How to select the most recent rows from oracle using hibernate? - sql

lets say i have a table (Product) consisting of 4 columns, the last_update is a DATE field.
id prod_id last_update status
1 100 7/8/2014 built
2 100 9/10/2014 in process
3 210 7/8/2014 in process
4 210 9/10/2014 built
is it possible to write a query in hibernate to select the last updated rows for each product? in this case id 2 and 4?
appreciate your answer as always

select *
from my_table t1
where last_update = (select max(last_update) from my_table t2 where t1.prod_id = t2.prod_id;
Hibernate specific:
From a similar question:
select p1 from my_table t1 where
t1.last_update = max (
select t2.last_update from my_table t2 where


SQL Select from 1 table rows with 2 specific column value that are not equal

I have a table
id number name update_date
1 123 asd 08.05.18
2 412 ddd 08.05.18
3 123 dsa 14.05.18
4 125 dsa 05.05.18
Whole table consist from that rows like that. I need to select row 1 and 3 because I need different update_dates but same number. How to do that? I need to see the changes from specific Number between 2 update dates 08.05.18 and 14.05.18. I have more update dates in my table.
I tried:
FROM legal_entity_history a
JOIN legal_entity_history b ON a.BIN = b.BIN
WHERE ( a.update_date <> b.update_date AND
a.update_date = "08.05.18" AND
b.update_date = "14.05.18" )
A relatively simple method is:
select leh.*
from legal_entity_history leh
where exists (select 1
from legal_entity_history leh2
where leh2.number = leh.number and leh2.update_date <> leh.update_date
For performance, you want an index on legal_entity_history(number, update_date).
TRY THIS: Assuming that same number may not appear more than once under same update_date, so, you can achieve that using GROUP BY with HAVING as below
FROM test t
FROM test
GROUP BY number
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT update_date) > 1) t1 ON t1.number = t.number
id number name update_date
1 123 asd 08.05.18
3 123 dsa 14.05.18

How to update every rows which has a number greater than or equal to the joining table?

Here is an example of the tables I am joining together (note: the tables have the exact same schema but are in different databases, I am trying to combine them):
Database 1 Table
UniqID UniqID2 Number
100 150 1
100 151 2
Database 2 Table
UniqID UniqID2 Number
100 152 2
100 153 3
I am trying to merge Table2 into Table1 and I'm joining on Table1.UniqID = Table2.UniqID. I don't want any overlapping values in the Number column, this is what I want the result to look like:
Table 1
UniqID UniqID2 Number
100 150 1
100 151 2
100 152 3
100 153 4
This is the query I have so far, but it only updates the row in Table 2 where the Number = 2 and doesn't increment the Number = 3 row. How can I adjust my query to do so?
Set db2.Number = db2.Number +
(SELECT MAX(Number) FROM [Database 1]..db1 WHERE UniqID = db2.UniqID)
FROM [Database 2]..table db2
INNER JOIN [Database 1]..Table db1
ON db1.UniqID = db2.UniqID
AND db1.Number = db2.Number
And this is what my Database 2 Table results look like right now:
Database 2 Table
UniqID UniqID2 Number
100 152 3
100 153 3
Basically, the only difference is that I want the Number = 3 to be Number = 4 in the second column.
I think you want a union all query and insert:
insert into table1(UniqID, UniqID2, Number)
select t2.UniqID, t2.UniqID2,
(x.maxn + row_number() over (order by (select null) ))
from table2 t2 cross join
(select max(number) as maxn from table1) x;
A different appraoch could be
SET t2.Number = t1.T1Number + 1
FROM table2 t2
INNER JOIN (SELECT uniqid, uniqid2, number as T1Number from Table1
SELECT uniqid, uniqid2, number as T1Number from Table2
) t1
ON t1.uniqid = t2.uniqid and t1.UniqID2 = t2.UniqID2-1
one more approach which works in SQL 2012..
Demo here
;With cte
(select *
union all
select *
from #t1
select uniqid,uniqid2,
case when lag(number) over (order by uniqid,uniqid2) is null then number
when lead(number) over (order by uniqid,uniqid2) is null
then number+1 else lead(number) over (order by uniqid,uniqid2) end as nextnumber
from cte

shifting some columns one record back or forward

I have a table with about 8000 rows and 15 columns. After I have inserted the data I saw that my data was wrong after a number of records (let's say 1000) some column values belong to the previous record some thing like this:
A B C (A+B)
1 1 2
2 2 4
3 3 6
4 4 8
5 5
6 6 10
7 7 12
8 8 14
9 9 16
Now I have to either move some column values a record back or forward and I don't actually have much option testing it I'm afraid I may overwrite some data and ruin the whole table
I should do something like this but for about 7000 records:
update table1
set B = (select B from table1 where id = 1000)
where id = 999
Any ideas?
If you know the ids are sequential with no gaps, you can use a join to look up the value you want:
update t1
set c = tt1.c
from table1 t1 join
table1 t2
on = - 1
where > 1000;
If you cannot trust the ids, you can create the appropriate sequential number without gaps using row_number():
with toupdate as (
select t.*, row_number() over (order by id) as seqnum
from table1
update t1
set c = tt1.c
from toupdate t1 join
toupdate t2
on t1.seqnum = t2.seqnum - 1
where > 1000;
Create another table with the same fields as the table in question. Insert the bad records. Fix the data in the new table. Update the real table from the new one.
First, you should always test your statements before making definate changes to your data. You could start a transaction and only commit when certain it went well or make a copy of your table (select * into x from y) and test on that.
To answer your question, try something like this;
WITH dataToUpdate AS(
FROM dbo.test
UPDATE dataToUpdate
SET data = dataToUpdate.DataFromPreviousRow;

How to SELECT top N rows that sum to a certain amount?

MyTable only has one column, Amount, with 5 rows. They are not necessarily in increasing order.
How can I create a function, which takes a #SUM INT, and returns the TOP N rows that sum to this amount?
So for input 6, I want
Since 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. 2 + 4 / 1 + 5 won't work since I want TOP N ROWS
For 7/8/9/10, I want
I'm using MS SQL Server 2008 R2, if this matters.
Saying "top N rows" is indeed ambiguous when it comes to relational databases.
I assume that you want to order by "amount" ascending.
I would add a second column (to a table or view) like "sum_up_to_here", and create something like that:
create view mytable_view as
sum(mt2.amount) as sum_up_to_here
mytable mt1
left join mytable mt2 on (mt2.amount < mt1.amount)
group by mt1.amount
create view mytable_view as
(select sum(amount) from mytable where amount < mt1.amount)
from mytable mt1
and then I would select the final rows:
select amount from mytable_view where sum_up_to_here < (some value)
If you don't bother about performance you may of course run it in one query:
select amount from
sum(mt2.amount) as sum_up_to_here
mytable mt1
left join mytable mt2 on (mt2.amount < mt1.amount)
group by mt1.amount
) t where sum_up_to_here < 20
One approach:
select t1.amount
from MyTable t1
left join MyTable t2 on t1.amount > t2.amount
group by t1.amount
having coalesce(sum(t2.amount),0) < 7
SQLFiddle here.
In Sql Server you can use CDEs to make it pretty simple to read.
Here is a CDE I did to sum up totals used in sequence. The CDE is similar to the joins above, and holds the total up to any given index. Outside of the CDE I join it back to the original table so I can select it along with other fields.
;with summrp as (
select m1.idx, sum(m2.QtyReq) as sumUsed
from #mrpe m1
join #mrpe m2 on m2.idx <= m1.idx
group by m1.idx
select RefNum, RefLineSuf, QtyReq, ProjectedDate, sumUsed from #mrpe m
join summrp on summrp.idx=m.idx
In SQL Server 2012 you can use this shortcut to get a result like Grzegorz's.
SELECT amount
SUM(amount) OVER (ORDER BY amount ASC) AS total
from demo
) T
WHERE total <= 6
A fiddle in the hand...!6/b8506/6

Add Column values in sql server query

I have result of two queries like:
Result of query 1
ID Value
1 4
2 0
3 6
4 9
Result of query 2
ID Value
1 6
2 4
3 0
4 1
I want to add values column "Value" and show final result:
Result of Both queries
ID Value
1 10
2 4
3 6
4 10
plz guide me...
select id, sum(value) as value
from (
select id, value from query1
uninon all
select id, value from query2
) x
group by id
Try using a JOIN:
T1.Value + T2.Value AS Value
FROM (...query1...) AS T1
JOIN (...query2...) AS T2
ON T1.Id = T2.Id
You may also need to consider what should happen if there is an Id present in one result but not in the other. The current query will omit it from the results. You may want to investigate OUTER JOIN as an alternative.
A not particularly nice but fairly easy to comprehend way would be:
(SELECT IDColumn AS ID,ValueColumn AS Value FROM TableA) t1
(SELECT IDColumn AS ID,ValueColumn AS Value FROM TableB) t2
It has the benefits of
a) I don't know your actual table structure so you should be able to work out how to get the two 'SELECT's working from your original queries
b) If ID doesn't appear in either table, that's fine