sql select in select query - sql

I'm using plsql developer with oracle db
and i'm trying to select from some selection.
select *
from (select max(mrs.no), mrs.material_id
from material_route_step mrs, documents d
where d.document_id(+) = mrs.document_id
and mrs.prod_order_id = 121673
and d.document_type_id = 1
and mrs.unit_id = 2606
group by mrs.material_id) as sa,
material_route_step mrs1,
documents d1
where mrs1.material_id = sa.material_id
and mrs1.no = sa.no
and d.name like '%N%'
But i think my syntax isn't right. Thanks in advance.

It looks like your "d.name" reference might be incorrect as the "d" alias is on your Inner query vs d1 in your OUTER query... Maybe that should be a "d1.name", but you should also include your left-outer join (+) reference by the document ID too otherwise you will have a Cartesian result.
mrs1.material_id = sa.material_id
and mrs1.no = sa.no
and d1.document_id(+) = mrs1.document_id
and d1.name like '%N%'
But, to better offer an answer, I will try to answer by writing what I THINK you are looking for, then a query to get that. Since you are looking for the maximum "mrs.no", this would imply you want a JOIN and not a left-join via Oracle's syntax of (+)=, but for a specific product, document type and unit. Once that has been found, get every document name associated with the materials route.
( select
max( mrs.no ) as maxno
material_route_step mrs
JOIN documents d
on mrs.document_id = d.document_id
AND d.document_type_id = 1
mrs.prod_order_id = 121673
and mrs.unit_id = 2606
group by
mrs.material_id ) PreQuery
JOIN material_route_step mrs2
on PreQuery.material_id = mrs2.material_id
AND PreQuery.maxno = mrs2.no
JOIN documents d2
on mrs2.document_id = d2.document_id
Without applying a join condition on your outer documents "d1" alias, you WILL get a Cartesian result set.


Need help in optimizing sql query

I am new to sql and have created the below sql to fetch the required results.However the query seems to take ages in running and is quite slow. It will be great if any help in optimization is provided.
Below is the sql query i am using:
Date_trunc('week',a.pair_date) as pair_week,
case when b.sku = c.sku then used_code else null end
left join b on a.ma_number = b.ma_number
and (a.imei = b.set_id or a.imei = b.repair_imei
left join c on a.used_code = c.code
group by 1,2,3,4,5
I would rewrite the query as:
select Date_trunc('week',a.pair_date) as pair_week,
a.used_code, a.used_name, b.line, b.channel,
count(*) filter (where b.sku = c.sku)
from a left join
on a.ma_number = b.ma_number and
a.imei in ( b.set_id, b.repair_imei ) left join
on a.used_code = c.code
group by 1,2,3,4,5;
For this query, you want indexes on b(ma_number, set_id, repair_imei) and c(code, sku). However, this doesn't leave much scope for optimization.
There might be some other possibilities, depending on the tables. For instance, or/in in the on clause is usually a bad sign -- but it is unclear what your intention really is.

How do I fix the syntax of a sub query with joins?

I have the following query:
SELECT tours_atp.NAME_T, today_atp.TOUR, today_atp.ID1, odds_atp.K1, today_atp.ID2, odds_atp.K2
FROM (players_atp INNER JOIN (players_atp AS players_atp_1 INNER JOIN (today_atp INNER JOIN odds_atp ON (today_atp.TOUR = odds_atp.ID_T_O) AND (today_atp.ID1 = odds_atp.ID1_O) AND (today_atp.ID2 = odds_atp.ID2_O) AND (today_atp.ROUND = odds_atp.ID_R_O)) ON players_atp_1.ID_P = today_atp.ID2) ON players_atp.ID_P = today_atp.ID1) INNER JOIN tours_atp ON today_atp.TOUR = tours_atp.ID_T
WHERE (((tours_atp.RANK_T) Between 1 And 4) AND ((today_atp.RESULT)="") AND ((players_atp.NAME_P) Not Like "*/*") AND ((players_atp_1.NAME_P) Not Like "*/*") AND ((odds_atp.ID_B_O)=2))
ORDER BY tours_atp.NAME_T;
I'd like to add a field to this query that provides me with the sum of a field in another table (FS) with a few criteria applied.
I've been able to build a stand alone query to get the sum of FS by ID_T as follows:
SELECT tbl_Ts_base_atp.ID_T, Sum(tbl_Ts_mkv_atp.FS) AS SumOfFS
FROM tbl_Ts_base_atp INNER JOIN tbl_Ts_mkv_atp ON tbl_Ts_base_atp.ID_Ts = tbl_Ts_mkv_atp.ID_Ts
WHERE (((tbl_Ts_base_atp.DATE_T)>Date()-2000 And (tbl_Ts_base_atp.DATE_T)<Date()))
GROUP BY tbl_Ts_base_atp.ID_T, tbl_Ts_mkv_atp.ID_Ts;
I now want to match up the sum of FS from the second query to the records of the first query by ID_T. I realise I need to do this using a sub query. I'm confident using these when there's only one table but I consistently get 'syntax errors' when there are joins.
I simplified the first query down to remove all the WHERE conditions so it was easier for me to try and error check but no luck. I guess the resulting SQL will also be easier for you guys to follow:
SELECT today_atp.TOUR, (SELECT Sum(tbl_Ts_mkv_atp.FS)
FROM tbl_Ts_mkv_atp INNER JOIN (tbl_Ts_base_atp INNER JOIN today_atp ON tbl_Ts_base_atp.ID_T = today_atp.TOUR) ON tbl_Ts_mkv_atp.ID_Ts = tbl_Ts_base_atp.ID_Ts AS tt
WHERE tt.DATE_T>Date()-2000 And tt.DATE_T<Date() AND tt.TOUR=today_atp.TOUR
FROM today_atp
Can you spot where I'm going wrong? My hunch is that the issue is in the FROM line of the sub query but I'm not sure. Thanks in advance.
It's difficult to advise an appropriate solution without knowledge of how the database tables relate to one another, but assuming that I've correctly understood what you are looking to achieve, you might wish to try the following solution:
today_atp inner join odds_atp on
today_atp.tour = odds_atp.id_t_o and
today_atp.id1 = odds_atp.id1_o and
today_atp.id2 = odds_atp.id2_o and
today_atp.round = odds_atp.id_r_o
inner join players_atp as players_atp_1 on
players_atp_1.id_p = today_atp.id2
inner join players_atp on
players_atp.id_p = today_atp.id1
inner join tours_atp on
today_atp.tour = tours_atp.id_t
inner join
sum(tbl_ts_mkv_atp.fs) as sumoffs
tbl_ts_base_atp inner join tbl_ts_mkv_atp on
tbl_ts_base_atp.id_ts = tbl_ts_mkv_atp.id_ts
tbl_ts_base_atp.date_t > date()-2000 and tbl_ts_base_atp.date_t < date()
group by
) subq on
tours_atp.tour = subq.id_t
(tours_atp.rank_t between 1 and 4) and
today_atp.result = "" and
players_atp.name_p not like "*/*" and
players_atp_1.name_p not like "*/*" and
odds_atp.id_b_o = 2
order by

SQL - select only newest record with WHERE clause

I have been trying to get some data off our database but got stuck when I needed to only get the newest file upload for each file type. I have done this before using the WHERE clause but this time there is an extra table involved that is needed to determine the file type.
My query looks like this so far and i am getting six records for this user (2x filetypeNo4 and 4x filetypeNo2).
SELECT db_file.fileID
,> db_file.dateCreated
FROM db_file
LEFT JOIN db_applicationFiles
ON db_file.fileID = db_applicationFiles.fileID
LEFT JOIN db_profile
ON db_applicationFiles.profileID = db_profile.profileID
LEFT JOIN db_applicationFileType
ON db_applicationFiles.fileTypeID = > > db_applicationFileType.fileTypeID
WHERE db_profile.profileID IN ('19456')
AND db_applicationFileType.fileTypeID IN ('2','4')
I have the WHERE clause looking like this which is not working:
(db_file.dateCreated IS NULL
OR db_file.dateCreated = (
SELECT MAX(db_file.dateCreated)
FROM db_file left join
db_applicationFiles on db_file.fileID = db_applicationFiles.fileID
WHERE db_applicationFileType.fileTypeID = db_applicationFiles.FiletypeID
Sorry I am a noob so this may be really simple, but I just learn this stuff as I go on my own..
FROM db_profile pf
SELECT TOP 1 af.fileTypeID, df.dateCreated, df.fileID
FROM db_file df
INNER JOIN db_applicationFiles af
ON df.fileID = af.fileID
WHERE af.profileID = pf.profileID
AND af.fileTypeID IN ('2','4')
ORDER BY create_date DESC
) ff
WHERE pf.profileID IN ('19456')
And it looks like all of your joins are actually INNER. Unless there may be profile without files (that's why OUTER apply instead of CROSS).
What about an obvious:
(SELECT * FROM db_file ORDER BY dateCreated DESC) AS files1
GROUP BY fileTypeID ;

JOIN syntax and order for multiple tables

SQL Gurus,
I have a query that uses the "old" style of join syntax as follows using 7 tables (table and column names changed to protect the innocent), as shown below:
SELECT v1_col, p1_col
FROM p1_tbl, p_tbl, p2_tbl, p3_tbl, v1_tbl, v2_tbl, v3_tbl
WHERE p1_code = 1
AND v1_code = 1
AND p1_date >= v1_date
AND p_uid = p1_uid
AND p2_uid = p1_uid AND p2_id = v2_id
AND p3_uid = p1_uid AND p3_id = v3_id
AND v2_uid = v1_uid
AND v3_uid = v1_uid
The query works just fine and produces the results it is supposed to, but as an academic exercise, I tried to rewrite the query using the more standard JOIN syntax, for example, below is one version I tried:
SELECT V1.v1_col, P1.p1_col
FROM p1_tbl P1, v1_tbl V1
JOIN p_tbl P ON ( P.p_uid = P1.p1_uid )
JOIN p2_tbl P2 ON ( P2.p2_uid = P1.p1_uid AND P2.p2_id = V2.v2_id )
JOIN p3_tbl P3 ON ( P3.p3_uid = P1.p1_uid AND P3.p3_id = V3.v3_id )
JOIN v2_tbl V2 ON ( V2.v2_uid = V1.v1_uid )
JOIN v3_tbl V3 ON ( V3.v3_uid = V1.v1_uid )
WHERE P1.p1_code = 1
AND V1.v1_code = 1
AND P1.p1_date >= V1.v1_date
But, no matter how I arrange the JOINs (using MS SQL 2008 R2), I keep running into the error:
The Multi-part identifier "col-name" could not be bound,
where "col-name" varies depending on the order of the JOINs I am attempting...
Does anyone have any good examples on how use the JOIN syntax with this number of tables??
Thanks in advance!
When you use JOIN-syntax you can only access columns from tables in your current join or previous joins. In fact it's easier to write the old syntax, but it's more error-prone, e.g. you can easily forget a join-condition.
This should be what you want.
SELECT v1_col, p1_col
FROM p1_tbl
JOIN v1_tbl ON p1_date >= v1_date
JOIN v2_tbl ON v2_uid = v1_uid
JOIN v3_tbl ON v3_uid = v1_uid
JOIN p_tbl ON p_uid = p1_uid
JOIN p2_tbl ON p2_uid = p1_uid AND p2_id = v2_id
JOIN p3_tbl ON p3_uid = p1_uid AND p3_id = v3_id
WHERE p1_code = 1
AND v1_code = 1
You are not naming the tables in your join such that it doesn't know which column is from which table. Try something like:
SELECT a.v1_col, b.p1_col
FROM p1_tbl b
JOIN p_tbl a ON b.p_uid = a.p1_uid
WHERE b.p1_code = 1
From your query above, I am assuming a naming convention of p2_uid comes from p2_tbl. Below id my best interpretation of WHERE joins to using INNER joins.
v1_col, p1_col
ON p1_tbl.p1_date >= v1_tbl.v1_date
ON p_tbl.p_uid = p1_tbl.p1_uid
ON p2_tbl.p2_uid = p1_tbl.p1_uid
ON p2_tbl.p2_id = v2_tbl.v2_id
ON p3_tbl.p3_uid = p1_tbl.p1_uid
ON p3_tbl.p3_id = v3_tbl.v3_id
ON v1_tbl.v1_uid = v2_tbl.v2_uid
AND v1_tbl.v1_uid = v3_tbl.v2_uid
p1_code = 1
v1_code = 1
Some general points I have found useful in SQL statements with many joins.
Always fully qualify the names. I.e dont use ID , rahter use
Dont use aliases unless there is meaning. (I.e. joining a table to
its self where aliasing is needed.)

Error single-row subquery returns more than one row

This query returns collection of data. but I only need customer list.
select * from customer where cust_acnt_nbr = (select cust_acnt_nbr from Asset where dstrct_id = (select dstrct_id from dstrct where dstrct_nm = 'ATLANTA'))
please help me to get customer list
Use in instead of = if a subquery can return multiple rows:
select * from customer where cust_acnt_nbr IN
(select cust_acnt_nbr from Asset where dstrct_id IN
(select dstrct_id from dstrct where dstrct_nm = 'ATLANTA'))
I try to avoid subqueries as they can have poor performance and make it unclear what you're trying to achieve. You can usually convert it to a series of simple joins which are easier to read.
select c.*
from customer c
inner join Asset a on c.cust_acnt_nbr = a.cust_acnt_nbr
inner join dstrct d on d.dstrct_id =a.dstrct_id
where dstrct_nm = 'ATLANTA'