Missing bracket frustration [closed] - sql

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a SQL WHERE clause which is two pages long. I appear to be missing a bracket. Is there a way in SQL to count the right brackets and left brackets and even determine where the problem is?
The answer may be no, but I am interested to know if it is, meaning I do not have to go through hundreds of lines of code one line at a time.

You can use an SQL pretty printer to automatically format your SQL statement. This should help you find unbalanced parenthesis.
There are many tools available for this purpose, here's an online service that I frequently use:
Various other tools with SQL Server Management Studio integration can be found in this SO question:
Pretty Printer for T-SQL?

SQL will tell you when you parse or run the query what line the problem is on!


Retrieve real-time SQL requests between Oracle and Tomcat server [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm running a LoadRunner script which generates "Missing IN or OUT parameter at Index:: 1". I think this may come from a sql statement. So I want to get the SQL requests in real-time between my Tomcat server and the Oracle database. I tried to seach on Oracle Enterprise Manager, but didn't get anything useful (I'm not familliar with this tool). So I wonder if there are something that can display the SQL requests(statements) and in what time they have been executed. I don't care about the performence, things like how much time they take, how many percentage of CPU they use, ect..
Is there some tools can do this job? Thanks a lot in advance.
Looks at your tomcat log and your database transaction logs if you are looking for a time context for when a particular event occurs. If you are looking at frequency, performance, top talkers on your DB then you want to invoke whatever profiler you have your your particular database solution.

Is there a GUI tool for MacOS that allows to print labels from SQL databases [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking for a GUI tool on Mac which allows users to browse contents of a relatively simple SQL database (only 2-3 tables) and which allows them to print selected records in a specific layout on labels.
This database ran previously on MsAccess and we would like to have it as SQL. However, non IT-professionals should easily be able to print those labels.
If anybody knows a tool for this (except filemaker), please let me know.
Thanks a lot,
I would suggest OpenOffice for a "mailmerge" like label printing.
If You need a more robust "report" oriented solution You can take a look at jasper reports and ireport both have release for OSx.

Database of similar baby names [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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We are currently building a SQL project that will be searching through a list of baby names. The current search function on our blog (http://www.BabyNamesLog.com) is a simple Wordpress search function and would like to have something more advanced going fwd.
What I would like to do is to return results on a query that would search similar baby names for boys and girls.
For example, if you search for "Nick" you would get results like "Nicolas".
Do you happen to know any databases (preferably public) for this type of task to populate a relationship between nicknames and names?
Thanks in advance guys!
Which database server are you using?
Some have an implementation of the soundex algorithm that you might be able to leverage. Consult http://databases.about.com/od/development/l/aasoundex.htm
An alternate algorithm is at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Match_Rating_Approach
If you absolutely had to, you could add encodings from these algorithms to your database and use them for queries.

SQL Syntax Formatting Tool [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I find the need to send SQL statements by email often and I was wondering if anyone had a tool that would color code the Oracle Reserved Words, Keywords, and Namespaces so that when the code is copied from the tool into say Lotus notes it would appear in the email as it does in the tool.
try this
Instant SQL Formatter
you must select the option
Output -> SQL (HTML:font)
SQLinForm - No download necessary. It uses a Java applet. Feature rich. That’s the one I like.
An alternative is to use Pastebin , encrypt it and send the pastebin link.

web-based query designer [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I remember seeing online a (sql?) query designer tool that looked like the "point and click GUI" that you get in MSFT access (and other similar apps).
It allowed the user to do simple joins and where clauses and select clauses simply by toggling checkboxes, dragging table icons into view and connecting joins by drawing lines.
This link: Google Image Search Examples has examples.
The output was the SQL in plain text.
If anyone knows of a web-based GUI that works like this, that can be plugged into a web CMS, please link and discuss here.
Maybe WWW SQL Designer will suit you. See online demonstration.