Objective C twitter client help! - objective-c

I'm trying to update my app (iSocialNet) to use the latest version of MGTwitterEngine without success. I've successfully got iSocialNet to work using Ben Gottlieb's Twitter+OAuth, but there are issues that come with it.
What I would like to do is make my own 'TwitterEngine' but I'm not sure where to start. Can anyone please point me in the right direction? I must warn you that my knowledge of ObjC is minimal, but I'm getting there. Any help is appreciated.
The problem with Twitter+OAuth is that I can't get native retweets to show in the timeline, there's no retweet feature in the MGTE supplied, I can't get all users that a person follows and that's just what I've encountered so far. This is why i need to either update MGTE which comes with OAuth or i need to implement my own engine. I know that OAuth is tricky, but there's a library that MGTE uses that I would use. It's the actuall speaking to twitter that I don't understand.
Many thanks in advance

You could try to parse the timeline directly off twitter, I have same problem and I think it may solve the retweet problem as well as parse the follower list off twitter too ;)

I'd recommend you to explain your problems with Ben Gottlieb's Twitter+OAuth here better than implementing a new OAuth engine, that's absolutely not trivial and with little Objective-C knowledgement it could be disappointing for you! We can help each other here and by reusing code.


Could i use only results without interface with google custom search api?

could i use custom search engine without interface in my apps?
I already checked the documents but it doesn't explain about that.
i already asked to help center but no answer yet.
i only need results.
please if you know, help me.
Yes--that's precisely what the Custom Search JSON API is for.

Mac: HockeyApp SDK 3.1 programmatically add attachments to Feedback Messages?

I'm noticing that the only platform HockeyApp doesn't intuitively allow attachments for Feedback right now is Mac. Does anyone have insight as to how I can append a simple string to a feedback message or even an NSData blob?
Looking through the documentation I see two protocols that can be implemented.
1) BITHockeyManagerDelegate
2) BITCrashManagerDelegate
Whats puzzling me is that neither of these have a reference to the FeedbackManager. The only thing that's somewhat relevant is the CrashManagerDelegate's mention of
- (BITHockeyAttachment *)attachmentForCrashManager:(BITCrashManager *)crashManager Though, this seems to only be called when sending a crash report. Perhaps I'm wrong?
The HockeyApp git repo seems to have a class, BITFeedbackManagerPrivate.h, containing the functionality I'm looking for, but is inaccessible from HockeyApp's pre-built .dylib.
After building from source, seemingly no other class exposes it's methods, so I'm trying to figure out if this feature has been implemented yet or if I'm missing something.
Any insight is greatly appreciated. Cheers,
The repository doesn't have a feature for that at the moment, not even the Private headers. The features are available on the iOS SDK and will soon be brought over to the Mac SDK. So far the demand for things like this had been very low so the priority wasn't that high.
Please file a ticket with support or the GitHub repository for such requests, so we can quickly answer and react and don't have to search StackOverflow :)

Is anyone using or working on the Skeleton Framework?

I'm wondering if anyone is working on or using the Skeleton Framework (http://www.getskeleton.com) any more? The GitHub site does show a little activity from time to time but I'm wondering if there is a way for me to chat with people that know what's going on with it.
I've been using the framework at work one all of my recent projects and I want to get a little more involved with it's development.
I'm currently using it to build my portfolio site. Haven't seen any recent changes to it but it does seem to be getting used quite a bit from what I've researched. I enjoy how it's bare bones, simple to use and ready to go with your own custom code. You have something you need help with?

Does anybody know a gem/plugin for private messages in Rails3?

Does anybody know of a gem or plugin for Rails3 that allows for sending Private Messages between users of a site? I'm using Devise for my authentication.
I've stumbled upon simple-private-messages, which is one possibility, but that's about it (other plugins/gems that I found are very outdated). Does anybody know if any?
There are a few out there, such as acts_as_messageable and has_messages.
If you really want to use a plugin, acts_as_messageable is great if it does what you want, but chances are it would better if you wrote one yourself - it sounds like you want quite a specific solution that probably doesn't have a plugin that would fit exactly in.
We are searching for a solution ourselves.. most promising and new is the mailboxer gem. Very active development, good documentation ..
if we decide to use it, i will come back to write more about it.
and more about it here as well: Anyone knows good private message gem for rails 3.2?

If a website doesn't have an API - what to do?

There is a website called:
It's pretty cool, you can monitor what your grades are in your current classes. But I want to make an objective-c app that can log in as me and get my grades. Then probably, it would alert me to any bad grades, etc.
Problem!!! It doesn't have an API, so I'm stuck. Does anyone know how I would do this?
You can always just download the page and parse it yourself - be warned that this approach is fraught with peril. You can read about web scraping in general on Wikipedia.