Problems with Ctrl+Backspace in Sublime Text 3 - keyboard-shortcuts

I regularly use ctrl+backspace in Sublime 3 to delete a whole word, but recently it stopped working. Nothing happens when I try to use it.
I have tried mapping it in Key Bindings - User as
{ "keys": ["ctrl+backspace"], "command": "delete_word", "args": { "forward": false } }
but still no luck. Have also checked that it is not caught by AutoHotKey or other programs running in the background.
Anyone else having the same issue with Sublime 3? Any ideas how to fix this?
Thanks in advance

Check out the FindKeyConflicts plugin, available via Package Control. Once installed, open the Command Palette and type findkeycon until the FindKeyConflicts options appear. Choose All Conflicts and hit Enter. Once the new tab opens and is populated, search in it for ctrl+backspace and see if anything comes up. Once you find the offending plugin, you can use PackageResourceViewer to edit the appropriate .sublime-keymap file and change that key combo to something else.
Good luck!


jupyterlab keyboardshortcuts: Which selector to use

I'm trying to set 3 keyboards shortcuts in jupyterlab. I go about this via settings / advanced settings editor / keyboard shortcuts, that's the only method I'm aware of.
I'm trying to set:
I've experimented with the selectors that work for restart-and-clear: "selector": "[data-jp-kernel-user]:focus" and several others, not really understanding what they were to be honest, but I couldn't get it to work. Can someone tell me which selector I need to use here? How does one go about figuring this out?
Since you are trying to run cells, presumably having one of the cells selected, I would use [data-jp-code-runner], for example:
"command": "notebook:run-all-cells",
"keys": ["F9"],
"selector": "[data-jp-code-runner]"
To discover a selector in the future you can search the list of existing shortcuts in the left panel. for example searching for Shift Enter or run keyword brings up:
"command": "runmenu:run",
"keys": [
"Shift Enter"
"selector": "[data-jp-code-runner]"
Alternatively you could:
use just body if you want the shortcut to be always active (even though it may error if executed when focus is not on appropriate element)
(advanced) use web developer inspector tool in your browser to determine the web query (CSS) selector for the element of interest

Is there any way to switch windows in VScode via keyboard shortcut when the focus is on the terminal?

I would like to switch between windows (vscode) regardless if the focus is on the editor or on (any) terminal. I tried the key binding below in the json file without any luck. Also, dropping the "when" clause or only using terminalFocus doesn't work. It seems I can only switch windows if the focus is on the editor. Would be grateful for any suggestions.
"key": "ctrl+w",
"command": "workbench.action.switchWindow",
"when": "terminalFocus || editorTextFocus"
In my testing I see two options:
(1) It appears that any other keybinding except Ctrl+W works as expected; or
(2) add your command workbench.action.switchWindow to the Terminal > Integrated: Commands to Skip Shell list in your settings if you want to use Ctrl+W as your keybinding.

SyncedSideBar on Atom IDE

Is there away to install SyncedSideBar or something similar to that for Atom IDE ?
I used this one on my sublime text 3, and I was looking for the same plugin that will work for Atom.
I like how it auto highlight the current opened file
Any suggestions ?
You don't need any extra plugin for this. It there in the default tree plugin. Search for tree in packages
Click on settings and check the Auto Reveal checkbox
And now the active file will be automatically highlighted
Some of the themes may not highlight this properly, so you should change the theme and make sure it works. Sometimes after changing the settings you may need a restart, if it doesn't work

Remove automated closing bracket comments in IntelliJ IDEA

I'm seeing following happen when working in intelliJ IDEA with Dart based project
All comments there i.e // AppBar are auto generated, I assume for easier tracking of what closing brackets belong where. Weird bit is that I can't even highlight them, nor delete them and when I copy code they are not copied over.
Is there a way to disable this feature in the ide?
The checkbox is in Settings (Preferences) | Editor | General | Appearance, toggle 'Show closing labels in Dart source code'.
And in the vs code editor, change this setting to false
"dart.closingLabels": true
You can find this setting easily. Go setting and search(Ctrl+f) dart.closingLabels
Update 24.11.2019:
If you want to customize the closing label color, you can do this. In vscode, open your settings.json file and set this setting
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"dart.closingLabels": "#FF5733"

Adding bookmarks in Sublime Text 2

In Sublime Text 2, I'd like to be able to bookmark a line, so I can have easy access to it.
I'm working on a 2011 iMac, and various sources tell me that the shortcut is supposed to be cmd + f2.
However, when I press that, absolutely nothing happens. It does work however, if I manually go through the Goto menu and add it. Has anyone else experienced the keyboard shortcut failing? Does anybody have any ideas of how to solve it?
For extra info, I think this is the relevant line in the default keybindings file.
{ "keys": ["super+f2"], "command": "toggle_bookmark" },
The point is: F keys on mac are triggered with pressing fn key, so for this case that would work as cmd+fn+f2.