Where to view Google Cloud messaging for Android reports and request details - google-cloud-messaging

Where to view Google Cloud messaging for Android reports and request details
Some of message i'm receiving from GCM and some not, so i want to see the reports or api access list in google console. Where can i see this details
Source code i used

As you noticed, Stats on the Google API Console are not enabled for GCM. The GCM Stats are only available on the Developer Console (which costs $25 to register to).
Viewing Statistics
To view statistics and any error messages for your GCM applications:
1. Go to the Developer Console.
2. Login with your developer account.
You will see a page that has a list of all of your apps.
3. Click on the "statistics" link next to the app for which you want to view GCM
stats. Now you are on the statistics page.
4. Go to the drop-down menu and select the GCM metric you want to view.
Note: Stats on the Google API Console are not enabled for GCM. You
must use the Developer Console.


whatsapp cloud api enable whatsapp_business_messaging permission

i have been trying to send whatsapp messages using cloud api, but its expecting to enable whatsapp_business_messaging permission which is by default disabled when associating with any app that has been created.
i didn't find any documentation pertaining to enable the above mentioned permission. Kindly assist
WhatsApp cloud API is Now Public!
According to their docs,
To start using it for development prepose
Register as a Meta Developer
Enable two-factor authentication for your account
Create a Meta App: Go to developers.facebook.com > My Apps >
Create App. Select the "Business" type and follow the prompts on
your screen.
From the App Dashboard, click on the app you would like to connect
to WhatsApp. Scroll down to find the "WhatsApp" product and click
Set up.
the onboarding process performs the following actions:
our App is associated with the Business Manager that you chose
A WhatsApp test phone number is added to your business. You can use this test phone number to explore the WhatsApp Business Platform
without registering or migrating a real phone number.
for more info please refer to whatsapp cloud getting started docs
Yes, WhatsApp Cloud API is now public.
With the Cloud API, businesses can directly get access to WhatsApp Business API from Facebook, in minutes.
For more info check out this WhatsApp Cloud API Guide.
I recently made an open-source python wrapper for newly WhatsApp Cloud API to help developers easily get started, You really wanna have a look at it https://github.com/neurotech-HQ/heyoo.
pip install --upgrade heyoo
Here is the sample code to send a message ;
>>> from heyoo import WhatsApp
>>> messenger = WhatsApp('TOKEN', phone_number_id='104xxxxxx')
>>> messenger.send_template('hello_world', 'your number')
For Javascript developers please have a look into Heyhooh
npm install heyooh
Here how sending to send messages;
import WhatsApp from heyhooh
let messenger = new WhatsApp('TOKEN', phone_number_id='104xxxxxx')
messenger.send_template("hello_world", "255757xxxxxx")
For PHP Developers whatsappcloud-php
composer require zepson/whatsappcloud-php
Here how the code to send a message;
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use zepson\Whatsapp\WhatsappClass;
$phone_number_id = '10726082513218961';
//send message
$tsap = new WhatsappClass( $phone_number_id, $token);
$sendtsap = $tsap->send_template('hello_world', '255654485755');

Google Data Studio OAuth Client Verification - what to show in our in-app testing video?

We're in the process of trying to get our Google Data Studio connectors' OAuth Client Verified and the process requires a video of the application in use (as per https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/9110914), however the documentation mentions:
Note that the video must clearly show the app's details such as the
app name, OAuth Client ID, etc. as applicable. The demo video must
show usage of sensitive and restricted scopes on each client.
But we are not in control of GDS, only our connectors. We only use the /auth/script.external_request scope to make calls to our own API.
What should we include in our video to show this information?
screengrab of the e-mail we received listing requirements
This is a Google OAuth verification requirement. You should ideally reach out to the OAuth verification team for clarifications.
However, for the video, you can try just opening up Data Studio and installing your connector using the direct deployment link. Then you can create a data source using the connector and draw a table to demonstrate how data is fetched from your API using the external_request scope.

Get all gmail threads with google script

In Google scripts I can get inbox threads by
but how can I get all threads, last 100, not just in the inbox. Or better yet all threads created yesterday.
Thank you
How about this answer? I think that you can achieve what you want to do using Gmail API. When you use these sample scripts, please enable Gmail API at Advanced Google Services and API console.
Preparation for using sample scripts
Enable Gmail API v1 at Advanced Google Services
On script editor
Resources -> Advanced Google Services
Turn on Gmail API v1
Enable Gmail API at API console
On script editor
Resources -> Cloud Platform project
View API console
At Getting started, click Enable APIs and get credentials like keys.
At left side, click Library.
At Search for APIs & services, input "Gmail". And click Gmail API.
Click Enable button.
If API has already been enabled, please don't turn off.
If now you are opening the script editor with the script for using Gmail API, you can enable Gmail API for the project by accessing this URL https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/api/gmail.googleapis.com/overview
Sample scripts
1. Retrieve 100 threads
var result = Gmail.Users.Threads.list("me", {maxResults:100});
2. Retrieve all threads created before 1 day.
var result = Gmail.Users.Threads.list("me", {q: "newer_than:1d"});
References :
Advanced Google Services
Gmail API
Search operators you can use with Gmail
If this was not useful for you, I'm sorry.

Actions on Google link third party service account using non-GoogleAssistant integration

I am working on Google Action for smart devices and using Dialogflow interaction schema with Java fulfillment. Fulfillment should call third party API to complete requests. For the purpose of the task, I must use a custom OAuth server. According to docs, I filled Action Account Linking information in Action Console with Grant Type: Authorization Code. For all intents including Welcome "Sign in required" is set.When testing with Google Home device or Google Home surface in Simulator menu, I get clear message "It looks like your Demo Service account is not linked yet. You can link Demo Service to your Google Account from the Google Home app." And as expected I get Linking Card in Google Home App to login and get AccessToken for third party service. Everything is OK here.
But when using Telegram integration or Phone surface in Simulator I just get "It looks like your Demo Service account is not linked yet" and nothing happen neither in Telegram, nor in Google Home App. How should user authentication for third party service be managed in this case?
Using the Actions on Google simulator, when you get the "It looks like your Demo Service account is not linked yet" you can achieve account linking by clicking on the DEBUG tab then open in a browser the url in "debugInfo". (See below)
The Phone surface simulates the Google Assistant app on Android or iOS devices. Users on these platforms will be prompted directly for account linking. (See below image)

How to check which errors I have in my Google API project?

I'd like to use this plugin with my Jekyll site to show page views for each post/ page. So I installed the plugin and set up a service account for Google data API. The site is generating but I get no data from Google Analytics for my page views (it shows 0). On the projects overview page in Google Developer Console I see that I'm getting errors. But I can't figure out how to check these errors?
Is there any way to see what these errors are?
How can I check if Google API is working at all on my site?
The problem was with permissions when you add a new user to Google Analytics account. I had only Read & Analyze, and it should be all four (Manage Users, Edit, etc.).