Can't authorize with Spotify API - api

I try to authorize through Spotify API ( and my code is:
Spotify link
But instead of redirect me to my page it says:
I tried to delete app from "My applications" tab on and create a new one with new client id and it is no different. I log in to Spotify with my Facebook account.

Ok, I figured it out. You have to go to your application settings and enter your URL into "Redirect URLs" and it will work. I wonder why it isn't included in documentation.


Open the Twitter app instead of the site for authorization APP

I have a site that Login with Twitter API.
User redirect to this link to Accept :
My problem is that in mobile, it enters the Twitter site through a browser and needs to log in to the Twitter account ** But all users use the Twitter app!!**
Is there a way to enter the Twitter app through the site and confirm without the need to log in again?
You can use this link to open Twitter App.
More information in this StackOverFlow question.

Spotify : 403 - User not registered in the Developer Dashboard

I'm making a react-native app with the Spotify API, I'm using the Authorization Code Flow & and I'm on Development mode with only one user added in "Users and access" on my Spotify dashboard: my tester, who is a part of my Spotify Premium Duo.
The app is working fine on my part, but my tester can't see anything related to her account. The /me endpoint is sending a 403 error with this message in the body : User not registered in the Developer Dashboard. Top Tracks / Top Artists endpoints are working fine with her Access Token.
I can't see any email on her Spotify account, but can't change anything because it is linked to her Facebook account. I'm also logged in with my Facebook but it's working fine, and I can see my details when fetching the /me endpoint with my access token.
If you ever stumbled upon this kind of error, any help will be appreciated !
Thank you in advance,
You can see your info using the /me endpoint because you're the owner of the app and automatically registered in the project's dashboard.
In order to use the /me endpoint on other Spotify accounts you have to register them in the dashboard of your project under "Users and access" in the top right corner.
Once the user is registered, the /me should return a 200 response containing all the user's info.
This is probably due to the fact that you're app is in development mode.
The mail to use if the user is logged on Spotify via Facebook, is the Facebook one I'd say.
NOTE: You have to provide the user's real name to grant access: it's case sensitive.

Jhipster social login via Google

I added clientID and clientSecret (created in Google Developer console) to application.yml but I couldn't get it working. Any idea what is causing error 400. Error: redirect_uri_mismatch. I got in Authorized JavaScript origins.
I did everything what is said in Google's tutorial, but no luck:
You need to specify in your Google developers console the different redirect url you authorize. For you, you need to add url.
Little tuto:
Connect to your developer console, click one the main menu
Select API management
Go to Identifiant and select your application, here JHipster
And add your url and save
Another thing that I had to do that wasn't mentioned clearly in the google developer link was to enable the Google+ API.
The various API's are accessible via the Library tab under the Dashboard.

How do I get an APP ID for Facebook on my web site?

First of all, my simple purpose is to add a Facebook login button to my web site. So I go to the login button description.
I must be thick headed, but I cannot get an APP ID. Under the "Authentication" writeup it says, "The JavaScript SDK requires that you register your website with Facebook to get an App ID (or appId)." Clicking on "Register Your Website" takes me to the APPS page. And since the login button is indicated under "Websites", I click that and it just takes me to another page that says I must register my website. I am ready to pull out what hair I have left.
What am I missing? Do I have to create a "new" app? I can't call it login since apparently that already exists.
You need to create an app here:
Click on Apps -> Create New App
Give the app a name etc the you will need to add your websites URL into the Website section.

Redirect to own site when user logs in via Facebook app

I am building an app with the functionality to publish
messages to users walls while specific actions runs on
my website.
What I have done is (briefly):
Registered my own app on Facebook
Added a login button on my website with permission
to publish:
Log in on Facebook
Downloaded facebook-php-sdk library
It is now I start having problems. I do not know how
to do what I want to do now.
What I want to do:
When a user logs on to facebook via my website. I want
a file on my site to be called, where I can update the
user's data in my own database as well.
Because that is not what the canvas url is meant to do? How it
is no, seems no file at all is called on my site when
I click on Login.
Since you are using the Facebook PHP-SDK you noticed that there are two options for the users to login:
Using the XFBML button, which will:
Open a login dialog (pop-up) asking for permissions..etc
When a successful authentication/authorization is complete the dialog will close, the auth.login event will be triggered and based on that the page will get reloaded window.location.reload();
The PHP in the top of the page will get into business and $session = $facebook->getSession(); will actually retrieve a session! $user = $facebook->getUser(); will retrieve the current user
Using the Login URL generated by the Library $loginUrl = $facebook->getLoginUrl(); this URL will get you through the same flow and if you noticed there's a next redirect_uri parameter which will redirect you back after a successful process to that URL (mainly the same URL you are at), where you can change that parameter if you like.
The canvas URL is the URL Facebook uses when it displays your application from within Facebook. You would use this functionality if you expect users to use your application while in Facebook itself.
When authenticating using Facebook's API (assuming graph API usage here), you provide a redirect_uri as part of the authentication URL. Once Facebook has authorized your application, it will redirect the user's web browser to the URI you specified. This URI can be any link you desire on your site. You should use the link as the determination of when the user is logged in successfully, e.g., https://mywebsite/facebook/loggedin.