Julia: Variable not defined - variables

The variable scope behavior seems quite strange. The code block
tp = 1
function test2()
works perfectly well while
function test()
if tp==0
gives the exception "tp not defined". What is wrong?

This is tricky due to the way variables are implicitly defined as local or global, and the fact that definitions later in a function can affect their scoping in the whole function.
In the first case, tp defaults to being a global variable, and it works as you expected. However, in the second case, you assign to tp. This, as is noted in the scope of variables section of the manual:
"An assignment x = y introduces a new local variable x only if x is neither declared global nor introduced as local by any enclosing scope before or after the current line of code."
So, by assigning to tp, you've implicitly declared it as a local variable! It will now shadow the definition of your global… except that you try to access it first. The solution is simple: explicitly declare any variables to be global if you want to assign to them:
function test()
global tp
if tp==0
The behavior here is finely nuanced, but it's very consistent. I know it took me a few reads through that part of the manual before I finally understood how this works. If you can think of a better way to describe it, please say something!


Evaluate a local variable inside a Julia macro

I'm writing a Julia macro that takes an expression and serializes it, so that I can run it somewhere else. The macro therefore takes the expression and replaces all symbols with variables. The expression is then serialized and evaluated somewhere else.
My problem is related to evaluating variables that are not in the global scope. I.e. the following works fine, as a is defined in the global scope:
macro myprintf(ex)
# works
a = 2
#myprintf a
This throws an error as the macro doesn't see a, which is defined in the local scope of the loop (run in a new session):
macro myprintf(ex)
# UndefVarError: a not defined
for j=1:3
a = 2
#myprintf a
Is there any way I can access a inside the macro if it is defined in a local scope such as a loop? I'm aware that I'm not necessarily using macros as intended as I am calling eval on the expression inside the macro definition. The overall idea is that I want to serialize the expression that's passed to the macro and evaluate it somewhere else later (e.g. in a different Julia session).
eval only works in global scope. But then I don't see how much use there is in replacing the variables by evaluated literals, resulting in an expression of literals.
Anyway, a different approach to the original problem could be mimick what R does: constructing thunks out of an expression plus its environment at the place where it was called. To recreate that in Julia, you'd have to
Figure out the free variables in the expression
Create an environment data structure of their values
Wrap the original expression in a closure such that it takes the local variables from the environment
Put everything into a new object
for j=1:3
a = 2
#saveexpr a + 2
should expand to something like
for j=1:3
a = 2
(; a),
function (env)
let (a,) = env
a + 2
:(a + 2))
If saving the closure is not feasible in your use case, I guess you have to either implement your own evaluator, or use something like JuliaInterpreter.jl.

Lua closure reference to variable fails if declared in the same statement declaring the variable

This is a question about closures in Lua. I stumbled across a problem (and workaround) while trying to make an object registrar object as follows:
tracker = {
objList = {},
myRegister = function(self, obj)
table.insert(self.objList, obj)
return "hello"
myInit = function(self)
local i, obj
for i, obj in ipairs(self.objList) do
-- Note: As written, this does *not* work.
-- It *will* work if I separate the line into two parts as follows:
-- local myvar
-- myvar = tracker:myRegister({
local myvar = tracker:myRegister({
init = function(self)
-- This will generate an error complaining that myvar
-- is a global variable with a "nil" value
print("myvar = " .. myvar)
It seems that if I declare the local variable, "myvar", in the same statement which creates a closure, then the local variable is not accessible from the closure. If, however, I merely assign to an already-existing local variable, then that variable is accessible from the closure.
Obviously, I know how to fix this: Just declare myvar separately.
My question, however, is this: Why is this necessary? Is this by design, or is it a bug in the compiler and/or virtual machine? If it's by design, where is it documented? I'm particularly interested in whether this behavior has other implications, and what those might be, and I'm hoping that the documentation (again assuming this is the intended behavior) will shed some light on this.
Yes, this is the intended behavior.
It is documented in the Lua manual §3.5 – Visibility Rules
This feature allows you to write the following code:
print"Beginning of log"
local print =
print(os.date"%T", ...) -- Here you're invoking global "print"
-- inside this do-end block "print" is automatically adding current time
print"Some event"
print"Another event"
print"End of log"
In other words, while the shadowing object is being created, the original object is still accessible.
This is quite useful.

Read dynamic variable names in Lua

i'd like to know if there is any possibility to read out dynamic variable names?
Since the programm that passes the variables to my script calls them just "in1, in2, in3" etc.
Hopefully there is any way to make a loop, because it is pretty annoying to handle every input separately...
Here is what i've tried so far, but it just gives me an error.
for i=1,19,2 do
myvar[i] = ["in"..i]
I'm quite new to Lua, but i hope the solution is not that difficult :D
Oh I'll try to give you some more information. The "Main" Program is no not written in Lua and just set theese "in1 ... " variables. It is a kind of robotic programmic software and has a lot of funktions build in. Thats the whole thing so i can not simply use other variable names or an array. So it is not a function or anything else related to Lua...
Here is a little Screenshot http://www.bilderload.com/daten/unbenanntFAQET.jpg
At the moment the Lua script just passes the the first input.
It depends on what you mean by "dynamic variable names."
The names of local variables do not exist. Local variables are any variable declared as a function parameter or with the local keyword. Local variables are compiled into offsets into the Lua stack, so their names don't exist. You can't index something by name to get them.
Global variables are members of the global table. Therefore, these ways to set a global variable are equivalent:
globalVar = 4
_G.globalVar = 4
_G["globalVar"] = 4
Since the programm that passes the variables to my script calls them just "in1, in2, in3" etc.
The program that passes variables to your script doesn't get to name them. A variable is just a placeholder for a value. It has no ownership of that value. When your function gets arguments, your function gets to name them.
You haven't said much about the structure of your program, so I can't really give good advice. But if you just want to take some number of values as parameters and access them as inputs, you can do that in two ways. You can take a table containing values as a parameter, or you can take a varargs:
function MyFunc1(theArgs)
for i, arg in ipairs(theArgs) do
--Do something with arg.
function MyFunc2(...)
for i, arg in ipairs({...}) do
--Do something with arg.
MyFunc1 {2, 44, 22} --Can be called with no () because it takes a single value as an expression. The table.
MyFunc2(2, 44, 22)
Whoever wrote the code that spits out these "dynamic variables" didn't do a good job. Having them is a bad habit, and might result in data loss, cluttering of the global name space, ...
If you can change it, it'd be much better to just output a table containing the results.
That said, you're not to far off with your solution, but ["in"..i] is no valid Lua syntax. You're indexing into nothing. If those variables are globals, your code should read:
for i=1,19,2 do
myvar[i] = _G["in"..i]
This reads the values contained by your variables out of the global table.
Try this
myvar={ in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, in7, in8, in9, in10, in11,
in12, in13, in14, in15, in16, in17, in18, in19 }
if the variables are passed as global variables, or this
myvar = {...}
if the variables are passed as arguments to the script.

Function/variable scope (pass by value or reference?)

I'm completely confused by Lua's variable scoping and function argument passing (value or reference).
See the code below:
local a = 9 -- since it's define local, should not have func scope
local t = {4,6} -- since it's define local, should not have func scope
function moda(a)
a = 10 -- creates a global var?
function modt(t)
t[1] = 7 -- create a global var?
t[2] = 8
print(a) -- print 9 (function does not modify the parent variable)
print(t[1]..t[2]) -- print 78 (some how modt is modifying the parent t var)
As such, this behavior completely confuses me.
Does this mean that table variables
are passed to the function by
reference and not value?
How is the global variable creation
conflicting with the already define
local variable?
Why is modt able to
modify the table yet moda is not able
to modify the a variable?
You guessed right, table variables are passed by reference. Citing Lua 5.1 Reference Manual:
There are eight basic types in Lua: nil, boolean, number, string, function, userdata, thread, and table.
Tables, functions, threads, and (full) userdata values are objects: variables do not actually contain these values, only references to them. Assignment, parameter passing, and function returns always manipulate references to such values; these operations do not imply any kind of copy.
So nil, booleans, numbers and strings are passed by value. This exactly explains the behavior you observe.
Lua's function, table, userdata and thread (coroutine) types are passed by reference. The other types are passed by value. Or as some people like to put it; all types are passed by value, but function, table, userdata and thread are reference types.
string is also a kind of reference type, but is immutable, interned and copy-on-write - it behaves like a value type, but with better performance.
Here's what's happening:
local a = 9
local t = {4,6}
function moda(a)
a = 10 -- sets 'a', which is a local introduced in the parameter list
function modt(t)
t[1] = 7 -- modifies the table referred to by the local 't' introduced in the parameter list
t[2] = 8
Perhaps this will put things into perspective as to why things are the way they are:
local a = 9
local t = {4,6}
function moda()
a = 10 -- modifies the upvalue 'a'
function modt()
t[1] = 7 -- modifies the table referred to by the upvalue 't'
t[2] = 8
-- 'moda' and 'modt' are closures already containing 'a' and 't',
-- so we don't have to pass any parameters to modify those variables
print(a) -- now print 10
print(t[1]..t[2]) -- still print 78
jA_cOp is correct when he says "all types are passed by value, but function, table, userdata and thread are reference types."
The difference between this and "tables are passed by reference" is important.
In this case it makes no difference,
function modt_1(x)
x.foo = "bar"
Result: both "pass table by reference" and "pass table by value, but table is a reference type" will do the same: x now has its foo field set to "bar".
But for this function it makes a world of difference
function modt_2(x)
x = {}
In this case pass by reference will result in the argument getting changed to the empty table. However in the "pass by value, but its a reference type", a new table will locally be bound to x, and the argument will remain unchanged. If you try this in lua you will find that it is the second (values are references) that occurs.
I won't repeat what has already been said on Bas Bossink and jA_cOp's answers about reference types, but:
-- since it's define local, should not have func scope
This is incorrect. Variables in Lua are lexically scoped, meaning they are defined in a block of code and all its nested blocks.
What local does is create a new variable that is limited to the block where the statement is, a block being either the body of a function, a "level of indentation" or a file.
This means whenever you make a reference to a variable, Lua will "scan upwards" until it finds a block of code in which that variable is declared local, defaulting to global scope if there is no such declaration.
In this case, a and t are being declared local but the declaration is in global scope, so a and t are global; or at most, they are local to the current file.
They are then not being redeclared local inside the functions, but they are declared as parameters, which has the same effect. Had they not been function parameters, any reference inside the function bodies would still refer to the variables outside.
There's a Scope Tutorial on lua-users.org with some examples that may help you more than my attempt at an explanation. Programming in Lua's section on the subject is also a good read.
Does this mean that table variables are passed to the function by reference and not value?
How is the global variable creation conflicting with the already define local variable?
It isn't. It might appear that way because you have a global variable called t and pass it to a function with an argument called t, but the two ts are different. If you rename the argument to something else, e,g, q the output will be exactly the same. modt(t) is able to modify the global variable t only because you are passing it by reference. If you call modt({}), for example, the global t will be unaffected.
Why is modt able to modify the table yet moda is not able to modify the a variable?
Because arguments are local. Naming your argument a is similar to declaring a local variable with local a except obviously the argument receives the passed-in value and a regular local variable does not. If your argument was called z (or was not present at all) then moda would indeed modify the global a.

return type of who_user in scilab

I work with scilab, but during a project, scilab has to deal with a large number of variables.
I was wondering if i can do the following
var_list = who_user();
for _var_ = var_list do
if _var_ is global then
writetofile(human_readablefile, _var_)
of course this is a pseudocode, and i have a few questions before i implement it.
I can not get var_list = who_user() working. so i believe the function does not return anything. I am reluctant to hack into the code of the "who_user" macro itself. Is there any other way to get the list of user variables in another variable?
Is there a way to find the global variables out of them?
If not, then what are some memory management techniques in scilab?
I am able to answer your first query:
From a slight modification of the who_user function itself:
function nams = who_user1()
//get user variables
[nams,mem]=who('get'); //get all variables
p=predef(); //number of system variable
//modifiable system variables
'%scicos_short','%helps','%helps_modules','MSDOS','who_user','%scicos_display_mode', ...
if n==0 then return,end
//format names on n*10 characters
for k=1:max(m)
if ks<>[] then nams(ks)=part(nams(ks),1:(k*10));end
This function should give you the list you desire (I have modified the name to who_user1).
You can find out whether a specific variable is global or not by using the isglobal() function, but you need to pass a variable to isglobal(), not the string that is the name of the variable. The function I've listed above returns a vector of strings.
An alternative approach you could try would be to rewrite the above function to return the variables (rather than their names) directly using varargout and then testing them for being globals.