without rewriting, or perhaps is there another way of naming the datasource that JBoss will accept that would allow code like that above to work without rewriting?
Or must we bite the bullet and accept that this code needs a rewrite?
Update: Yes, I know that simply passing "java:jboss/datasources/mydatasource" to the InitialContext lookup solves the problem, but I am looking for a solution via configuration, rather than via coding if there is such a solution.
The way to do this correctly through configuration is to use
then use resource-ref in web.xml to map it to the declare datasource and use weblogic.xml or jboss-web.xml to actually map it to the real one
in weblogic admin console, when you define datasource it can be jdbc/realDataSource
JNDI path Tomcat vs. Jboss
For weblogic http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E13222_01/wls/docs103/jdbc_admin/packagedjdbc.html

IBM Worklight - How to use adapter domain and port properties taken from external file?

I have a web service. Its domain and port can be changed. So I want to read port and domain from file or db. When this information change, I update them in db or file.
Adapter XML:
This is working fine. But I'd like to take adp.hostname and adp.port from file or db.
Something to remember about adapters is that you cannot change in real-time any of the properties set in the adapter XML once it is deployed.
Once the adapter is deployed, it is transformed into an object and is stored in memory. At this time, then, you can no longer interact with its "setup".
The only thing you can do, is to decide what will be the value of these properties before your deploy the adapter. For example, a different set of properties for QA/TEST/UAT/PROD environments...
To setup external properties, starting Worklight 6.0 and above, you can read this documentation topic: Configuring an IBM Worklight project in production by using JNDI environment entries
Specifically for Tomcat in its server.xml:
<Context docBase="app_context_path" path="/app_context_path">
<Environment name="publicWorkLightPort" override="false"
type="java.lang.String" value="9080"/>
You change app_context_path to your project's context (project name)
You add environment child elements for each property you need
Important to remember: these properties must also exist in worklight.properties; those will be the default properties, and if using the above example they will be over-written and the environment properties will be used instead.
In the example above you can see that it will replace the default property publicWorkLightPort.

How to address JNDI configuration when using mvn scala:console

I'm troubleshooting a Mapper problem and I'm running into an issue trying to use a Mapper class inside of the Scala/Lift console. Our MetaMappers have their datasource configured through a ConnectionIdentifier that points to a JDBC datasource configured in JNDI. This works great when bootstrapping through Jetty.
When loading the console and running (new bootstrap.liftweb.Boot).boot to initialize, Schemifier.schemify fails JNDI configuration is not available.
scala> (new bootstrap.liftweb.Boot).boot
java.lang.NullPointerException: Looking for Connection Identifier ConnectionIdentifier(jdbc/svcHub) but failed to find either a JNDI data source with the name jdbc/svcHub or a lift connection manager with the correct name
at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$$anonfun$7$$anonfun$apply$12.apply(DB.scala:141)
at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$$anonfun$7$$anonfun$apply$12.apply(DB.scala:141)
at net.liftweb.common.EmptyBox.openOr(Box.scala:465)
at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$$anonfun$7.apply(DB.scala:140)
at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$$anonfun$7.apply(DB.scala:140)
at net.liftweb.common.EmptyBox.openOr(Box.scala:465)
at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$.newConnection(DB.scala:134)
at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$.getConnection(DB.scala:230)
at net.liftweb.mapper.DB$.use(DB.scala:581)
at net.liftweb.mapper.Schemifier$.schemify(Sche...
Essentially, I'd like to have full MetaMapper functionality from within the console. My question is: What's the best way to bootstrap a Lift app from the console such that the JNDI-based dependencies can also be fulfilled outside of a JNDI-capable web container?
Under a application server it's likely that the server will provide a JNDI context for you. In a standalone application you must provide a JNDI Context your self. For that you can use a javax.naming.InitialContext.
There is a nice example using Apache's DBCP here: http://commons.apache.org/dbcp/guide/jndi-howto.html. Of course, will you have to fix the Datasource objects to the implementation you are using.
This will be enough (not very elegant, though) for simple JNDI usage.