Show a column value but submit another value in Microsoft Access - ms-access-2007

I am trying to make a simple form that 'registers' users into a meeting. I'm trying to get the form to submit the meeting 'id' into the database but I wish to display a different value for the user (so that they do not stumble through meeting id's). I've added two columns to the query (meeting id and meeting information) but I am unsure how I would get the form to submit the meeting ID but display the meeting information for the current user.
EDIT: I've tried your method Chris but it doesn't seem to work.
Edits made:

You need a rowsource query with TWO values because you have two columns. For example:
SELECT meeting_id, meeting_name
FROM meetings
In this case the 'bound column' property would be '1' because in the example you first select the meeting_id.
In the 'column width' property you then type "0cm;4cm". 0cm means that the first column (the IDs) will not be shown.

go to design view of the form and change the bound column to the number that represents the column you desire to have displayed. eg.
You can add the query at the Row Source as in the image a query builder will appear and you just create the query and save it.


Show a name instead of an id

I currently have these options set in a combo box:
This box will show the projectIDs that a current company has which is set with the criteria. I just want to show the name of the project as people will not know just by the id. If I remove the check box for the projectID it will just remove that field completly and not show anything. I have debugged what companyBox.Value is and it is indeed a number for a company and if taken this id and replaced it with the following query which is built from the picture and it returns the results I want. I just cant get the values to show in the combo box.
SELECT projects.projectName
FROM companys INNER JOIN projects ON companys.companyID = projects.companyID
WHERE (((companys.companyID)=7));
Gives me all the projectNames where the companyID is 7
And as seen below that same query just gives me blank spaces instead of the names:
Ok, if you have say a query, then as noted, then you can use a "join" to pull in the other table (based on that "projectID").
So, for a general report etc., then your approach of using the query you have is correct.
For a combo box? They have this feature and ability built in. In other words you do NOT in general need a join.
The combo box has two parts:
A sql query that "drives" or "fills" the combo box. This can (and will be) of course based on the Projects table.
VERY important:
Our combo box is to save, store, put, use the project ID into a column in our CURRENT form. That form of course is based on a differnt table (the forms current table). So, keep in mind the two concpets:
Combo box can be driven by any table to display data.
Combo box will/can use a column from that "other" table to SAVE into a current column on the current form.
Now of course the Project "id" is the VALUE we want, but we sure as don't want to display that "project id" value, since as you note, humans want the nice looking text.
First Rule:
ALWAYS, but ALWAYS make sure the FIRST column of the combo box "sql query" is the column we WANT to save into the current form, but ALSO the column we are going to HIDE AND NOT show to the user.
So, a combo box can with great ease HIDE the first column. You can hide other columns, but as a general rule a VERY HIGH number of my combo boxs will have two columns. So, you might need company "id", but would want to display company name as nice text to the user, but store/save/use the "id" of company for this purpose.
So, in your case? Change the order of your columns.
You want:
ProjectID, ProjectName, and you ALSO can continue to have a filter based on company.
So, once you get above setup, and you WILL NOT need a sql join. Remember, the combo box has it own "whole sql statement" based on table projects.
So, the combo box will:
Save/store/use the ProjectID when you select a project.
And it will display the project name, but behind the scenes it will use + save ProjectID.
So, just make sure that you set the length of the first column in the combo box to 0 (to hide that projectID from display).
Next, make sure you set WHICH column value from the query the combo box is to save.
That column will be the FIRST column, so you want to set that to 1
Your combo settings will look something like this:
In above, the CONTROL source is your CURRENT form and table.
So, I want to get a Hotel "ID" from the table hotels, but I am going to save the results of the combo box selection INTO a column called Hotel_ID
And note VERY careful - I set the bound column = 1 (that is the FIRST value from the query that drives the combo box.
Next up:
We want to hide the first column value, so you need this setting in format tab of the property sheet for the combo box:
NOTE VERY close in above. I set the FIRST column width = 0. this is HOW you hide the "ID" of hotels - I only want the user to see the nice hotel name. (or in your case Project name).
But, the 2nd column, I have a width for the Hotel name (or in your case project name).
So, make your first column in the query for the combo box the "id" of project id. Set the width of the first column = 0.
So, the query that drives the combo box? It is based on the ONE table, but you need to ensure that the "id" that you going to use is the first column, and simple hide it from display.
So, a combo box has a sql query that drives the combo box, and that query in most cases will NOT be the current table.
So, you have to set BOTH settings (the column the combo sql query will use - but to avoid confusing, then just adopt the habit of making the 1st column the "id" or value you want from that sql.
But, after setting above, you STILL have to set what column to shove/put that column into on the current form. (that setting is the control source).
In effect, a combo box is a kind of look-up into the other table, and it can display nice user friendly text columns, but still use + store the ID.
So, your query should look more like this:
SELECT ID, projectName
FROM projects
WHERE (((companys.companyID)=7));
I don't know if your first column of Projects table is "ID" (or is it ProjectID), but as you can see, the combo box ONLY needs to be based on the one table, and with our new rule - we always use the first column of the query the "id" value we want.
Now, of course the above is "hard coded" for company, and your original query that drives the combo box was fine - just that the order of the columns display was incorrect.

Bizagi create dynamic combobox

I'm working on a project with Bizagi Suite - Version 11.1. I'm new to it and I will really appreciate your help, because I'm having a hard time creating a dynamic combobox control.
So my case is the following:
Data Model: 3 master tables: Program, Order and Order-Program (m-m relationship). In table Program users fill out year, positions and amounts for each position. In table Order, they fill out info about the order and they have to specify from which program they want to take the money out for the order. The Program itself has a lot of records with different positions and amount. And I want when the users fill out the order to select the year, the position and the amount they want to take out of the program. So I need to have a dynamic combobox for the field 'position' which loads when user select year.
In other words I need to load combobox with filtered records of master table.
Do you have any ideas how I can do that?
Thank you in advance!
Best regards,
You must define your combobox with the full content of the master table.
Then ,you can define a Filter expression to dynamically filter the combobox content.
In the filter expression, you need to retreive the value of selected Year with XPath and use this value to filter the records.
In the form designer, you go to "Actions & Validations" to define the following action :
When "Year" changes <=The display name of the input field
Then Refresh "Program" <=The display name of your dynamic combobox

MS Access- Generate fields in a form based on combobox choice

I'm using a linked view in Access from the SQL server.
That view contains an employee_name column and many other columns (like equipment , parking, room, date etc). There is a row for each new entry (for example an employee got a new phone at a date and then at another date he got another phone), therefore there are multiple rows for the same employee name.
What I need to achieve is having all the entries in a form from an employee.
What I have tried so far is creating a form based on that view and adding a combobox with the option "find a record on my form based on the value I selected in my combo box active". The problem was that I was seeing users multiple times due to the new enteries mentioned above. I fixed this by doing a select distinct on the employee name in the row source tab.
But now I'm getting only the first entry for an user, what I want is to get all the enteries (maybe in auto-generated textboxes, or anything which will be easy to export to excel, since that would be my next step - to have a button which can generate a report based on the user with all the corresponding entries) like I would have written SQL code like below:
select * from schemaName.viewName
where employee_name = '/*here use the selected name in the combobox'
Thank you for your help, I am a complete beginner to forms in Access and all of these great things one can achieve.

How to create multiple connected search combo boxes to filter a form?

I have a form with 10 columns, and for 5 of them (Project_Phase, Contract, Design_DPM, AMM/UCC, 1_or_2 stat) I want to add connected drop list combo boxes to filter the records and display data as selected in the combo boxes.
I know how to make multiple drop list combo boxes that filter the whole form based on the selection of one value from one column. For example, "Contract" combo box has options: signed, not signed. If I select "signed" it will display all the records that have "signed". and If I filter another column it will cancel the previous filter and display records relevant only to that selection from that column.
But what I want is the ability to filter using any number of filtering options from the 5 columns I mentioned. For example, if I want to see the records that are ("signed" under "Contract") and in ("proposal" under "Project_Phase") and ("a certain DPM" under "Design_DPM"). And after filtering I want to be able to clear the filters and see all the records again, as I am using this form to display all my records for users. I do not want it to be cascaded, as I might want to filter using only one column or more or all. And I do not want it to be a query or use the basic filtering in datasheet view.
Sorry for the lengthy explanation, if something is not clear I will explain further. Thank you for your efforts.
Here is one way to implement a form filter using multiple comboboxes.
Create a table named 'tblWildcard'; one field named 'Wildcard', save the table.
Enter one record with an asterisk as the value
Create the queries for your comboboxes like:
FROM Table1
ORDER BY Table1.flda
UNION Select wildcard from tblwildcard
Save a query like the following SQL to be the Row Source for your form (i.e. qryFormA):
SELECT Table1.Flda, Table1.Fldb, Table1.Fldb
FROM Table1
WHERE (((Table1.Flda) Like [Forms]![frmForm1]![cboFlda])
AND ((Table1.Fldb) Like [Forms]![frmForm1]![cboFldb])
AND ((Table1.Fldc) Like [Forms]![frmForm1]![cboFldc]))
In the After Update event for each combobox add the following code:
Me.Recordsource = "qryFormA"
Sometimes the 'Me.Rowsource.' may not work when changes are made (weird issue!). If so, do the following:
Application.Echo False
Me.RecordSource = vbNullString
Me.RecordSource = "rowVwFilter25"
Application.Echo True
Finally, if a multi-user environment, and people may be adding records that will need to be included in your comboboxes, use the combobox Before Update event and add the following code:
My question is answered. I found exactly what I wanted here link
Thanks for the help everyone

How to get min/max values on form that returns multiple records

I've got a form that returns multiple records from a table. Each of these records has a field indicating what the measurement was and the measurement's value. My form's record source pulls the appropriate ID's set of measurements and values, and then I want to write each of these measurements to different text boxes on the form.
The problem is that I'm also keeping track of the date this data was updated, and want to include only the data pulled based on the "date updated" selected at the top of the form.
When I go to pull the measurement value into a text box (with something like max(iif(Measurement="Acidity", [Value],[Null])) I get #Error all down my form. This had been working earlier today, and as I've been developing the form something changed and now it no longer works (everything but the date returned is saying #Error). I've set it to Requery when the form loads and whenever the date selected is changed.
This form is actually a subform of another main form. The main form has a control called MemberID which a user can use to select the Member they want information about. This is based on a query that pulls from a table the information related to that MemberID (one row per MemberID). When the form loads, the query behind the main form needs to be requeried to get the data for the selected MemberID.
Then there is this subform causing the problems. On this subform is a "Data Updated" drop down box, which lists the possible dates that the data was updated. When one chooses a particular "Data updated" in the drop down box, this chooses the latest data for all the data measures up to that date selected. This means the form's record source pulls about 10 records in my case.
Then, on this subform I try to layout these 10 records' values in different text boxes. So, in my acidity case above, I would say iif(Measurement="Acidity", [Value], Null). Because there are 10 rows returned, I will end up with 9 Nulls and 1 value, and to get that value I use the max function, so the text box's control source reads: max(iif(Measurement="Acidity",[Value],Null)).
The strange thing is this code was working this morning, until later this afternoon when I was filling in the remaining text boxes with similar code, and then it stopped working. I had also renamed the boxes from Text71 to more relevant names, but none of these are referenced in the code.