SSIS pkg does not recognize the file path - sql

I'm using the 2012 version of Visual Studio to build an SSIS package. I have a variable var_root which has the string value - 'C:\Projects\OBC\Clients\ABC'. When I try to run the pkg, I get the following error:
Error: The expression contains unrecognized token "C". If "C" is a variable, it should be expressed as "#C". The specified token is not valid. If the token is intended to be a variable name, it should be prefixed with the # symbol.
Error: Attempt to parse the expression "C:\Projects\OBC\Clients\ABC" failed and returned error code 0xC00470A4. The expression cannot be parsed. It might contain invalid elements or it might not be well-formed. There may also be an out-of-memory error.
Now, this runs fine in the 2008 version of the Business Intelligence studio. I don't know how to specify the variable name. Please help me if possible. Thanks

The SSIS expression language is a C based language and the \ is a token, this means you have to escape it with another one. i.e "\" becomes "\", unlike C# you can't prefix the string with a #, you have to use the escaping route.
In summary when ever you want to use \ you need to use two \

Why use the expression though when you can set the value directly in the values column for the variable - without the quotes or double slashes - Just - C:\Projects\OBC\Clients\ABC


Cannot query my container using the GridDB Shell?

I have a device container with the name 1cbfce15ec4d which houses some my data. I know for a fact there's data in there, but when I try a simple query in the griddb shell, I got the following error:
gs[public]> sql select * from 1cbfce15ec4d;
D20332: An unexpected error occurred while executing a SQL. : msg=[[240001:SQL_COMPILE_SYNTAX_ERROR] Parse SQL failed, reason = Syntax error: 1cbfce15ec4d; on executing query (sql="select * from 1cbfce15ec4d") (db='public') (user='admin') (appName='gs_sh') (clientId='a6d92f48-e558-440-86dd-a05e949fa726:1') (clientNd='{clientId=3, address=}') (address=, partitionId=983)]
I am not exactly sure what is going on here -- at first I assumed my data must be corrupt or empty, but that is not the case. It seems to be a case of the shell dying trying to process something about that container name.
Any ideas?
According to the manual :
"If the name of a table or a column contains characters other than ASCII alphanumeric characters and underscore, or if the first character of the name is a number in a SQL statement, enclose the name with double quotation marks."
Try select * from "1cbfce15ec4d"

Inserting into Postgres Multidimensional Text Array from NodeJS Knex

I am attempting to insert a single row into a Postgres table from a NodeJS application using the Knex-Seed-File module for Knex.
Upon each attempt, I receive an error for only one column/field which is a multidimensional text array: photo_urls text[][] NULL,. The error states there is a malformed array literal.
Having gone through the official Postgres documentation, I've tried using double quotes:
(8.14.2. Array Value Input)
"To write an array value as a literal constant, enclose the element values within curly braces and separate them by commas...You can put double quotes around any element value, and must do so if it contains commas or curly braces."
I've also tried using ARRAY constructor syntax.
Here are various attempts Ive had at constructing the input as well as what was returned as being the actual SQL generated and the returned error:
Attempt 1:
Result 1:
Error 1:
- malformed array literal: "array[['ext_profile:','ext_random:','int_random:'],['',',',',,']]
Attempt 2:
$${"ext_profile:", "ext_random:", "int_random:"},{"", ",", ",,"}$$
Result 2:
'"$${""ext_profile:"", ""ext_random:"", ""int_random:""},{"""", "","", "",,""}$$"'
Error 2:
- malformed array literal: ""$${""ext_profile:"", ""ext_random:"", ""int_random:""},{"""", "","", "",,""}$$"
Attempt 3:
($${"ext_profile:", "ext_random:", "int_random:"},{"", ",", ",,"}$$)
Result 3:
'"($${""ext_profile:"", ""ext_random:"", ""int_random:""},{"""", "","", "",,""}$$)"'
Error 3:
- malformed array literal: ""($${""ext_profile:"", ""ext_random:"", ""int_random:""},{"""", "","", "",,""}$$)"
Attempt 4:
Result 4:
Error 4:
- malformed array literal: ""array[['ext_profile:','ext_random:','int_random:'],["""","","","",,""]]"
Attempt 5 (Post knex-seed-file upgrade):
Result 5:
Error 5:
- malformed array literal: ""[[""ext_profile:"",""ext_random:"",""int_random:""],["""","","","",,""]]"
There appear to be many bugs/issues reported as related to knex postgres integration:
#658, #828, #869, #1602,... which seem to have been closed and/or merged into #1661.
From what I can tell, it appears the issue was closed as resolved.
Can anyone help identify what I'm doing wrong or what I can do to resolve the issue?
The module is now upgraded (0.3.1) and should now handle arrays properly. To enter array value after updating the package, you should use following pattern:
Please open an issue at, upon encountering more problems.
#touko correctly identified that the issue is a result of the default behavior for csv files.
When saving a csv file, double quotes are added to anything with embedded commas or double-quoted characters.
It is explained in these posts and articles:
superuser post 1
superuser post 2
In regards to the knex-seed-file module there is an issue opened in Github. Currently, I'm using the workaround of opening the csv file in a text editor and manually removing the undesired double quotes.
Example (note: I am using a pipe-delimited csv file):
find "[[ and replace with [[
find ]]" and replace with ]]
find "" and replace with "

Is there a special case in Apache2 when calling a CGI and the URI includes a single query string parameter without a value?

Today I got an error and was very surprised to get it since everything looked just fine...
I have a CGI written in C++ which accepts URIs with a query string. The query string is what selects the page, etc. The CGI is installed in the standard location for an Ubuntu installation:
Today I was finishing up adding a Login screen and once logged in, I wanted to add a logout link. The link simply adds ?logout at the end of the URI:
That failed.
Checking the error log, I got an error saying that "logout" actually appeared on the command line. Rather surprising, if you ask me! I tried with:
and everything worked as expected. No logout on the command line.
I also tried:
And that worked too. Again, no logout on the command line.
However, if I switch the parameters position it fails again:
So it looks like Apache2 calls my CGI with the logout query string as a parameter on the command line when that one query string name is defined last.
Just in case, I tried to add dashes at the start of the name, and sure enough, that appears as a command line switch in my logs!
error:snapmanager.cgi: option --logout is not supported.
Really scary. This is a huge security risk if you know of a switch that can "tweak things your way"...
Is that documented somewhere?
I actually found the answer in RFC3875 in paragraph 4.4
4.4. The Script Command Line
Some systems support a method for supplying an array of strings to the CGI script. This is only used in the case of an 'indexed' HTTP query, which is identified by a 'GET' or 'HEAD' request with a URI query string that does not contain any unencoded "=" characters. For such a request, the server SHOULD treat the query-string as a search-string and parse it into words, using the rules
search-string = search-word *( "+" search-word )
search-word = 1*schar
schar = unreserved | escaped | xreserved
xreserved = ";" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "#" | "&" | "=" | "," |
After parsing, each search-word is URL-decoded, optionally encoded in a system-defined manner and then added to the command line argument list.
If the server cannot create any part of the argument list, then the server MUST NOT generate any command line information. For example, the number of arguments may be greater than operating system or server limits, or one of the words may not be representable as an argument.
The script SHOULD check to see if the QUERY_STRING value contains an unencoded "=" character, and SHOULD NOT use the command line arguments if it does.
Emphasis Mine

how insert ODI step error message in to Oracle table, if the error message has single quotes and colons

I'm trying to insert ODI step error message into oracle table.
I captured the error message using <%=odiRef.getPrevStepLog("MESSAGE")%>.
ODI-1226: Step PRC_POA_XML_synchronize fails after 1 attempt(s).
ODI-1232: Procedure PRC_POA_XML_synchronize execution fails.
ODI-1227: Task PRC_POA_XML_synchronize (Procedure) fails on the source XML connection XML_PFIZER_LOAD_POA_DB_DEV.
Caused By: java.sql.SQLException: class java.sql.SQLException
oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParseException: End tag does not match start tag 'tns3:ContctID'.
at com.sunopsis.jdbc.driver.xml.SnpsXmlFile.readDocument(
at com.sunopsis.jdbc.driver.xml.SnpsXmlFile.readDocument(
When I try to insert this into a table, I'm getting the following error:
Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 1
I tried with substr, replace. Nothing works as in middle of the error message we have a single quotes 'tns3:ContctID'.
Is there any way to insert this into a table?
that's a tough one if you want to use pure java BeanShell and you've given way too little details to get short and straight answer, like
how do you try to insert this (command on source/target, bean shell only, Oracle SQL +jBS, jython, groovy etc...)
The problem here is not only quotes but also newlines.
To replace them is even more difficult as every parsing step <%, <?, <# requires different trick to define those literals
What will work for sure is if you write Jython task for inserting log data (Jython in technology).
There you may use Python ability for multiline string literals
err_log = """
I faced this error few days back . I applied below mentioned solution in ODI ...
Use - q'#<%=odiRef.getPrevStepLog("MESSAGE")%>#'
This will escape inverted comma (') for INSERT statement.
I have used this in my code and it is working fine :)
For example -
select 'testing'abcd' from dual;
this query will give below error
"ORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated"
select q'#testing'abcd#' from dual;
This query gives no error and we get below response in SQL Developer

PDI Kettle Parameter in RegEx

I'm new in pentaho's world and I wanted to use a parameter to use my regex.
It's working when I try my regex with the field Test regEx of a step Regex Evaluation.
But it's not working when I'm trying to run the kettle.
My RegEx is .*(?i)${TOOL_NAME}.*
I'm getting this from logs :
ERROR (version 5.0.6, build 1 from 2014-04-26_17-32-54 by buildguy) : Step [test regex.0] failed to initialize!
I'm already using parameters for other fields and it's working fine.
The use of system variables in the regex component requires the setting use variable substitution to be activated. Otherwise the string ${PARAM} will be interpreted literally, most likely resulting in an invalid regular expression which can not be compiled.