Finding the sum of sales when a series of conditions are met - sql

I have a database table that looks like below. It contains a key (id) that identified each transaction. Within each transaction, there may be multiple items that were purchased, thus someome with transact 103 has three different id values because they purchased three different items.
Here is what I am trying to do. For a given set of conditions, I want to total number of items that were purchased (item qty). Let's say that my conditions are that for stores 20 and 35, AND items 7, 12, aned 21, I want to find the total number of purchased items (item qty). When condition x is met, which is the reason for the subquery, sun up the item quantity to get total sales.
Can anyone help?
transac id item_qty store item
101 1 2 20 13
102 2 1 35 21
103 3 3 35 16
103 4 1 35 12
103 5 1 35 7
104 6 1 15 21
104 7 2 20 7
I have the following query which is related to my example but when I utilize such queries on my data it returns a null value each time.
SELECT SUM(Cnt) AS "Sales Count"
FROM (SELECT, SUM(ti.item_qty) AS Cnt
FROM dbo.vTransactions1 ti
WHERE IN (20, 35)
AND ti.item IN (7, 12, 21)
GROUP BY inner_query1;

One way of doing this would be to group by store and item and then calculating the sum. This way you would be able to add more conditions if required based on valid combinations of (Store,Item). You have grouped by id which is not worth as each row will have unique id so no group will be formed.
For given condition you can write as;
;with CTE as
select sum(item_qty) as Cnt,store,item
from test
group by store,item
select sum (Cnt) as [Sales Count]
from CTE
where store in (20,35)
and item in (7,12,21))
SQL Fiddle Demo here.

I have no idea why there is a subquery here. Unless I'm missing something, this should work:
select sum (item_qty)
FROM dbo.vTransactions1 ti
WHERE IN (20, 35)
AND ti.item IN (7, 12, 21)

If you need to add extra conditions in the outer query - you either need to
remove the "Sum" from Sum(Cnt) as the Sum is already done in the sub query (and probably return the ID as well); OR
You need to add GROUP BY condition to the outer query as well.


Grouping and Summing Totals in a Joined Table

I have two tables Medication and Inventory. I'm trying to SELECT all the below details from both tables but there are multiple listings of medication ids with different BRANCH_NO also in the INVENTORY table (the primary key in INVENTORY is actually BRANCH_NO, MEDICATION_ID composite key)
I need to total up the various medication_IDs and also join the tables in one SELECT command and display all the infomation for each med (there are 5) with a total sum of each med at the end of each row. But im getting all muddled trying Group by and Sum and at one point partition. Help please I'm new to this.
Below is the latest non working version - but it doesn't display
Medication Name
Medication Desc
Pack Size
like i chanced it might.
For the data imagine I want this sort of output:
1 Alpha 10
2 Bravo 20
3 Charlie 20
1 Alpha 30
4 Delta 10
5 Echo 20
5 Echo 40
2 Bravo 10
grouping and totalling into this:
1 Alpha 40
2 Bravo 30
3 Charlie 20
4 Delta 10
5 Echo 60
I can get this when its just one table but when Im trying to join tables and also SELECT things its just not working.
Thanks in advance guys. I appreciate it may be a simple solution, but it will be a big help.
You need to write explicitly all non-aggregated columns into both SELECT and GROUP BY lists ( Btw, no need to use a nested query, and if it's the case MEDICATION_ID column is missing in it ) :
This way, you'll be able to return all the listed columns.

Total Sum SQL Server

I have a query that collects many different columns, and I want to include a column that sums the price of every component in an order. Right now, I already have a column that simply shows the price of every component of an order, but I am not sure how to create this new column.
I would think that the code would go something like this, but I am not really clear on what an aggregate function is or why I get an error regarding the aggregate function when I try to run this code.
SELECT ID, Location, Price, (SUM(PriceDescription) FROM table GROUP BY ID WHERE PriceDescription LIKE 'Cost.%' AS Summary)
FROM table
When I say each component, I mean that every ID I have has many different items that make up the general price. I only want to find out how much money I spend on my supplies that I need for my pressure washers which is why I said `Where PriceDescription LIKE 'Cost.%'
To further explain, I have receipts of every customer I've worked with and in these receipts I write down my cost for the soap that I use and the tools for the pressure washer that I rent. I label all of these with 'Cost.' so it looks like (Cost.Water), (Cost.Soap), (Cost.Gas), (Cost.Tools) and I would like it so for Order 1 it there's a column that sums all the Cost._ prices for the order and for Order 2 it sums all the Cost._ prices for that order. I should also mention that each Order does not have the same number of Costs (sometimes when I use my power washer I might not have to buy gas and occasionally soap).
I hope this makes sense, if not please let me know how I can explain further.
`ID Location Price PriceDescription
1 Park 10 Cost.Water
1 Park 8 Cost.Gas
1 Park 11 Cost.Soap
2 Tom 20 Cost.Water
2 Tom 6 Cost.Soap
3 Matt 15 Cost.Tools
3 Matt 15 Cost.Gas
3 Matt 21 Cost.Tools
4 College 32 Cost.Gas
4 College 22 Cost.Water
4 College 11 Cost.Tools`
I would like for my query to create a column like such
`ID Location Price Summary
1 Park 10 29
1 Park 8
1 Park 11
2 Tom 20 26
2 Tom 6
3 Matt 15 51
3 Matt 15
3 Matt 21
4 College 32 65
4 College 22
4 College 11 `
But if the 'Summary' was printed on every line instead of just at the top one, that would be okay too.
You just require sum(Price) over(Partition by Location) will give total sum as below:
SELECT ID, Location, Price, SUM(Price) over(Partition by Location) AS Summed_Price
FROM yourtable
WHERE PriceDescription LIKE 'Cost.%'
First, if your Price column really contains values that match 'Cost.%', then you can not apply SUM() over it. SUM() expects a number (e.g. INT, FLOAT, REAL or DECIMAL). If it is text then you need to explicitly convert it to a number by adding a CAST or CONVERT clause inside the SUM() call.
Second, your query syntax is wrong: you need GROUP BY, and the SELECT fields are not specified correctly. And you want to SUM() the Price field, not the PriceDescription field (which you can't even sum as I explained)
Assuming that Price is numeric (see my first remark), then this is how it can be done:
, Location
, Price
, (SELECT SUM(Price)
FROM table
WHERE ID = T1.ID AND Location = T1.Location
) AS Summed_Price
FROM table AS T1
to get exact result like posted in question
CASE WHEN (R) = 1 then RN ELSE NULL END Summary
from (
Price ,
from Table
order by T.ID

access SQL count results using multiple sub queries against one table

I am using Access with a table having over 200k rows of data. I am looking for counts on a column which is broken down by job descriptions. For example, I want to return the total count (id) for a location where a person is status = "active" and position like "cook" [should equal 20] also another output where I get a count (id) for the same location where a person is status = "active" and position = "Lead Cook" [should equal 5]. So, one is a partial of the total population.
I have a few others to do just like this (# Bakers, # Lead Bakers...). How can I do this with one grand query/subquery or one query for each grouping.
My attempt is more like this:
Count(a.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER) AS [# Cook Total], --- should equal 20
(SELECT count(b.EMPLOYEE_ID) FROM Table_abc AS b where b.STATUS="Active Assignment" AND b.POSITION Like "*cook*" AND b.EMPLOYEE_ID=a.EMPLOYEE_ID) AS [# Lead Cook], --- should equal 5
FROM Table_abc AS a
ORDER BY a.location;
Results should be similar to:
Location Total Cooks Lead Cooks Total Bakers Lead Bakers
1 20 4 15 2
2 45 7 12 2
3 22 2 16 1
4 19 2 17 2
5 5 1 9 1
Try using conditional aggregation -- no need for sub queries.
Something like this should work (although I may not understand your desired results completely):
select location,
count(EMPLOYEE_NUMBER) as CookTotal,
sum(IIf(POSITION Like "*cook*",1,0)) as AllCooks,
sum(IIf(POSITION = "Lead Cook",1,0)) as LeadCooks
from Table_abc
where STATUS="Active Assignment"
group by location

Sum nr of sales on a typical article number SQL

it's pretty simple i guess but i can't get it to work.
I have a Sales table with theese columns
For example
20150326, 19929, 2
20150326, 10231, 1
20150326, 10001, 3
20150325, 19929, 4
Now i want to make a SQL that gives me the Artnr and the sum Amount back.So in the example above i sold 6 artnr 19929 at two different times. Now i want to sum the amount on the rows with the same artnr and add them togheter. Like this.
10231, 1
10001, 3
19929, 6
The closest i get is with this SQL
SELECT a.artnr (SELECT SUM(b.amount) FROM SALES b WHERE b.artnr = a.artnr)
My Problem here is that i still get all rows back but at least it gives me the right sum amount.
19929, 6
10231, 1
10001, 3
19929, 6
Can someone help me with this please.
Just use group by:
SELECT artnr, SUM(amount)
GROUP BY artnr;

Need to repeat and calculate values in a single Select statement

I hope that someone can help me with my issue. I need to create in a single SELECT statement (the system that we use has some pivot tables in Excel that handle one single SELECT) the following:
I have a INL (Invoice Lines) table, that has a lot of fields, but the important one is the date.
19 2004-03-15 00:00:00.000
20 2004-03-15 00:00:00.000
21 2004-03-15 00:00:00.000
22 2004-03-16 00:00:00.000
23 2004-03-16 00:00:00.000
24 2004-03-16 00:00:00.000
Now, I also have a ILD (Invoice Line Details) that are related by an ID field to the INL table. From the second table I will need to use the scu_qty field to "repeat" values from the first one in my results sheet.
The ILD table values that we need are:
INL_ID scu_qty
19 1
20 1
21 1
22 4
23 4
Now, with the scu_qty I need to repeat the value of the first table and also add one day each record, the scu_qty is the quantity of days of the services that we sell in the ILD table.
So I need to get something like (i'm going to show the INL_ID 22 that you can see has a value different of 1 in the SCU_QTY). The results of the select has to give me something like:
22 2004-03-15 0:00:00
22 2004-03-16 0:00:00
22 2004-03-17 0:00:00
22 2004-03-18 0:00:00
In this information I only wrote the fields that need to be repeated and calculated, of course I will need more fields, but will be repeated from the INL table, so I don't put them so you don't get confused.
I hope that someone can help me with this, it's very important for us this report. Thanks a lot in advance
(Sorry for my English, that isn't my first language)
SELECT INL_ID, scu_qty, CalculatedDATE ...
INNER JOIN SequenceTable ON SequenceTable.seqNo <= ILD.scu_qty
ORDER BY INL_ID, SequenceTable.seqNo
Depending on your SQL flavour you will need to lookup date manipulation functions to do
CalculatedDATE = {INL.DATE + SequenceTable.seqNo (days)}
select INL.INL_ID, `DATE`
inner join
inner join (
select 1 as qty union select 2 union select 3 union select 4
) s on s.qty <= ILD.scu_qty
order by INL.INL_ID
In instead of that subselect you will need a table if quantity is a bit bigger. Or tell what is your RDBMS and there can be an easier way.