Java API for interacting with the Google Search Appliance - google-search-api

I want to do web search with java and I found GSA-JAPI does it work on web searching or it's used only on a website which I created for example.

The GSA-JAPI's purpose is to access and manage settings in a Google Search Appliance, which is an enterprise product Google sells. You can't use the GSA-JAPI to script any web searches, only manage a Google Search Appliance. It's used as an alternative to logging into the web based Admin Console.

The GSA-JAPI is a wrapper that serializes the XML response from the Google Search Appliance into POJOs. Additionally, You can use it to initiate searches to the Google Search Appliance. It hasn't been updated in quite some time so new elements are not exposed (i.e. Dynamic Navigation)


What is the URL for interacting with the Google API Interactive Console to test out queries and get JSON results?

I am trying to find something from Google Cloud that is similar to the Interactive Spotify API Web Console. Does anyone have any ideas that requires a sign into the Google account associated with the Google Cloud? Thanks!
This is available through the API reference pages:
On every method page, there's a form you can use on the right to test it out from the browser using your Google account.
For example, take a look at this page to list your Cloud SQL instances:

How to access Chrome's online bookmarks?

Google Chrome allows you to sign in with your Google account to sync bookmarks and settings. Those bookmarks are then stored along with my account on their servers.
I want to create another client for the bookmarks. Please note that I am not interested in reading the local bookmarks file from hard disk. Instead I want to connect with the online servers directly.
So I need to access the same API as Chrome uses for synching. Is there a way to find out how to use that API?
Whilst not using an API directly it allows you to query data from google bookmarks online (directly via REST call), and parse it yourself.
I have included a link on how you may parse this data from the "Lite Bookmarks" chrome extension repository.

Dropbox - any API to cli_link?

I'm using the dropboxd service under Linux, which requires you to log into their website e.g. to link the machine to your account.
Is there any programatic way to do this (ideally using Java)? To access the website above it seems you need to login using forms (which seems tricky to do programatically), and their basic REST API ( doesnt seem to cover the cli_link command.
I could write an app to do the sync using their full API, but it seems like overkill since aside from the cli_link requirement the basic dropboxd does all that I need.
The official Dropbox desktop client is unrelated to the API, though both the API and the Linux CLI require user interaction on the Dropbox web site (once per link) to authorize the linking. Also, note that automating/scraping the site itself is not allowed by the terms:
Not really a solution for DropBox users, but in the end we just moved over to use MediaFire instead. That has a full REST API and doesnt require any manual intervention.

Gmail Sidebar gadget development, getting started

I'm kind of new to dealing with Gmail API and I have a question regarding the development environment.
I want to create a simple application that fetches unread emails from a gmail user, sends it to a processing server of mine (RESTful web service) where I analyze the data and extract some information, then finally use the extracted information to add it to the user's Google calendar.
I was thinking of developing a sidebar gadget but I was curious about which IDE to use. Do I use the Google scripts API? Will it make my gadget portable? Which IDE to use?
I know about the Gmail API that uses oAuth access to IMAP & SMTP but how can I integrate it with the sidebar gadget? Where do I write the code? Which language?
First, you will want to read Google's Gmail gadget documentation to learn how to make them.
Basically, you can either use the Google Gadget Editor (GGE), which is a very simple IDE that runs in your browser, or you can use whatever editor you prefer for editing JavaScript and XML. You will also need a website where you can post your code. A google gadget is an XML+Javascript file that resides in some webserver and that follows the schema google dictates.
Google Apps Scripts are a different thing. They are scripts that run in a google spreadsheet and can access the user's google services (docs, gmail, and some other ones). But, they are not Gadgets. To write one, create a new spreadsheet then go to Tools->script editor.
IMAP and SMTP are another thing. They are protocols for talking to a mail server. There are imap and smtp libraries available for nearly all programming languages. But, that is not what you want if you want to implement a gadget.
One important thing to consider is that Apps Script is the only way to get full access to Gmail. You could easily automate all the processing to send the information to Calendar.

API for retrieving web site inlinks

I am working on a research project in which I need to find the in-links for approx. 170K URIs. My first thoughts were to use the Google or Yahoo APIs but then I realized that Yahoo Boss is now at Bing, which doesn't seem to support inlink queries, and that Google, deprecated its search API a while ago and replaced it with Custom Search, which doesn't seem to support inlink queries over their whole web index.
Are there any alternative solutions I missed? I am looking for a simple Web API that accepts a given URI and returns the inlinks for that URI.
Google: for retrieving XML feeds of search results I need to convert a given custom search engine to Google Site Search, which is a commercial service. Even then I am only allowed to retrieved inlinks for a pre-defined set of sites, not for the whole web
Yahoo: Site Explorer unfortunately shut down and moved to Bing
Bing: in Bing's Webmaster tools app you can view the inlinks for a specific site, but you cannot query inlinks for arbitrary URIs, because it Bing Webmaster Tools doesn't provide an API yet
The SEOmoz API - If you just need to get total amount of links pointing to a URL you should be able to use the free version.