What (physical) ebook-reader has good support for rendering code - code-formatting

On all the e-readers I've seen and owned, reading IT-books is cumbersome, if not impossible.
This is mostly because of the formatting of example-code in the books (epub and PDF).
PDF books work, somehow, but only when the text is not enlarged: as soon as the ebook-device starts re-flowing the text in the PDF, code formatting breaks horribly.
Epub code-formatting seems to never really render properly. This appears to be caused by re-flowing and by often removing spaces (indentation).
What devises renders code nicely? I am not looking for coloured syntax highlighting. But mostly a rendering that retains the indentation, renders in a mono-space font, and avoids re-flowing of text in code-blocks.

My Sony PRS-T1 does a great job with PRE tags, but I've never tried to read a technical document on it so I can't offer any more than that. If spacing is done properly using CSS or tables it renders it perfectly, but if you try to indent using a bunch of spaces then it will do what it's supposed to and only display one of them (remember that epubs are basically Websites, and render accordingly). I'm well acquainted with spacing from making epub character sheets for various roleplaying games. That's also how I learned my T1 renders PRE properly, but the current versions use tables and again render perfectly on my T1, as well as my wife's Nook Simple Touch.
That tells me that the display problems you're seeing are as likely to be from how the document is coded as from how the device renders them.


PDF with OCR text visible, how to hide it from existing PDF

I have several PDF files that have been OCR-processed (not by me). They contain both the scanned image and the OCR text. They seem to work fine in some viewers (iPhone/iPad), but not in others (Preview.app on macOS) which makes them somewhat awkward to read.
From googling around, it seems that the text & image may be layered incorrectly or there is a problem with the fonts used? I'm not even sure I'm using the correct vocabulary, as most hits I get are worthless.
Is it possible to use ghostscript or something to batch-fix these files?
Example of "bad" rendering:
Its impossible to say what's wrong with the PDF file (or viewer) without seeing the PDF file, which alse makes it hard to propose solutions!
You could certainly run the file through Ghostscript to the pdfwrite device, and use the -dFILTERTEXT switch to not process the text. The resulting document would therefore not contain the offending text, but would still contain the image.
Of course, this would then not be possible to search or highlight.
You could instead use -dFILTERIMAGE which would remove the original image leaving the text behind. But then anything in the original document which was not text would now be missing.
The usual 'best practice' is to have the text drawn in rendering mode 3, which makes no marks. This allows you to see the original image without the OCR'ed text interfering. Its possible that the viewer you are using is not honouring the text rendering mode, which would be a (fairly serious) bug in the viewer. The most recent versions of MacOS seems to have some nasty bugs in the Quartz PDF rendering engine.
The other way to do this is to draw the text first, then put the original image on top of it, but that's hard to get wrong, I suspect its more likely the text rendering mode.
The PDF file first draws the text, then draws the image on top of the text. The underlying text should not appear. mkl is quite correct in his comment.
The correct way to fix this is to fix the consumer which is rendering it incorrectly. As I mentioned above the latest version of Quartz seems to have some fairly serious bugs, you might choose to raise this as a bug with Apple.
The only other solution would be to run this through something which will remove the text. Ghostscript can do this but there are implications; firstly it will no longer be possible to search/copy/paste text from the document. Secondly you would need to run quite a complex command line in order to prevent the decompressed JPX images being recompressed as JPEG, which would probably result in compromised quality. Finally the resulting file size would be larger.

landscape and portrait page orientation in PDF document with ColdFusion

I am in the process of taking some CPS formatted data from the database, placing the information in arrays, and then simply displaying it in a pdf document. This is not a problem, there are page breaks and so forth the issue is the following when generating the PDF document.
Orientation is done as you probably know by the following which applies to the ENTIRE document with the orientation attribute:
<cfdocument name="pdfFile" format="pdf" orientation="portrait" saveasname="DATA_PDF" pagetype="legal" fontembed="no" >
The issue is we have the information out in an array and some of the tables have many columns, some do not. We are able to produce these on different pages, but they are not fitting cause some are just too large in width (or they just end up not looking good with the auto formatting).
My question is, is there a way to have certain pages in your pdf document with different orientations? Sort of like you can in Word where you apply the orientation just to one page or a section. Everything I am seeing is that the cfdocument orientation attribute applies to the entire PDF, but is there another way around this?
I've seen this question asked around in other places on the web, but nobody has an answer. Any information would be appreciated.

Possible to control PDF layout with iText?

I'm writing some logic to build a large single PDF file that our users can print at their convenience. I'm using Java's iText library (through Clojure's clj-pdf).
I'm trying to have the PDF show the same exact template form on every single page, however I can't seem to find any documentation or indication that one can have PDF content "fit to a page".
The text in these forms varies a little bit, so there's a chance it might require more of fewer text lines per page. This means that the content has a chance of spilling over to the next page, or being too short, making the next page creep up into the previous one, breaking the requirement of "one form per page" for the rest of the document.
I'm trying to figure out if my option is pretty much only to manually check the length of the text on each page and potentially crop it by hand if I goes over n lines, or if the PDF format somehow supports a smart way of having paragraphs+tables+headings all fit in one page. Some UI systems allow you to control how spill-over is handled, anywhere from cropping to resizing the font, so I'm curious if PDF supports anything of that sort.
Edit: ended up going with pagebreaks for simplicity, wasn't aware of that option when I wrote this question.
If you want to take control over the space taken by text, for instance to fit it on a single page, the way to go would be to create a ColumnText object and to add the content in simulation mode. If the text fits the page, add it for real. If it doesn't, use a smaller font size. This is demonstrated in the MovieAds example where snippets of text are fitted into AcroForm fields.

Converting pdf to vector image

I'm trying to use pdf content (mathematics) in my webpage. I basically want to convert the pdf to some vector image. Converting the pdf to swf does the job very well, but as flash isn't supported on every platform, I'm trying to find another solution.
I read about svg, but as those pdf's contain a lot of mathematics, the result of the converters I found is really ugly and incorrect.
I've also thought about retyping the latex, and displaying it using mathjax, in some way this is the best solution, but also very time consuming.
The only thing I want is to convert it to a nice vector image, I don't want to change the content, or anything else. Besides converting to swf or retyping it, is there any other solution ?
this is svg output
and here original pdf
The only solution I could find is illustrator.
Just open the pdf, save as svg, and choose to embed all used glyphs.
Result is perfect:
what about using flash + raster image in case of platform without flash, if flash mostly works for you?
Your PDF is a little difficult for reasons that are probably not apparent to you.
The core problem with it is that some of the graphics in the document are actually drawn using custom glyphs. You can see this if you copy and paste the text out of Acrobat. There are a variety of unusual characters in there that don't seem to serve any useful purpose. That's those squares at the bottom of your SVG with EEs and FFs in them.
However these characters are actually custom glyphs for things like the braces around the matrices at the bottom of the page. So they are both fairly important and also very specific to this document.
I tried ABCpdf .NET to convert your PDF to SVG. It worked fine apart from these custom glyphs at the bottom. The output was about 90KB. It looked very similar to your inkscape SVG output but just a bit smaller (the inkscape one is 160KB).
The only way to get rid of these non-Unicode glyphs is to vectorize the text. I did this using ABCpdf and the output looked fine in SVG. But... vectorized text is big and SVG isn't a particularly efficient medium. The output was about 1MB! Zipped it goes down to half that but it's still no-where near as efficient as the original PDF.
The problems I am seeing here are going to be universal whatever format you use. These custom characters are always going to be problematic whether you output to SVG, SWF, HTML canvas, VML or indeed any vector format.
So what would I suggest? Well the obvious vector format that is widely used on the web is... PDF!
I know it's not quite what you're looking for but I think this is the realistic solution given the constraints above. :-)

Programatically extract content of PowerPoint slides into MS Word-like format?

I'd like to extract all of the information (formatted text, images, etc) from powerpoint slides into a flowing, readable (MS Word-style) format.
I'm not interested in keeping the slide concept at all--think of taking class slides from a college course and batch converting them all into one collective study guide.
I can't find a way to do this within powerpoint (though if you know of one, please share!) and,
I don't have experience scripting Office apps. Is this kind of thing easily done? Does this kind of script already exist somewhere?
In an earlier version of this post, I used the word "flowing" to refer to a slide-free (MS Word-like) format. This does not, however, refer to the actual formatting of slide content. So keeping bullet lists, etc. is fine and even desirable.
I don't see this being a simple task. College professors use a format of either "TITLE: BULLET POINTS OR IMAGE" or "EVERY WORD I'M ABOUT TO SAY" for their slides in my experience, and you're just not going to get flowing, readable text from the former no matter what you do. For the latter, you've already got your text, you just have to copy it to another document.
I think you might as well just open the PowerPoint, select all the text, and copy+paste into Word/Publisher/InDesign/your favorite page layout program. You'll have the same effect and the same amount of editing after the fact except without all the hassle of writing a program to do it for you.
Doing a Print operation to a PDF with the N-up options might be a good solution for handouts if that's all you need. You could expand the idea and condense ALL the slide decks into one, get it printed (with N slides per page and the note space next to it) and bound, and voila, instant study guide. I've seen that, and then you get options for note taking.
More power to you if you're doing this just because you can - don't let me stop you. There is much good learning to be had that way. You might want to look into writing a program using the Microsoft.Office.Interop namespace in .NET (starting at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb772069.aspx ), or perhaps look on CPAN ( http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=all&query=powerpoint ) and do it with Perl! There are lots of ways to do it, but you've got to be up for the challenge.
Text is fairly simple to extract, but what text do you want? The text from the title and body text placeholders only? File, Save As, and choose to save the outline.
The other text on the slide? That can be pulled out to a text file programmatically, but in what order? Suppose you have a complex diagram with text callouts. Extracting the text is going to give you gibberish. There's no obvious/meaningful order to the text other than what the human viewer supplies by noting that "Ah. The arrow next to this bit of text points to the fribulator sub-assembly, so must relate to it in some way." Try doing that in code. ;-)
You could give the author a way to sort the text into reading order so that the code knows what order to extract it in, but that would require a fair amount of work on the part of the author.
If you can be certain that all of the content is in title+bullet form, no worries. Otherwise, you'd have to be able to articulate exactly what you want extracted, in what form and in what order before you could get anywhere with this.
MS Word-style is not only readable, but writeable as well (which was not specified in your requirements). If you want a read-only guide, PDF is your natural choice (either through Acrobat Distiller or LibreOffice). Combine individual Acrobatted presentations with PDFtk, or Acrobat or Foxit and you're good to go without any programming at all.
"Is this kind of thing easily done?" - Yes, your humble servant did a couple of similar scripts ages ago (extracting enhanced metafiles from Powerpoint slides).
"Does this kind of script already exist somewhere?" - Yes. Probably at hundreds of places, but not sure if any of them get posted to the 'Net. All things considered think you'd be better off learning some scripting and macro programming on your own, since a ready-made script may be not quite fit for your needs - and to understand and rewrite it you'd need more time than to code & debug from scratch.
Since you mention that title+bullet form is ok, open the file, choose to save as and pick Outline as the save-as type.
I think you could parse through the PowerPoint file for formatting, text and pictures. There are Visual Studio namespaces available for such a task. You open the file, parse through it and make Word file from these. Complicated work, as you would have to consider type of elements and their position, you would have to use a temporary structure for each slide.
Have a look at this sample code :
How to: Get All the Text in All Slides in a Presentation
Basically, using c# and openXML SDK 2.0, it loops through all the slides in the presentation, and then adds each text in every slide into a string builder. You can write out the result into a text file if you like (modification required).
Recommendation: <25 oct 2012>
For your study guide, maybe you could extract all the text in each slide, and dump those text programmatically (by adding that function into the sample code above while it's iterating the slides) into the "Notes" section of each slide. With that, you can print it in Notes Page view. You'll get the entire slide image at the top half of the page, and the actual slide texts at the bottom of it in the Notes Page view. It sure beats trying to copy and paste all the text from the slide into the notes section. You can even print it 2 slides per page, as small text would not be an issue inside the slide's image, and diagrams would still be visible more or less.
Unfortunatly, this method works for simple standard slide format ... meaning, it's OK if your slides just have a title, and a center text box with all the bullet points... any complex slide layout (maybe text boxes scattered everywhere) will come out in non-order and will be confusing. But at least you can still look at the slide image above to make sense of it :)