Building a Vlookup between separate workbooks - vba

I am new to VBA coding and am attempting to build a Vlookup to connect two seperate workbooks. Provided belwo is my coding which is currently producing a Run-Time 1004 Method 'Range' of Object'_Global' Failed error on the vlookup line.
Sub dataEntry(agent As Integer, month As Integer)
Dim lookupReturn As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim lookupValue As String
Dim lookupBook As String
i = 1
'set excel book to preform vlookup within
lookupBook = sheetName & "-Daily Report Daily-Monthly Grid.xlsx"
'Preforms a Vlookup to fill in data points
Do While Workbooks("Cumulative Agent Ranking Template").Sheets(sheetName).Cells(i, 1).Value <> ""
lookupValue = Workbooks("Cumulative Agent Ranking Template").Sheets(sheetName).Cells(i, 10).Value
lookupReturn = Sheets(sheetName).WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Range("C2"), [lookupBook] & sheet33 & Range("!$A$2" & ":$C" & agent), 2, False)
Workbooks("Cumulative Agent Ranking Template").Sheets(sheetName).Cells(i, 11).Value = lookupReturn
i = i + 1
lookupValue = ""
lookupReturn = 0

I think there are probably a lot of things going wrong here.
Let's start with the most obvious source of 1004 error, which is unqualified range objects.
Example: in a standard module, Range("C2") always refers to the Active sheet. In a sheet module, it always refers to the parent sheet.
To Resolve: fully qualify your range variables, e.g., Workbooks(_name_).Worksheets(_sheetname_).Range("C2")
Another potential problem I notice is the way you're calling the Vlookup.
There is no such method WorksheetFunction of a worksheet object. This is an application-level method, so invoke it like:
Additional problems or potential problems
Undeclared variables: sheetname (maybe this is a public or module-level variable?)
Unused variables: lookupValue You've declared this, and you've assigned to it, but you haven't done anything to it or used it anywhere else in the code. is this the value you're trying to search for?
The rest of your formula is also pretty gnarly and I'm not even going to try and fix it in its current state. If you use better-defined object variables, your code will be easier to read and understand. You will also benefit from intellisense if the variables are strongly typed in declaration.
Here is an example, which I will leave up to you to work out for your own needs:
Dim lookupBook as Workbook
Dim lookupRange as Range
Dim lookupValue as String
Set lookupBook = Workbooks("some other file.xlsx")
Set lookupRange = lookupBook.Worksheets("some worksheet").Range("A1:B50")
lookupValue = "cat"
Range("A1").Value = WorksheetFunction.Vlookup(lookupValue, lookupRange, 2, False)


.find() triggers run-time error 91 even though all variables are set VBA possibly due to bad references

I am writing code to create a template. This code populates a tab named "fullDistribution" from user-input on different tabs in the same wb. I have a working section of code that I wrote in a separate module (for testing) away from my master module. The code runs properly and executes completely when it is separate. When I pasted this section of code into my master module and ran it, I began receiving "Run-time error 91: object variable or with block variable not set" at the start of the newly-pasted code. I am not using any with blocks, and all of my variables are set. I made no changes in my code when I transferred it to my master module, and I carried over the new variables I created.
This is the selection of code that I wrote in a separate module:
tcount = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("detailedEntity").Range("D2:D" & Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row))
acount = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("detailedEntity").Range("K2:K7"))
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim h As Integer
Dim f As Integer
Dim blstate As Range
Dim bl As Range
Dim state As Range
Dim deat As Range
Dim agje As Range
Dim e As Integer
Dim r As Integer
Dim ii As Integer
Set blstate = Worksheets("bls2016").Range("D2:D" & Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row)
Set state = Worksheets("detailedEntity").Range("Q1")
Set deat = Worksheets("detailedEntity").Range("D2:D" & Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row)
Set agje = Worksheets("detailedEntity").Range("L2:M" & Cells(Rows.Count, "M").End(xlUp).Row)
h = Activecolumn
f = Activerow
r = 2
x = 120
For e = 1 To (acount * acount)
For ii = 1 To x
'ccnt = acst.Offset(0, 1)
ccgv = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2)
acem = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5)
Do While True
vl1 = Application.IfNa(Application.VLookup(Worksheets("fullDistribution").Cells(r, 2), deat, 1, False), 0)
If vl1 = 0 Then
Worksheets("fullDistribution").Cells(r, 4) = 0
vl2 = Application.IfNa(Application.VLookup(Worksheets("fullDistribution").Cells(r, 1), agje, 2, False), 0)
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Unknown Or Undefined" Then
Exit Do
If vl2 = ccgv Then
Worksheets("fullDistribution").Cells(r, 4) = acem
ElseIf vl2 <> ccgv Then
Worksheets("fullDistribution").Cells(r, 4) = ActiveCell.Offset(x + 1, 5)
End If
End If
End If
Exit Do
ActiveCell.Offset(f + 1, h).Select
r = r + 1
Next ii
Next e
The error triggers at the line "blstate.find(state).select" which tells excel to look in a dynamic range that contains the names of states and select the first instance of the state to use as the Activecell. Again, this works when it's run outside of the main module.
I believe this has something to do with a reference area. When this runs alone and finishes, I have to have a specific worksheet activated for it to run properly. If my excel workbook is open to a different tab, it will not run. My main module too only executes properly if it is run on a specific worksheet/tab.
If need be, I can edit my post and provide my whole master code.
It may be a problem of not fully referencing sheets, eg amend your blstate line to
with Worksheets("bls2016")
Set blstate = .Range("D2:D" & .Cells(.Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row)
end with
Then it might find the value and not error. You should look up how to use the Find method as your way is destined to cause you headaches.
Your code assumes that .Find finds what it's looking for. When Find doesn't find what it's looking for, the function returns Nothing, which is essentially a null object reference - and you can't make member calls on Nothing without getting run-time error 91.
Split it up:
Dim result As Range
Set result = blstate.Find(state)
If Not result Is Nothing Then
result.Select 'questionable anyway, but that's another issue
MsgBox "Value '" & state & "' was not found in " & blstate.Address(External:=True) & "."
Exit Sub
End If
As for why it's not finding what you're looking for, Tim Williams already answered that:
Find recalls all settings used in the last call (even if you use the GUI to perform the Find), so make sure you specify the settings you want when you call it via VBA. If you don't do that, it may not work as you expect.... – Tim Williams 42 mins ago
My issue was very much related to incorrect referencing, however, I was able to resolve this issue by keeping the specific piece of code I was testing in a separate sub, and calling it from my main code, 'full distribution'.
Call test
'test' is the name of the sub with the tested code. This is a temporary fix to the solution, and if anyone struggles with referencing, try this.

Application-Defined or Object-defined error - Qualifying References Excel

Trying to hammer out bugs in my code. Currently trying to do some very simple, open worksheet, copy and paste data over. Trying to do it all without using .Select or .Activate. Hitting "Application-defined or Object defined error", which, from reading the other threads on the matter, probably means that my statements aren't fully qualified. However, I can't figure out how they're not fully qualified - other posts on the topic seem to be missing a "." somewhere in the code, but my attempts to fix it haven't gotten anywhere. Heavily truncated code as follows (If you don't see it dimmed/defined, it's elsewhere)
Sub CopyPaste()
Dim CitiReportEUR As Workbook
Dim CitiReportPathEUR As String
CitiReportPathEUR = Range("CitiReportPathEUR")
Workbooks.Open Filename:=CitiReportPathEUR
Set CitiReportEUR = ActiveWorkbook
LastRowCiti = CitiReportEUR.Sheets(1).Range("I" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set RngCitiEUR = CitiReportEUR.Sheets(1).Range("A1:CT" & LastRowCiti).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
Set CabReport.Sheets("CITI").Range("C1").Resize(RngCitiEUR.Rows.Count).Value = RngCitiEUR.Value
End Sub
Currently the error is occurring when I define the range. I've had problems historically with pasting into the range as well... but that's an issue for when I can actually get the code to run that far!
Rows.Count is implicitly working with the ActiveSheet.
The use of Set when assigning values to the Value property of a Range is inappropriate. Set should only be used when assigning a reference to an object.
The Resize probably needs to cater for the number of columns in the source as well as rows.
This code is more explicit:
Sub CopyPaste()
Dim CitiReportEUR As Workbook
Dim CitiReportPathEUR As String
CitiReportPathEUR = Range("CitiReportPathEUR")
Set CitiReportEUR = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=CitiReportPathEUR)
With CitiReportEUR.Sheets(1)
LastRowCiti = .Range("I" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set RngCitiEUR = .Range("A1:CT" & LastRowCiti).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
End With
CabReport.Sheets("CITI").Range("C1").Resize(RngCitiEUR.Rows.Count, RngCitiEUR.Columns.Count).Value = RngCitiEUR.Value
End Sub

VBA how to use a dictionary

I am getting issues in using a dictionary in VBA. I want to add values from a sheet to a dictionary. If I use simple lists, there is no error in the code. Like this.
Function Account(Place As String) As String
Dim cities(500)
Dim accounts(500)
For i = 2 To 500
cities(i) = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(i, 2).Value
accounts(i) = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(i, 3).Value
Next i
placeName = StrConv(Place, vbProperCase)
Account = placeName
End Function
This code does not give an issue but if I add the code for the dictionary, there is some issue.
Function Account(Place As String) As String
Dim cities(500)
Dim accounts(500)
Dim dict
Set dict = CreateObject(Scripting.Dictionary)
For i = 2 To 500
cities(i) = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(i, 2).Value
accounts(i) = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(i, 3).Value
dict(cities(i)) = accounts(i)
Next i
placeName = StrConv(Place, vbProperCase)
Account = placeName
dict = Nothing
End Function
Can someone point out the error. I am new to vba so I dont know much about it.
The folowing UDF loads a dictionary object with places as keys (unique) and associated accounts as items. After the dictionary has been loaded, it looks up the Place parameter passed into the function and returns the account if found.
Option Explicit
Function Account(Place As String) As String
Static d As Long, dict As Object
If dict Is Nothing Then
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dict.comparemode = vbTextCompare
End If
With Worksheets("Sheet2")
For d = 2 To .Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
dict.Item(.Cells(d, "B").Value2) = .Cells(d, "C").Value2
Next d
End With
If dict.exists(Place) Then
Account = dict.Item(Place)
Account = "not found"
End If
End Function
Note that beyond other corrections, the code to instantiate the dictionary object is CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") not CreateObject(Scripting.Dictionary).
One possible area of concern, brought to mind by one of your comments, lies in the use of "Sheet1" and "Sheet2". In Excel VBA, there are two different ways to refer to a worksheet. The is the Name of the worksheet, which is what the user sees on the tabs in Excel, and the user can change at will. Thtese default to names like "Sheet1", "Sheet2", etc.
There is also the "Codename" for each worksheet. In the Visual Basic Editor, the project explorer window will list all the worksheets under "Microsoft Excel Objects". There you'll see the Codename for each worksheet, with the Name of the worksheet in parentheses.
When you use Worksheets("Sheet1"), the "Sheet1" refers to the Name, not the Codename. It's possible to end up with a worksheet with the Name "Sheet1" and the codename "Sheet2".
As far as your functions are concerned, I note that in both cases you declare local variables -- the arrays 'cities' and 'accounts' in the first, and those two plus the dictionary 'dict' in the second. You have code to fill those local variables, but then do nothing with them. The return value of the function is not dependent on any of those local variables.
Once the function code completes, those local variables lose their values. VBA returns the memory it used to store those variables to its pool of available memory, to be reused for other purposes.
Try commenting-out the entire loop, and you'll see that the value return from the function is unchanged.
I'm not certain what you intend to accomplish in these functions. It would be helpful for you to explain that.

Object Required Error VBA Function

I've started to use Macros this weekend (I tend to pick up quickly in regards to computers). So far I've been able to get by with searching for answers when I have questions, but my understanding is so limited I'm to a point where I'm no longer understanding the answers. I am writing a function using VBA for Excel. I'd like the function to result in a range, that can then be used as a variable for another function later. This is the code that I have:
Function StartingCell() As Range
Dim cNum As Integer
Dim R As Integer
Dim C As Variant
C = InputBox("Starting Column:")
R = InputBox("Starting Row:")
cNum = Range(C & 1).Column
Cells(R, cNum).Select
The code up to here works. It selects the cell and all is well in the world.
Set StartingCell = Range(Cell.Address)
End Function
I suppose I have no idea how to save this location as the StartingCell(). I used the same code as I had seen in another very similar situation with the "= Range(Cell.Address)." But that's not working here. Any ideas? Do I need to give more information for help? Thanks for your input!
Edit: I forgot to add that I'm using the InputBox to select the starting cell because I will be reusing this code with multiple data sets and will need to put each data set in a different location, each time this will follow the same population pattern.
Thank you A.S.H & Shai Rado
I've updated the code to:
Function selectQuadrant() As Range
Dim myRange As Range
Set myRange = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Enter a range: ", Type:=8)
Set selectQuadrant = myRange
End Function
This is working well. (It appears that text is supposed to show "Enter a range:" but it only showed "Input" for the InputBox. Possibly this could be because I'm on a Mac?
Anyhow. I was able to call the function and set it to a new variable in my other code. But I'm doing something similar to set a long (for a color) so I can select cells of a certain color within a range but I'm getting all kinds of Object errors here as well. I really don't understand it. (And I think I'm dealing with more issues because, being on a mac, I don't have the typical window to edit my macros. Just me, basically a text box and the internet.
So. Here also is the Function for the Color and the Sub that is using the functions. (I've edited both so much I'm not sure where I started or where the error is.)
I'm using the functions and setting the variables to equal the function results.
Sub SelectQuadrantAndPlanets()
Dim quadrant As Range
Dim planetColor As Long
Set quadrant = selectQuadrant()
Set planetColor = selectPlanetColor() '<This is the row that highlights as an error
Call selectAllPlanets(quadrant, planetColor)
End Sub
This is the function I'm using to select the color that I want to highlight within my range
I would alternately be ok with using the interior color from a range that I select, but I didn't know how to set the interior color as the variable so instead I went with the 1, 2 or 3 in the input box.
Function selectPlanetColor() As Long
Dim Color As Integer
Color = InputBox("What Color" _
& vbNewLine & "1 = Large Planets" _
& vbNewLine & "2 = Medium Planets" _
& vbNewLine & "3 = Small Planets")
Dim LargePlanet As Long
Dim MediumPLanet As Long
Dim smallPlanet As Long
LargePlanet = 5475797
MediumPlanet = 9620956
smallPlanet = 12893591
If Color = 1 Then
selectPlanetColor = LargePlanet
If Color = 2 Then
selectPlanetColor = MediumPlanet
If Color = 3 Then
selectPlanetColor = smallPlanet
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Any help would be amazing. I've been able to do the pieces individually but now drawing them all together into one sub that calls on them is not working out well for me. Thank you VBA community :)
It's much simpler. Just
Set StartingCell = Cells(R, C)
after getting the inputs, then End Function.
The magic of the Cells method is it accepts, for its second parameter, both a number or a character. That is:
Cells(3, 4) <=> Cells(3, "D")
Cells(1, 28) <=> Cells(3, "AB")
One more thing, you can prompt the user directly to enter a range, with just one input box, like this:
Dim myRange as Range
Set myRange = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Enter a range: ", Type:=8)
The Type:=8 specifies the input prompted for is a Range.
Last thing, since you are in the learning process of VBA, avoid as much as possible:
using the Select and Activate stuff
using unqualified ranges. This refers to anywhere the methods Cells(..) or Range(..) appear without a dot . before them. That usually leads to some random issues, because they refer to the ActiveSheet, which means the behavior of the routine will depend on what is the active worksheet at the moment they run. Avoid this and always refer explicitly from which sheet you define the range.
Continuing your line of thought of selecting the Range bu Selecting the Column and Row using the InputBox, use the Application.InputBox and add the Type at the end to restrict the options of the user to the type you want (Type:= 1 >> String, Type:= 2 >> Number).
Function StartingCell Code
Function StartingCell() As Range
Dim cNum As Integer
Dim R As Integer
Dim C As Variant
C = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Starting Column:", Type:=2) '<-- type 2 inidcates a String
R = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Starting Row:", Type:=1) '<-- type 1 inidcates a Number
Set StartingCell = Range(Cells(R, C), Cells(R, C))
End Function
Sub TestFunc Code (to test the function)
Sub TestFunc()
Dim StartCell As Range
Dim StartCellAddress As String
Set StartCell = StartingCell '<-- set the Range address to a variable (using the function)
StartCellAddress = StartCell.Address '<-- read the Range address to a String
End Sub

Creating an range object error

So i've read a ton of posts on stack about this and for some reason I can't understand what my problem is. I'm new to excel VBA so it's possible it's very obvious so I apologize. Trying to create a range object using a variable column and row_number. (this isn't the actual project, but it's a lot less convoluted to create a simple example than my real project.) I get a Run-time error '424' Object required when I try and compile. Any ideas?
Sub test()
Dim testObj As Range
row_number = 3
dataCol = "O"
Set testObj = (dataCol & row_number)
End Sub
Below is how you can get the reference to the range:
Sub test()
Dim testObj As Range
row_number = 3
dataCol = "O"
Set testObj = ActiveSheet.Range(dataCol & row_number)
End Sub
This will create the reference to the cell O3 in the currently active worksheet.
If you need the reference to the range from other worksheet you can do it like that:
Set testObj = Worksheets("sheet_name").Range(dataCol & row_number)
You cannot simply construct a string and expect it to be a valid Range object. However, you can use that string to create one.
Set testObj = Range(dataCol & row_number)
This could equate to the INDIRECT function on a worksheet turing a text string into a valid cell reference.