Error message: Impossible to create ACCDE, MDE or ADE - vba

Upon trying to create an execution-only front-end database file in *.accde format, i receive the error message "Impossible to create accde, mde, or ade. After doing a bit of research i am informed that this message happens when the dimensions of the database are too big. Looking at my database which is only 10KB with about 40+ linked tables linking to a back end database of 45KB, I am confused as to why I am not allowed to perform this action.

This error is common when there are errors compiling the database. If you open the database and go into the VBA window are you able to compile the database without a problem (debug menu -> compile)? If you run into errors compiling the database this way, fix these errors and then once you can successfully compile the file this way then try creating the ACCDE file again.


LoadRunner_How to Attach xlsx file in the scripts

Well im new in Load runner Tools honestly speaking morning only i have started the learning these tools and during re_execution time i stuck at one point and regarding that i need to understand how to attach excel-sheet.
in my application there is field where we basically attach the employee data and supporting attachment for these fields always be in excel format.
So i have recorded all these steps using load runner and during re-execution load runner failed and throws following error. i tried lot but not getting any idea how to attach these excel file from my own computer to scripts.
if someone guide me these how to handle these situation ?
Many Thanks
Error Details
Error -26488: Could not obtain information about submitted file "C:\Users\Amit.Bhagwat\Documents\VuGen\Scripts\Supplier-Onboarding Process\ST_Supplier.xlsx": _stat32 rc=-1, errno=2 [No such file or directory]. Using an empty file [MsgId: MERR-26488]
GBO_UploadSupplierlists.c C:\Users\Amit.Bhagwat\Documents\VuGen\Scripts\Supplier-Onboarding Process Supplier-Onboarding Process

SQL Server - insufficient memory (mscorlib) / 'the operation could not be completed'

I have been working on building a new database. I began by building the structure within the database it is replacing and populating this as I created each set of tables. Once I had made additions I would drop what had been created and execute the code to build the structure again and a separate file to insert the data. I repeated this until the structure and content was complete to ensure each stage was as I intended.
The insert file is approximately 30mb with 500,000 lines of code (I appreciate this is not the best way to do this but for various reasons I cannot use alternative options). The final insert completed and took approximately 30 minutes.
A new database was created for me, the structure executed successfully but the data would not insert. I received the first error message shown below. I have looked into this and it appears I need to use the sqlcmd utility to get around this, although I find it odd as it worked in the other database which is on the same sever and has the same autogrow settings.
However, when I attempted to save the file after this error I received the second error message seen below. When I selected OK it took me to my file directory as it would if I selected Save As, I tried saving in a variety of places but received the same error.
I attempted to copy the code into notepad to save my changes but the code would not copy to the clipboard. I accepted I would lose my changes and rebooted my system. If I reopen this file and attempt to save it I receive the second error message again.
Does anyone have an explanation for this behaviour?
Hm. This looks more like an issue with SSMS and not the SQL Server DB/engine.
If you've been doing few times, possibly Management Studio ran out of RAM?
Have you tried breaking INSERT into batches/smaller files?

VS2010 vb.NET: System.invalidOperationException: the 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered at the local machine

Good morning.
I'm in the process of writing a vb.NET forms application that will read in a selection of .xlsX files and import their contents into a SQL2012 database. Because the files are in different folders and are all formatted differently, I'm having to write it so that each folder's contents is handled by its own dedicated module. However, one thing that's common across each folder is the process that I need to go through, which is to open each file, read its contents into a DataTable, carry out any manipulation required (i.e. removing empty rows) and then run a SqlBulkCopy to load the data into SQL before moving the original file into an archive location.
So far, so good. I've written and successfully run three of these modules, but the fourth one is giving me the error that's detailed in the Title of this post - the exception is thrown at the point where I'm trying to open the connection string to the Excel object. Again I stress that I've done this three times before, and each time has been successful.
Also, I've noticed that the exception only occurs when running the code in Debug mode. If I run it in Release mode it works without any complaints.
I'm developing this application in a 64-bit environment (VS2010 on Windows 8.1), but targeting the application to x86. I'm happy to continue writing in Release rather than Debug mode, but I'm curious as to why it works in one but not the other and I'd like to be able to code for both modes if at all possible.

Problems running program on superuser-type user

I have written a program in for in house use that connects to a Progress OpenEdge database. Now I'm having a really weird runtime problem.
I have a .exe file that runs on my local C: drive, the C: drive of the servers, from a certain network Location (but not other places on the network) just fine on at least two regular users. The problem is that when I submit it to my IT manager for review she gives it back and says it wont even run; on looking at the error, it seems to fail on the very first select query (which happens before the form finishes loading) Specifically, it ultimately boils down to the error below:
System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [HY000] [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver]Number contains an invalid character: ?
ERROR [HY000] [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver]Number contains an invalid character: ?
now, certainly, I'm using data sources in visual studio and parameterized queries. So, yes, if it's trying to run it as straight SQL and not filling the parameters like it's supposed to, then there is a question mark in a number field. My question is: why does the same .exe, in the same place, run by a user with HIGHER privileges throw errors?
Are you initializing the integer variable with zero (0). The question mark in progress means unknown value.
If you are still running into a problem or haven't verified a solution yet, maybe check this KnowledgeBase article on SQL tracking out to make sure that the interpretation/execution of these statements is correct.
Providing that everything is the same with the SQL statements, the problem is most likely with the way the .exe is being run. There may be filling with an alpha character rather than numeric input depending on how the .exe is being run.

error when adding tableadapter to dataset

I am developing a winforms application in
when i try to add a tableadapter to an existing dataset I am receiving the error:
Failed to open a connection to the database.
"An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file ###Filelocation### failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share." Check the connection and try again.
This same dataset has 2 other tableadapters using the same dataconnection (as I am selecting the already existing dataconnection) which work fine
this connection is using application connection strings:
Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\test.mdf;Integrated
server=localhost;user id=root;password=password;database=testuser;persistsecurityinfo=True
this error pops up every time I select the dataconnector on the first window that pops up.
Why is this happening
additional info:
The other 2 tableadapters were added to this dataset using a different computer
this is for a mysql connection
I found this post on the MSDN forum:
An attempt to attach an auto-named database ....\aspnetdb.mdf failed
One of the suggestions is as Mr. DonBoitnott correctly says, add User Instance=True;. But, there's also another suggestion posted by Luke A.
"For the record, not one single error message given to me during the course of trying to fix this was relevant to the actual problem. Upon first receiving "An attempt to attached an auto-named database..." I looked online for every suggestion I could find: use an absolute path to the MDF, reorder TCP/IP and named pipes in the server configuration, disable/enable UserInstance (depending on where you looked), change security settings, reconfigure authentication, give specific login credentials.
None of these worked. All of these led to different vague/ambiguous error messages, which led to another problem which required a solution which led back to the original error message... an endless loop of problems, completely unrelated to what was actually wrong.
_Also, posts about setting correct permissions on the App_Data folder are deceptive, as they imply the default permissions were not sufficient for SQL Express (in fact, they are). The whole point of this VS environment is that you can develop a web application and plop it right onto an IIS/SQLExpress setup and have it work. This makes the applications more portable (within IIS, of course) and secure. Of course, everything configuration-related has been obfuscated enough to make it several orders of magnitude more difficult than it has to be."_
So: Try prepend Initial Catalog=uniquenamehere to your connection string.
Though he says "... where 'uniquenamehere' is some name for your project.", try replacing uniquenamehere with the actual name of the database where the table exists.
the file is a .mdf file so it is a mssql file
my guess would be that as you stated you are using mysql the connection string has to be a tad different and therefore the Dataset can't connect to Mysql
Try adding User Instance=True; to the connection string.