SQL/CRYSTAL Statement to calculate average datediff() - sql

I have this statement that calculates the difference in time intervals below:
Now I want to be able to get that average of that datediff(), this is what I believe should work but I'm getting "The remaining text does not appear to be part of the formula". error message:
Average (diff((DateDiff ("s",previous({PROD_TRKG_TRAN.MOD_DATE_TIME}) ,{PROD_TRKG_TRAN.MOD_DATE_TIME})))/60

You need to group the data so you can get an average for the group. This can be done in your Query but that will remove the details from the results. If you need to see all the detail lines, then leave the datediff formula and return all the results to your report. Then create groups in your report and create a formula that gets the average for the group(s).


How to get the Average of a Row After Getting Count?

I am trying to use an aggregate function to get the average(count( of a row in SQL Server. However, I continue to get this message:
"Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery."
In the first picture is the table, in the second picture is the table with the counts for each officer_id, I am trying to find the average amount of calls per officer and cannot seem to find the right SQL query to do it.
The query I thought may work is:
SELECT AVG(COUNT(officer_id))
FROM crime_officers
ORDER BY officer_id;
But this is where I get the aggregate error. Does anyone have any recommendations?
UPDATED table with this query
SELECT officer_id, COUNT(crime_id)
FROM crime_officers
GROUP BY officer_id;
Original table: crime_officers
If I understand correctly, this query provides the average number of crimes per officer. A single value, which is equal to the total number of crimes divided between all officers.
SELECT COUNT(*)*1.0/COUNT(distinct officer_id) as 'Average Crimes per Officer'
FROM crime_officers;

DATEIME_DIFF throwing error when using safe divide

I've created a query that I'm hoping to use to fill a table with daily budgets at the end of every day. To do this, I just need some simple maths:
monthly budget / number of days left in the month.
Then, at the end of the month, I can SUM all of the rows to calculate an accurate budget.
The query is as follows:
FROM `mm-demo-project.marketing_hub.budget_manager`
When executing the query, my results present as negative numbers, which according to the documentation for this function, is likely caused by the result overflowing the result type.
View the results of the query.
I've made a fools guess at rounding the calculation. Needless to say that it did not work at all.
How can I stop my query from returning negative number?
use below
FROM `mm-demo-project.marketing_hub.budget_manager`

How to calculate the avg time a tool stays on hold? oracle sql developer

Im trying to calculate the average time a tool stays on loan. The time a tool stays on loan is the number of days between loan_status_change_date and tool_out_date (table columns). the date type of these 2 columns is ex: 01-SEP-17
whats the best way to approach this?
We can do arithmetic with Oracle dates. It's not clear from the column names which one is the start of the loan and which the end; in the following example I've assumed loan_status_change is when the tool is returned.
select tool
, avg(loan_status_change - tool_out_date) as avg_loan_days
from your_table
group by tool
The AVG() function is an aggregate function, so it handles the /ns for us. The substraction is to calculate the length of a particular loan, which is the value you want to average. The result of that substraction already is a number of days, so no further transformation is necessary. If your columns have a time element then the result might not be an integer.

summing up only certain values in column based on name in ssrs reports

By default, the SUM - sums up all the column values. But in my case, i am having a report which is grouped by Name. A name can have single offer with multiple start date's. So, a report has to display each entry for all different start date i.e Same name, offer, players only difference is the date. So for ex, when you sum up the players, only one entry per name needs to taken into account. Because, even though it has multiple start date, other entries are same and duplicated.
The expected result should be like,
The offer cost $10 refers to same $10, so it should be added only once. Similarly for players, etc., But i need the display as shown above, each entries should be shown.
How to solve this?
If all you want to do is avoid aggregating the value in the group total row, as in your example, just remove the aggregation from the expression, i.e. change:
This just returns the first Players value in the Scope - since it's the same value for every row this should be fine.
If you need to further aggregate this value to something like a grand total row, you have a couple of options.
For 2008R2 and above, you can use nested aggregates as an expression in the report - something like:
For 2008 and below, you will need to add the aggregate value to each row in the Dataset and use this without aggregation in the report as required.
I haven’t worked with SSRS much but if this was a regular SQL query you would have to group by date range.
Try adding start date column and check if you can add another group by on top of what you already have.
It would be useful if you can provide more details here like table schema you use for retrieving the data.

How do I compute an average of calculated averages in MS reportviewer/rdlc?

I've searched here and elsewhere on the web and have not found this exact problem/solution.
I'm building an rdlc report using the MS reportViewer - the report I'm creating is based on an existing spreadsheet where the average price across 6 months is calculated individually for each month, then the average of those prices is calculated as the 6 month period average price. Whether I agree with that methodology or if it's correct is irrelevant, I just need to know how to get an rdlc to do this.
For example:
Month Price1 Price2 Delta
May-12 $31.54 $30.03 $1.51
Jun-12 $36.27 $34.60 $1.67
Jul-12 $44.19 $42.00 $2.19
Aug-12 $38.96 $37.06 $1.90
Sep-12 $36.89 $35.08 $1.81
Oct-12 $35.57 $33.97 $1.60
Average $37.24 $35.46 $1.78
(sorry for the lack of a screen snip, I'm new and the system won't let me post an image...)
I've created a tablix that does the monthly averages computation - I use a group in the table to group the 6 months of data by month (and then hide the hourly price data so you only see the month total row) but I'm stuck on how to calculate the bottom row of the table which is the average of each column. (the average of the averages is not the same as the average of all 6 months of prices from the underlying data - that's what I've learned in this process... IOW, that was my first solution :-) )
What I tried to do to get the average of the averages was give the month total cell a name, MonthlyAvgPrice1, then in the bottom row, used this expression:
As I kind of expected, this didn't work, when I try to run the report, it gets a build error saying "The Value expression for the textrun 'Price1PeriodAvg.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]' uses an aggregate function on a report item. Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in page headers and footers."
Hopfully I've explained this well, does anyone know how to do this?
Actually it is not clear from the question that how are you in particular binding the data to the report items, But from the given information what I understand is that you can
Try like this:
Right Click the tablix row and insert a row below
In the cell where you want to have this Average of Averages insert the following expression
and similarly insert expression =Sum(Fields!Price2.Value)/6 and =Sum(Fields!Delta.Value)/6 in the other cells where you want to display the Averages
Of Course, you will change the Field names Price1,Price2 etc to the fields that you are getting the values from.