Crud pages don't show add, update,delete in Yii framework - yii

I'm very new to Yii framework ,and I have very huge passion for it, I have successfully installed and gii i created the model , controller and CRUD pages accordingly . and the problem is as i click the "Try it now " nothing appears and it doeskin show any errors.and yes I'm logged in as admin admin!
can any one let me know what's going on ? it would be much appreciated


How do I create a Robots.txt editor in Sitefinity mvc?

I want to create an editor for the Robots.txt file in Sitefinity. I want to give the user ability to edit this. How do I do this? I am using the latest version of Sitefinity and MVC. Any examples or related articles, etc. will be useful.
If the user has access to Administration > File Manager, then he can go there, download the file, edit it and upload it again. That's the easiest option and does not require custom code.
If that's not an option, then you can create an MVC widget which reads the file and displays it in a textarea for instance.
User can then make changes and submit them to the controller which will save them to the file.
Then you can place this widget on a custom backend page.

Login screen for a Ext JS 4.0.7 application

I've developed an Ext JS 4.0.7 app for my company. It has various modules for different team's needs. Now, the company want to make sure only relevant people have access to relevant modules in an app. It's an ERP application which has CRM, MRP, Engineering, HR and Finance modules. Now, respective team members should have access to respective menus and pages and super admin will have access to everything.
I know how to control the menus based on user login. But not sure how to integrate user login screen into my app. I know basics of Ext JS and able to design a Login screen using form panel ...... but not sure how to make it as my app's first screen and upon successful login, let the user in and able to logout from there.
If anyone already developed such functionality, i request to share the solution here. Any pointers or code snippets will be a great help.
Thanks very much in advance.
My application has a header (company logo and app title - horizontal on north) and left menu and content panel.
So, here is how login/logout screen implemented.
When app is loaded, when viewport is loaded, on render, I load menu store and load 'Login' and 'Change Password' menu items in them.
When user enters login/pwd, via ajax call , will call servlet and process login data. Upon login successful, based on user role, respective menu json built in server side and menu store is loaded with this json. This json has 'Logout' menu by default. So, when user logs out, will load Login screen in content panel.
Not sure whether any other best ways to implement the same. But this is working well.

How to create admin panel for yii 1.x framework, also integrate a custom theme such that gii crud auto-generate and auto-integrate css in views?

As my question say, I need to create an admin panel for yii 1.x framework, also I have a custom theme I downloaded for yii 1.x. I want to integrate it such that gii CRUD when generate views theme will auto-integrate css in views.
I want the above to work only with the admin panel? Or if there's another way, it's also welcome.
There's a catch, my front end website is already completed with a different UI. It was a theme but I didn't used crud for it. I have created every thing manually to get better command on it. For admin panel I want to use CRUD.
I checked this question, creating admin panel in stackoverflow search, my problem is slightly different.

Yii-User and Yii-eauth integration

I am trying to put together an application using yii-user and yii-eauth extensions but I am coming up short. When I create a new webapp and install eauth I can get it to work fine so I know that I am not doing anything wrong on that end. I think the problem lies with my urls. This is a demo of what it is supposed to be like: When someone clicks on say google it should bring you to the google sign in page but on my application I am getting a 404 error that states "The system is unable to find the requested action "login"." The url for this is user/user/login/service/google_oauth whereas the url should read user/login/service/google_oauth. Upon typing this into the browser manually I am redirected to the right page.
So I took a look into the EAuthWidget.php class to see if I could find out where it was getting that extra "user" from but I could not figure it out. I think it may have something to do with the fact that I have this in the user module which is in the /modules/user directory in my webapp. I also tried to use the URLManager to point to the right address but with no luck.
Does anyone have any similar experiences setting this up? Or any suggestions?
You just need to change the widget initialization code in your view(namely change the action property of the widget), somewhat like this:
<h2>Do you already have an account on one of these sites? Click the logo to log in with it here:</h2>
$this->widget('ext.eauth.EAuthWidget', array('action' => 'login'));
Just to add, keep in mind that this action depends on which view you are including this widget, if the view is protected/views/site/login.php (which is yii's default site login view) then action should be able to go to the yii-user module's login action, so it'll be : 'action'=>'/user/login' , however if you are including this widget in yii-user's protected/modules/user/views/user/login.php then the action will be 'login' as already mentioned.

Rails 3.1. Organizing partials

Assume I have a small and simple weblog written on Rails 3.1. So I have HomeController that is for displaying my blog's main page with navigation menu and news displaying in a main block. And I have NewsController that is for managing news. But I want to be able to manage news from my main page in central block if I'm an admin. For that purpose I need a remote form that will be displayed to the user with admin rights only and Edit/Delete remote links to manage existing news. Where I should place this form? It can be home/_news_item_form or news/_form. How do you think from the architectural point of view what place fits more for that purpose?
I think news/_form, because this form should applies in NewsController