GetResponse Objective-C Integration - objective-c

I need to create an iOS app that needs to use a form created with GetResponse.
Does anyone know if the integration between the two systems is possible and if there is any documentation or example about it?
Thanks in advance.

Please, try start there:
If you need some further directions, just post question here :)


is Searching possible in jTable? if yes then how? any example :)

i am working with jTable
here is demos
but i am not able to find the search option. can you help me.
is it searching possible in jTable, if yes, can anybody provide me example with code.
i am using jTable with VB Web Forms.
I will really appreciate it by marking your suggestion as answer, i really need it. thanks in advance
I'm guessing you're looking for this:
You can filter the table based on a search string.

how to use kCICategoryDistortionEffect and kCICategoryGeometryAdjustment in iOS?

I wants to add "Face-wrap" effect in my iOS app. After lots of searching i came to know that there is CoreImage Framework in iOS which provides some constants as kCICategoryDistortionEffect and kCICategoryGeometryAdjustment. I hope that both will help me in achieving my aim. But, now i am enable to find any example of how to use them. Can you please help me?
Thanks, in advance.

Objective C twitter client help!

I'm trying to update my app (iSocialNet) to use the latest version of MGTwitterEngine without success. I've successfully got iSocialNet to work using Ben Gottlieb's Twitter+OAuth, but there are issues that come with it.
What I would like to do is make my own 'TwitterEngine' but I'm not sure where to start. Can anyone please point me in the right direction? I must warn you that my knowledge of ObjC is minimal, but I'm getting there. Any help is appreciated.
The problem with Twitter+OAuth is that I can't get native retweets to show in the timeline, there's no retweet feature in the MGTE supplied, I can't get all users that a person follows and that's just what I've encountered so far. This is why i need to either update MGTE which comes with OAuth or i need to implement my own engine. I know that OAuth is tricky, but there's a library that MGTE uses that I would use. It's the actuall speaking to twitter that I don't understand.
Many thanks in advance
You could try to parse the timeline directly off twitter, I have same problem and I think it may solve the retweet problem as well as parse the follower list off twitter too ;)
I'd recommend you to explain your problems with Ben Gottlieb's Twitter+OAuth here better than implementing a new OAuth engine, that's absolutely not trivial and with little Objective-C knowledgement it could be disappointing for you! We can help each other here and by reusing code.

Objective-C and designing a plugin mechanism

I need to design a simple plugin system in Objective C. I would like some advice about how to go about this. Thanks!
Cocoa is your girlfriend:
Awesome tutorial.
There is always going to the Source. Here is the ADC reference to Plug-ins
There are dozens of ways you could do this, so you might need to elaborate a little on what exactly you're trying to achieve. As a starting point, I'd recommend you look into Cocoa delegates which are usually a great way to integrate new code into an existing framework.

How to use SIP (voip) into my application to make video calls in Iphone sdk?

I need to use SIP(VoIP) in my applications can anyone suggest me how to start with this with an sample code in objective-c or sequence of steps to do.
Anyone's help will be much appreciated.
Thanks to all,
There is one iPhone app which is known as linephone and it's source code is also available at here .This app is using SIP(VoIP).