How do you start a Rebol3 GUI script without the console showing? - rebol

Currently I start a GUI from the console which involves first loading the GUI with load-gui and then run the script which shows the GUI.
How can I start the GUI without a console showing?

You have to specify the open/exe action for the R3 script : the R3 exe.


Automatically start debugger server when ZeroBrane starts

How to make ZeroBrane to automatically initiate the debugger server on startup?
I have embedded Lua in a C++ application. I would like to debug the Lua scripts using ZeroBrane. The C++ application launches ZeroBrane, call mobdebug.start(), but then the user has to go to Project->Start Debugger Server manually. Can ZeroBrane be configured so that it starts the server when the IDE launches?
Thanks in advance,
ok, I think I solved it. I just added:
local debugger = ide:GetDebugger()
inside the postinit = function () in the zbstudio/app.lua file.

Unable to get IIS Express server running in Jenkins

I'm trying to run Selenium tests utilizing an IISExpress server. I'm using the VSTest plugin to run my tests. Everything works fine locally in Visual Studio but when I run the tests in Jenkins the IISExpress process never starts. I even tried adding a Windows Batch Command step in Jenkins specifically for loading up the server, but even that doesn't seem to do anything. When I run Jenkins as a service that can interact with the desktop and I watch what its doing, I can see that Selenium loads up the browser but IISExpress just never starts. Any thoughts on this?
You should be able to launch IIS Express through command prompt by either
Explicitly providing the /path:"#PATH" and /port:"#PORT" command line arguments, and then invoking an asynchronous call to the IIS Express executable.
Your command in Jenkins should be something along the lines of:
Or by
Providing a value for the /config command line argument.
Whilst using this technique however, ensure that your application is the first entry in the application host.config file.
The Jenkins command should then be something similar to:

CGI Scripts display as text on OSX 10.9

These scripts executed perfectly on "Lion". When I upgraded to "Mavericks" they only display as text. The scripts still execute (from the command line) perfectly, but when called from the browser you get the text (not the web page that it should be generating).
A simple step-by-step would be greatly appreciated.
I assume you are trying to run these in a browser? Have you made sure that the web worker executing the script has the correct level of permissions required to do so?

Selenium- Issue-Clicking on windows pop-ups

I am using selenium to record some tests. We have a save to pdf button on our application that generates the windows open/ save or in firefox the ok/cancel windows pop up,
The issue is that i can;t get selenium to record my ok or cancel action since i think it is not a javascript window?
Does anyone know the command to do that?
Sadly, it's not possible to interact with such windows at the moment.
A good workaround for saving files dialog is to save the various parameters (local directory, etc) and tell your browser to not prompt for them, so the window won't pop at all.
Create a separate firefox profile(command to open profile manager:-firefox -P) with the settings you want(you can give settings like where to download and save a file of a particular type automatically without prompting) and instruct your server to use that profile using the command : java -jar 'your server ' -firefoxProfileTemplate 'path_for_firefox_profile'

LSOpenURLSpec error

I have created a minimal OS X boot stick (basically the Snow Leopard DVD with all the packages and installer stripped out). I've written a basic Cocoa app launcher to launch other apps that I put in the Applications folder (the minimal install lacks Dock and Finder).
When I try to launch an app I get this error:
LSOpenFromURLSpec() returned -10810 for application (null) path /Applications/
Where "" is the app I tried to launch. I've tried this with both NSWorkspace's openFile method and the UNIX "open" utility and I get more or less the same error. One way that launching an app works is if I just execute the main executable of the app itself. (e.g. /Applications/ However this method is kind of inconvenient as it stalls the launcher until the app I launched exits. Any alternate ways to launch an app (or fix the LSOpenFromURL error)?
Found a workaround:
/Applications/ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &
Using that command starts apps without stalling the launcher.
open relies on Launch Services, which relies on the Finder. Your script workaround starts a new background process executing the application's code with its standard out and standard error open to /dev/null. That should work fine.
The C equivalent under Mac OS X would be to either posix_spawn or fork/vfork then exec the executable file.