The circles on my page control, which is in a xib, are being cut / trimmed slightly on an ipad non retina. The tops and right sides of the dots are missing a pixel or 2. Any ideas how to fix?
Here's a screenshot of the dots (look closely)
This is usually caused by a odd number division and that's why you see it only on non retina devices. It would be useful to see the frame of your page control for both size and coordinates, there's an odd value within those that brings the component to be placed to a "half-pixel" when going to non-retina screens. Judging by the image you attached looks like the origin.y is placed at a "half-pixel" value. Try to NSLog the frame and you'll probably see what I mean.
Hope it helps.
I want to fit the Image + Label into Scrollable View.
It looks like so My setup
So trouble here is that width of the picture and the label did not match the screen width.
I tried to change the UIImageView width from 400 to 300 or so, BUT those changes either wont take the effect(if above 300), OR those changes make label disappear (with width setted up on 300 or below). Observe.
Funny thing is - label actually appears when you see view hierarchy, even though it looks kinda distorted. But no label on the iOS screen for you, sir.
I also tried to set equal width and height from the superview, but this option just disabling scroll, making view strictly fit the screen (label appears to be cropped)
I want the label to be nice and scrollable, but I also want to see it on the screen. Too much to ask?
EDIT: I just tried removing Auto-layout and got the same as with auto-layout. (click "Observe" link to take a look again, exact same situation) Could somebody explain why?
This is quite a simple fix. For the image, you should use equal width & center horizontally; however, make sure you use a fixed width. For the image to look nice, play with the scale modes - I find Aspect Fit/Fill work best.
The label should also be equal width & centered horizontally. You may need to calculate the height of the label programmatically if the text isn't always going to be the same size.
So the answer to my particular question was - shortening the actual text that is passed to the label.
Apparently UIScrollView can't handle stuff with crazy abnormal heights (I was passing a huuuge text to it) So in my particular situation solution was - shorten the text. Now it works like a charm (even though I still need to play a little with constraints to get rid of the warnings and stuff)
I've got a strange UIImageView behaviour:
I've got a UIViewController with an embedded UIImageView and a close button. Very basic stuff, done a thousand times. I didn't use Auto Layout that much in the past, but another view controller in the same Storyboard has nearly the same config and doesn't appear as strange as this specific one.
In my Storyboard the Controller looks like that:
...and on the device it looks like that:
That image is 1024x768, so it should be filled to the bounds. Content mode in the image view is Aspect fill. When i dismiss the view, i can see that the upper part of the image view must be hidden at the top with some negative Y or something.
I need Auto Layout in this storyboard, because it's an iPhone + iPad App with both orientations.
Has someone hat a behaviour like that before?
Thank you!
Here is the layout panel:
First, get rid of the alignment constraints, they are not needed if you're already anchoring your view to every side with a set distance.
Second, check the mode property of your UIImageView in the interface builder. If the image was not big enough and you had it set for "TOP" instead of, say, "aspect fill", you'd see something like this even though the view is actually covering the whole screen.
I'm sorry that I have to say this, but it was, as you certainly thought, my own fault.
The problem was that I made a photo with the iPad, and the iPad can be used in both orientations in this app. The photo was taken and was then used for an own view that allows the user to put annotations on the image.
The image gets then saved, and that was were the problem occured: I call
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(self.view.frame.size, NO, 0.0);
The landscape image was now taken into a portrait frame. After adjusting this and only allowing portrait mode, everything worked well.
Thanks anyways for your answers. And sorry for asking a question when the problem was another one and my own fault.
I have some difficult time in creating iOS screen to match with visual design provided by design team.
The design team has provided the spacing info for each screen which shows how much space each text needs to be apart from other UI element on the screen. This is attached for your reference. You can see here that the two text labels "Activate Your Account" and "A Verification link...." are placed apart by 25px.
The same thing I am trying to achieve in the storyboard. I am attaching the storyboard screen snapshot for reference.
From this you can see that I cannot keep exactly 25px b/w the two text labels because for the following issue
The text font is custom font and I cannot load the same in storyboard. I have added the font file in the project, but when I try to open it in storyboard for UILabel, it doesn't list out. I am not sure why xcode doesn't show up. This makes me hard to resize the label's frame. If I try to decrease the empty space in the label (upper and lower part of the text), this will make label height less, but when I set the font programmatically, it doesn't fit in this small space.
When I try to increase the height of the label, the text inside the label starts displaying at the center leaving space at the top and bottom of the label frame.
So I want to know how to solve this problem. If anyone had this issues and sorted out, please let me know how to fix this.
Many Thanks
Your designers aren't speccing their designs correctly :) Show them how iOS renders text and have them spec their designs in the same way. This is what we do on the Facebook design team. I mocked up an example for you (each square is 4dp/8px).
I'm pretty new to OpenSceneGraph and I have the following problem:
I'm trying to build a 2D Head Up Display out of several images, so that it can resize depending on the screen's resolution. That means I have extra images for the corners and one image for the bar that connects the corners and so on.
Well, that's the idea. But I have no clue how to do that in OpenSceneGraph.
Can anybody help me?
So, when the window resizes, you'll get an event from osgViewer telling you about the change.
You need to resize your viewport when the window size changes, so your HUD geometry has some idea of what the pixel-size of the display is (most of the HUD examples setup for a nominal 1024x768 screen and then just let that stretch around as the window is resized, pretending like the new viewport is still 1024x768).
Once you've resized the viewpoer, you need to rearrange your geometry. Your corner pieces need to be laid out at the fixed pixel size you want them to always appear, then you need your connecting elements to change size, horizontally or vertically, to fill the space between the corner pieces. You usually rely on texture stretching or repeating to fill the space as the piece of geometry gets stretched.
If none of that makes any sense, I can describe more.
When a user presses a button i add a scale transform to make it zoom out like safari's tabbing. when user presses the webview it comes back up. When the view is rotated, i use to get the values of how i wanted the frame to look like in tab mode, and checked if it was in tab mode when rotating and applied the frame. it works, and ive tried taking it out. The issue is, if i rotate like 10 times, a black line on the right side gets bigger and bigger going inside the webview. i have logged tons of objects for the web view and its scrollview to see if anything is off, the scrollinset/offset is correct, the frame is correct, the transform is correct too. i cant figure out why theres the black line. i tried refreshing the webview to see if its the webpage, and it doesnt fix that ether,the scale transform values is
CGAffineTransformMakeScale(0.6, 0.68)
for zoom out, and 1, 1 for zoom in. if anyone wants to see the effect just apply that to a uiwebview and start rotating the device about 10 times and you would then really see it.
heres how the web view looks when rotating a bunch of times:
on the right side theres that thick black line, it gets bigger with every rotate but ONLY grows when that transform is added, if its normal size again it stops but stays there.
When you transform any view, their frames do change, If you are using autoresize flag, check it since transforming changes frames and autoresizing also changes frames and this creates weird result.